Diploma project of water supply of rural settlement

- Added: 29.07.2014
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Additional information
1 Natural conditions of the construction site
1.1 Geographical location of the object. Relief
1.2 Climate
1.3 Geology and Hydrogeology
2 Characteristics of the water supply system
2.1 Source Selection
2.2 Water Supply Scheme
3 Water Management Calculation
3.1 Water users and water consumption standards
3.2 Determination of estimated water flow rates
3.3 Fire-fighting water supply
4 Groundwater intake
5 Environmental measures
5.1 Sanitary protection of the water supply system
5.2 Sanitary measures within the boundaries of zones
5.3 Operational activities
5.4 Environmental Protection
6 Water Supply Calculation
6.1 Water conduit
6.2 Hydraulic calculation of the water supply network
7 Network detail and water pipes
7.1 Detail of the network and structures on it
7.2 Water pipes
8 Spare and regulating facilities
8.1 Water Tower
8.2 Clean Water Tank
9 Pumping stations
9.1 First Lift Pump Station
9.2 Second Lift Pump Station
10 Organization of construction and works
10.1 Earthworks
10.1.1 Calculation of Scope of Work
10.1.2 Selection of machines and mechanisms
10.1.3 Excavation Technology
10.2 Concrete works
10.2.1 Calculation of concrete works quantities
10.2.3 Selection of machines and mechanisms
10.2.4 Process of concrete works
10.3 Installation of precast reinforced concrete elements
10.4 Waterproofing
10.5 Tank testing
10.6 Job Instruction
11 Project business case
12 Occupational safety
12.1 Organization of construction site, work areas and workplaces
12.2 Ensuring safety during earthworks
12.3 Ensuring safety during operation of construction machines
12.4 Ensuring safety during concrete works
12.5 Ensuring safety during insulation works
12.6 Safety during installation works
12.7 Organization of sanitary facilities
List of used literature
Among many branches of modern technology aimed at improving the standard of living of people, improving settlements and developing industry, water supply occupies a large and honorable place.
Providing the population with clean, benign water is of great hygienic importance. The supply of sufficient water to the settlement allows raising the general level of its improvement. To meet the water needs of modern large cities, huge amounts of water are needed, measured in millions of cubic meters per day. Production processes in industrial enterprises are also accompanied by a large consumption of water. At the same time, enterprises of separate industries and energy utilities consume a lot of water, often significantly exceeding the municipal water consumption of large cities. That task, as well as ensuring the high sanitation of drinking water, required careful selection of natural sources, their protection from pollution and proper treatment of water in piped facilities.
At present, owing to the large increase in water consumption and the inadequacy of local natural water sources in a number of areas, it is increasingly necessary to address water management problems in an integrated manner in order to ensure the most rational and cost-effective provision of all water users and users of the area. In our country, a comprehensive solution to the problems of water management is widely used in planning the development of the national economy.
In the Altai Territory, water supply is assigned a significant role. Sources of water supply provide for groundwater and only where their reserves are insufficient, surface sources are provided. Group water pipelines were developed using groundwater of drinking quality without purification.
The purpose of the project: reconstruction of the water supply system of the village. Siberian Pervomaisky district of Altai Territory.
Tasks: provision of water consumers in the village of Sibirsky with uninterrupted supply of drinking quality water in the required quantity.
Natural conditions of the construction site
1.1 Geographical location of the object. Relief.
The village of Sibirsky, Pervomaisky District, is located in the north of the Altai Territory. It borders with Talmensky, Kosikhinsky, Zarinsky, Zalesovsky, Kalmansky, Troitsky and Topchikhinsky districts. The West Siberian Railway (Tsaplino station) passes through the territory of the village. Near the village is a federal highway (Novosibirsk highway M52). The construction site is located 40 km from the city of Barnaul in the northern direction. Transport links are carried out along an asphalt road.
The relief of the site is lowered from southeast to northwest. The elevation difference in the area is from 180 to 155 m.
1.2 Climate
The climate of the region is sharply continental with long winters and short hot summers. Climatic conditions are given according to long-term observations of the nearest weather station in the city of Novoaltaysk:
- average annual air temperature is + 1.1 ° С;
- in January, the lowest temperature is noted (17.7 ° C) and the absolute minimum is 42 ° C. The repeatability of very low temperatures, below 35 ° C is about 1% over the winter;
- the average monthly air temperature of the warmest month of July is + 22 ° С. The absolute maximum is + 38 ° C;
- the average annual rainfall is 613 mm;
- snow cover is established in early November and lies until the beginning of April. The height of the snow cover at the end of winter is 61.7 cm, maximum - 117 cm;
- the direction of the prevailing winds is southwest in January and northeast in July.
1.3 Geology and Hydrogeology
Soils along the routes of water supply and water supply are represented by refractory loams. Standard depth of ground freezing is 2.0 m.
Groundwater lies at a depth of more than 10 m. The greatest rise in groundwater is observed in the spring, in the summer there is intensive evaporation and a decrease in level. By the end of autumn - the beginning of winter, the groundwater level stabilizes and remains unchanged during winter.
The chemical composition of water is mainly hydrocarbonate sulfate. In relation to normal density concrete, groundwater has low aggressiveness.
2 Characteristics of the water supply system
2.1 Source Selection
The increase in water consumption in agriculture requires an increase in the use of existing and the construction of new water supply systems. From an economic point of view, this problem is solved quickly and effectively through the use of underground sources, whose water does not often require purification. At the same time, the construction of complex and expensive treatment plants occupying large areas, the use of reagents is excluded. Groundwater is found at various depths and, depending on the geological conditions of the aquifer, can be headless (groundwater and interplate waters) and pressure (artesian waters).
Underground water supply source is selected depending on local conditions based on feasibility study.
