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Tunnel type bakery oven


The project contains 3 drawings and an explanatory note consisting of 7 sheets.

Project's Content

icon записка шикула.docx
icon питание таранЯра2.bak
icon питание таранЯра2.dwg
icon принципиальная таран - Яра2.bak
icon принципиальная таран - Яра2.dwg
icon схемма автоматизации таран - Яра.bak
icon схемма автоматизации таран - Яра.dwg

Additional information

Development of baking oven automation scheme in GOST 21.40485 and its description.

The functions, technological means and their connections, selected control modes are given in the automation diagram. In the diagram, all functions: automatic control, measurement, monitoring and alarm are provided by a personal computer. The control is provided by the microprocessor controller (IPC ).

APCS provides for:

Moisture stabilization in the first furnace zone. The circuit for obtaining humidity information in the first zone of the furnace consists of: ME (11a) - humidity sensor located in place, MU (11b) - converter with unified output signal located in place and single-channel process indicator (ITM2) located in the panel - UI.

The measurement circuit in the first zone consists of: primary converter - TEY9a (thermocouple with unified output signal - THAU 0388), located in place. There is also a showing device - UI9b (single-channel indicator process ITM1).

The measurement circuit in the second zone consists of: primary converter - TEY13a (thermocouple with unified output signal - THAU 0388), located in place.

The measurement circuit in the third zone consists of: primary converter - TEY14a (thermocouple with unified output signal - THAU 0388), located in place.

Gas, steam and air pressure is signaled according to the scheme: PISA (6b, 15b, 21b, 22b) - device for indication, switching and pressure alarm, located in place (EKM1U - electrical contact manometer), and is also signaled by bulbs of type MOdonbass 01.

The presence of the ignition flare and the main flare is monitored according to the following scheme: BE (16a) - in-situ flare sensor, BSA (16b) - electrical contact device for flare alarm located on the panel, and is also signaled by a lamp of type MOdonbass 01.

Control of the ignition device. The measuring circuit has the form: HS button station for manual control of the lighter located on the control board and the high-voltage transformer of the EU in place (electric igniter EZU1M).

Control of motor actuators 1, 2, 3, 4 includes control mode switch (manual/automatic) HS located on control board.

The speed of the tape is monitored using the SE7a (tachometric speed sensor with indicator).

Sound alarm: HA - call.

Electrical Schematic Diagram Description

Let us consider circuit diagrams separately, that is, we will describe separately the circuits of connection of sensors, normalizing converters, power motors.

The electric power drive control circuit consists of: control mode switch (manual/automatic) SA1, SA2, SA3, SA4, SA18, SA19. In case of manual control mode selection, in-place control buttons are provided (SB1 - "start" and SB2 - "stop").

Electrical circuit diagrams should also include the connection of sensors to secondary devices, and then to the IPC.

The temperature measuring circuit, for example, in the first baking zone consists of a thermocouple with a unified output signal and a microprocessor process indicator (a humidity sensor is also connected to it). The 24V power supply unit is required for THAU0388 operation.

The flare control circuit in the furnace consists of a flame sensor connected to the flare control device supplied from the 220V AC mains.

The control circuit of the ignition device is an electric ignition device of the EZU supplied from the alternating current network with a voltage of 220V.

The pressure (discharge) control circuit is represented by the electric contact pressure gauge EKM1U, which is supplied from the alternating current network with voltage of 220V.

Description of the power circuit diagram.

The power circuit diagram is designed to indicate the number of electric power receivers, their electrical characteristics, as well as the method of connecting them to the main network.

To control power drives, actuators, to power the devices, a phase voltage of 220V is required. That is, connection to one of the phases of the three-phase network is carried out using the switch SA. Next, we need power for control circuitry, alarm circuitry, controller, computer, etc. To do this, after the switch, we remove the power wire for all the above-mentioned receivers. These wires will be connected/disconnected to the phase using SA1 circuit breakers... SA8.

It is generally accepted that the power supply equipment to the TSA is arranged in the power board. Lighting lamp, soldering iron socket and transfer socket are provided in this board for adjustment works.

Describes how to connect to the controller.

As mentioned above, a modular type ADAM microcontroller will be used to organize the reception of process information and to provide control effects to the process.

IPC connection diagram means a drawing document indicating ODR modules and their relationship with TSA.

To build a SAU section of bread baking, we need to use 3 ODR modules: 7-channel analog input module ADAM5017; Two 9 channel ADAM5050 discrete input modules. This diagram also shows the power connection to the modules and their interface to the computer.


In this work, the design of the system for automatic control of the bread baking area in the bakery oven was considered. We have done the following design work:

- have chosen the structure of the automation system that best meets the organization of TP;

- selected TSA and instruments, the use of which will lead to high economic and operational efficiency of the automation system.

As well as the designed self-propelled guns were fully developed using the drawing documentation. The main schemes were developed:

- automation,

- electrical principle,

- power supply,

When using these schemes, you can judge the level of automation of the section considered.

This project is a technical study of the automation system. It shows the real need for TSA, the order, rules and possibilities of their implementation in the technological process.

Drawings content

icon питание таранЯра2.dwg

питание таранЯра2.dwg

icon принципиальная таран - Яра2.dwg

принципиальная таран - Яра2.dwg

icon схемма автоматизации таран - Яра.dwg

схемма автоматизации таран - Яра.dwg

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