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Vertical drilling machine model 2D125 - heading


The work includes: 2nd item, 3rd item, 4th item, 5th item, introduction, content, list of literature, cover and cover sheet of course work. All these items are also available in pdf format. There are drawings in the autocade: dimensions of the working space, rotation speed graph, kinematic diagram, coupling, structural grid.

Project's Content

icon Габариты рабочего пространства.bak
icon Габариты рабочего пространства.dwg
icon График частот вращения станка.bak
icon График частот вращения станка.dwg
icon Кинематическая схема.bak
icon Кинематическая схема.dwg
icon муфта.bak
icon муфта.dwg
icon Структурная сетка.bak
icon Структурная сетка.dwg
icon 2-ой пункт .pdf
icon 3-ий пункт.pdf
icon 4-ый пункт.pdf
icon 5-ый пункт.pdf
icon График частот вращения станка.pdf
icon муфта.pdf
icon Обложка и титульный лист курсового проекта.pdf
icon Содержание.pdf
icon Список литературы.pdf
icon 2-ой пункт .doc
icon 3-ий пункт.docx
icon 4-ый пункт.docx
icon 5-ый пункт.doc
icon введение.docx
icon Обложка и титульный лист курсового проекта.docx
icon Содержание.docx
icon Список литературы.docx

Additional information



1 Introduction

2 Development of technical characteristics of the machine

2.1 Overview of vertical drilling machines

2.1.1 Purpose

2.1.2 Application of vertical drilling machines

2.1.3 Layout of vertical drilling machines

2.1.4 Peculiarities of process equipment installation

2.1.5 Workpiece Installation

2.1.6 Technical characteristics of vertical drilling machines

3 Determination of the main characteristics of the machine

3.1. Select Feed

3.2. Calculation of cutting speed

3.2.1 Calculation of minimum cutting speed

3.2.2 Calculation of maximum cutting speed

3.3 Selection of initial data

3.3.1 Calculation of rotation speeds

3.4 Calculation of speed control range

3.5 Selection of denominator of geometric series

3.6 Calculation of the number of speed stages

3.7 Calculation of main motion drive power

3.7.1 Calculation of machine spindle power

3.7.2 Torque calculation

3.8 Calculation of wheel teeth numbers

3.9 Electric motor selection

4. Structural calculations of machine parts and mechanisms

4.1 Coupling calculation

5. Operation of the machine

5.1 Machine Operation and Maintenance Manual

5.2 Tooling used on the machine

List of literature

1 Introduction

This course project was carried out at the cycle commission "Metal Cutting Machines and Information Technologies" in the discipline "Metal Cutting Machines."

The project was developed on the basis of the assignment for course design from 11.10.2013: "Develop a technical design of a vertical drilling machine."

The project has developed the technical characteristics of a vertical drilling machine. Kinematic calculation of machine main motion drive is made. Design calculation of the coupling was made. The issues of machine operation are described.

Also drawings are made: spindle rotation speed graph, kinematic scheme of machine main motion drive, structural elements of machine base surfaces.

 Overview of vertical drilling machines

2.1.1 Purpose

Drilling machines are designed to drill holes, thread them with a throttle, stretch and lap holes, cut disks from sheet material, etc. These operations are performed by drills, countersinks, drills and other similar tools

2.1.2 Application of vertical drilling machines

Machines of this type can be used in single and serial production.

2.1.4 Peculiarities of process equipment installation

Cutting tool on drilling machines is fixed directly in conical hole of spindle or by means of intermediate bushings and mandrels.

When directly fixed in the spindle (Figure 2.3, a), the drill is held by friction; besides, the tool has a tab entering the spindle slot and transmitting torque. In case of small dimensions of the tool, transitional conical bushings (Fig. 2.3, b), also equipped with legs for torque transmission, are used to attach it in the spindle. Use cutting sleeves to fixing of the tools (drills, counterboring tools, development, etc.) having a cylindrical shaft (fig. 2.3, c), the outer surface of which is conical and the inner surface is cylindrical.

Operation of the machine

5.1 Machine Operation and Maintenance Manual

Machine installation

Installation of the machine on the foundation is carried out in accordance with the installation drawing.

It is necessary that the foundation is well hardened before installation of the machine. Voids and cracks in the solidified foundation are not allowed.

The accuracy of the machine depends to a large extent on the correctness of its installation. The machine on the foundation shall be reconciled using a level. Required installation accuracy in longitudinal and transverse direction 0.01-0.02 mm per 1000 mm.

