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Course work on road vehicles (bulldozer T-100 MGP)


Course work on road vehicles. The course work shows the design of the T-100 MGP bulldozer, a patent analysis was carried out to modernize the technological equipment of the T-100 MGP bulldozer.

Project's Content

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icon Введение.docx
icon Верхняя крышка.cdw
icon гидроцилиндр.cdw
icon Записка.docx
icon Кранштейн.cdw
icon Модернизация бульдозера.cdw
icon МУ к курсовой раб. 2006.doc
icon Нижняя крышка.cdw
icon Общий вид бульдозера.cdw
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icon Патент №1.docx
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icon Патент 2.docx
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icon Патент 3.docx
icon Скрины.docx
icon Содержание.docx
icon Спецификация вид общий.spw
icon Спецификация модернизации.spw
icon Тяговая.cdw

Additional information



1 Design and operational analysis of SDS

1.1 Analysis of equipment for road construction works

1.2 Rationale for equipment modernization

1.3 Patent Design Analysis

1.4 Terms of Reference

2 Justification and calculation of the main parameters of bulldozer T-100MGP

3 Traction calculation of bulldozer T-100MGP

4 Description of modernization of MDF hinged equipment units


List of literature used


e d n and e

Course work on the course "Road Building Machines" aims to consolidate the knowledge gained during the course study, use them to determine the main parameters of road building tires, as well as acquire initial skills in designing functional units of road building machines.

The materials of these methodological guidelines are located in the sequence of its presentation in the calculation and explanatory note, contain the main methodological, theoretical and reference materials that allow you to outline the structure of work and justify a constructive solution.

Composition and scope of course work

Depending on the topic of course work and the depth of its study, the number of pages of handwritten text of the calculation and explanatory note can range from 15 to 25.

The graphic part shall include at least two sheets of A1 format (594 x 841).

Content of calculation and explanatory note

The calculation and explanatory note consists of a cover sheet, a task, content, an introduction, sections reflecting the essence of the developments, a conclusion and a list of sources used.

The cover sheet and tasks are performed on the forms of the established form issued by the design manager. An example list of sections, their indexing and comments are given below .

Introduction. There is a brief justification for the relevance of the topic of coursework with reference to relevant documents. A brief description of the main idea of ​ ​ the work and a list of issues that received a creative solution in it are given.

1. Purpose and scope of development object (specific road construction machine).

2. The review of the existing design solutions of the machine of this purpose and the development of a schematic diagram are carried out based on the results of studying literary sources and patent documentation.

3. Substantiation and calculation of basic parameters. Weight, working forces, type, dimensions and geometry of the working member, engine power, machine capacity are installed.

4. Traction calculation. The traction characteristic of the road construction machine is calculated and built.

5. Define workloads and strength and durability calculations for major assemblies and parts (specified in the job).

Conclusion. The results of the work are summed up, and the conclusion is made that development is advisable.

List of sources used. Includes a bibliographic description of all sources of information - books, journals, reports, etc.

Composition of the graphic part

The graphic part is a visual representation of the content of the course work and reflects its essence and scope. The graphic part includes traction characteristic (A2 format), assembly drawing of the developed machine assembly (AI format) and working drawings of two conjugated parts of the assembly unit (A3 formats).

The quantity of projections, cuts, sections in design development of assembly unit has to be sufficient for spatial coordination of the interfaced knots and details.

Drawings content

icon Верхняя крышка.cdw

Верхняя крышка.cdw

icon гидроцилиндр.cdw


icon Кранштейн.cdw


icon Модернизация бульдозера.cdw

Модернизация бульдозера.cdw

icon Нижняя крышка.cdw

Нижняя крышка.cdw

icon Общий вид бульдозера.cdw

Общий вид бульдозера.cdw

icon Спецификация вид общий.spw

Спецификация вид общий.spw

icon Спецификация модернизации.spw

Спецификация модернизации.spw

icon Тяговая.cdw


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