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Electrical equipment repair area for BelAZ vehicles, production program for maintenance and maintenance of BelAZ-7505, BelAZ-7540 vehicles


Electrical equipment repair area for BelAZ vehicles, as well as calculation of the production program for maintenance and maintenance of BelAZ-7505, BelAZ-7540 vehicles

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Maintenance and repair of construction machines is performed centrally, partially centrally and decentrally.

The centralized form of maintenance consists in the fact that all technological operations of maintenance and maintenance are carried out by teams of highly qualified workers under the guidance of engineering and technical personnel. Thus, in this form of service, machine drivers are completely exempt from these works. Centralized service is one of the most advanced forms. It is aimed at performing all elements of the planned warning system in accordance with the specifications and at the lowest cost. A feature of this form of service is the specialization of individual operations, which allows you to solve the following tasks: to increase the volume of mechanized work in relation to individual maintenance elements; Increase machine productivity during operation by reducing downtime as a result of increased number of workers and mechanization of operations; improve the quality of service due to the high skills of workers. A form of centralized service is the performance of work by specialized links.

The essence of specialization lies in the fact that the links carry out work only on maintenance of certain types or brands of machines, and each of the members of the link performs with the help of mechanization facilities allocated to it established similar types of work, the complexity of which corresponds to the assigned category. It is advisable to create specialized links for periodic technical maintenance (TO1, TO-2 and TO-3). In operational organizations characterized by the presence of mixed fleet of machines, it is advisable to specialize in servicing certain types of machines (earth-moving, boom cranes, etc.).

A partially centralized form of maintenance organization is characterized by the fact that daily maintenance is carried out by drivers who are assigned to these machines, and periodic maintenance and ongoing repair by specialized teams of workers. The disadvantages of this form of maintenance organization are the reduction of the efficiency of the PPM system; reduced working time of the machine as a result of its downtime during maintenance; significant, against planned standards, increase in labor costs for work operations due to their non-mechanized execution; Difficulty in properly monitoring maintenance and maintenance activities.

The decentralized form of maintenance is characterized by the fact that all types of work are carried out by machine drivers. Specialized teams carry out only ongoing repairs of cars. The disadvantages of this form of maintenance organization are the same as in a partially centralized form. In addition, this form of organization significantly increases machine downtime during maintenance.

It was stated above that maintenance and repair of construction machines are organized by operational enterprises (mechanization managers), which include stationary and mobile workshops. Depending on the composition of the fleet of cars, stationary workshops are developed to a greater or lesser extent. So, in the presence of a large number of mobile construction machines in the mechanization control, the bulk of maintenance and repair work is carried out in stationary workshops, which in this case are equipped with all the necessary equipment for the work. When operating low mobility machines (excavators, bulldozers, etc.) dispersed at a significant distance from each other, the use of mobile workshops included in the mechanization control is essential. Modern workshops are equipped with equipment (compressor, welding transformer, hydropress, steam-jet cleaner, tanks for diesel, transmission oil and for hydraulic fluid, solid-state charger, machines, tools, spare parts, hydraulic manipower crane, etc.), providing a high level of mechanization of repair work.

Universal and special mobile workshops are produced by industry for maintenance work. The latter are characterized by a significant variety and can be intended for the maintenance of one type of machine: tower cranes, excavators, etc. For the technical diagnosis of construction machines, mobile diagnostic stations KI4070A, KI-5164 and KI13905 mounted on the basis of a car are used. The stations are equipped with a complex of instruments and tools, the presence of which allows you to diagnose machines with a definition of 60... 130 diagnostic parameters.

Ongoing repair of construction machines is carried out in stationary workshops of mechanization departments and mobile workshops in the conditions of the construction site.

Overhaul is carried out by repair plants. Currently, two methods of overhaul are used: individual and aggregate. With an individual repair method, repaired assembly units are installed on the same machine from which they were removed. During the aggregate unit repair method, the assembly units are depersonalized. Assembly units removed from the car are sent for repair, and instead they are installed on the machines assembly units from the revolving fund, which are repaired in advance. The aggregate-node repair method is characterized by a number of advantages. In particular, the need to transport machines from the operational enterprise to the repair plant is excluded, in addition, the time for the actual repair of machines is significantly reduced.

Chapter 5. Conclusion

I received a diploma design assignment consisting in calculating the production program of ATP operating BelAZ cars with a fleet of 20 units and in developing an electrical section for small ATP.

In the course of my thesis, I made the following calculations and adjustments of the frequency of impacts before maintenance and maintenance, calculation of the production program, calculation of the labor intensity of technical impacts and annual labor intensity for all types of maintenance and maintenance, calculation of the number of repair workers. I also calculated all maintenance and diagnostics zones, calculated the number of TR zone posts, selected equipment for the design object specified in the task, developed labor protection at the design object.

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