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Chladon 23 Automatic Gas Fire Fighting Project

  • Added: 03.08.2014
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Object: Server and PBX premises in Bashneft building. Project developer: not known. Year of project release: 2003. Systems: Gas extinguishing, Fire extinguishing

Project's Content

icon к 106.dwg
icon к 504, АУПТ от 031003.dwg
icon Кабельный журнал, ОАО Башнефть, к 504, АУПТ.xls
icon ПЗ, к 106, АТС.doc
icon ПЗ, к 504, АУПТ, 1 и 2 лист.doc
icon ПЗ, к 504, АУПТ.doc

Additional information

1. general provisions.

For the PBX room (room No. 106, area - 74.40 m2, H - 2.20 m), an automatic gas fire extinguishing system is provided using trifluoromethane (CHF3) - FE3 as a fire extinguishing agent.

The automatic fire extinguishing system, as well as the system control and alarm principles are defined in the specification and in the drawings.

The design of electrical and process parts of the design of the automatic gas fire extinguishing plant is carried out in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

NPB 882001 "Fire fighting and alarm systems. Design Codes and Regulations. ";

NPB 10595 "Definition of categories of rooms and buildings by fire explosion

and fire hazard. ";

NPB 11003 "List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment,

to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing units and automatic fire alarm. ";

NPB 10495 "Design of fire warning systems for people in buildings and structures";

PPB0193 "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation." (with modifications and additions);

GOST 12.1.00491 "SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements. ";

PUE "Electrical Installation Rules."

The technical solutions adopted in the working drawings comply with the requirements of fire-fighting, environmental, sanitary and hygienic and other standards applicable in the territory of the Russian Federation, ensuring safe operation of the facility for life and health of people, subject to the measures stipulated by the working drawings, as well as the rules and requirements of the Fire Safety Authorities.

All equipment has Russian Compliance Certificates and Fire Safety Certificates.

2. basis for design.

Design of automatic gas fire extinguishing unit for server room is made on the basis of:

- architectural drawings of the Bashneft building;

- requirements of NPB 11003 "List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing units and automatic fire alarm."

3. characteristics of the protected room.

Automatic gas fire extinguishing plant protects the premises of the PBX (room No. 106) of Bashneft (see Table 1).

Space dimensions:

- room area - 74.40 m2;

- volume - 163.68 m3;

- height to false ceiling - 2.20 m;

- height from false ceiling to overlap - 0.30 m;

- height from false floor - 0.40 m;

The room has one door and four windows.

Wiring to lighting fixtures - above the suspended ceiling .

Plenum and exhaust ventilation - ducts are located in the space behind the suspended ceiling .

Air temperature in the protected room - up to 28 wasps.

Maximum relative humidity - not more than 80%.

In accordance with NPB 882001 - this room belongs to the 1st group of rooms on the degree of fire risk.

Fire class as per GOST 27331 - A.

According to NPB 11003 tab. 3 item 35.2 - this room is subject to automatic fire-fighting equipment regardless of area; space under false floors and above suspended ceiling - is not subject to automatic fire extinguishing equipment. 2. item 11.2.

4. substantiation of the extinguishing method;


4.1. To extinguish the fire in the protected room, it is planned to automatically fill its volume with a gaseous fire extinguishing substance - trifluoromethane CHF3. The choice of the extinguishing method is justified by the instructions of the current standards, as well as the efficiency of using trifluoromethane gas to protect the corresponding premises.

Trifluoromethane is an environmentally friendly and biologically safe substance and has the following advantages:

- low toxicity, which, unlike CO2, allows its use during the evacuation of people from the fire zone;

- high efficiency - fire extinguishing concentration 0.56 kg/m3 ;

- No environmental impact;

- possibility of use in the presence of energized materials without the danger of short circuits.

Fire extinguishing modules using gas composition are developed and manufactured by the Spanish company LPG S.A. and have an international certificate.

4.2 Smoke fire detectors shall be used as triggers of automatic fire extinguishing unit actuation and manual start from the button installed on the escape route from the protected room shall be provided. At that - PPKOP generates electric pulse for opening of electromagnetic valve of gas fire extinguishing module (MGP1).

4.3 IHL is located outside the protected room. To exclude the possibility of their local starting - the starting elements on the modules must be blocked in accordance with NPB 882001 item 7.18.3.

