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Water intake unit of housing development - GS, NPP, EOM


VZU project on the territory of cottage development

Project's Content

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Additional information



1 Explanatory Note (DBE)

1.1 Basis for preparation of design documentation

1.2 Brief description of the construction site

2 Diagram of planning organization of the land plot (GP)

2.1 General characteristics of the site location

2.2. Sanitary protection areas of water supply source (art well)

3 Architectural Solutions (IVS)

3.1 Facade and roof of pump station building

4 Structural and space-planning solutions (CG)

4.1 Geotechnical Survey

4.1.1 General characteristics of the construction site

4.2 Climatic characteristics of the construction area

4.3 Architectural and construction solution of the pavilion building and fire tanks

4.3.1 General provisions

4.3.2 Foundation, base plate, walls, pavilion of pump station pavilion building, fire tank

4.3.3 External walls, roof, doors and windows, interior decoration, pavilion pavilion of pump station

4.3.4 Energy conservation measures

4.3.5 Measures to protect building structures from corrosion

4.3.6 Measures to protect buried parts of buildings from groundwater

4.3.7 Measures for backfilling of foundation sinuses and measures to combat frost swelling

5 Data on the engineering equipment, networks of technical providing (OV, VK, EOM, AOV)

5.1 Power supply system

5.2 Water supply system

5.2.1 General Information

5.2.2 Well equipment for operation

5.2.3 Drinking and fire-fighting water supply

5.2.4 Measures to reduce noise and vibration from pump units

5.3 Water Disposal System

5.4 Heating and ventilation system

5.4.1 General provisions

5.4.2 Pump station pavilion

5.4.3 Noise and vibration protection measures

5.4.4 Safety measures during operation of heating systems

5.5 Automation Process Solutions at Water Intake Unit

6 Construction Organization Project (PIC)

6.1 Construction Milestones

6.2 Safety precautions during works

7 Demolition or Dismantling Organization Project

8 List of Environmental Protection Measures (EHS)

8.1 Measures to protect groundwater from pollution

8.2 Measures to protect the environment during works

8.3 Measures during operation of water intake from groundwater:

9 Fire Safety Measures (WPT)

9.1. Fire fighting measures

9.2. Fire-fighting measures for heating and ventilation systems


1 Graphic materials, drawings

Excavation from construction site plot plan (1:500)

Construction site situational plan (1: 10,000);


2 Text Materials:

Balance of water consumption and water disposal approved in MBVU No. 0 dd.

Conclusion of OJSC "" on hydrogeological conditions of the subsoil area emanating from the year;

The design of the water intake unit provides for the construction of the following structures in the ZSO (sanitary protection area):

Pump station pavilion, including: 2nd lift pump station; water intake metering unit from wells;

Water line - 2 inlets per D110 mm each (accepted according to the design of external water supply networks, PE 80 SDR17 is recommended according to GOST 185992001);

Solid pavement to the VZU building and well;

Scheme of planning organization of land plot (GP)

2.1 General characteristics of the site location

The relief of the site is calm with a slight slope with a difference in absolute elevations of 197.80 - 198.00 m.

For geotechnical surveys at the site of the designed object, refer to the appendix to the project "Excavation from geotechnical surveys...."

For the geological structure and hydrogeological conditions of surface waters, see the text appendix.

In case of violation of surface runoff, local formation of the headwater is also possible.

The normative depth of freezing of clay soils is 1.4 m.

2.2. Sanitary protection areas of water supply source (art well)

According to SanPiN "Sanitary protection zones of water supply sources and drinking water pipelines" sanitary protection zones (ZSO) are allocated as part of 3 belts:

The calculation of sanitary protection zones was made by SoyuzProekt LLC in the "Project of sanitary protection zones of the water intake hub..." in 2011.

Architectural Solutions (IVS)

3.1 Facade and roof of pump station building

The facade of the building is made with external decorative plaster along the insulation from polystyrene foam.

The roof of the building is gable, wooden, the final coating is made of flexible tiles.

Additional decorative elements of the building, as well as the color of the elevations, are carried out in a separate project.

The material of the walls, roofs, decorative elements can be changed without notifying the designer to materials of similar quality while preserving the quality and technical characteristics of the water intake unit building.

Structural and space-planning solutions (CG)

4.1 Geotechnical Survey

For geotechnical surveys at the site of the facility see the appendix to the project "Excavation from geotechnical surveys...."

