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The project of a two-apartment building.

  • Added: 14.08.2014
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The design of a two-apartment building from foam blocks. Sections EXPERTS, ES, OV, VK. Residential building - one-story, two-apartment, rectangular in plan with dimensions in axes 18.10 x 9.60m, without a basement.

Project's Content

icon АС.dwg
icon ВК.dwg
icon ОВ.dwg
icon ПЗ АС.doc
icon ПЗ ВК.doc
icon ПЗ ОВ.doc
icon ПЗ ЭО.doc
icon ПЗ.doc
icon Содержание.doc
icon Состав проектной документации.doc
icon Список исполнителей.doc
icon Теплотехнический расчет.doc
icon Титульные.doc
icon ТУ и задание на проектирование.doc
icon ЛС №02-01-01.gsf
icon ЛС №02-01-01.xls
icon ЛС №02-01-02.gsf
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icon ЛС №02-01-05.xls
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icon ЛС №02-01-08.xls
icon ЛС №04-02.gsf
icon ЛС №04-02.xls
icon материалы №02-01-01.xls
icon материалы №02-01-02.xls
icon материалы №02-01-03.xls
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icon материалы №02-01-07.xls
icon материалы №02-01-08.xls
icon материалы №04-02.xls
icon ОС 2012.gsf
icon ОС №02-01.xls
icon ПЗ.doc
icon ССР 2012.gsf
icon ССР 2012.xls
icon стык листов.png
icon Задание на проектирование 2-х квартирного жилого дома.doc
icon ТУ 2-х квартирный жилой дом.doc
icon ЭС.dwg

Additional information

Special events and activities

Measures for protection of building structures

Due to the fact that the production of the construction process is provided in ordinary meteorological conditions without the release of harmful substances, special measures for corrosion protection are not provided.

All metal surfaces must be trimmed before installation and painted with enamel - after installation.

Apply hot bitumen on cold bitumen primer to all concrete surfaces of the pile walls and basement walls in contact with the ground.

Section VK of the project on a two-apartment residential building with. Severnoye, Severny District, Novosibirsk Region developed by Project Complex LLC on the basis of:

Design Tasks

Contract No. 26 dated March 11, 2012

The project was developed in accordance with the current norms, rules and standards, the requirements of SNiP 2.04.0185 *, SNiP 3.05.0185, SP 4010398, SP 401022000.

Cold water supply is provided from existing external networks.

Hot water supply from storage water heaters of ARISTON grade with volume V = 80 l, capacity W = 1.5 KW installed in bathrooms of apartments. Cold and hot water supply networks are installed from polypropylene pipes "Random Copolymer" PN 20. ∅20

At entry into apartments install impeller water meters ∅15.

A separate hose (hose) connection valve is provided on the potable water supply network in order to make it possible to use it as a primary internal fire extinguishing device at an early stage.

Cold water pipelines networks located in the underground are isolated by Thermaflex insulation of FRZ δ = 25mm .

For cleaning the house area, external watering cranes are installed one for each apartment.

The domestic sewage system is installed from plastic sewage pipes according to GOST 2268989 ∅50-100.

For ventilation of the sewer network, the design provides ventilation sewer risers St K11 and St K12 ∅110 exiting above the roof level by 0.5 m.

To prevent the formation of condensate, the sewer pipe on the roof is heat insulated.

The project provides for the construction of two issues of sewers ∅110, l = 5.5 m and two spurs V = 5 m ³, ∅2000 according to the catalog of the Metalist plant for each apartment individually.

Arrange monolithic preparation of concrete of class B3.5 δ = 10cm under the bottom of the pot, the width of the projection is 100mm. Cover the external surfaces of the crucible with bituminoethylene varnish. Seal the joints with concrete of class B15.

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

Heat supply of the house is provided from the solid fuel apparatus


Heating system coolant - water with maximum temperature not more than 95 ° С. The heating system of a residential building is adopted as a double-tube dead end with the routing of main pipelines above the floor (in the corridor - under the floor). All lines are laid with a slope of 0.002.

