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Bakery Project - Ventilation

  • Added: 01.07.2014
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Course project. The project includes plans for administrative-domestic and production buildings, facade, sections, plot plan, coating plan, units

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. Job Input

1.1 Number of employees

1.2 Peculiarities of the production process

1.3 Composition of the Master Plan

2. Process Brief

3. Master Plan Description

4. Description of space-planning solution of dressing room and shower unit

5. Description of the space-planning solution of the production building

6. Description of the architectural and structural solution of the production building

7. Technical and economic indicators of the production building

8. List of literature used

9. Table "Calculation of domestic premises"

1.1 Number of employees

The list number of workers is 180 people, including women - 70%.

The turnout in the largest shift is 50%.

The number of shifts is 3.

1.2 Peculiarities of the production process

Group of production processes on sanitary characteristics - 4a.

The category of visual work is III.

Design internal temperature - 25 C0.

Relative humidity in the workshop is 75%.

1.3 Composition of the Master Plan

Production building - according to the project;

Administrative and household building - 15x60 m;

Car scales - 10x10 m;

Passage - 6x12 m.

2. Process Brief

The process of bread and bakery products production begins with the delivery of raw materials to the dosage one. There, dough is obtained, which is fed into the fermentation chamber and kept on duty. From the fermentation chamber, the dough on duty is delivered to the dough cutting lines. Bread and bakery products are baked on the lines, which then enter the finished products warehouse in the trays. Products are placed on racks, from where they are sent to customers through weight and expedition. The transfer of raw materials and finished products through the territory of the production building is carried out using electric cars.

3. Master Plan Description

The master plan presents the decision to organize the functional communication of production. The flow of the work shift enters the territory of the enterprise through the passage, vehicles at the entrance must be weighed on car scales. After the passing flow of the work shift is directed to the administrative building, in which the dressing room shower unit is located, where sanitary treatment takes place. Then the shift workers go to the production building, where the production takes place. Communication between the administrative-household and production building is carried out through a warm transition. Transport through the territory of the enterprise is carried out along the road network. The width of the main driveways is 9 m, which allows you to organize 2 oncoming traffic flows. Motor vehicles approach expeditions, which have 16x16 m turning platforms. On expeditions, raw materials are delivered and finished products are sent. Also near the building of the production building there is a storage warehouse for flour, near which a turning platform for flour trucks 20x20 m is arranged. The flour warehouse is silos connected to the building of the main building. The flour warehouse is located next to the raw materials warehouses inside the building. This ensures a short and easy delivery of flour to the building of the production building. After unloading raw materials and loading finished products, road transport moves towards exit from the territory of the enterprise, where it undergoes re-weighing. The shift that ended the working day from the production building falls into the administrative and household building. From there, workers are sent to the exit from the territory of the enterprise. For the purposes of fire safety, a 6 m wide passage and a 16x16 m turning platform for the passage of fire engines are arranged between the building of administrative and industrial buildings. For rest and communication of workers there is a recreational platform. For communication of oncoming flows, widened platforms are provided in front of the passage and administrative-household building.

4. Description of the space-planning solution of the dressing room shower unit

The dressing room and shower unit is located on the 1st floor of a separate administrative and household building. The functional organization of the block is based on the principle of a sanitary pass. Working clothes and home clothes are stored in different rooms. Passage from one room to another is carried out through showers. Shower cabins are enclosed on both sides. The entrance to the showers from the side of the dressing room of household clothes is provided through the tambour. The pre-showers are located at the exit from the showers to the room where the working clothes are stored. The male and female parts of the shift are changed in separate parts of the dressing room. SNiP 209.04-87 Administrative buildings are used to calculate the number of showers and other sanitary devices.

5. Description of the space-planning solution of the production building

The building of the production building is divided into 3 functional components: a warehouse of raw materials, a bakery and a warehouse of finished products.

In the storage area of raw materials there are warehouses of flour, salt, as well as other resources necessary for the uninterrupted operation of the enterprise. In this zone there is an expedition, which includes a weight. The expedition allows the reception of raw materials. This zone also contains a dosing and fermentation chamber, which prepare the products at the initial stage of production. In addition to the above-mentioned premises, in the zone of raw materials warehouses there are offices of the chief technologist, chief mechanic, a platform for settling electric cars and rooms for their maintenance and repair. A warm transition also adjoins this zone, allowing the movement of work flows from the production building to the administrative and household.

The bakery is the largest room. In it there are dough cutting lines that produce finished products. In the workshop there is a leaching room for molds, which is required for special treatment of molds used in the production process.

In the area of the finished product warehouse there is a room for storing finished products in trays on special racks, an expedition together with a weight one for sending finished products to the customer, as well as a room for washing and repairing trays.

In addition, in the storage areas there are auxiliary rooms: transformer and ventilation chambers, necessary to create the production process. In order to comply with sanitary standards, men's and women's bathrooms are located in warehouse areas, and there is a common smoking room in the zone of raw materials warehouses. Corridors with a width of 3 m are used to move around the workshop building, as well as to move electric cars.

6. Description of the architectural and structural solution of the production building

The building of the production building is a span-type building. As a span, a distance of 18 m is adopted. Reinforced concrete columns with a section of 300x400 mm are adopted as the main and fuselage columns. The extreme columns are installed with a pitch of 6 m and have a height of 4.8 m. The middle columns are installed with a pitch of 12 m and have a height of 4.8 m. The stability of the columns is provided by pinching in a glass-type foundation. For the coating structures, reinforced concrete rafters with a span of 18 m were used, which are supported by middle columns through substructure beams. This allows you to install rafters with a pitch of 6 m and reduce the length of the coating plates to 6 m. A low-slope roof is arranged over the coating plates. To ensure aeration and the necessary light mode, light-aeration and anti-aircraft lights arranged in the coating space are used. Three-layer reinforced concrete panels 300 mm wide are used as enclosing structures. They are based on foundation beams that are connected to the foundations of the columns. For the arrangement of window openings, simple panels with a width of 1500 mm are used. Aluminium windows 4500x1800 mm are used as filling. For partitions, light concrete partitions with brick inserts are used. They are attached to steel framer columns.

7. Technical and economic indicators of the production building


It is an indicator of cost-effectiveness of planning.


It is an indicator of the cost effectiveness of the space planning solution.


It is an indicator of the cost-effectiveness of the building configuration.

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