When laying the foundation, it is necessary to provide four wells with a section of 90 × 90 and a depth of 280 mm for foundation bolts.

After reconciliation of the machine, the fundamental bolts are poured with cement mortar 1:3 (one part of cement and three parts of sand).

After concrete hardening, tighten the nuts of the fundamental bolts, checking the position of the machine by the level.

The bolts must be tightened evenly and smoothly. After tightening of bolts, cement mortar is poured under the machine and the foundation is finished. The foundation depth is selected depending on the soil, but not less than 300 mm.

During testing, the machine must operate smoothly, without vibrations and beating.

If there is a reinforced concrete floor, the machine can be installed without a special foundation. However, in this case, it is necessary to provide a well for the table lifting screw.

Preparation of machine for start-up

At the beginning of the working day, the machine system is started in the following order: inspection of the equipment for the absence of visible malfunctions (breakdowns, cracks, oil leaks); check of all mechanisms and units in initial position; check of level of oil on oil indicators in tanks, tanks, tanks for lubricant, etc.; checking the condition of cutting tools; familiarizing yourself with the work log entries made by the installers of the previous shift and troubleshooting the noted problems; lubrication of equipment in accordance with the lubrication system maintenance map; check of disconnection of the input circuit breaker after voltage supply by the "Emergency stop" button; sound (or light) warning signal before electric motors start-up; start of the machine system at idle or in adjustment mode, check of pressure in the hydraulic system units, actuation of the lubrication system, check of the cooling system operation, troubleshooting of the observed problems; actuation of electric motors for 5... 10 min before starting the machine system for the automatic cycle; actuation of lubrication system 20 min before operation of machines with hydrodynamic bearings; Check of procurement stock taking into account delivery schedule actuation of the machine tool system in the automatic cycle.

Lubrication of the machine

Before the initial filling of the lubricant, it is necessary to wash the oil tanks with gasoline or lighting kerosene, then fill them with oil.

Filling of oil tanks is performed through oil tanks and plugs. The oil level in the drill head is monitored by the oil indicator.

It is recommended to change oil for the first time after 10 days of work, for the second time after 20 days, and then every 3 months. Oil is drained from the drill head through the plug. After oil draining during replacement, thoroughly rinse the oil tanks with gasoline or lighting kerosene. The oil must be pre-filtered through a mesh before filling. The lubrication system shall be reviewed every 3 months.

Before starting work on the machine, immediately after turning the spindle rotation to the right, you need to check the operation of the oil pump. The test is performed by the pointer on the front wall of the drill head.

During normal operation of the pump, the oil must continuously flow out of the hole and fall on the pointing glass.

Only by making sure that the pump is working properly and lubricating all other points can you start working on the machine.

If no oil is supplied to the pointing glass or to other points of lubrication, immediately stop the machine, detect and eliminate the cause.

Do not start working on the machine in case of malfunctioning lubrication system.

During operation, check the normal operation of the lubrication system periodically. All rotating surfaces which are not specifically lubricated shall be lubricated with solidol during assembly.

For lubrication it is necessary to apply oils of the following characteristics: industrial 20 as per GOST 1707 - 51, solidol US-2 as per GOST 1033 - 51.

Preparation of machine for initial start-up

After the installation of the machine on the foundation, it is necessary to wash off the anticorrosion coating and wash the machine mechanisms.

The washed outer surfaces of the machine are rubbed with a clean cloth and covered with a thin layer of oil to protect against corrosion. It is not allowed to use metal objects for cleaning the machine.

After removing the corrosion coating and washing the machine, it is necessary to:

clean and remove preservation lubricant from contacts;

lubricate the machine;

check the condition of electrical equipment, insulation of wires, windings of electrical machines and devices;

check the value of grounding resistance supplied to the machine from the shop grounding circuit;

pour the emulsion into the cooling tank.

5.2 Tooling used on the machine

The operations performed on the drilling machine shall be performed by the equipment specified in paragraph (2.1.1).

Drawings content

icon Габариты рабочего пространства.dwg

Габариты рабочего пространства.dwg

icon График частот вращения станка.dwg

График частот вращения станка.dwg

icon Кинематическая схема.dwg

Кинематическая схема.dwg

icon муфта.dwg


icon Структурная сетка.dwg

Структурная сетка.dwg

icon 2-ой пункт .pdf

icon 3-ий пункт.pdf

icon 4-ый пункт.pdf

icon 5-ый пункт.pdf

icon муфта.pdf

icon Обложка и титульный лист курсового проекта.pdf

icon Содержание.pdf

icon Список литературы.pdf

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