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Rural Club Project

  • Added: 03.07.2014
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The academic year project on arkhitektureproekt contains: 3 leaves of the A1+ format of a perspektivaplana of the 1st, 2nd floors (scale 1:100) Cuts: longitudinal and cross (scale 1:100) 2 facades (scale 1:100) the Explication pomeshcheniygenplan (scale 1:500) the Prospect is executed in archicad 15 the Explanatory note

Project's Content

icon здание сельского клуба.bak
icon здание сельского клуба.dwg
icon ПЗ.doc
icon готовая перспектива.pln

Additional information


1 Initial data

2 Master Plan

3 Architectural solution

4 Design solutions

5 Acoustic calculation


7 List of literature used

Source Data

The project is intended for the construction of the IDC in the village of Shamonino.

Currently, the site is free from development. The territory of the site is filled with bulk soils removed from the pits of buildings under construction.

According to the degree of stability relative to karst dips, the site is classified as category III (insufficiently stable). By the degree of karst hazard - to zone B (dangerous). Within the IIIB category, construction is possible using a complete set of structural and preventive anti-karst protection measures (PKZ) based on a probable karst failure of 5.3 ± 0, 6 m.

The construction site belongs to I in the climatic area with the following natural-climatic data:

- design winter outside air temperature - minus 35С;

- normative depth of seasonal freezing of soils - 1.8 m;

- snow area - 1U, standard snow load 3.20 kPa;;

- standard wind - 0.30 kPa;

Geomorphologically, the site is confined to the western slope of the watershed of the Belaya and Ufa rivers. Absolute surface elevations vary from 181.95185.700m. The surface of the site is inclined westward (towards the valley of Belaya River).

Attached to the explanatory note are training drawings with a hall with 300 seats.

The building has a size in terms of 39 * 27 m. The water supply comes from the village network, the sewerage goes to the village network. Heating - from an external source, power supply - from an external network. The project provides for low-current devices (radio, telephone, Internet).

2. Master Plan.

The master plan of the residential building was developed in accordance with the scheme of the master plan of the microdistrict and reports on engineering, geodetic and geological surveys.

Surface water removal from the territory of the residential building is designed in an open way, with further discharge of water into the storm sewer.

To create regulatory sanitary and hygienic conditions on the territory of a residential building, the project provides for measures for the improvement and landscaping of the territory.

Engineering networks of water supply, sewerage, electric cables, gas pipelines are designed underground.

In front of the building is a small park with a fountain, with flower beds. Not far from the IDC is the existing building. There is a parking lot for visitors, maintenance staff, employees. An asphalt road passes near the IDC. On the territory of the center there is an economic block, a dance floor, a sports and playground, a reading pavilion and a cinema concert platform. Landscaping provides for lawn and various types of plantations, as well as a hedge.

3. Architectural solution.

Exterior decoration.

The basement is lined with splitter tiles of the Besser type. Stained glass windows, window and door blocks - plastic with two-chamber double-glazed windows. Facade - Venetian plaster, painted with acrylic paint EC40.

Flat roof made of built-up rolled materials "Technoelast"

Interior decoration.

Brick walls, ceilings and partitions are plastered with high-quality plaster. Stitches of partitions from small gypsum board boards are sealed and painted with water-emulsion compositions.

Decorative panels of various materials are arranged in bathrooms and cafes. Where necessary is lined with glazed tiles.

The lobby floors are ceramic slabs, for marble. In other rooms there is a parquet board.

Steel pipes and heating devices are painted with oil paint of light tones, masking cases of wooden elements are equipped.

Ceilings depending on the rooms - curtain, painted with water emulsion paint.

4. Constructive solution.

The building is complex in plan, consisting of two parts of brick with load-bearing walls and a frame of reinforced concrete frame.

The project provides for the construction of a multifunctional leisure center.

Building responsibility class - II

Degree of fire resistance - II

Structural fire hazard class - CO.

Walls and partitions of the designed building are made of ceramic brick according to GOST 53080.

Foundations for walls on natural base - reinforced concrete strip prefabricated

Floors are designed from prefabricated reinforced concrete prestressed panels with round voids according to the series 1.141.01 vol. 64.

Covering of auditorium from ribbed slabs as per GOST 2150687 (1991)

Partitions are made of gypsum boards or brick.

Parquet floors laid on soundproofing gaskets.

Window and door blocks as per GOST 2316699 (with 2001)

Drawings content

icon здание сельского клуба.dwg

здание сельского клуба.dwg
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