4.1.1 General characteristics of the construction site

For the geological structure and hydrogeological conditions of surface waters, see the text appendix.

If surface runoff is disturbed, it is also possible to form a headwater.

The normative depth of freezing of clay soils is 1.4 m.

The type of foundation is determined in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.02.0183 *, MGSN 2.0797, SP 11.10595.

4.3 Architectural and construction solution of VZU building

4.3.1 General provisions

Space-planning and structural solutions of structures are developed on the basis of technological requirements for structures.

The design of the facilities was carried out on the basis of the requirements of existing regulatory documents approved by the State Building of the Russian Federation.

The following regulatory documents are used in the development of the section:

SNiP 31032001 "Production Buildings";

SNiP 210197 * "Fire safety of buildings and structures";

SNiP 3.02.0187 "Earth structures, bases and foundations" (instead of SNiP 2.02.0183 * "Bases and foundations");

CH 53681 "The instruction on the organization of the return fillings in the constrained soil ";

SNiP III876 "Earthworks")

In accordance with SNiP 230199 "Construction climatology," the construction area has the following main climatic data:

temperature of the coldest days with coverage of 0.92 -minus 32 ° С;

temperature of the coldest five-day period with security of 0.92 -minus 28 ° С;

construction and climatic zone according to SNiP 230199 - III;

the duration of the period with an average daily air temperature of ≤8°S 214 days;

In accordance with SNiP 2.01.0785 * "Loads and impacts. Load Classification ";

Estimated snow weight per m2 of horizontal ground surface (III area by snow weight) - 1.8 kPa (180 kgf/m2);

standard value of wind pressure (1 wind area) 0.23 kPa (23 kgf/m2).

The seismicity of the area, according to SNiP II781 * "Construction in seismic areas," is less than 6 points.

4.3.2 Foundation, slab base, walls, pavement of the external control unit building

Foundation base, type, foundation design is determined in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.02.0187, MGSN 2.0797, SP 11.10595.

A site is first prepared for the VZU building, the zero mark of the clean floor of which is accepted in accordance with the design of vertical layout, then wells are drilled for drilled piles, then gravel filling (see set of drawings with AS marking), then sand filling with 100 mm followed by compaction. The site for filling of the monolithic base is hydro-insulated with a roll insulation material of the Technonikol KhPP type on a bitumen base or similar material. Then the reinforcement frame is laid with a mesh with a 200x200 mm cage from a reinforcement bar of class A500C, which is then poured with concrete of grade B35, W8, F200 with a thickness of at least 200 mm. The thickness of the protective layer of concrete to the reinforcement bar nearest the surface shall be at least 20 mm.

The construction site is located on the territory with a calm relief in case of violation of surface runoff on the territory of the object in spring, autumn periods an upper aquifer represented by groundwater (or the so-called "headwater") is formed, to reduce the impact of surface waters on the foundation of the building, a number of measures are taken to protect the foundation of the VZU building:

Measures to protect the foundation of the ground part of the VZU building from corrosion:

paving is performed around the building with a width of 0.7 m (the seam between the IR building and its paving is filled with bitumen mastic);

the roof is equipped with a drain, water from which enters the storm sewer;

the site is planned in such a way that the runoff from it is directed along the relief to the eastern part of the ZSO site of the 1st belt and then to the common rainfall along the road surface;

Storm, rain and meltwater are directed to storm sewage, then to storm sewage treatment facilities;

4.3.3 External walls, roofs, doors and windows, interior decoration, pavement of the external control unit building

Walls of the building from foam blocks.

The roof is gable, the rafter system is a wooden roof made of flexible tiles.

Doors are iron, insulated with polystyrene foam or similar material. The material shall correspond to group G1 (low-burning) and B1 (difficult to replace) as per GOST 3024494 "Construction materials. Flammability test methods. "

Windows - from plastic profile with perfumes for natural ventilation as per GOST 2316699 "Window blocks. General Technical Guidelines. "

Concrete paving 700 mm wide and 100 mm thick with sealing of the seam between the paving and the building with bitumen to ensure waterproofing of the foundation.

The paving is made in the form of a monolithic slab along the entire perimeter of the VZU building, reinforced with a construction grid with a cell of 100 x 100 mm and a wire diameter of 3 mm. Before pouring, it is necessary to prepare a base (bottom-up) from a sandcap with a thickness of 100 mm, then gravel filling with a thickness of 100 mm with a granite gravel fraction of 520 mm. The windshield shall have a slope of 50100 mm to the side of the external control unit building.

