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Course work on the topic: "Technological complex for the production of baby food products based on poultry meat"

  • Added: 06.06.2020
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The production of products intended for baby food is an important and responsible task. For its implementation, it is necessary to carefully select the equipment. During the course work, the line of production of baby food based on poultry meat was considered. Equipment that can be used in this line has been reviewed and studied. The main equipment included in the line for the production of canned baby food from poultry meat has been studied in more detail. The main parameters of this equipment were also calculated and the drawings of these machines were studied

Project's Content

icon спецификация МИМ-300м.doc
icon спецификация ФМ-1-М-650.doc
icon Схема линии производства детского питания из мяса птицы _ КПТКППП 20091000000.cdw
icon Фаршемешалка (ВО).cdw
icon КР ТКППП Мартынов МОП-46.docx
icon Мясорубка МИМ-300м.dwg
icon спецификация линия.doc

Additional information




1. Process Part

1.1. Description of equipment circuits of the process complex for production of baby food products based on poultry meat

1.2. Selection of the main equipment of the technological complex for production of baby food products based on poultry meat

2. Purpose, description of design and principle of operation of the main process equipment

2.1. Meat grinder MIM-300m

2.2. Sausage meat mixer of FM-1-M-

3. Calculation of main process equipment

3.1. Calculation of main parameters of meat grinder MIM-300M

3.2. Calculation of key parameters of a sausage meat mixer of FM-1-M-




Of all the many conditions of the environment that ensure the vitality of the body, special importance is given to nutrition. This is due to the fact that the life of the body is constantly combined with a large energy consumption, the cost of which is restored by substances coming from food.

The younger the body, the more intense the metabolic processes in it, the differentiation of individual cells and tissues, which is associated with a greater need for energy. The human body even at rest consumes a certain amount of it. The energy spent depends on the age of the child, his type of activity, climatic conditions, season of the year.

It is known that a child aged 3 to 7 years spends about 1800-2000 kcal per day.

In order to ensure the proper development of the child at different age periods, food, not only in quantity but also in quality, must strictly meet the physiological needs and capabilities of the child's body. A full, balanced diet provides for the content of all basic nutrients in the diet: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, water - in optimal ratios that ensure the correct versatile development of children.

To produce quality products that meet the above requirements, it is necessary to properly organize the production line.

Process Part

Characteristics of products, raw materials and semi-finished products. Canned meat is one of the types of long-term food products for baby food. For the normal functioning of the child's body, the food must contain essential, strictly normalized food and biologically active substances, which include proteins and some constituents of fats. These substances are not synthesized in the body and their absence causes symptoms of malnutrition. Canned meat contains 9... 15% proteins and 6... 15% fats.

Features of production and consumption of finished products. The production of products for baby food in Russia is organized (in whole or in part) at 28 processing plants and workshops. However, the need for specialized food and nutrition for children is satisfied only in 25... 40%. The solution to the problem in the long term lies in the reconstruction of the existing and the construction of new, highly mechanized plants for the production of canned food for baby food.

Canned food for baby food should be produced at specialized canning enterprises or in workshops with a high technical and sanitary culture of production. The process of manufacturing preserves for baby food must be carried out continuously. In case of operation of individual machines and apparatuses in periodic mode of product stay on the line between two subsequent operations shall not exceed 30 min. The work of process workshops for production of finished products is allowed to be carried out in two shifts. The third shift shall be designed for sanitary treatment and disinfection of equipment and equipment.

The peculiarity of production of canned meat for children lies in the need for preliminary heat treatment - blanching of meat, as well as grinding, deaeration and pasteurization of the recipe mixture.

Selection of the main equipment of the technological complex for production of baby food products based on poultry meat

For the initial grinding of trimmed meat, MIM300m meat grinder is used in this line. Its productivity in primary grinding is 300 kg/h.

Meat grinder MIM300M is designed for mincing meat and fish, re-grinding cutlet mass and stuffing sausages at catering enterprises. The MIM300M meat grinder is a modernized version of its predecessor MIM300. It is available in climatic design U as per GOST 1515069 for operation at temperature from + 1 ° to + 40 ° С.

Belt conveyor is used to move ground meat.

Conveyors for meat products have to be manufactured only of stainless steel, for example, the AISI 304 brands (the Russian analog 08X18H10). This brand of steel has become used by the food industry, due to the high indicators of corrosion resistance, acid resistance, resistance to high temperatures. In addition to steel grades in conveyors for products, components allowed for use in food production should be used. Polyurethane white tapes are used as flooring (due to the fact that contaminants are better visible on the white tape and it is easier to clean).

The product conveyors shall be designed to allow the conveyor to be washed with various cleaning and disinfecting solutions.

