Bakery project with a capacity of 45 tons per day

- Added: 29.07.2014
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Additional information
1. Description of the plant construction site
The city of Xxxxxxxxxxx is located in the basin of the river. Tomi, which is a major tributary of the river. Ob. The Nnnn River originates on the western slope of the Abakan Range, its length is 827 km, the catchment area is 62,000 square meters. km
In the area of the city of Khhxxxxxxxx, the Nnnn River has a latitudinal direction. Short rifts alternate with long molds. The main source of nutrition of the river. Nnnn is winter precipitation, which forms 6065% of the annual flow. The remaining 3540% of the flow falls on rain and groundwater.
The main mineral in the city of Khxxxxxxxxx is coal. In addition, there are deposits of building materials, oil and gas.
The city of Xxxxxxxxxxx has a relatively developed transport network. There is a Z-S highway, bus passenger service and an airport are developed.
Districts in the city - 6: Central, Zavodskaya, Kuibyshevsky, Kuznetsk, Ordzhonikidzevsky, Novoilinsky. Workers' villages - 3: Listvyagi - Kuibyshevsky district, Abagur - Central district, Pritomsky - Ordzhonikidze district. Rural settlements - 5: p. Black River, p. Shakhtersky, p. Abagur, p. Taezhny, p. Tagarysh.
The climate is sharply continental: the average January temperature is 19 ° C, June 19 ° C, the average rainfall is from 150 to 200 mm. per year.
The total population is 562, 8 thousand people. (as of January 2009) There is a downward trend in the population, including among small indigenous nationalities.
The industry is presented by primary branches among which: ferrous metallurgy (JSC West Siberian Iron and Steel Works, JSC Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combine), coal (JSC Taldinsky Coal Mine, JSC mine of EsaulskayaN, JSC Polosukhinskaya mine), nonferrous metallurgy (JSC NKAZ), power industry (West Siberian combined heat and power plant, Kuznetsk combined heat and power plant), mechanical engineering and metal working (JSC Kuznetskiye metallokonstruktsii, JSC NZMRK, CJSC zavod universal).
The bakery industry of the city of Novokuznetsk is represented by 2 large bakeries - CJSC Siberian Bread and Bakery No. 7 of OJSC Bread, as well as the following listed bakeries: LLC VoskheikerNovokuznetsk; LLC "GIK Bakery"; Walrus LLC; LLC "NUR"; OJSC Osinnikikhleb branch; Bakery IP Vyaznikov V.A.; Russian Railways Bakery; Bakery of Slavino OJSC; CJSC RusyBread; Saturn LLC; SibirySouth LLC; OJSC "Bakery"; IP "Chernyshchuk"; LLC KhlebKuznetsk.
The largest producer is Siberian Bread Company, founded in 1994. The Siberian Bread Company has chosen the production of medical and preventive bread as its main activity
"Siberian Bread Company, unites two bakeries ,
confectionery shop and brand chain.
The company produces more than 180 different types of bread, bakery, layered, confectionery and cream products, focusing in production on the production of rye and preventive varieties of bread, so necessary to improve the health of residents of environmentally unfavorable regions.
Three areas have been adopted in production: the development and production of bread from whole wheat or rye grains; production of bread with addition of natural vegetable or fruit additives; production of multi-grain bread, where there are both whole grain and grains of various cereals: buckwheat, sunflower, corn, millet, flax.
The capacity of the Siberian Bread Company enterprise is 100 tons per day.
The second major enterprise of the city of Novokuznetsk is the Bakery No. 7, OJSC Bread. Its assortment consists of more than 60 items of bread and bakery products.
Considering the above, the design of a new bakery production of medium capacity, with a capacity of 45 tons/day in the city of Novokuznetsk is advisable.
For the normal operation of the enterprise in the city of Novokuznetsk there are all the necessary conditions. When choosing a site for construction, all sanitary requirements will be met: there are no metallurgical or chemical plants nearby. The topography of the selected area provides fast runoff of atmospheric precipitation and does not have wetlands.
Deposits of building materials in the vicinity of the city of Novokuznetsk are represented by brick clays and loam, which make up the main raw material for the production of brick, in addition there are deposits of clay of expanded clay, sand and gravel deposits. The production of building materials, including bricks, is well established in the city, so the availability of local construction resources will allow for construction work.
Delivery of main and additional raw materials to the designed enterprise will be carried out on the basis of agreements with processing enterprises by rail and road transport.
