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Thesis "Housing Complex Management"

  • Added: 13.07.2012
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Set of drawings and documentation for thesis.

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The transition of sectors of the country's national economy from planned-centralized management to market relations, which began in the early 1990s, led to the process of decentralization of management in all spheres of economic relations. There was a need to introduce such concepts as real estate, real estate and real estate management into the economic and scientific turnover. A new tool was required for the valuation of real estate objects, as opposed to the procedure for conducting a planned revaluation of the country's fixed assets. The Law of the RSFSR "On the Privatization of State and Municipal Enterprises in the RSFSR" opened the way for privatization and corporatization of state-owned enterprises, as a result of which there was a need not only to assess the value of fixed assets of enterprises and organizations, but real estate objects in general, including assessing the business of enterprises and organizations as new forms of business.

The Law of the RSFSR "On the Privatization of Housing Stock in the Russian Federation" FZ15411 of July 4, 1991, allowed to expand the concept of real estate at the expense of housing stock objects, including individual residential and non-residential premises in the housing stock in an independent concept - housing real estate.

The problems of effective management, maintenance, and development of real estate are the most relevant topics, both today and for the long term. This relevance is directly due to the essence of real estate, its role in the national economy, the main characteristics, which can be presented as follows:

• Real estate is the functional basis of national wealth and an essential element of cultural and historical heritage;

• Real estate has an essential social function, as it satisfies the basic needs of all members of society without exception;

• The real estate market is a kind of generator of economic growth of the country.

Therefore, real estate is a special object of market turnover, ownership and management.

The formation of the Russian real estate market began later than other types of market. With the release of the law "On the Privatization of the Housing Stock in the RSFSR" allowing private ownership of housing, the main contours of this market appeared and, as a result, a change in the approach to housing fund management itself.

The solution of complex problems in the housing sector in accordance with the concept of housing and communal services reform in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 28, 1997, No. 425 lies in the restructuring of housing and communal services by creating private management companies whose activities are based on the principles of market relations, competition and efficiency. Subsequently, quite a lot of legislative and regulatory legal documents were published, somehow related to housing and communal services reform, but the mechanism for implementing these documents is practically poorly implemented, which causes a deformation in the functioning of the housing real estate market .

As noted, real estate is the basis of national wealth, but it is now nominal rather than real.

So, for example, representatives of small businesses are concerned about the state of fixed assets of housing and communal services. Depreciation of fixed assets (housing and engineering infrastructure) is at a critical level, and in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation at a critical level. As of the beginning of this year, the depreciation of the housing stock was estimated at 41%, and the depreciation of the engineering infrastructure goes beyond the limits established by the current technical and operational standards and approaches the level of 6065%. Such a situation practically excludes the very question of ensuring sustainable economic growth and certainly creates problems of attracting small businesses in the field of housing services.

Also an acute problem is the problem of increasing the level of housing provision of the population. Currently, on average in Russia, it is about 18 square meters. m of total area per person, which is 2.53 times lower than in economically developed countries. If we take into account the difference in the quality levels of dwellings, the gap will become even more obvious. Consequently, there is no material basis for the full social development of the country.

Summing up, say, that for all the variety of specific reasons that led to this situation, the main ones should be considered two: the lack of an effective owner and the lack of full-fledged real estate management.

On the basis of this, the issue of organizing the effective management of housing real estate at the present stage of the development of the Russian economy is archival and requires careful consideration .

In view of the above, it follows that the problem of housing property management is very relevant for the economy as a whole in connection with the development of new forms of management in the context of the reform of housing and communal services.

These issues are under development and are little studied, which led to the choice of a problem for development in a diploma project.

Concept of value and price

Valuation theory is based on the fundamental concepts of value, price and cost.

Value is the money or cash equivalent that the buyer is willing to exchange for an item or object or is a measure of how much the hypothetical buyer will be willing to pay for the estimated value.

