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Ventilation, heating, heat supply, condensation of BELSHINA OJSC workshop

  • Added: 14.08.2014
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Minsk 2007. Drawings in Autocade 2007 and adobe acrobat (pdf).

Heat supply
The heat supply source of the production premises is urban heating networks.

Project's Content

icon Венткамеры.dwg
icon в1.pdf
icon в2.pdf
icon в3.pdf
icon К12.pdf
icon К24.pdf
icon К8.pdf
icon Общие данные (начало).dwg
icon Общие данные(окончание).dwg
icon 1. Общие данные(начало)(ф.А2).pdf
icon 10. Схемы тепло-холодоснабжения К24-В3(ф.А1).pdf
icon 2. Общие данные(окончание)(ф.А1).pdf
icon 3. План на отм. 0.000, 9.600 в осях 19-51, А1-В2 (ф. А1).pdf
icon 4. Схемы К12, К24 (ф.А1).pdf
icon 5. Схемы К8, В1, В2, В3(ф.А1).pdf
icon 6. План на отм. 9.600 в осях 19-21,А1-В2 и 49-51,А1-Б2(ф.А1).pdf
icon 7. Разрез 1-1,2-2,3-3,4-4.pdf
icon 8. Схемы тепло-холодоснабжения К8-В1(ф.А1).pdf
icon 9. Схемы тепло-холодоснабжения К12-В2(ф.А1).pdf
icon ПЗ записка.doc
icon План вент-ии.dwg
icon Разрезы.dwg
icon Спецификация.doc
icon Схемы вент-ии.dwg
icon Узлы обвязки.dwg
icon Участок сборки.dwg

Additional information



1. Source and general data

2. Heating and heat supply

3. Ventilation

4. Conditioning

5. Fire fighting measures

6. Noise protection measures

7. Number of HVAC system operation personnel

8. Main provisions for operation of HVAC systems

9. HVAC Automation

Appendix 1. Annual heating and ventilation costs

Explanatory Note

Source and general data

The initial data for the design of the design object section is the Design Task approved by the Customer, Contract No. P046, as well as the tasks of the developers of adjacent parts of the project - architectural, technological, etc.

The project provides for the development of design documentation for ventilation, heat supply, air conditioning systems.

Section II is developed in accordance with the requirements of the existing Norms and Rules:

- SNB 4.02.0103, "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning";

- SNiP 2.01.0285 * "Fire Safety Standards";

- SNiP 2.04.1488 "Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines";

- SNiP 3.05.0785 "Automation Systems";

- SNB 2.04.022000 "Construction climatology";

- SNB 2.04.011997 "Construction heat engineering";

- SNiP II1277 "Noise protection";

- SNiP 2.09.0285 * ed. 1991 "" Production buildings

- Manual 5.91 to SNiP 2.04.0591. "Accommodation of ventilation equipment;

- Allowance 7.91 to SNiP 2.04.0591. "Duct layouts in buildings";

- Allowance 8.91 to SNiP 2.04.0591. "Number of personnel for operation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems";

- Allowance 9.91 to SNiP 2.04.0591. "Annual energy consumption by heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems";

- Allowance 13.91 to SNiP 2.04.0591. "Fire-fighting requirements for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems."

The building has designed modern engineering equipment of import production, which has high technical and operational characteristics, confirmed by Certificates of compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents of the Republic of Belarus. In case of equipment replacement, a Certificate shall be drawn up in the established form, certified by signatures and seals of the Customer, the Supplier and the Designer.

During execution of the entire set of installation works, as well as upon its completion, Concealed Works Certificates shall be drawn up in the established form and for the most critical types of installation for its compliance with design solutions - see sheet 1 of the main set of drawings .

Heat supply

The heat supply source of the production premises is urban heating networks.

For the heating system of ventilation systems, a coolant with high parameters (9570 ° С) is provided.

In order to save heat for heating the supply air, a heat recovery system with a glycol heat exchanger is provided. 45% ethylene glycol solution is used as heat recovery system coolant .

For automation systems of plenum plants, refer to Section

Annual heat consumption by the system and ventilation - see Annex 1.


Mechanical systems of plenum and exhaust ventilation are provided in the production room.

The project provides for the replacement of the existing plenum units P18, P24 with central air conditioners K8, K24 and the installation of exhaust systems B1, B2, B3 with built-in glycol heat relievers, as well as the central air conditioner K12.