In the city of Novokuznetsk, the suppliers of the raw materials used at the enterprise will be: flour - ZPK Barnaul Mill CJSC; sugar and molasses - JSC Cheremnovsky Sugar Plant; Molok-JSC Barnaul Dairy Plant with representatives in the city of Novokuznetsk; sunflower oil OJSC "Oil Mill." Salt is mined in the city of Iletsk, Altai Territory in the mine of Iletsksol OJSC and its delivery to the designed enterprise is carried out by road. Yeast will be delivered from Tomsk, margarine from Berdsk, Novosibirsk Region.
The demand for electricity will be provided from the city power plant.
The water supply of the designed bakery will be carried out from the city water supply system. Heat supply - from the Novokuznetsk city thermal power plant. The discharge of industrial domestic effluents will be carried out by the designed enterprise into the city collector.
Providing a new bakery with labor is supposed at the expense of the able-bodied population of the city of Novokuznetsk, which will lead to a decrease in the unemployment rate. Highly qualified personnel will be recruited to work for the designed enterprise.
The total amount of bread and bakery products produced in the city of Novokuznetsk is 180 tons/day. The shortage of bread supply is replenished with the help of deliveries to Novokuznetsk of bakery products in the amount of 4,550 tons/day from the Altai Territory (bakeries Zarinsk, Novotroitsk, Barnaul and Biysk), which increases the price of its sale by 510%.
Given the above, the construction of a new bakery with a capacity of 45 tons/day in the city of Novokuznetsk is promising, since it will cover the missing capacity and fully satisfy the needs of the urban population in bakery products.
Full information can be obtained from the website
2 Description of the designed enterprise
2.1 Description of the General Plan
When drawing up the general plan of the bakery, a rose - winds was taken into account.
The territory of the enterprise has an area of 19344 m2. The territory of the bakery is fenced. In addition to the main entry, a reserve entry is provided. At the entrance to the plant are car scales and a checkpoint.
On the territory of the enterprise there are all the main buildings and structures - the production building, ABK. There is also a garage, a liquid fuel warehouse, a pump room, a compressor room, two artesian wells, and a transformer room .
The main driveways, platforms, footpaths are asphalt.
Along the perimeter of the fences, the territory is landscaped with trees, and the rest of the area is landscaped with lawns and flowerbeds, shrubs .
The production area is intended for production buildings and structures.
Fire breaks between buildings and structures are 9 m.
Areas for vehicles arriving with raw materials from suppliers and areas for vehicles delivering finished products by store are provided
The distance from explosive buildings is 25 m to neighboring buildings.
The building rate is 31%.
2.2 Characteristics of production
The designed enterprise refers to a bakery of average capacity, with a capacity of 45 tons/day. According to the production profile, the enterprise is assorted, operates continuously at 3 shift mode of operation.
The building is one-story with a 2-story extension, with a built-in BHM warehouse. The column grid of the two-story part is 6 by 6 meters, the one-story part is 6 by 12 meters and 6 by 18 meters. The height of the second floor is 4.8 meters. The height of the first floor is 6 meters. The building has production, utility and administrative - household premises. The administrative and household building is connected to the production building by a gallery from the staircase of the first floor.
To produce the selected assortment of products, the following are provided: complex mechanized lines for the production of bread from first grade flour, rye-chained bread based on Sh2XPA25 dead end ovens; flow-mechanized line for production of a wide range of bakery products.
At this enterprise, it is provided for stockless storage of flour in bins M111, as well as one daily supply of flour in bags located on the ground floor. BHM warehouse control panel is located in the same place. Food salt is stored in bulk in the plant for storage and preparation of saline on the ground floor next to the raw material warehouse. Sugar, vegetable oil are delivered and stored in a raw material warehouse .
Pressed yeast, margarine, molasses, whey and milk are stored in a refrigerating chamber next to the raw material warehouse.
The design envisages installation of three Sh2XMV sievers located in the flour warehouse, installed at elevation 6.000. In-house transportation of flour is carried out by pneumatic transport.
The dough preparation, dough cutting and bakery department are located in a single room on the 1st floor.
Preparation of dough for production of moulded rye-chained bread is supposed to be carried out on large thick starters (BGZ). The project provides for the implementation of some technological operations using the same equipment grades. The batch of ferment of a sponge dough and the test is supposed in the unit with the testoprigotovitelny I8HTA6 bunker, by means of dough mixing cars of continuous action A2XTT.
The preparation of dough for the production of "white" bread is supposed to be carried out on large thick supports. For bread, the dough is cut with the help of dough separator Sh33XD3U. The final rasstoyka is carried out in P6HRM case.
The ripening of dough for the Altai horn and dairy buns is provided for on duty. The final rasstoyka is carried out in T1XP2A72 case. Baking in a Sh2XPA25 oven.