The seam between the seam and the building is covered with bitumen mastic, the width of the seam is no more than 20 mm.

The fire resistance of the building is II.

4.3.4 Energy conservation measures

External enclosing structures of the structure are designed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 23022007 "Thermal protection of buildings"

Reduced heat transfer resistance corresponds to

for walls of R0=2.5 sq.m of wasps/Tue.

for a roof of R0=2.5 sq.m of wasps/Tue.

for R0=0.54 windows m2os / Tue.

for external door blocks R0 = 0.5 m2 ° C/W.

4.3.5 Measures to protect building structures from corrosion

Protection of building structures against corrosion is performed in accordance with the requirement SNiP 2.03.1185 "Protection of building structures against corrosion."

Protection of concrete surfaces in contact with the soil against excessive saturation with water is performed in the form of coating insulation with bitumen materials of group II in accordance with the requirement of SNiP 2.03.1185 "Protection of building structures against corrosion."

4.3.6 Measures to protect buried parts of buildings from groundwater

Horizontal waterproofing designed to protect enclosing structures from capillary moisture penetration is performed in two levels: in the level of the foundation top (paving) and in the level of floors from insulation, which prevents water penetration to concrete structures

All utility inputs and outputs are made through glands.

4.3.7 Measures for backfilling of foundation sinuses and measures to combat frost swelling

According to engineering and geological surveys, the soils of the construction area are characterized as weakly pubescent.

The depth of the foundation of the structure is taken into account seasonal freezing of soils.

Backfilling of external bosoms of a ditch is carried out by local nepuchinisty soil, without large humus inclusions, the remained from fragments of a ditch or medium-grained sand with layer-by-layer consolidation to values of coefficient of consolidation kcom=0,920,95, according to requirements Construction Norms and Regulations 3.02.0188 "Earth constructions" and "Grants on works at the device of the bases and the bases", after completion of works on construction of the bases and waterproofing works provided by the project.

Constructions of bushings in the construction of engineering support networks of building structures provide for the arrangement of through sleeves by 520 mm the gap between the pipe and the case must be closed with a soft waterproof material that allows the pipe to move along the longitudinal axis. Utility networks at the entry points are laid with a slope from the buildings.

Data on the engineering equipment, networks of technical providing (OV, VK, EOM, AOV)

5.2 Water supply system

5.2.1 General Information

The water supply of the village is carried out from an underground water supply source - an existing water intake (artesian) well.

5.2.2 Well equipment for operation

Well is equipped with caisson, well mouth is withdrawn 0.5 m above surface of caisson clean floor. In the plate of the tip installed at the wellhead there are sealed through sleeves for passing electric cables and a sealed hole for measuring the water level during operation. Valve Dn 10 for water sampling is welded into the outlet branch pipe.

5.2.3 Drinking and fire-fighting water supply General part

This design of the water intake unit was developed on the basis of the Client's terms of reference and the following materials were used:

SNiP 2.04.0284 * "Water supply. External networks and structures";

SNiP 2.04.0185 * "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings";

SNI8980 Industrial Master Plans. Pump station

The pump station building is separate, in which it is installed:

2 Reflex 500 DE hydraulic tanks on the main water supply line to compensate for hydraulic impacts in the water supply system and reduce the frequency of pumping units switching on;

Water metering unit per well: induction full-pass flow meter PREM at Du50 from ZAO Teplokom;

Water treatment station for removal of hardness salts and dissolved iron.

According to SNiP 2.04.0185 *, a fire cock with a nominal diameter of 50mm is installed in the pump station.

It is allowed not to provide in the pump station, the room of the sanitary and technical unit, according to SNiP 2.04.0284 *, since the permanent stay of the maintenance personnel in the VZU building is not required.

The VZU building and the well caisson are securely locked, the keys are stored at the person responsible for the operation of the water intake unit (VZU).

5.2.4 Measures to reduce noise and vibration from pump units

The newly designed structure provides for the following measures to reduce noise and vibration: vibration from the operation of pump units and process equipment is partially eliminated by the mass of the foundations, partially by sand filling and the device of the separating layer between the floor, soil and the surface of the foundations. To reduce noise from the pumping equipment of the second lifting station, compensators are installed, pump units are mounted on metal frames, which are firmly screwed to the floor of the building with anchor bolts.