Plenum and exhaust plants are located in ventilation chamber at el. 9.600.

Air distributors of supply air are of adjustable type with variable pattern of air distribution and are evenly distributed over the entire area of the production area. This type of air terminal is specially designed for large buildings with high ceilings, the specified air exchange and the optimal temperature in the working area with minimum air mobility. The main feature of these diffusers is the effective supply of cold air without feeling through and the effective supply of warm air for heating the room.

The supply and exhaust air ducts are laid between the trusses.

Plenum air ducts are made of galvanized steel of class "P" and are insulated with piercing thermal insulation packages 60 mm thick, over fiberglass. Exhaust air ducts are made of cold rolled sheet rolled stock and coated with oil and bitumen paint in two layers along the ground GF021 in one layer.


In the area of the production room, air conditioning is provided by installing a cooling section in the central air conditioner with subsequent supply of prepared air to the served section through a network of air ducts.

The source of cold for the cold supply system of the plenum plant is cooled water with parameters 7/12С.

Drainage from the plenum and exhaust plant shall be provided in the pit or in the central sewage system with jet rupture.

Control of heat/cold system capacity is provided with the help of the frequency regulator of supply and exhaust fans.

The following are used as air conditioning system pipelines: steel water and gas pipes.

Fire fighting measures

The following are accepted as fire-fighting measures during operation of the designed systems:

1. Air ducts made of non-combustible materials are used;

2. Automatic shutdown of systems in case of fire.

Noise protection measures

To reduce the noise generated by ventilation units, the following measures are envisaged:

1. Selection of fans operating on a specific network of air ducts is made taking into account achievement of maximum efficiency of fan operation;

2. Smooth supply and air taps are provided for the mains;

3. The section of air ducts is selected for the speeds of moving air in the main sections - up to 12 m/s, on branches - up to 5 m/s.

Number of HVAC system operation personnel

The number of permanent personnel for maintenance, maintenance and overhaul of the designed ventilation and air conditioning systems is 2 people in the energy service.

Main provisions for operation of HVAC systems

In the production room, modern engineering systems for creating and maintaining a microclimate at the production site of the SKGSH workshop are designed, using energy-saving technologies and allowing to reduce operating costs.

Ventilation on the site is provided using general exchange ventilation systems according to the "top-up" scheme - supply air is supplied and removed in the upper part of the room .

Operation of ventilation systems provides for periodic inspection of ventilated rooms for air quality, its mobility in the working area, as well as noise levels. In order to eliminate the detected deviations arising, as a rule, during the initial period of operation or with a complete or partial change in the functional purpose of the premises, clarification adjustments of aerodynamic linkage and air distribution should be carried out in a timely manner. Depending on the concentration of dust in the environment in the area of the designed building, it is necessary to clean filters in plenum ventilation systems at least 2-4 times a year.

In the production room, centralized conditioning of the SKGSH section is provided. During operation, periodic cleaning of filters is required for heat circulation units/coolant, heat recovery unit.

After acceptance of the facility for operation, the general contractor shall submit the author's supervision log filled and certified with signatures and seals to the operating organization or to the building operation service (Item 5.8., NSS 1.03.032000).

For the most effective performance of the entire set of works on regulation of heat supply, ventilation, air conditioning systems - the service of operation of these systems should maintain a special log with records of identified problems and measures for their elimination, as well as for performed preventive work. In the event of difficulties, faults or other unforeseen situations during operation, contact the relevant specialized organizations involved in the adjustment and repair of these HVAC systems, as well as the authors of the project.

HVAC Automation

Automation of ventilation and air conditioning systems - see automation section.

Appendix 1.

Data on heat consumption in ventilation systems and installed power of electric motors

The total established cold flow is 1858.6 kW;

Installed capacity of electric motors includes power supply of ventilation system and circulation pumps;

When calculating heat consumption by ventilation systems it is accepted:

- number of working days per year: 255,

- number of hours of use per day: 24.

Drawings content

icon Венткамеры.dwg


icon Общие данные (начало).dwg

Общие данные (начало).dwg

icon Общие данные(окончание).dwg

Общие данные(окончание).dwg

icon План вент-ии.dwg

План вент-ии.dwg

icon Разрезы.dwg


icon Схемы вент-ии.dwg

Схемы вент-ии.dwg

icon Узлы обвязки.dwg

Узлы обвязки.dwg

icon Участок сборки.dwg

Участок сборки.dwg

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