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Rural club external power supply


External power supply project of the village club. Rr-47.5 kW, the VULTURE - 0.4 kV

Project's Content

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icon Сельский клуб.ГП.dwg

Additional information

General data. Object characteristic

According to the specifications C1300916176/102 dated 11.07.2013, issued by the branch of OJSC MOESK "Northern Electric Networks," it is necessary to carry out the construction of VLI0.4kV from BMTP No. 193 to the applicant's site at the address: village Novoseltsevo, st. Central vl. XXXXX. for electric power supply to the cultural center.

To do this, perform the following scope of work :

From the existing support No. 31, F-2 to the intake installed on border of the land plot to mount three-phase branch VLI0.4kV a wire of the L=22.2m SIP2A 3х70+1х70 brand.

Connect the branch to BMTP193 located on support No. 31, F-2.

Install three-phase input with 4x95 VBGngLS cable from the receiving device to the hydraulic system

The wire on projected VLI0.4kV is accepted SIP2 3h70+1h70 brands. The length of the designed overhead line is 22.2m. VVI0.4kV is laid by existing supports. Refer to Sheet 12.0222.1-EC for LEP0.4kV route. According to PUE (7th edition, para. 2.4.55), at the greatest boom of the sag, the distance from the WFD wires to the roadways of the streets should be at least 5 meters.

The cable of the designed entry into the building is accepted as VBGngLS 4x95. The length of the designed input is 20 m. The cable is laid in a cable channel suspended from the ceiling .

The receiving device from the modular combination disconnector-fuse with fuse inserts for rated current 100A installed in the box YBPVu100AIP54 is attached on the wall near the place of cable entry into the building at a height of at least 2.5 m from ground level. Wire entry and cable output are performed from below through sealed leads.

All metal enclosures, cable trays must be connected to the grounding loop of the club.

Pass through the walls in steel pipes, the number of pipes to be calculated is 25% more than the number of cables, but not less than 1 in reserve.

Lay backup pipes with non-combustible, easily removable mass (for example, clay cement mixture).

In the project, all building materials are applied standard, factory-made.

Drawings content

icon Сельский клуб.ГП.dwg

Сельский клуб.ГП.dwg