Emulsifiers are high-performance machines for fine grinding of raw materials. With them it is possible to obtain high-quality emulsions from meat

Homogeneous raw material passes through several cutting pairs - knife/grid due to rarefaction created by blades of knife head. This ensures fine grinding (emulsification) and required dispersion of the product. Knife grids with different size of holes determine degree of dispersion of produced sausage mince or other ground product. On the outlet pipe of the emulsifier there is a valve with the help of which the final temperature of the product is controlled.

For the line in question, the production of baby food from poultry meat, the emulsifier KM 300 is the most suitable, since the productivity corresponds to the average productivity of the whole line.

Water blancher BV400 is intended for heat treatment of various food raw materials during production. Blancher provides a full-fledged process for meat raw materials with a wide range of regulation of heat treatment duration and high productivity.

Blancher consists of two-chamber bath closed with detachable covers with water heating by tens, transport system with ss tape. steel, loading hopper with the function of dosing and grinding, as well as steam removal system.

The principle of operation is based on the movement of the product in the internal chamber of the bath with water or solution heated to the necessary temperature. During the transfer of the product, it is blanched, then the product enters the cooler through the discharge tray for rapid cooling.

Then the mass should be cooled quickly, for this purpose a vacuum cooler VCL200W2 is used.

The blanched mass enters the chamber of the vacuum cooler in which the air is in a rarefied state, due to this there is an active self-evaporation of moisture and a rapid decrease in the temperature of the meat mass.

Separator G9RTOM4,6M is used to separate meat mass from liquid fraction.

Separator consists of frame, drive mechanism with electric motor, drum, receiving and discharging device. Initial product is fed through filter and central tube of intake funnel into drum and fills interstage spaces. Under the action of centrifugal force, the liquid, as the lightest fraction, is directed along the surface of the trays to the axis of rotation of the drum and under pressure of a new portion, rising along the external channels of the tray holder, is discharged through holes in the separating tray to the upper chamber of the utensils. The meat mass, under the influence of centrifugal force, is thrown to the periphery of the drum and accumulated in the space for subsequent processing.

To obtain a uniform recipe mixture, PM1M650 stuffing machines are used.

The stuffing machine consists of a working hopper (a container where mince is mixed), two shafts with blades located at an angle, a control panel, an electric drive, a cover and a base. The mince is loaded directly into the working bin, where the ingredients are added to it, and the shafts with the blades rotating towards each other are mixed for a certain time. The mince is then discharged to the discharge bin.

DZ300 disintegrator is used for continuous grinding of materials.

Material is fed through loading hopper located on body to central part of working disk of closed basket and is discarded to first row of grinding elements under action of centrifugal force. By touching the fingers of the first row from the center of the rotor, the particles of the material to be treated obtain the speed corresponding to this row, and under the action of centrifugal force are ejected from the trajectory of the first row of fingers in the direction of the second row rotating in the direction opposite to the direction of movement of the particles.

Deaerator VE 1.

Deaeration - removal of air from the product. In the production of meat-based preserves, deaeration is carried out by spraying in a vacuum chamber with heating to 80 ° C for 3040 s.

Product is fed by thin layer on rotating disk through valve. Centrifugal force forces the mass through the filter cover onto the inner wall of the container which is below it. Air or gas bubbles rise in the process and can be removed by a vacuum pump. The discharge pump transfers the deaerated product to the heat exchanger.

To heat the meat mass, the Votator II heat exchanger is used.

The high efficiency and efficiency of the heat exchanger derives from the simple concept of heating a continuously moving product in the presence of a large heat exchange surface and a small amount of product in a narrow space. Inside the heat exchanger, there is a pipe in which the mixing shaft rotates. Product moves along annular space formed by shaft and heat exchange pipe. The coolant flows in the jacket. The plant is equipped with heat insulation to minimize energy losses. The stainless steel housing protects the heat insulating material. The shaft is equipped with scrapers, which in the process of operation constantly clean the product film from the surface of the heat exchange pipe, which allows improving heat exchange, and simultaneously mix the product, producing a uniform mixture.

V2FNA machine is used for packing and dosing of meat

The device is a cross mounted on three guide posts. A spear and a dose regulator are attached to the spider. Transfer of the copy device to any kind of can is carried out by changing the number of washers installed on three guide posts. A spear and a dose regulator are attached to the spider. The transfer of the copy device to any kind of can is carried out by changing the number of washers installed on the three guide posts, that is, lifting or lowering the cross with the copy and dose regulator. Dose control is performed by means of screw and nut. Amount of movement during adjustment is fixed by arrow on regulator scale. On one of the posts of the copy device, a bracket with an intermediate platform is attached, which supports meat located in the cylinders of the metering carousel on the way from the screw feeder head to the can.

Closing machine B4KZK84 is intended for tight sealing of cans filled with product. The closing machine can be used for tight connection of bottoms and cases of metal cans, i.e. for production of metal cans.

