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350 kW industrial boiler house


Design of 350 kW diesel boiler room with explanatory note and aerodynamic calculation

Project's Content

icon 01_Obshie_Dannye1.dwg
icon Aаэрорасчёт2частьПерепечино.doc
icon AАэрорасчет1часть.doc
icon AПЗ Перепечино.doc
icon AТепловая схема - лист 2.dwg
icon AЧертежи - листы 3-12.dwg
icon Спецификация-ТМ.doc

Additional information



1. Initial data for calculation

2. Calculation of gas duct section resistance from boiler to chimney inlet

3. Full pressure drop from boiler to chimney inlet

4. Determination of the required stack height

5. Determination of the possibility of excessive static pressure at the chimney inlet

6. Conclusions

Annex 1:

175 kW boiler vent circuit diagram

6. Conclusions

1. The calculation confirms that the selected height of the existing smoke pipe (30 m) provides the necessary thrust of the gas discharge path of two boilers of 175 kW.

2.No positive static overpressure in the chimney. The chimney does not limit the heat capacity of the boiler.

Drawings content

icon 01_Obshie_Dannye1.dwg


icon AТепловая схема - лист 2.dwg

AТепловая схема - лист 2.dwg

icon AЧертежи - листы 3-12.dwg

AЧертежи - листы 3-12.dwg

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