Price is a historical fact that reflects how much was spent on buying similar objects in past transactions. The term "price" is also used to refer to the seller's "requested price."

Costs are a measure of the costs necessary to create an object of ownership and similar to the estimated. These costs can be higher or lower than the valuation date.

The concept of value is basic in the activity of the estimator.

The cornerstone is the concept of market value.

There are many different definitions of market value, but there is still no universal definition. In various legal bodies, loan organizations, insurance companies, this definition has its own parameters and assumptions.

It is important for the valuer, whose main task is to determine the market value, to have a clear idea of ​ ​ this term. The determination of market value is laid down in the "Law on Valuation Activities of the Russian Federation." The market value of the valuation object means the most likely price at which it will be sold on the open market in conditions of competition among sellers and buyers, when both act reasonably, having all the necessary information, and the value of the price does not reflect any extraordinary circumstances, that is:

a) the seller and buyer's motives are typical;

b) both parties are well aware and act in their interests;

c) the facility is on the open market for quite a long time;

d) the price is a reasonable reward for the object, and there were no special discounts or assignments from anyone;

e) payment is made in cash or its equivalent.

There are various types of values ​ ​ that are divided into two large groups: the cost of use (subjective) and the cost of exchange (objective).

The cost of use is subjective and most often reflects the intentions of the owner, tenant, etc., not related to the purchase and sale of the object, sublease and other similar actions. The following types of real estate values can be assigned to the cost of use:


balance sheet;

cost for tax purposes, etc.

The cost of exchange is objective and serves to conduct real estate transactions on the market: purchase, sale, pledge, lease and other functions.

The cost of exchange includes:




rental, etc.

There are three main approaches to valuing assets. These include a cost approach, a comparative approach and a revenue approach. All these methods are used to determine the value approximately equal to the optimal market price at which the property could be sold today for the intended best use. Best use refers to the use of property with the greatest possible benefit. Thus, for an apartment building that is the subject of evaluation, the best use will be as a residential one. Figure 1 is a general outline of the real estate valuation process.

Main provisions of real estate management theory

In a market economy, real estate management is subject to the law of supply and demand. It is the market that determines the level of rental rates and the prices of services offered. Demand is limited by the solvency of consumers, and supply is limited by the level of development of the national economy. In the context of economic recovery, demand for both residential and production premises is growing sharply. Since with the help of new construction it is possible to increase the existing development fund by only 3% per year, prices and rental rates begin to rise. In turn, in the face of a downturn in the economy, real estate prices are also falling strongly. In addition to market conditions, the legislation and activities of official bodies in the field of real estate are important factors affecting the management of real estate.

In the Soviet Union, the economy was based on planned agriculture and distribution. Residential, educational and working spaces were determined by the normative values ​ ​ of the area. Prices for consumer goods did not correspond to the costs of their production. Residents were practically not charged the cost of current and major repairs. Economic laws did not operate in the field of real estate, and this old "tradition" still causes trouble to the housing and communal services of Russia, although market pricing of consumer goods has to some extent increased the efficiency of real estate.

Real estate managers (managers) include real estate decision makers, their representatives who have the right to make such a decision, real estate owners and their representatives making decisions, as well as heads of enterprises offering real estate services.

Real estate in Russia occupies 2/3 of the national economy. The responsibility of managers for solving problems in large residential buildings, industrial complexes, in the management of state and municipal real estate is especially great. Gosstroy of Russia and local authorities should also be referred to as real estate managers.

Main objectives of real estate management

User Goals. The purpose of real estate management is to maximize support for the basic activities of the user. Residential real estate should provide an economical accommodation option. Residents compare the level of comfort offered to them and the costs required for this. In services such as education and health, the main function of real estate is to provide the educational and medical process taking place in a school or hospital building.

In the main production activity, the main one is to obtain the maximum income for the production of products. To this end, the company optimizes the production process, focusing on a long-term perspective, taking into account the development of its own production, personnel and customers.

