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COURSE WORK On the discipline "Hydropnevoautomatics" Explanatory note


In this course work, the hydraulic diagram of the hydraulic unit was designed, its calculation and selection of hydraulic equipment were performed. And also developed design documentation (schematic hydraulic diagram, pressure change diagram along the length of the hydraulic line, sketch of the hydraulic cylinder). Initial data: - Cyclogram: IP- BP-RP1-BO-RP2-BO-IP; ISP - initial position; ZZ - a preparation clip; BP - fast supply; RP - operating feed; BW - quick withdrawal; RP - billet expansion. - pump type: plate; - maximum force on the working member - 10000 N; - working member speeds, m/s; - hydraulic cylinder rod stroke length - 0.8 m; - working member speed - RP1 = 0.08 m/s, RP2 = 0.05 m/s, BP = 0.5 m/s, BO = 0.5 m/s.

Project's Content

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1. Selection of main parameters of hydraulic drive

2. Selection of operating fluid grade

3. Development of schematic diagram of hydraulic drive

4. Calculation of hydraulic lines

5. Construction of pressure change diagram along the hydraulic system length

6. Check of pump operation for no cavitation

7. Calculation of piston hydraulic cylinder

8. Selection of seals

10. Hydraulic tank design

11. Construction of pressure characteristic


List of used literature


In this course work, the hydraulic diagram of the hydraulic unit was designed, its calculation and selection of hydraulic equipment were performed. And also developed design documentation (schematic hydraulic diagram, pressure change diagram along the length of the hydraulic line, sketch of the hydraulic cylinder ).


The wide use of pump hydraulic drives in the structures of lifting and transportation equipment is determined by the combination of their technical and economic advantages over other types of wires:

- possibility of obtaining large forces and capacities at limited sizes of hydraulic motors;

- a wide range of stepless control of the speed of the output link combined with good smoothness;

- conversion of motion without the use of additional transmission mechanisms;

- hydraulic system protection from G-loads;

- possibility of automatic control implementation;

- the need to use fine filters to ensure the reliability of the hydraulic drive, which increases its cost and complicates maintenance.

- high labour intensity of hydraulic drive units manufacturing.

In the qualitative design, manufacture and operation of hydraulic drives, the manifestation of the noted shortcomings can be minimized.

This is achieved due to the significant personal experience of the designer, as well as the experience of designing and operating hydraulic drives of machines of the same purpose with close technical and economic characteristics.


During the course work, the hydraulic system of the hydraulic unit was designed, a schematic diagram and a diagram of the pressure change along the length of the hydraulic lines were compiled, the main parameters of the hydraulic drive were calculated, the element base was selected, and thermal calculation was also made.

Drawings content

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