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Tire Section Design - Diploma

  • Added: 08.12.2014
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Diploma project for the development of tire assembly and vulcanization sections of ATP.
The purpose of the thesis is to increase the efficiency of the ATP by developing a tire assembly and vulcanization department. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are defined: 1. Process calculation of ATP 2. Basis of work organization at the design object 3. Selection of process equipment for tire assembly; 4. Selection and justification of the implemented brand of repair and technological equipment. 5. Definition of occupational safety measures and environmental assessment of the project. Object of work: Motor transport enterprise of Yekaterinburg. Subject of work: Organization of works of busbar and vulcanization section. Methods used in the work. In the process of work, methods of comparison and abstraction were used, which made it possible to conduct objective initial information about the object of study, to obtain certain qualitative characteristics, system analysis. When solving individual problems, economic and mathematical methods are used

Project's Content

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Additional information



1. Characteristics of ATP and design object

1.1. Characteristics of ATP

1.2. Characteristics of the design object

2. Calculation and processing section

2.1 Selection of initial data and correction of rolling stock maintenance and maintenance standards

2.2 Determination of technical readiness factor and vehicle utilization factor

2.3. Determination of annual run of ATP rolling stock

2.4. Define Annual Maintenance Program


2.5. Calculation of the replacement program

2.6. Determination of total annual labour intensity of maintenance and maintenance at ATP

2.7 Calculation of the number of workers

2.8 Calculation of lines and posts in production areas and departments

3. Organizational Section

3.1. Selection of method of maintenance and TR production organization at ATP

3.2. Process Method at Design Site

3.3 Process diagram at the design site

3.4 Selection of process equipment

3.5 Definition of the production area of the design object

4. Economic section

4.1. Capital Cost Estimate Calculation

4.2 Payroll Calculation

4.3. Define total production costs

4.4. Calculation of estimates of general economic expenses

4.5. Cost Estimate for Production and Cost Calculation

4.6. Calculation of technical and economic indices of the tire assembly section operation

5. Design Section

5.1. Purpose of accessory

5.2. Description of the device and operation principle of the device

5.3 Brief instruction on the use of the accessory

6. Occupational and environmental protection

6.1 Hazardous and harmful production factors

6.2 Instruction on labor protection during busbar and vulcanization works

6.3 Fire fighting measures

6.4 Environmental Protection


List of literature

Drawing List


In modern conditions, further development and improvement of the economy is inconceivable without well-established transport support. Its clarity and reliability largely depend on: the labor rhythm of industrial enterprises, construction and agriculture, the mood of people, their working capacity.

In the unified transport system of Russia, passenger road transport occupies a leading place in serving the population, since more than 80 million passengers are transported daily by the car fleet of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation alone. In this regard, the importance of this discipline in the training of specialists in the operation of road transport is increasing.

In the context of the financial crisis and economic instability, the regime of reducing costs and improving the efficiency of managing the quality of maintenance and repair of rolling stock becomes the basis for the functioning of any business.

The economic processes taking place in organizations engaged in logistics services require a considerable cost of material, labor, and information resources. Enterprises providing transport services to the population face problems caused by the specifics of the Russian economy.

Rising fuel prices, aging rolling stock, poor quality of services provided, lack of financial instruments, issues of transportation safety, the use of outdated management methods are an incomplete list of problems in the Russian transport industry. The increasing mobility of the population and the annual growth of the passenger transport market require appropriate development in the provision of transport services.

However, even with high-quality maintenance, malfunctions and sometimes breakdowns occur during operation, as a result of which it becomes necessary to restore the serviceability of the car or repair. Maintenance of vehicles in good condition is carried out in accordance with the "Regulation on Maintenance and Repair of Rolling Stock of Road Transport." Maintenance and maintenance of vehicles is performed at NPOPAT and maintenance stations.

The relevance of the topic "Ensuring the economy with serviceable equipment" is a strategic task. The pace of economic recovery depends on the timing of repair of equipment operated by enterprises.

The analysis made it possible to determine a set of contradictions that lead to the task of improving the maintenance system of automotive equipment. These include contradictions between [9]:

the current dynamics of changes in the quantitative and qualitative state of automotive equipment and the packaging of ATPs with diagnostic and production equipment;

the need to improve the system of maintenance and repair of cars and the insufficient development of a scientific and methodological basis for substantiating its construction and tasks.

The issues of comprehensive ensuring the normal functioning of the ATP repair unit are an important economic and production task, the study of which is devoted to the work of many scientists both in our country and abroad. The justification of the requirements for car maintenance enterprises is enshrined in a number of regulatory and legal documents.

Purpose and objectives of the work. The purpose of the thesis is to increase the efficiency of the ATP by developing a tire assembly and vulcanization department.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are defined:

1. performance of ATP process calculation

2. Justification of organization of works at the design site

3. Selection of process equipment for tire assembly;

4. Selection and justification of the implemented brand of repair and technological equipment.

5. Definition of occupational safety measures and environmental assessment of the project.

Object of work: Motor transport enterprise of Yekaterinburg.

Subject of work: Organization of works of busbar and vulcanization section.