The goals of the owners. The next group is formed by owners leasing their facilities to other parties. The purpose of this group is to obtain the highest possible profit from the capital invested in real estate. From the point of view of the owners, it makes sense to take into account the peculiarities of the main activities of users. In this case, they get long-term and reliable tenants, and in the long term - the best economic results.

Objectives of enterprises offering real estate services. Such enterprises include companies offering building care services and service support for basic user activities, consulting firms, as well as various construction enterprises. They compete in the market with the price and quality of their services. Their goal is to maximize the profit on the capital invested in the business and receive timely payment for the work performed.

Objectives of officials. The State Duma, which develops legislation in the field of real estate, as well as Gosstroy and local authorities regulate this market through laws, regulations and administrative decisions. Their goal is a common interest in the effective functioning and development of the housing and communal sphere. Achieving a certain goal involves supporting the main activities of various public groups involved in real estate management.

Main tasks in real estate management

Real estate management performed by the user is considered from two positions: space management and acquisition of supporting services. The tasks of the owner (owner) in the field of real estate management are divided into the tasks of ownership, the tasks of servicing (care) for real estate, its ongoing repair, as well as the tasks of organizing services offered to users. The tasks of the developer are considered in general form. Its tasks include general management, management of individual projects, obtaining land for construction, organizing design and construction work, as well as attracting the services of third-party organizations and participating in product development.

The user's task for space management includes determining space requirements at a given time, purchasing and equipping premises, leaving vacated premises, maintenance of premises and equipment, management of efficient use of premises, management of information about the real estate fund, economic management, legal management, as well as daily maintenance of premises, carried out in-house or using third-party services (where the owner is not fully responsible for the service).

Supporting services purchased by the user may include cleaning, security, information transfer, copying and printing services, office services, restaurant, bank and transportation agency services. These services can be received or purchased by both the user and the owner.

The tasks of the owner depend on the type of real estate ownership. The nature of real estate ownership may vary. Insurance companies, pension funds and banks most often own shares, real estate and credit the economy, including the state and municipal authorities. Such enterprises consider real estate ownership as one of their economic activities. In this case, real estate management becomes part of property management (the so-called perti - management). For some owners, for example, large companies, owners of residential buildings, real estate management has become the main activity. Such organizations have the state, municipality (housing management organizations). They are often responsible for both the organization of development and the maintenance of real estate. In this case, the property management of its owner becomes complex, covering all management tasks.

The tasks of ownership are divided into: property management, management of the premises fund, organization of care and maintenance, use of premises, organization of services offered to users and tenants, as well as information management, personnel, economic and legal management.

The general set of tasks for the maintenance of real estate can be divided into several private tasks: the tasks of general management and management, general care and control, maintenance of building engineering systems (heating, water supply, sanitation and special appliances), cleaning of public premises, care of residential areas. Previously, the main options for organizing care have already been presented. About this, the role of specialized enterprises from which real estate owners purchase various services is constantly increasing. However, despite the difference in organizational approaches to solving problems, the tasks themselves are unchanged.

Project for the organization of the construction of the facility. Description of construction conditions and main parameters of its organization

When developing the construction organization project, the design task, materials of engineering and geological surveys, and regulatory documents for construction were used.

In accordance with SNiP 1.02.0185 (item 5.3), design solutions for the construction organization must be agreed by the customer with the general contractor.

The construction site is located in cramped conditions of urban development and has a developed network of roads and engineering communications.

According to engineering and geological surveys, the soils at the base of the structure are represented by bulk soils, clays and loams. There are no manifestations of adverse physical and geological phenomena on the site and near it.

Surface of built-up section is flat.

The supply of construction with parts, semi-finished products and construction materials is carried out from enterprises and warehouses of various trading organizations in Moscow with a centralized supply of vehicles to the general contracting organization. During the design process, the customer, together with the general contracting construction organization, needs to specify the delivery conditions and the composition of the supplier enterprises of building structures, finished products, materials and equipment.

