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Blacksmith and Spring Project

  • Added: 05.05.2020
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Forge-spring works include repair and manufacture of parts using heating (straightening, hot riveting, forging of parts) and repair of springs having reduced elasticity, breakages of individual spring sheets and wear of bushings of core sheets. Parts requiring repair are delivered to the blacksmith spring section from the warehouse of parts awaiting repair. After blacksmithing, parts are sent according to the process route to other areas for further processing. Finished parts are delivered to the picking area. New parts are made from metal coming from warehouse or from procurement section after preliminary cutting into blanks. Springs requiring repair come to the blacksmith-spring section in assembled form from the dismantling-washing section. Here they are disassembled, defective and sorted into suitable, unsuitable and requiring repair.

Project's Content

icon _Zaklyuchenie.docx
icon 1_Raschetno_tekhnologichekiy_razdel - копия.docx
icon 2_Organizatsionny_razdel.docx
icon 3_Технологический_razdel.docx
icon 4_Proizvodstvennaya_i_ekologicheskaya_bezopasnost.docx
icon Vvedenie.docx
icon Кузнечно - рессорный.cdw
icon Кузнечно - рессорный.cdw.bak
icon Литература.docx
icon содержание.docx

Additional information





1.1. Annual Production Program

1.2. Section operation mode. Annual Time Funds

1.3. Labor intensity and annual scope of work

1.4. Composition and number of workers

1.5. Selection of process equipment

1.6. Plot Area

1.7. Layout of blacksmith-spring section


2.1. Site Characteristics

2.2. Selection and justification of repair method

2.3. Organization of the production process

2.4. Organization of workplaces


3.1. Part Purpose and Process Characteristics

3.2 Defect analysis. Selecting how to correct the defect

3.3. Process diagrams of defects elimination

3.4. Selecting Basing Surfaces

3.5. Selection of equipment and means of technological equipment

3.6. Process Roadmap

3.7. Selection and calculation of recovery modes

3.8. Process Operation Rationing


4.1.Determination of ATM and electric power demand

4.2. Determination of water flow rate

4.3. Safety precautions

4.4. Environmental protection

5. Conclusion

6. List of used literature


Road transport involves the use of rolling stock (cars and road trains) in good technical condition.

Serviceable technical condition means complete compliance of rolling stock with the norms defined by the rules of technical operation and characterizes its operability.

The performance of the car is evaluated by a combination of operational technical qualities - dynamism, stability, economy, reliability, durability, handling, etc. - which are expressed for each car by specific indicators. In order for the performance of the car during operation to be at the required level, the value of these indicators must change little for a long time compared to their original values.

However, the technical condition of the car, like any other car, does not remain unchanged during long-term operation. It worsens as a result of wear of parts and mechanisms, breakdowns and other malfunctions, which leads to a deterioration in the performance of the car. Thus, after a certain time, it is necessary to conduct KR of car units.

Overhaul is performed to restore serviceability and full or close to complete recovery of the resource with replacement or restoration of any its units and units, including basic ones.

During overhaul, complete disassembly, defects, restoration or replacement of parts (except for basic ones), as well as their assembly, adjustment and testing are carried out.

Overhaul allows you to restore and reuse a significant number of parts and thereby save money and materials. The cost of overhaul using existing methods does not exceed the 60% cost of production of new vehicles, and the consumption of materials during overhaul in 10... is 15 times less than during manufacture, since the part itself is used as a "workpiece." Before write-off, the car undergoes one overhaul.

Overhaul of the car is primarily due to the technical condition of the body, its power elements and main units.

The unit is sent for overhaul according to the accepted list if the basic and main parts require complete disassembly of the unit or if the technical condition of the unit has deteriorated due to significant wear and tear of most of its parts to such an extent that restoring its operability through ongoing repair is not economically feasible.


2.1. Site Characteristics

Forge-spring works include repair and manufacture of parts using heating (straightening, hot riveting, forging of parts) and repair of springs having reduced elasticity, breakages of individual spring sheets and wear of bushings of core sheets.