Methods used in the work. In the process of work, methods of comparison and abstraction were used, which made it possible to conduct objective initial information about the object of study, to obtain certain qualitative characteristics, system analysis. When solving individual problems, economic and mathematical methods are used

Characteristics of ATP and design object

1.2. Characteristics of the design object

In this work, a tire assembly and vulcanization section is designed.

On the site, the wheels of cars are dismantled and installed, tires and chambers are repaired.

Process equipment used in the area shall provide:

mechanized installation and removal of wheel tires;

check of chambers tightness;

removal of stuck objects;

repair of local damages of tyres and chambers (mechanized cleaning and vulcanization);

straightening of wheels discs and rims;

cleaning wheel discs from rust;

mechanized pumping of tyres with compressed air;

mechanized transportation of wheels and tyres;

storage of wheels and tyres awaiting repair.

Special protection shall be provided at the tyre pumping station to protect personnel from injuries in case of tyre rupture.

It is advisable to place the tire repair area in a room with a separate entrance.

The ATP production base was built taking into account the maintenance of 200 KamAZ-type cars. Currently, 250 units of rolling stock are in operation.

The increase in traffic in recent years and in the near future required an increase in the number of equipment. At the same time, the production base for maintenance and maintenance is developing much slower than the volume of transportation is growing.

The existing production facilities and the organization of the technological process do not provide maintenance and maintenance of cars in accordance with the progressive requirements of the technical operation of cars.

Therefore, in order to increase the efficiency of the enterprise, the enterprise needs to introduce new technologies and highly efficient automated equipment for maintenance and diagnostics, which will allow to keep the equipment in good condition and timely repair effects.

Organizational Section

3.2. Process method at the design site.

In maintenance projects, the selection of the process management method must be determined by the replacement program of the corresponding maintenance type. Depending on its size, the method of universal posts or the method of specialized posts can be adopted.

Method of universal posts for organization of maintenance is accepted for ATP with small replacement program for maintenance, in which different type of rolling stock is operated [1].

The method of specialized posts is adopted in medium and large ATPs in which rolling stock is operated. According to the recommendations of NIIAT, it is advisable to organize maintenance at specialized posts using the in-line method, if the replacement program is at least: for EO > 50, for maintenance - 1 > 12, and for maintenance - 2 > 6 services of the same type of cars.

Otherwise, either the method of dead end specialized posts or the method of universal posts should be applied.

When choosing the method, it should be borne in mind that the most progressive is the in-line method, since it provides an increase in labor productivity due to the specialization of posts, jobs and performers, creates the opportunity for wider mechanization of work, contributes to an increase in labor and technological discipline, ensures continuity and rhythmicity of production, reduces cost and improves quality of service, helps improve working conditions and preserve production areas.

In projects for the TR zone, the technological process can be organized by the method of universal or specialized posts.

The method of universal posts is currently the most common for most ATPs [8].

The method of specialized posts is increasingly widespread in ATP, as it allows you to mechanize the labor-intensive repair processes as much as possible, reduce the need for the same type of equipment, improve working conditions, use less qualified performers, increase the quality of repairs and labor productivity. In this work, it is proposed to organize the work of the bus assembly and vulcanization section according to the type of a specialized post.

Design Section

5.1. Purpose of accessory

The need to remove (remove) bearings may arise for various reasons: due to failure of the bearing, for dismantling other parts of the drive (for example, gears), etc. In any case, when removing the bearing, it is important to prevent damage to the surfaces of shafts, housings, covers. In some cases, it is important not to damage the bearing during removal - some bearings are to be restored.

Selection of type and model of extractor for removal of bearings is the most important moment for removal works.

In order to ensure easy and efficient removal of the bearing, not only the type of bearing extractor is important, but also the maximum force it develops. Excessive force on the bearing extractor is fraught with breakage of grips, damage to bearings, shaft or housing, injury to personnel.

5.3 Brief instruction on the use of the accessory

Fixed bracket with clamp and mounting prism is installed in shaft centering for pressing out bearings. Movable bracket is inserted into bracket of fixed bracket and on support roller, and mounting prism is aligned with shaft centering. When the bolt is twisted, the movable hinge prism thrusts against the upper support pin and compresses it.

To extrude internal bearings, the puller legs are turned over, having previously installed the stop instead of the upper ball support, and bearings are pressed out in the same way. If the taper joint of the finger and the hole of the swivel fist are not disassembled in this way, then they are hit several times on the sides of the fist seat and then pressed out.


In accordance with the assignment for the diploma design, a set of issues was considered, including a feasibility study for designing and calculating ATP with the development of the bus assembly section.

As a result, the following results have been achieved:

Description of ATP and the design object, calculations for the annual production program of ATP were carried out

The method of organization of maintenance and TR production at ATP has been determined and selection of the method of organization of the technological process at the design site has been carried out.

The tire and wheel repair technology of cars has been analyzed, a list of works to be performed by personnel has been determined.

Selection and substantiation of process equipment was carried out to organize the bus assembly section.

Requirements for organization of works are considered.

Proposals for occupational health and safety have been developed.

The requirements of environmental safety during operation of automotive equipment are considered.

The economic calculation showed that using the proposed equipment and equipment with a slight increase in the cost of the provided services will improve the quality of work and reduce the time for their implementation, which will lead to an intensification of the technological process. The payback period of the proposed measures is 4.8 years.

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