Before the construction of the house at 22 Academician Pilyugin Str., works of the preparatory period must be carried out, which include the following works:

- Clearing and planning of the construction area;

- temporary roads and fencing;

- placement of temporary buildings;

- laying of temporary communications;

- arrangement of material storage platforms;

- shifting of existing communications falling into the building spot.

Excavation of pits for foundations of designed buildings and trenches for utilities is performed by single-bucket excavators EO3122 (reverse shovel) with a bucket with a capacity of 0.5 cubic meters, EO2621K (reverse shovel) with a bucket with a capacity of 0.25 cubic meters. m. And manually.

The developed soil is transported to a dump, the place of which is coordinated with local authorities.

As the main mounting mechanisms for the construction of the house 22 are accepted:

- for underground part - pneumatic wheeled crane KS5363 with lifting capacity of 36 t with boom 20 m long;

- for aerial part - tower crane KB574 with lifting capacity of 15 t with boom length of 35 m.

The largest weight of the lifting element is 2.8 tons (materials).

Work on erection of structures should be carried out on variable boom flight. Crane lifting capacity at maximum departure (35 m) -3.3 t.

Location of storage sites shall be carried out taking into account the entrances from the main transport lines to the places of acceptance and unloading of materials in the area of the installation cranes. For the convenience of delivering structures and materials from weapons under construction, the use of designed, as well as the construction of temporary roads from prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs is provided.

For the construction of the facility, it is recommended to use inventory household, administrative and warehouse buildings of the prefabricated and mobile type. The location and list of these buildings shall be specified in place upon approval with the operation service.

All works shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 11480 "Safety in construction" and "Rules for the construction and safe operation of lifting machines."

Exact quantities of erected objects, works performed and costs incurred are given in the "Summary Estimate Calculation." (see enc. 1)

Construction timeline

The term of construction of the designed residential building is determined on the basis of SNiP 1.04.0385 "Standards for the duration of construction and backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures" (section 3 "Non-production construction," subsection 1 "Residential buildings," item 11), taking into account paragraphs 10 and 11 "General instructions."

The total area of ​ ​ the house for calculating the construction duration is 39,422 sq.m .

According to item 7 of the "General Provisions," the duration of construction is selected from the 40,000 sq.m. area available in the norms. The corresponding duration of construction is 21 months.

Thus, the total duration of the construction of a residential building will be 21 months, including a preparatory period of 1 month. Total 22 months.

Environmental conditions

During the construction process, the following activities shall be carried out and constantly monitored:

1) removal of the vegetal layer of soil from the construction site into a separate dump and its use for subsequent reclamation;

2) storage of fertile soil shall be carried out in accordance with GOST and GOST It is forbidden to use a fertile layer of soil for the construction of bridges, packs and other permanent and temporary earthworks;

3) planning of the construction area with temporary drainage;

4) the use of existing permanent roads for the delivery of materials, semi-finished products, structures and equipment to the construction site (within the construction site, it is recommended to arrange temporary roads along the route of the designed permanent roads and driveways);

5) work is carried out taking into account the requirements for preventing damage to wood-bush vegetation. Green spaces that are not to be cut down at the construction site are protected by a temporary jacket for the period of work. Stand-alone trees are protected from damage by lining the trunks with lumber to a height of at least 2 m.

6) use of imported sand and crushed stone in the construction of the facility, which are extracted from existing quarries;

7) cement storage in closed containers preventing dust dusting of the surrounding area;

8) maintenance and refueling of construction equipment at the construction site should be carried out only in specially equipped places;

9) collection and removal of construction garbage to a landfill, the location of which is coordinated with local authorities. Incineration of combustible waste and construction debris on the site within urban buildings is prohibited;

10) cleaning of the construction area from construction debris, complete improvement of the territory after completion of construction work.

Fulfillment of the above requirements shall be assigned to the contracting construction organization.

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