Parts requiring repair are delivered to the blacksmith spring section from the warehouse of parts awaiting repair. After blacksmithing, parts are sent according to the process route to other areas for further processing. Finished parts are delivered to the picking area. New parts are made from metal coming from warehouse or from procurement section after preliminary cutting into blanks. Springs requiring repair come to the blacksmith-spring section in assembled form from the dismantling-washing section. Here they are disassembled, defective and sorted into suitable, unsuitable and requiring repair.

The spring sheets to be repaired are annealed in the furnace, after which they are given the required run boom. Then spring sheets are thermally treated and straightened. Finished spring sheets enter the spring assembly posts. A number of broken spring sheets are used to make smaller sheets. Instead of unsuitable sheets, new ones are made from strip spring steel blanks. Assembled springs are tested on the bench and transported to the assembly area

2.2. Selection and justification of repair method

On the blacksmith-spring site, an unparalleled repair method.

An unparalleled method is a method of repair in which the restored components remain belonging to a certain instance, that is, to the instance to which they belonged before repair. This method retains the mutual development of the parts, their initial relationship, due to which the quality of repair is usually higher than with the impersonal method.

2.3. Organization of the production process

The organization of the production process ensures the distribution of workers and equipment in the site and workplace in proportion to the labor intensity of the work performed. The organizational form of assembly, testing works is repair at specialized work stations.

Under the conditions of such organization of work, at each workplace, one assembly or a set of predetermined technological operations is assembled, according to a predetermined technology, according to technical specifications.

The use of specialized places allows you to increase labor productivity, reduce the requirements for the level of qualification of workers and thereby reduce the cost of repairs.

Parts requiring repair are delivered to the blacksmith-spring section from the warehouse of parts awaiting repair. After blacksmithing, the parts are sent according to the technological route to other areas (most often to the locksmith) for further processing. Finished parts are delivered to the picking area.

The new parts are made of metal coming from the warehouse or from the procurement section, after preliminary cutting into blanks.

2.4. Organization of workplaces

The correct organization of the workplace is supposed to clearly determine the scope and nature of the work performed on it, the necessary equipment, rational planning, systematic maintenance, favorable and safe working conditions.

A passport is drawn up for each workplace, which indicates: the content of the work performed, the annual assignment in human hours, the mode and conditions of work, the layout, equipment and procedure for servicing the workplace, the procedure for placing the processed parts on it.

The locksmith's workplace on the blacksmith-spring site is specialized and organized in such a way that all the necessary equipment is placed on them in a convenient position for work,

accessories, mechanized tool, parts. Assembling subassemblies and

instruments are made on stands using special technological equipment. And tests are carried out on special stands.

The main equipment of the locksmith's workplace is a workbench, on which locksettes, control and straightening plates, devices for storage and placement of process documentation and measuring tool are located. The necessary locksmith and measuring tool is located in the boxes of the yard, in fixed places.

3. Design of piston pin recovery process

3.4. Selecting Basing Surfaces

When the piston pin is distributed by the ball, the end of the pin serves as the installation technological base, on which it is installed on a special support of the accessory [18].

When grinding the pin for nominal size, conical holes in its internal cavity and end surfaces are used as installation technological bases.

Pin is installed on rotating centers of round grinding machine.

3.5. Selection of equipment and means of technological equipment

For the heat treatment of the piston pins, namely annealing, a chamber furnace for heating and a shop container into which they are loaded are used. The ball is pressed using a pin fixture and a 21351M hydraulic press. cementation of the outer surface is carried out at a special installation. Grinding of the external surface after processing of the fingers with plastic deformation is carried out on the model 3 crusher grinding machine with a sanding wheel E4660 ST1-ST25K, with fixation on rotating centers. Sink and cleaning of fingers is made in the washing OM2871B installation. Flaw detection is performed using UMDE2500 universal magnetic flaw detector on the foot.

Quality control of piston pin recovery is carried out on the controller table using micrometer MK50 GOST 6567: accessory equipped with a beating indicator; roughness samples.

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