Access control system
- Added: 03.07.2014
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Project's Content
усовные обозначения.dwg
1 этаж.dwg
1 этаж СКУД.dwg
подвал этаж.dwg
Пояснительная 1.doc
Пояснительная 2.doc
схема сети.dwg
Additional information
1. Reference
2. List of working drawings
3. Conventions
4-5. Explanatory note
6. Access Control Network Diagram
7. Access Control Network Plan: 6th Floor
8. Access Control Network Plan: Basement
9. Main Equipment Specification
1. Common part.
This project is developed on the basis of the Client's terms of reference. Decisions taken in this project comply with the current guidelines and regulatory and technical documents
This project provides an access control system with the permanent presence of the duty officer at the security post.
2. Basic technical solutions.
This project provides access control system. The system is provided on the basis of the central network controller C2000SP1, access point controller NC1000, reader NRA03, output button H02, arched metal detector Ranger Intelliscan.
Access control system
Access control system is represented by:
- central control controller of the network
- access point controller
- reader
- exit buttons
- arched metal detector
The system is equipped with the premises of the Arbitration Court of the Saratov Region. On each door of the room, an electronic key reader is installed from the outside and an exit button from the inside, an access point controller is also installed to control the opening of the door, and an electromagnetic lock is installed on the door. Magnetic contact detectors are installed in the rooms to control the opening of doors in the rooms.
3. Installation of equipment and wiring.
Installation of wiring shall be carried out in accordance with the design, inspection certificate and standard design solution, taking into account the requirements of PUE, SNiP 3.05. 0685, general instruction on the construction of lines of structures of urban telephone networks. The design provides for: loops to be made with UTP4 * 2 * 0.5 wires; IWGng 2x1.5.
Prior to installation works the cables shall be checked for breakage and compliance with insulation resistance standards between the cores.
When laying a cable at 90 degrees or close to it, the bend radius shall be at least seven cable diameters.
Cables and wires are laid in a cable channel, which is attached to building structures using dowels. In all cases where wires and cables pass through the walls, the cable is laid in PCB pipes. For ease of maintenance, a wire margin of up to 100mm shall be provided in the instrument or junction box.
Distance from unprotected and protected wires and cables to places where combustible materials are open shall be not less than 1 m.
4. Power supply.
The system is powered by a 220V AC power supply.
5. Indications of safety measures.
Installation and commissioning works should be started only after safety measures are completed. Operation with alarm equipment and fire warning system shall be performed in compliance with PUE. When working with manual power tools, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of GOST 12.2.01387.
Only stairs or ladders shall be used when working at height. The use of improvised means is strictly prohibited!
When using stairs, the presence of a second person is mandatory. The lower ends of the ladder shall have stops in the form of metal studs or rubber tips. During installation, adjustment and maintenance of alarm equipment and fire warning system, refer also to safety sections of technical documentation of manufacturers, departmental instructions on safety during installation and adjustment of control and automation devices.
1. During operation of devices, the current "Rules for technical operation of electrical installations of consumers and safety rules during operation of electrical installations of consumers"
2.Installation, installation and maintenance shall be performed at disconnected network voltage from instruments.
3. It is forbidden to use fuses that do not correspond to the nominal value.
4. Installation and maintenance of devices shall be carried out by persons with a safety qualification group not lower than the third.
5.To ensure the safety of people, the electrical equipment of the plant must be grounded (busy). Grounding (grounding) must be performed in accordance with the requirements of the "Installation Rules" (PUE), SNiP "Electrical devices," GOST 12.1.3081 and technical documentation of the manufacturer.
усовные обозначения.dwg
1 этаж.dwg
1 этаж СКУД.dwg
подвал этаж.dwg
схема сети.dwg
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