Behind the baking department there is a cooling department and an expedition. Cooling compartment accommodates three circulation tables of XXG and containers of CCL18 for bread storage.
The expeditionary zone adjoins the unloading front of the expedition. A closed board form with three vacation places has been designed for shipment of finished products. In addition, the production building has a number of auxiliary production rooms with natural lighting: a panel, a technologist's office, a carpentry room, a room for repairing electric loaders, a repair shop, an electrolyte room, a charge
Full information can be obtained from the website
3.2 Justification of accepted method of dough preparation
To prepare table bread and Ukrainian new bread from a mixture of rye and wheat flour, a method is chosen on a large thick za-kvaska. Its humidity is 50%, duration of fermentation of starter is 180-240 minutes, duration of fermentation of dough is 6090 minutes. For its preparation the bunker I8HTA6 unit is used.
This test method has the following advantages:
- for this method the unit is used, which occupies less space and is easy to maintain;
- products have a more developed aroma, excellent taste;
- improved sanitary and hygienic conditions of production;
-testo breeds faster;
- reduced consumption of dry substances for fermentation.
Dough for white bread from wheat flour of grade 1, civilian bread and dairy bun is produced on a large dense opar. In the process of dough production, compacted yeast consumption is reduced.
The opar method was characterized by technological flexibility, which made it possible to take into account the bakery properties of flour. With prolonged fermentation of opar, a large amount of aromatic and flavoring substances accumulate in it, which determine the taste and aroma of bread. When preparing dough on a large dense opar, 6070% of the flour is added to the opar. Duration of sponge fermentation 3.5 - 5 hours. Continue fermentation of the dough for 20 - 40 minutes. This dough preparation method has a number of advantages:
- Most of the flour undergoes prolonged fermentation, this is why the products have a developed aroma and a pleasant taste;
- Work labour intensity is reduced as it is possible to mechanize the dough preparation process;
- Short fermentation of dough gives it more homogeneity, the accuracy of dividing it into pieces increases.
A dough-free method is provided for a Altai horn and a dairy bun. Substance of this method consists in preparation of dough in one stage from the whole quantity of flour and raw material according to recipe.
The advantages of a dough-free test process are a significant reduction in the process capacities for fermentation of semi-fabricates and dough, hence a reduction in production areas. At the same time, you can quickly change the range of products depending on demand.
3.3 Description of production flow charts
3.3.1 Storage and preparation of raw materials
Raw materials used at the designed enterprise: flour, yeast, salt, sugar, margarine, molasses, milk are also used.
Flour comes to the bakery tarno and bestselling. Flour is delivered in autocoots during stockless transportation. K4XSV moves from the truck truck with the help of the intake board to the bulk storage hoppers M - 111. The movement is carried out under the pressure of compressed air, which is supplied from the compressor of the auto-flour truck. Flour is supplied from silo by means of pneumatic feeder through flour pipe for preparation for production. The flour is separated from the compressed air with the help of the unloader cyclone, and then goes to the S2XMB screen. There, flour is purified from impurities and ferro-impurities using magnetic traps. Flour is weighed on automatic scales 6.04.AB50HK, and pneumotransport moves to production the XE63A3 bunker from where the screw moves in batchers.
Compressed yeast is delivered to tarno and stored in a refrigerating chamber at a temperature of 0-4 0C and a relative humidity of about 70%. Yeast suspension is fed for production at yeast-water ratio of approximately 1:3 with water temperature not exceeding 40 ° C.
Salt is delivered in bulk in dump trucks, from where it is unloaded into the reinforced concrete hopper of the "wet" salt storage unit T1XSB, which is buried 2.5 meters for the convenience of salt unloading. The wet storage unit has a receiving compartment and two settling compartments. Pipelines with cold and hot water were supplied to the receiving compartment. The salt solution through the openings in the partitions fills all the compartments of the sump and is filtered. The saline concentration was 26% and the density 1.2 g/cm3.
Sugar sand is delivered tarno and stored in the raw material warehouse at a relative humidity of not more than 70%. Before the sugar is supplied to the production, the sugar is filled into the SFR sugar solvent, where water is supplied from the Sh2CDI water preparation tank, and a sugar solution with a concentration of 50% is prepared.
Margarine is delivered tarno and stored in the refrigerating chamber at a temperature of not more than 10 0С. Margarine is melted in sucrose solvent at temperature not higher than 40 ° C before being fed into production.
Milk and molasses are delivered in flasks and stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 040C. Before commissioning, the raw materials are filtered to remove foreign impurities. The molasses are supplied for production in the form of a solution at a ratio of molasses to water of approximately 1:3.