Automatic closing machine B4KZK 84 is a vertical rotary machine of continuous operation. The machine performs the following operations: receiving cans; removal of covers from the magazine; supply of cans with covers to the rotor of the pre-rolling mechanism (clincher); installation of jars in clincher cartridges, clinching (leaking connection of jar with cover); transferring the cans to the evacuation device, vacuumizing; supply of jars to the closing rotor and rolling; removal from the cartridge and delivery to the discharge conveyor.

Autoclaves are intended for sterilization and pasteurization: canned, fish meat, preserved food, pastes, vegetable and fruit canned food, dairy products, juice, mushrooms and other products in glass, tin, lamisterny packing, in packages.

The preparation process in the horizontal 2-basket autoclave AB1200 is carried out in the following sequence - first the product is placed in the basket, this basket is supplied to the autoclave, where the temperature, pressure and steam treatment of the product takes place.

All these parameters are controlled in a certain range corresponding to the characteristics of the products being manufactured.

The autoclave program first heats the product to the desired temperature, then sterilizes, and then discharges with pre-cooling and pressure normalization.

A belt conveyor is used to transport the rolled cans from the autoclave to the marking machine. Horizontal belt conveyor is the most common type of conveyor used in almost all industries. Designed to move in the horizontal plane and forward direction of various loads and products. Horizontal belt conveyor helps automate and accelerate the production processes of the enterprise, reduce the cost of manual labor, and raise productivity to a new level.

The label machine of the brand OBKETS2 is designed to stick the side label on cylindrical jars filled with the product.

Continuous flow of jars is fed to dividing roller dividing the flow of jars with definite pitch. The spacing between the banks depends on the inclination angle of the receiving table. Further movement of separately moving jars is carried out by belt of conveyor, which is pressed to jars by spring-loaded rollers. During passage of jars above glue bath glue rollers are applied on cylindrical surface of jars glue spots. The glue in the bath is heated by an electric heater. The operating temperature of the adhesive is maintained automatically by the temperature controller. Then, when the jar moves above the label magazine, the jar grabs the front edge of the top label with adhesive spots, twists it over itself and separates it from the foot. The back edge of the label, lubricated with glue from the adhesive strip, is glued overlapping to the front edge. Glue is forced into the bar by pump driven by periodically moving can through lever-chrap mechanism. The glue is in the glue tank and circulates in the "tank pump" system. When the jar gets on a table with a rubber lining, the label is smoothed and fixed to the jar. As a certain number of labels are taken away, a feed mechanism is activated that lifts the stack of labels up by contacting the top label with the can.

A9KTF conveyor consists of frame, drive and tension stations, roller support, belt, ball roller, jack, tray, collector and electrical equipment including electric motor, switches, control station, transformer.

This type of equipment can be used as a vehicle and differs from it in the presence of workplaces for maintenance personnel and appropriate waste disposal devices.

Bank laying machine A9BUM2 is designed for placing filled and sealed cans in cardboard boxes.

A9BUM2 machine consists of inlet chute, elevator, outlet chute, cutoff devices, end stops, pushers, tipping device. hydraulic drive, counting mechanism, box conveyor and hopper.

The jars enter the inlet chute, when filled, the elevator drive is turned on. By chain conveyor of elevator jars are brought to zone of outlet chute. At the same time, the ejecting bar divides the flow of cans into three parts.

The first can of the lower row, prepared for pushing, closes the limit switch. At the same time, if a sufficient number of cans are assembled before the pushing position, the load valve closes the limit switch, the pusher mechanism is actuated, and two layers of cans are automatically pushed into the hopper by two short pusher strokes. During the pushing of the two layers of cans, the operator puts a box on the hopper. The third layer is pushed when there are cans in the chutes after the operator presses the button. At the same time, the tipping paws are lifted to the "Reception" position, and the third long stroke of the pushers pulls the can-filled box from the hopper to the tipping paws. At the end of the long stroke, the limit switch commands the reversal of the pushers and the delivery of the boxes by the tipping legs of the tipping device to the conveyor.

Forklifts are used to load formed boxes with finished products onto pallets for further transportation.

Forklifts - is a self-propelled machine with a forklift for lifting and transporting cargo.


The production of products intended for baby food is an important and responsible task. For its implementation, it is necessary to carefully select the equipment .

During the course work, the line of production of baby food based on poultry meat was considered. Equipment that can be used in this line has been reviewed and studied.

The main equipment included in the line for the production of canned baby food from poultry meat has been studied in more detail. The main parameters of this equipment were also calculated and the drawings of these machines were studied.

Drawings content

icon Схема линии производства детского питания из мяса птицы _ КПТКППП 20091000000.cdw

Схема линии производства детского питания из мяса птицы _ КПТКППП 20091000000.cdw

icon Фаршемешалка (ВО).cdw

Фаршемешалка (ВО).cdw

icon Мясорубка МИМ-300м.dwg

Мясорубка МИМ-300м.dwg
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