5.3 Water Disposal System

The water disposal system is represented by a sewage line for waste water discharge from the water treatment station and a drain line for clean water discharge during emergency emptying of reservoirs, pumping of wells, routine operations at the water intake unit.

5.4 Heating and ventilation system

5.4.1 General provisions

The draft of this section is based on:

- architectural and construction layouts ;

- initial data of the process part of the project.

Decisions of systems taken for development are made taking into account the requirements of the following documents;

-SNiP 230199 * "Construction climatology";

-SNiP 41012007 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning";

-SNiP 23022007 "Thermal protection of buildings";

-SNiP 210197 * "Fire safety of buildings and structures";

-SNiP 23032007 "Noise Protection";

-VSN 332.2.12.87 "Reclamation systems and structures. Pumping stations. Design Standards. "

Outside air design parameters:

- to design heating, ventilation and air conditioning in the cold period of the year (parameters B):

-temperature minus 28 ° С ;

- specific enthalpy minus 25.3 kJ/kg;

-to design ventilation during warm season (parameters A):

- temperature plus 22.3 ° С;

- specific enthalpy 49.6 kJ/kg;

5.4.2 Pump station pavilion Heating

Calculation of heat losses in the pump station premises was carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 23022007 using the method of calculation of heat losses by structures. The heating system is electric .

For heating, KEV-3 electric heaters ("KUZYA") with a capacity of 3 kW each are used, a total of 4 heaters or a similar type of heater is installed to maintain a temperature of at least 4 degrees in the external combustion unit building, for which thermal sensors built into the heater are used. The recommended temperature in the room of the 2nd rise station is in the range of 1015 degrees in order to reduce condensate runoff from the storage tanks. Ventilation

To ensure the temperature parameters of the internal air in the pump station rooms, as well as to ensure an increased multiplicity of air exchange, mechanical exhaust general ventilation systems can be installed, that is, the following are installed accordingly: channel ventilation of a diameter of 200 mm with a check valve and FEV-3 heaters ("KUZYA") operating in the general ventilation mode.

5.4.3 Noise and vibration protection measures

Ventilation units are equipped with flexible inserts and installed on vibration insulated bases.

5.4.4 Safety measures during operation of heating systems

Operation of ventilation systems and electric heating equipment should be carried out by personnel who have passed the set-off and have a certificate for the right to independently work on heating and ventilation systems.

5.5 Automation Process Solutions at Water Intake Unit

The project provides automation to reduce power consumption, reduce maintenance costs:

- automatic control of pressure in the main water supply system by means of a pressure switch, which is connected to the corresponding control cabinet of the downhole pump (in case of emergency water supply), remote control (dispatching);

- automatic control of pressure in the power supply system using the control cabinet of the 2nd lifting station, remote control (dispatching);

- automatic control of temperature in the room is performed by thermal sensors included in the supply of KEV-3 heat heaters ("KUZYA").

- automatic collection of readings, maintenance of the collected water archive using electronic induction full-pass water meters PREP from Teplokom.

Construction Organization Project (PIC)

6.1 Construction Milestones

Stage 1. Preparatory period: receipt, transportation, warehousing for

construction site of required materials, equipment, products and pipes. Temporary fencing of the territory.

Stage 2. Location of temporary facilities, detailed procedure of works execution is determined by the contractor in the PDP taking into account the detailed design (RP).

Prior to excavation, representatives of relevant organizations and services of construction organizations must be called. When developing a pit for the foundations of the pump station building, remove and store the upper layer of soil separately, and restore it after reclamation during backfilling in places of lawns and lack of coatings. Work should be carried out in compliance with environmental standards.

Stage 3. Earthworks for arrangement of pump station building foundations shall be performed in accordance with SNiP 3.02.0187 "Earthworks, foundations and foundations." To carry out installation of systems of electric equipment, lighting, automatic equipment according to PUE98, 99, Sections 6 and 1, "Regulations for electrical installation", CO 15334.21.122-2007 "The instruction on the structure of lightning protection of buildings and constructions", PM 4-2-92 "The systems of automation of technological processes"..., TI4.25088.17001 "Installation of protective grounding and zeroing", ZK4 and SZK4290 "Drawings of installation of mortgage elements (designs) for measurement of pressure, vacuum, level and composition of substance on process equipment and pipelines "MMSS NPO" Glavmontazhavtomatika, "1990, SNiP 3.05.0685" Electrical devices, "SNiP 3.05.0785 (90)" Automation systems, "etc.