All prepared liquid components are pumped over by the pump in collections of the liquid R3HChD components, and from there spontaneously come to batchers.
3.3.2 Technological diagram of table moulded bread production weighing 0.8 kg.
The project provides for dough treatment for the production of table bread in two stages: starter - dough. Dough is cooked with use of barmy suspension - on big dense ferment in the testoprigotovitelny I8HTA6 unit. In the testomesitelny car of continuous action A2-XTT by means of the drum batcher installed in this machine 46% of flour, and from the dosing station Sh2HDM - water are dosed. Starter of previous preparation in amount of 4.53 kg/min is supplied by means of screw. Starter kneading lasts 5 - 7 minutes. The humidity of the starter is 48%. The kneaded ferment by means of the supercharger of I8HTA6/3 brand is served in one of sections of the six-section I8HTA6/2 bunker on fermentation. Loading is carried out from the top using a rotary lot. Starter wanders for 180240 minutes to an acidity of 12.0 - 14.0 degrees. Starter temperature is 25-28 ° C. Part of the starter is served for kneading a new starter, the rest for kneading dough.
The fermented-out ferment by means of the bladed pump of the I8HTA6/4 batcher, is transported on the pipeline to the second dough mixing A2XTT car where the drum batcher doses the remained amount of flour, and from the dosed Sh2HDM station - salt solution, barmy suspension and sugar solution. The length of the kneading is one hundred and 8 - 12 minutes. The dough humidity is 48.5%. The kneaded dough the supercharger of I8HTA6/5 test is served in the trough for fermentation of I8HTA6/6 test established directly over a divider funnel - the Sh33HD3U stacker. Initial dough temperature 2830 ° C, fermentation duration 60-90 minutes to acidity 8.0 - 11.0 degrees.
The finished dough is supplied to the receiving funnel of the divider - stacker Sh33XD3U, which divides it into pieces and puts it in pre-lubricated oil molds, which are supplied to the proofing cabinet P6XRM. The duration of the proofing is 35-55 minutes at a temperature of 35-40 ° C and a relative humidity of 75-80%. Then, the dough blanks are delivered to the stove type furnace Sh2XPA25, where they are baked for 48 - 50 minutes at a temperature of 190 250 ° C in a moistened baking chamber.
The finished bread is fed through the belt conveyor to the circulation table of the XXG, from where the bread is manually put into the trays of the container XCL18 of 14 pieces into the tray.
3.3.3 Process diagram of production of white bread, molded mass 0.75 kg.
The project provides for dough treatment for the production of white bread in two stages: opara - dough. Dough is cooked with use of barmy suspension - on big dense sponge doughs in the testoprigotovitelny I8-HTA-6 unit. 70% of bakery grade 1 wheat flour is dosed into the continuous A2ChTT kneading machine using a drum dispenser installed in this machine, and water and yeast suspension are dosed from the Sh2ChDM dosing station. Kneading lasts 5 - 7 minutes. The moisture content of the fire is 45%. The kneaded sponge dough by means of the supercharger of a sponge dough of I8HTA6/3 brand moves in one of sections of the six-section I8HTA6/2 bunker on fermentation. Loading is carried out from above using a rotary tray. Opara wanders for 210 - 240 minutes to an acidity of 3.0 - 4.0 degrees. Chamber temperature 26 30 ° С.
The fermented-out sponge dough by means of the bladed pump of the I8HTA6/4 batcher, is transported on the pipeline to the second testomesitelny A2XTT car where the drum batcher doses the remained amount (30%) of flour, and from the dosing station Sh2HDM - water and salt solution. The dough kneading time is 8 - 12 minutes. The dough humidity is 46%. The kneaded dough the supercharger of I8HTA6/5 test is served in the trough for fermentation of I8HTA6/6 test established directly over a divider funnel - the Sh33HD3U stacker. The initial temperature of the dough is 28 - 32 ° C, the fermentation duration is 20 - 60 minutes to the acidity of 3.5 degree.
The finished dough is supplied to the receiving funnel of the divider - stacker Sh33XD3U, which divides it into pieces and puts it in pre-lubricated with oil the shapes of the proofing cabinet P6XRM. The duration of the proofing is 45 minutes at a temperature of 35 40 ° C and a relative humidity of 75-80%. Then, the dough blanks are delivered to the stove type furnace Sh2XPA25, where they are baked for 48 - 50 minutes at a temperature of 215 - 250 ° C in a moistened baking chamber.
The finished bread is fed through the belt conveyor to the circulation table of the XXG, from where the bread is manually put into the trays of the container XCL18 of 14 pieces into the tray.

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