4.4. In case of automatic and remote start-up of the fire extinguishing plant, the fire extinguishing agent is released to the protected rooms in 60 s after the signal for the plant start is sent. A time delay of 60 s is provided for turning off ventilation in the protected room until the fire extinguishing agent is released into this room in case of fire, and also for the possibility of evacuation of people during manual operation.

4.5. When maintenance personnel are in the protected room, the gas fire extinguishing unit is removed from the automatic operation mode. When the plant is removed from the automatic operation mode, the automatic fire alarm is preserved.

4.6. The fire extinguishing agent reserve is taken on the basis of guaranteed fire extinguishing in the corresponding protected volume. To maintain the readiness of the plant for operation during reloading of fire extinguishing substance cylinders installed in the facility premises, 100% reserve of IHL cylinders is provided for in the warehouse.

4.7 Release of fire extinguishing agent into the protected room is provided through outlet devices installed on the distribution pipeline, ensuring uniformity of filling of the entire volume of the room with gas.

4.8 The fire extinguishing agent is supplied when the ventilation in the protected room is switched off. Shutdown of ventilation is made by switching of contacts of the X1 4,5,6 relay (Control of processing equipment) upon transition of PPKOP to a state "Fire".

4.9 Use of the rack with the device of weight control of cylinders with fire extinguishing agent makes it possible to detect leaks of fire extinguishing agent in a timely manner, since when the weight of cylinders suspended on springs decreases, their length will change, which will lead to the opening of the contact controlled by PPKOP and the appearance of the signal "Leak ."

5. calculation of installation parameters.

5.1 Calculation of the plant was made in accordance with the methods recommended by NPB 882001 "Fire extinguishing and alarm systems. Design and Application Codes and Regulations "and are summarized in Table 1 (see - APT.2 sheet).

The mass of the gas fire extinguishing composition is determined by the formula:

Mg = Mp + Mtp + Mb * n


Mr - the rated mass of gas fire extinguishing structure;

Mtr - residue of gas fire extinguishing composition in pipelines;

Mb * n - remaining gas extinguishing agent in module (s)

The calculated mass of the gas fire extinguishing composition is determined by the formula:

Mp = K1 * Vp * 1 * (1 + K2) * Mn/( 100Cn)


K1-the coefficient considering leaks through shutoff valves;

Vp- design volume of the room;

1- density of the gas fire extinguishing composition taking into account the height of the object above sea level;

K2- coefficient taking into account leaks through leaks of the room;

Snow - standard fire-extinguishing concentration of gas fire-extinguishing composition,% vol., is taken equal to 18% vol.

5.2 Based on the need to protect the server room and create fire extinguishing concentration in it by volume, the consumption rate of trifluoromethane is considered to be 0.6 kg/m3. Thus, to create a fire extinguishing concentration of FE13 in the protected room, three 67 l cylinders filled with 50 kg of fire extinguishing agent are sufficient.

5.3 The standard time for filling the volume of the protected room is adopted in accordance with NPB 882001 - 10 seconds.


In order to protect the electrical and mechanical structural elements of the fire extinguishing module of IHL (cylinders), as well as to improve the appearance of the rooms, it is recommended to place IHL in wooden or metal cabinets equipped with a door for convenient access to them (IHL) of maintenance personnel.

The alarm diagram presented in the drawing APT.7 (external connection diagram) contains sound and light annunciators located inside and outside the protected room, controlled by PPKOP "Jade."

PPKOP "Jade" as per NPB 882001 provides automatic monitoring:

- presence of voltage at inputs of operating and standby power supply sources of PCLP;

- presence of + 24 V voltage at the output of the backup power supply of the kiln;

- integrity of fire alarm loop;

- serviceability of smoke detectors and manual start-up button;

- integrity of electrical starting circuit (Start of MGP);

- integrity of circuit of "Automatic" mode start button;

- integrity of electrical circuit of annunciators ("Gas ducts," "Gas-not in");

- integrity of door end contact circuit (actuation of "Manual" mode);

- the state in which the system is located (Automatic/Manual);

- weight of fire extinguishing agent cylinders (Leak FE13);

- fire extinguishing system actuation (pressure in output manifold - by RBM).

6. information about the organization of installation equipment production



Installation of the gas fire extinguishing unit is recommended in accordance with the current regulatory documents for installation in the following sequence:

- preparation of installation articles, pipe hangers, workstations;

- measurement of protected rooms, the purpose of which is to compile installation sketches for routing and binding of pipelines, their attachment places, installation of sprinklers;

- installation of equipment and pipelines ;

- purging and testing of pipelines.