To solve the main problems (selection of type, scheme, water intake design) it is necessary to have data of engineering-geological and hydrogeological surveys [11].
To provide sufficient water supply, the project provides for the construction of three exploration wells (2 workers and 1 reserve). The production rates of the working wells are 16 and 25 m3/h, and the reserve - 22 m3/h. The first well (flow rate 16 m3/h) is fed from an aquifer located at a depth of 163 m. The aquifer feeding the second well (flow rate 25 m3/h) lies at a depth of 131 m (reserve well No. 3 takes water from the same aquifer).
Aquifers - pressure, composed of fine sands. The water stop is dense clay.
The water supply source satisfies the following requirements:
1) the minimum source flow rate corresponds to the water consumption for the domestic, industrial and fire protection needs of the livestock complex;
2) water quality in the source meets the requirements of SanPiN [14];
3) the territory on which the water supply source is located is sufficient for the organization of sanitary protection zones;
4) the source does not freeze or become clogged with wastewater.
Underground water allows you to organize a water supply directly at livestock farms without building expensive main pipelines.
2.2 Water Supply Scheme
Water supply systems are a complex of interconnected structures designed to provide consumers in the water of any facility. In general, the tasks of water supply systems include: obtaining water from a natural source, transporting it to the site and supplying it to all sampling points.
In accordance with the listed tasks of the water supply system, the following types of water supply facilities are included in its composition:
a) water intake facilities;
b) pump stations;
c) regulating and spare capacities;
d) water pipelines and water supply networks.
The choice of the optimal water supply scheme is made taking into account the required water consumption, the availability of its supply, operational and sanitary conditions and fire prevention measures [10].
For the village of Siberian Pervomaisky district, we accept an economical version of a potable water supply system combined with a low-pressure fire water supply system. Water from water intake wells No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 (reserve) is supplied by submersible pumps through a water pipeline to two clean water tanks, and from the RChV by the drinking pump of the pump station IIgo lifting to the water tower and already from the water tower through the water pipeline to two lines enters the water supply network. The water supply network is provided with 6 rings.
During fire extinguishing, the fire pump is turned on and the domestic drinking pump is turned off.
All water wells and all water supply facilities are located on the same site.
3 Water Management Calculation
3.1 Water users and water consumption standards
The main water users in the village of Sibirsky are: a population of 2426 people, animals in personal use, public animal husbandry, as well as the industrial sector.
Daily water consumption for each group of water users is determined by the average daily standards, according to SNiP [16] and VNTP for the Altai Territory.
By the norm of water consumption is meant the amount of water intended for one consumer per unit time. The unit of measurement of water consumption rate is l/day.
When choosing water consumption standards, local conditions are taken into account (degree of improvement, level of buildings, climate, etc.).
The norm of water consumption for the population living in the area beyond construction by buildings with water use from water collection columns is taken equal to 40 l/day. per resident; for the population with internal sewage, but without hot water supply - 100 l/day. per resident; for the population without internal sewage and hot water supply - 70 l/day. per resident; for the population with internal sewage and hot water supply - 250 l/day. per resident. The following facilities also belong to the housing and communal sector:
Store - 250 l/day.
House of Culture - 8l/day.
Kindergarten - 75 l/day.
School - 10 l/day.
Polyclinic - 13 l/day.
Administrative building - 12 l/day.
For individual livestock we adopt the following water requirements:
CRS - 100 l/day.
Pigs - 25 l/day.
Bird - 0.3 l/day.
The water consumption rate for poultry farms (public livestock) is 0.7 l/day.
The quantity of products produced by the coke factory is 300 tons/day. The norm of water consumed for the manufacture of 1 ton of coke is assumed to be 0.57 m3.
3.3 Fire-fighting water supply
When designing water supply systems, in accordance with the design standards, fire-fighting water supply systems are provided, which serve as a source of water supply for mobile equipment and fire extinguishing plants.
According to the existing design rules, the water supply is calculated on the assumption that the fire occurs during the hours of maximum water intake, that is, at the moment of the most strenuous operation of the system.
When calculating the water supply system for work during a fire, one should proceed from the possibility of fire in the most elevated and farthest points of the territory served by the water supply.
According to the fire extinguishing method, water pipelines are divided into high-pressure water pipelines and low-pressure water pipelines.
With a high-pressure fire extinguishing system, the water supply must at the appropriate moment ensure not only the supply to the fire site established by the fire water consumption standards, but also an increase in the pressure in the water supply network to a value sufficient to create fire jets directly from the hydrant.
With a low-pressure fire extinguishing system, the water supply system should provide only an increased water flow rate due to fire.
The head for receiving fire jets is created by mobile fire pumps brought by the fire brigade to the fire site and taking water from the water supply network through hydrants. In this case, the pressure in the pipes serving the area adjacent to the fire site is reduced.
Initial data for calculation of water supply in case of fire - fire rates and water reserves, probable number of simultaneous fires and free pressures in the network during fire extinguishing - are determined by SNiP [16].
The following fire prevention measures are provided for this project:
- domestic water supply system, combined with low-pressure fire fighting system, which corresponds to the minimum free head in the network during fire extinguishing - 10 m above the ground surface;
- estimated water flow rate during fire extinguishing - 10 l/s at estimated number of fires - one;
- estimated duration of fire extinguishing - 3 hours;
- storage of 3-hour fire volume of water in clean water tanks;
- a small volume of water for the first 10 minutes of fire extinguishing, until the fire pump is turned on, store in the water tower;
- fire volume inviolability in tanks is ensured by automatic operation of household and drinking pumps;
- maximum period of fire volume recovery - 72 hours.
By the degree of fire hazard, all water pipeline structures belong to the production category D [16].


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