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Thesis project. Topic: Project for the organization of a blacksmith-spring site using the example of the ISP "Maltsev V.V."

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Introduction 1. The research part... 1.1 Characteristics of object 2. Calculation and processing part 2.1 Establishment of technologically compatible groups 2.2 Establishment of standards 2.3 Determination of annual mileage of cars 2.4 Calculation of annual scope of work 2.5 Calculation of number of production works 3. Organizational Part 3.1 Organization and Content of Works 3.1.1 Selection of Organization Method 3.1.2 Process at ATP Process at Forge and Spring Section 3.2 Distribution of Workers by Workplaces 3.3 Selection of Process Equipment 3.4 Calculation of Production Areas 3.5 Development of Process 4. Design part 4.1 Purpose, device and operation of accessory 4.2 Device of accessory 4.3 Instructions for use of accessory 5. Occupational safety 5.1 Organization of occupational safety in section 5.2 Industrial sanitation 5.3 Fire safety 5.4 Impact of hazardous and harmful industrial factors in motor transport enterprises on the human body 6. Economic part 6.1 Calculation of manpower 6.2 Calculation of annual payroll 6.3 Basic and additional wages of repair workers 6.4 Costs of spare parts and materials for TR and maintenance 6.5 Calculation of overhead costs 6.6 Cost calculation 6.7 Calculation of economic efficiency Conclusion List of used sources and literature

Project's Content

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Additional information



Introduction.. 4

1. Research part... 6

1.1The character of the object.. 6

2. Calculation and processing part.. 8

2.1Installation of technologically compatible groups... 8

2.2Installation of standards... 8

2.3Determination of annual car mileage.. 11

2.4The calculation of the annual scope of work.. 12

2.5Recalculating the number of production works.... 13

3. Organizational part.... 16

3.1Organising and maintaining the work.16

3.1.1Selecting an organization method.. 16

3.1.2Technological process at ATP.. 16

3.1.3Technological process in the blacksmith-spring area.... 17

3.2Distribution of workers to workplaces.... 18

3.3Production of process equipment.19

3.4Compute production areas.... 20

3.5Process development... 20

4. Design part.23

4.1The purpose, arrangement and operation of the device.... 23

4.2 Adaptation.23 Device

4.3Instruction on application of the accessory.... 23

5. Protection of labor..... 24

5.1Organising labor protection at the site 24

5.2Productive sanitation.... 26

5.3 Fire safety.28

5.4Productive hazards and hazards in

Motor transport enterprises on the human body... 29

6. Economic part.34

6.1 Calculation of the number of personnel... 34

6.2 Calculation of the annual salary fund.... 36

6.3Basic and additional salary of repair workers


6.4Spares and materials for TR

and TO.39

6.5 Calculation of overhead costs.... 41

6.6Calculation of cost... 48

6.7Compute cost-effectiveness.. 49


List of sources and literature used... 54


Road transport is the most mass mode of transport, especially efficient and convenient when transporting goods and passengers over relatively short distances. The efficient and efficient operation of road transport is ensured by the rational use of a multimillion-dollar fleet of rolling stock - trucks, cars, buses, trailers and semi-trailers.

The automotive industry supplies the national economy with perfect rolling stock, the design of which has high reliability. However, due to the complexity of rolling stock structures, it is necessary to use increasingly complex technical means of servicing cars, primarily diagnostic ones, as well as improve technology and organization of work. The intensive growth of the automobile fleet requires a sharp increase in labor productivity when servicing and repairing rolling stock, and the complication of the design requires advanced training of maintenance personnel.

Labor and material costs for the technical maintenance of rolling stock constitute a significant part of the total costs of road transport.

The need to maintain a high level of operability requires that most faults and faults are prevented, i.e. the product is restored to service before failure occurs. Therefore, the task of maintenance (maintenance) is mainly to prevent the occurrence of failures and faults, and repair - to eliminate them (restore serviceability). Prevention of failures and faults requires maintenance and routine repair (TR) regulation, that is, regular according to the plan for performing certain maintenance and TR operations with the established periodicity and labor intensity. The list of performed operations, their periodicity and labor intensity in general constitute the maintenance and repair mode.

In our country, maintenance and repair of cars is carried out on a planned basis, which is a maintenance and repair system, which consists of a set of interconnected provisions and norms that determine the procedure for maintenance and repair in order to ensure the specified quality indicators of cars during operation.

The purpose of the diploma project:

Organization of the blacksmith and spring section.

Objectives of the diploma project:

Pick up rooms

Select process equipment;

Define the process plan in the plant and site.

Perform the necessary calculations;


The following works were carried out during the thesis project:

1. The introduction reflects the role of road transport in the life of society, the tasks of service areas, the goals of the diploma project;

2. The research part presents the characteristics of ATP, the operating mode, material and technical conditions, the operating conditions of cars, the process diagram at the ATP and the designed area.

3. In the calculation and processing part - calculations of the annual scope of work Tuch = 622 hourly, calculation of workers, calculation of the list number of workers, Rs = 1 person were made.

4. In the organizational part - selection of the method of organization of work at the forge-spring area, process diagram, method of organization of work, selection of technological equipment, distribution of labour intensity at the design object by types of work, distribution of works and performers by workplaces, calculation of production area of the design object.

5. In the design part - an accessory is presented, a description of its work is given.

6. Occupational safety includes industrial sanitation, safety and fire safety.

7. In the economic part, technical and economic indicators and the payback period were calculated. When calculating, it turned out:

The number of employees of the site 0.4 people

including workers (main) 1 person

Average discharge of working section 6

Annual salary fund - 74955.26 rubles.

including the working area (main) - 74955.26 rubles.

The average annual salary of the main worker is 74955.26 rubles.

The average monthly salary of the main worker is 6246.3 rubles.

The amount of capital expenditures is 855652 rubles.

The cost of the completed scope of work is 1137905.81 rubles .

The cost of one man-hour is 1943.02 rubles.

The payback period for capital expenditures is 3.5 years.

The SMtrans enterprise has a weak load of work on the blacksmith-spring site, therefore, in order to make up for the labor intensity, it is possible to offer services produced on the site to other road transport enterprises.

Drawings content

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