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Design of the ATP tire fitting section

  • Added: 15.02.2022
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The tire fitting section at ATP is designed for dismantling and installation of tires and wheels (replacement of tires, chambers, wheel disks, etc.), routine repair of chambers and wheel disks, as well as for balancing wheels in assembly. Installation and dismantling of wheels and tires, in-depth inspection of the technical condition of tires, chambers and wheel disks, repair of chambers and balancing of mounted wheels are carried out directly at the tire service area.

Project's Content

icon Спецификация планировки.doc
icon Тех карта.kdw
icon Пояснительная записка.docx
icon Приспособление.cdw
icon Содержание.doc
icon Спецификация приспособления.doc
icon План.cdw

Additional information





2.1 Initial data for calculation

2.2 Calculation of Annual Production Program

2.2.1 Correction of maintenance frequency and mileage to CG

2.2.2 Calculation of annual vehicle mileage

2.2.3 Calculation of Annual Production Program

2.2.4 Calculation of daily production program

2.3 Calculation of annual scope of work

2.3.1 Correction of maintenance and maintenance labor intensity

2.3.2 Calculation of annual scope of work for maintenance, maintenance and self-service

2.4 Calculation of the number of production workers


3.1 Process in Division

3.2 Selection of process equipment

3.3 Calculation of production area

3.4 Subdivision Planning


4.1 Organization of enterprise management

4.2 Distribution of workers by specialties, qualifications, working places

4.3 Preparation of Job Instruction


5.1 Purpose and scope of the accessory

5.2 Operation principle of the accessory

5.3 Calculation of accessory




Appendix A (Department Planning Specification)

Appendix B (fixture specification)


The task of road transport is to meet the need for transportation within the specified time frame and in the required amount. To solve it, it requires vehicles of a certain type and a production base that provides their storage, maintenance and repair.

Course design is an important stage of the subject "Technical operation of cars" and has the following goals and objectives:

consolidation, improvement and replenishment of knowledge and skills gained in the process of training, in the organization of production, technology of maintenance and repair of cars, design of production zones and sections;

increasing knowledge of scientific organization of labor and design of motor transport enterprises;

Training in best production practices and skills in diagnosis, maintenance and maintenance of vehicles;

selection and analysis of materials of technological and design nature necessary for the performance of the diploma project;

developing the ability to analyze and logically justify engineering decisions.

Implementation of the project develops ability to independently solve technological and design problems, ability to use standards, standards, reference and other special books.

Organization of production

4.1 Organization of enterprise management

All ATP departments directly engaged in production are subordinate to the chief engineer, deputy director of the enterprise, who manages the enterprise divisions, appoints the heads of these divisions and monitors the work done.

Maintenance of vehicles is carried out in order to reduce the intensity of wear of parts, identify and prevent failures and faults. At TO-1 and TO-2 controlnodiagnostichesky, adjusting, fixing, electrotechnical, lubricant and cleaning operation, works on service of power supply systems of the engine are carried out and at the same time the accompanying repair of knots and units as necessary is usually carried out.

At the enterprise, the organization of the technological process of maintenance of cars is carried out at universal posts.

When servicing at universal posts, the entire scope of work of this type of technical impact is carried out at one post, except for the cleaning and washing of the car, which, when organizing the maintenance process, are carried out at individual posts. With this method, mainly dead end, parallel posts are used. The car enters the post in front, and the exit from the post in rear.

At each universal post, it is possible to perform a different amount of work, which allows you to simultaneously service different types of cars and perform related repairs.

Work on the current repair of cars is carried out at posts and in production units. At the posts, work is performed directly on the car without removing the units and assemblies, and in the production departments, parts, assemblies and assemblies removed from the car are repaired. The need for a routine repair is detected during TO-1 and TO-2 with the use of control and diagnostic equipment, visually and at the request of the driver. The number of maintenance cars that have undergone major repairs is usually 3-5 times more than in the first cycle of car mileage. According to the data, from 12 to 30% of cars go to TP only because of untimely and poor-quality maintenance. With high maintenance quality, the frequency of TP increases by 2.5 times. Therefore, improving the quality of maintenance is a huge reserve for reducing the costs and downtime of cars on TR.

4.2 Distribution of workers by specialties, qualifications and workplaces

For operation of bus-mounting section of this ATP, 1 vulcanizer of 2 discharges, 2 locksmiths of 2 discharges are required.

4.3 Preparation of Job Instruction

For the most rational organization of maintenance, repair and diagnostics of cars, its units and systems, various task lists are compiled.

Based on these Job Instructions, the scope of work on technical impacts is determined, as well as the distribution of works (operations) among the executors is carried out.

The routing is a guideline for each agent and also serves as a document for maintenance or repair maintenance.

The checklist is formed separately by sight service (EO, TO1, TO-2), and in a type of service - on elements.

The Job Instructions indicate the list of operations, the place of their execution (bottom, top or side of the car), the equipment or tool used, the norm of time for the operation, short specifications for the performance of works, the category of works and the specialty of the performers.

Job instructions are drawn up in accordance with the list of main operations described in the first or second (normative) part of the provision on maintenance and repair. During development of Job Instructions it is necessary to:

- ease of installation, removal and movement of the vehicle or units during operations;

- necessary inspection, lifting and transportation equipment;

- application of high-performance process equipment, tools and accessories;

- creation of convenient, safe and hygienic working conditions for workers in accordance with the requirements of the NOTT;

- means and methods of quality control of works.

Based on the task for the course project, a technological map was made: "Cold vulcanization of the car chamber."

An example of the created routing is shown on the second sheet of the graphic part of the project.

Drawings content

icon Приспособление.cdw


icon План.cdw


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