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Course design with drawings and explanatory note on VIV of residential building

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Kursovoy project - "Design of internal engineering water supply and drainage systems." Drawings, Explanatory Note

Project's Content

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Project Composition and Scope

Internal Water System Design

Water mains calculation

Water meters

Sewerage Design

Calculation Table

List of literature

Project Composition and Scope

On the plan of the standard floor in M 1:100 all sanitary appliances are indicated, all risers are shown.

On the basement plan in M 1:100, the following are shown: water supply, risers and main, sewage outlets (risers, pipe lengths, diameters, slopes, room for housing the water metering unit are indicated).

The plot plan in M 1:500 shows the dimensions of the building, pipelines of street or intra-quarter water supply and sewerage networks with reference to the building. Water supply and sewage outlets are shown, the yard sewer line before it is connected to an intra-quarter or street collector, lengths, slopes, diameters, wells with their numbers are shown.

The diagram of cold water supply from the city main line to water collection points with indication of all valves is drawn in the axonometric projection in M 1:100. The diagram shows the numbers of the risers, the numbers of the calculated sections, their length and diameters.

One of the sewage risers with an outlet and a well is drawn in an axonometric projection in M 1:100, all shaped parts, revisions and cleaning, drawing are shown, lengths, diameters, slopes, elevations are indicated.

The longitudinal profile of the yard sewer is drawn on a scale: horizontal - 1:500, vertical 1:100.

Design of the internal water supply system.

We establish whether the head in the city network is sufficient to supply water to the building. Preliminary value of head in external network providing operation of internal water supply of residential building H, m, can be determined by formula:


where 10 head required in single-storey building, m,

n-number of floors.

Having tentatively determined the value of the required head and comparing it with the guaranteed one, we conclude that an installation should be provided to increase the head.

The value of hydrostatic head in the water supply system at the elevation of the lowest sanitary device should not exceed 60 m.

On the plan of the standard floor, water and sewage risers are placed. All sanitary devices shall be grouped together.

All sanitary and technical devices, except the toilet bowl, have a discharge pipe diameter of 50 mm, and the toilet is 1000 mm. It is allowed to install one riser on 2 adjacent apartments.

The axonometric diagram shows the length of the pipelines according to the scale and shows all the network elements.

Calculation of the water supply network.

On the axonometric diagram, the calculated length from the farthest and highest point to the input is selected. This length was divided into sections, numbered. The entire calculation is shown in the table.

Column 1 is filled with an axonometric diagram

In accordance with the axonometric scheme, the number of devices N that supply water to the design area is determined, then graphs 2 to 6 are filled.

Column 7- q0c, l/s - the second water flow rate of the device is determined based on the degree of improvement of the building. In the whole section q0c = 0.2.

Column 8 contains pc, the value of which is determined by f-l:

pc = qnr, uc * U/( 3600 * q0c * ∑N),

where qnr, uc is cold water flow rate per hour of highest water consumption.

qnr,uс = qnr,utot - qnr,uh =15,610=5,6 л/ч

U- number of consumers. If the number of consumers is not known, the fraction is U/∑N removed.

rs =0.0078

In column 10, α is placed, based on the product N * p, it is determined by SNiP 2.04.0185 *.

In column 11, the flow rate Q (l/s) is set, which is determined from the data of graphs 7 and 10 according to the formula:

Q=5 q0 α (2)

When choosing the diameter of pipes D, mm, the design economic speed V. m/s, is accepted in the range from 0.9 to 1.5 m/s, but not more than 22.5; pressure loss -I by 1 m.

According to the plans and the axonometric scheme, the length of the section is L, m.

Column 16 is filled with the data of graph 14.15 for each section separately, then these graphs 16 are summarized over all sections. In addition to the length losses caused by friction forces inside the pipe, there are losses caused by local resistances: turning, etc., they are taken into account by the coefficient K1, which is accepted according to SNiP 2.04.0185 *.


Sewerage design.

The internal sewerage system consists of sewage receivers, hydraulic siphons of gates, branch pipes, risers and outlets into the yard sewerage system.

The internal sewerage scheme depends on the location of sanitary devices on the floors of the building. Risers, in the absence of cabins, are located behind the toilet bowl, as the most dangerous device in sanitary terms.

- internal sewerage networks are laid, open in basements, in utility, auxiliary rooms and hidden with sealing in building structures of floors, panels, in vertical shafts.

- Sections of internal sewerage shall be installed straight-line, without fractures and deflections.

- Drain sewage pipelines from instruments to risers are laid along walls, on the floor of the floor, under the ceiling of the lower room, in inter-floor floors.

All drain sewage pipes are laid along the shortest distance to the riser with a slope of 0.035 towards the flow of waste water with the installation of leaks at turns and end sections.

Branch pipes and risers do not cross door openings, windows do not cut load-bearing beams. The length of the branch pipes in the intermediate floors does not exceed 10.0m.

Sewage risers have the same diameter along the entire height. On the internal sewerage networks, the installation of inspections and purges is provided. Revisions are installed on the riser, on the first and last and at least three floors. Cleaners are installed on turns, on end sections and on horizontal ones.

Each riser is removed above the roof of the building from the non-operated roof by 0.5 m, Sewage outlets are designed to drain waste water outside the building (they are located in the technical underground, under the ceiling of the basement with a slope of 0.02 towards the yard sewage network).

The drawing has an axonometric diagram of one riser with the display of all shaped parts, revisions, proofing, exhaust, with the application of elevations, lengths, diameters, slopes.

Sewage outlets are brought out at a distance from the building to the well of 5 m. They are united by a courtyard network with a diameter of 200 mm, a slope of 0.01, and are connected to the city sewage system at point N.

On the yard network, before joining it to the street, a control well is installed, which serves to monitor the operation of the network and to clean it. Since the street network runs at a greater depth than the courtyard, in order not to make a large slope of the courtyard network, a difference is made in the control well, that is, the design is carried out with a normal or minimum slope from the initial well to the control, and then they begin to lead the network from the street well to the control well also with a normal slope, as a result, the control well acts as a differential.

Then the profile of the yard network according to the general plan is built.

Ceramic, plastic, concrete or railway pipes are used for the external network device. I mount inspection wells from prefabricated railway elements.

Drawings content

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