Construction, installation, testing and acceptance of systems shall be carried out * in accordance with SNiP 3.05.0485 * "External networks and structures of water supply and sewerage," SNiP 120399 "Labor safety in construction," SNiP 3.01.0185 *.

Demolition or Dismantling Organization Project

There is no need for dismantling or demolition at the construction site of the VZU.

List of Environmental Protection Activities (EHS)

This section is developed in accordance with the "Instruction on environmental justification of economic and other activities," approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation in 29.12.95. No. 539, SP "Hygienic Requirements for Protection of Groundwater from Pollution," the current regulatory documentation.

8.1 Measures to protect groundwater from pollution

In order to prevent pollution of the natural environment and in accordance with the requirements for sanitary protection of groundwater, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures during the construction and installation work, improvement of the territory, as well as during the operation of the underground water deposit and ground structures.

The assessment of the impact of the designed water intake from underground sources on the natural environment was developed in accordance with the "Instruction before the ecological justification of economic and other activities" (utv. Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation 29.12.95 No. 539), SP 1110195 "Environmental Impact Assessment," SP "Hygienic Requirements for the Protection of Groundwater from Pollution," as well as taking into account the requirements of the "Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment in the Russian Federation" (Statement No. 222 of 18.07.94) and other documents approved by the State Committee on Ecology of Russia.

The designed water intake is located on the territory that meets the sanitary requirements of SNiP 2.04.0284 * and SanPiN, imposed on the sanitary protection zones of sources of drinking water supply (see the conclusion of the Maintenance Department of TU Rospotrebnadzor for land removal for drilling wells (s)).

There are no sources of intense environmental pollution (landfills, filtration fields, chemical pollution facilities, cemeteries, cattle trucks, abandoned art wells, etc.) within the boundaries of the second zone of the sanitary protection zone.

The existing environmental characteristic in the area of the designed object is evaluated as positive.

Works on the improvement of the territory

- perform in accordance with the received design decisions for improvement and vertical layout of the sanitary mode zone section with mandatory removal of rain and melt water

- the access road shall be made with paved surface in accordance with the accepted design decisions.

8.3 Measures during operation of water intake from groundwater:

- Strictly comply with the requirements for compliance with sanitary protection zones of water supply sources (see section 1);

- Use produced water for water supply purposes in an amount not exceeding the design water consumption in order to protect the operating aquifers from groundwater depletion;

- timely preventive and repair robots of the complex of water intake facilities.

The responsibility for protection of lifting waters from depletion and contamination by technical and household wastewater, violation of the well operation regime, as well as for compliance with the requirements for sanitary protection zones of water supply sources, lies with the "Subsoil User" - the owner of the complex of water supply facilities.

Fire Safety Measures (WPT)

9.1. Fire fighting measures

The space-planning solutions of the structure, as well as the building structures used in it, were adopted in accordance with the technological requirements and requirements of the current regulatory documents.

Inside the building, a Du 50 mm fire crane is provided, and a drain well on the drainage line is also provided for water intake by fire engines.

The following main requirements are used to take into account fire safety requirements

Regulatory documents:

SNiP 210197 * "Fire safety of buildings and structures";

SNiP 31032001 "Production Buildings";

The structure is designed in accordance with the purpose, duration of operation and category of explosion and fire hazard of the premises. Fire resistance degree is determined by SNiP 210197 *.

Fire safety of the facility is ensured by the following fire prevention measures:

- application of load-bearing and enclosing building structures with regulated fire resistance limits and fire propagation limits for these structures;

-observation of maximum permissible areas between fire walls;

- regulation of standard number of evacuation exits from premises and buildings;

- compliance with standard distances from the most remote workplace to the exit from the room (building) and from the doors of the rooms to staircases and to exits from the building;

-the width and height of the escape routes ensures the unhindered exit of people from the building.

9.2. Fire-fighting measures for heating and ventilation systems

Fire safety in ventilation systems is provided by the following design solutions:

- thermal insulation is provided from non-combustible materials;

In case of additional installation of ventilation and heating equipment, fire-fighting valves, fire-retardant coatings of air ducts shall be provided certified in accordance with the established procedure for compliance with the fire-fighting rationing system of Russia according to the approved "List of fire-fighting products subject to mandatory certification."

Drawings content

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