7. operation of the "jade" ppkop.

For control of gas fire extinguishing modules "Jade" PPKOP is used the certificate of compliance of fire safety SSPB.RU.OP002.B.00982 with the module for starting automatic fire extinguishing systems SSPB.RU.OP021.B00188. installed in the protected room.

7.1 Operating principle of "Jade" PPKOP equipped with MZASP is as follows:

PPKOP "Jade" has 8 alarm loops with programmable operation functions. During operation with MZASP, the first three loops are configured as fire, and the remaining 5 process loops (for monitoring the status of signals from control buttons and monitoring of communication lines with annunciators).

PPKOP "Jade" receives signals from 3 fire alarm loops, analyzes them and outputs the received information in the form of optical signals to the front panel of the PPKOP, in the form of electrical signals in the fire extinguishing starting circuit, information transmission line (to the PCP) and control of fire alerts, lights and process equipment.

PPKOP "Jade" monitors the condition of 5 process loops: on/off automation, remote start, monitoring of annunciators. The device also analyzes the signals of the main and standby fire extinguishing start circuit breakage monitoring and the state of pressure and weight sensors. Status of process loops is indicated on the front panel of the device, if necessary, sound alarm is activated. PPKOP "Jade" with integrated MZASP provides one direction of gas, powder or aerosol fire extinguishing. The following fire extinguishing starting algorithm is implemented in the instrument.

The algorithm of the device operation for fire extinguishing starting (based on "Jade" PPKOP with MZASP) is given below.

To detect a fire in the server room, 3 smoke detectors installed on the ceiling and a manual start button on the wall are used at the exit to the protected room.

Fire extinguishing automation is switched on by the button of automatic actuation, and is switched off when door contact is activated.

7.1.1. Automation is OFF, "Automation is OFF" annunciator and corresponding LED on the front panel of the device are ON. At actuation of two detectors in loop No. 1 (set during programming):

- sounds a buzzer fire;

- fire siren sounds;

- "Fire" PCP relay and "Gas! Go away! ";

- LED indication "Fire in loop 1" on the front panel of the device is ON;

- fire extinguishing is not started.

7.1.2. Automatics is ON, H3 - "Automatics is OFF" annunciator and corresponding LED on the front panel of the device is OFF. At actuation of two detectors 1.1 - 1.3 in one loop (set at instrument programming) or pressing of S - "PT manual start" button:

- sounds a buzzer fire;

- "Fire" PCP relay and "Gas! Go away! "With a siren;

- LED indication "Fire in loop 1" on the front panel of the device is ON;

- fire extinguishing is started:

a) after programmable number of seconds t1 = 40 sec (set during instrument programming):

- PT starting pulse with programmable duration t2 = 5 sec is output (set during programming);

- the light-emitting diode of "C1" blinks with a frequency of 6 Hz (ASPT start of PT);

- annunciator H2 - "Gas! Don't come in! ";

- process equipment control relay is switched on.

b) after programmable number of seconds t3 = 20 sec (set during programming):

- pressure sensor is monitored. When a signal is received from the pressure sensor (normal, pulse signal with pulse duration of about 10 seconds) - start is considered successful, if no signal is received from the pressure sensor, start is considered unsuccessful;

- at successful start the indication of the fact of start on the front panel (continuous luminescence of light-emitting diodes of "C1 and C3") joins (ASPT Successful start);

- at unsuccessful start (lack of a signal norm) indication on the front panel joins (blinking with a frequency of 2 Hz of a light-emitting diode of "C1") (ASPT Start is unsuccessful) and the relay of PCN "Malfunction" and a light-emitting diode "malfunction" turns on.

8. system power supply.

To power the light-and-sound annunciators and start MGP1, 24 V voltage is used from the backup power supply (kiln 24), which is supplied to them from the corresponding outputs of the PCLP.

Power supply to PPKOP and BRP24 is performed from the power supply board.

The built-in accumulators PPKOP and BRP are able to maintain the operable state of the AUGP installation in standby mode - for 24 hours, in the "Fire" mode - for 3 hours.

Wiring is installed by cable in electrical ducts along walls and ceiling.

Protective grounding and grounding of electrical equipment must be performed in accordance with PUE, as well as in accordance with the requirements of technical documentation for instruments.

Drawings content

icon к 106.dwg

к 106.dwg

icon к 504, АУПТ от 031003.dwg

к 504, АУПТ от 031003.dwg