"MS140" radiators with heat removal of one 160W section are used as heating devices. Control of heat removal of instruments is carried out by manual adjustment valves installed on the devices. To prevent clogging of temperature control valves at the coolant inlet to the heating system (on the branches), a ball valve with a built-in filter with a mesh cell section of not more than 0.5x0.5 mm is provided. T-joints with plugs for coolant lowering are installed at the lower points of the heating system.

Air removal from the heating system of a residential building is carried out through Mayevsky cranes installed in the upper plugs of radiators. Heating system pipelines, instrument supply - metal polymer pipes (PEXALPEX) VALTEX. To create non-detachable pipe connections from metal polymer pipes, press fittings for metal polymer pipes are used.

In the place of pipelines laying under the floor the pipes are insulated with cylinders "ROKWOOL TEX MAT" δ = 40mm with coating layer -stecloplastic roll.


The project provides for exhaust ventilation with a natural impulse from the kitchen and bathroom rooms. The influx of air is unorganized. Exhaust - natural through metal air ducts in the attic passing into insulated round ventshats. Slot control grids of type "P" as per p.1.49410 .

Air ducts are made of galvanized steel GOST 1491880 *. Ducts passing through the attic shall be made δ = 1mm .

On the attic to isolate air ducts mats of ROCKWOOL WIRED MAT 80™ (Vayred Mat 80) δ=80мм, vignette aluminum foil (for fire protection of air ducts).

Umbrellas are installed on ventilation shafts in order to protect against atmospheric precipitation.

Boiler house

As a heat generator, a solid-fuel water-heating device KARAKAN is installed in the house. Forced circulation of coolant is performed by circulating WiloStarRS pump 25/2. The boiler room ventilation is natural through the ventilation channel. The POS section of the project for a two-apartment residential building with. Severnoye, Severny District, Novosibirsk Region was developed by Project Complex LLC on the basis of:

1. Design tasks.

2. Agreement No. 26 dated 11.03.2012

3. Architectural and construction part of the project. The project was developed in accordance with the current norms, rules and standards, the requirements of SNiP 41012003, SNiP 2.04.0185 *, SNiP 3.05.0185, SP 4010398, SP 401022000.

Number of apartments - 2.

TNCS grounding system.

Design power 20.0 kW.

Mains voltage 220V.

The power factor cosetais 0.98.

Design capacity is defined for apartments with electric stoves.

The following consumers are accepted as consumers: a water heater, an electric heat exchanger, a circulation pump, an electric stove, as well as household appliances and electric lighting.

For distribution and electricity metering on apartments, t guards are accepted. ShchURv3/30zo1 36 UHL3 established in niches. Each apartment has an e-call with a button.

Group networks three-wire with VBGngLS 3x2.5mm ² cable, which lead: in the bars of the walls, in the voids of the ceiling plates, open along the walls. Supply power to the electrical board with 3x6mm ² VBGngLS cable.

Sockets, in the living rooms of apartments, kitchens and hallways with protective curtains. To connect the circulation pump - a socket in a spray-proof version is provided in the boiler room.

Terminal blocks are provided for connecting lamps, in residential rooms, kitchens and corridors of apartments, and in kitchens and corridors of apartments - suspended cartridges connected to terminal blocks.

The lines are protected from overloads and short-circuit currents by circuit breakers.

Cable passes through walls shall be made in pipe sections filled with easily removable mass from non-combustible material. Closures shall allow replacement and additional laying of new wires and cables and provide fire resistance rating of the opening not less than fire resistance rating of partitions.

Protective measures

To protect people from electric shock, all metal non-current-carrying parts of the electrical equipment that may be energized, as a result of insulation damage, must be drilled. Special zero protective conductors of the network should be used as zeroing conductors. All protective conductors are electrically connected to the main grounding bus of the BRU. Perform the main potential equalization system at the input, which provides for: metal connections of PE BRU bus with ground lightning protection device, metal structures of the building.

Perform an additional potential equalization system, in which a metal connection of third-party conductive parts (metal pipes of water supply, sewage, heating, bath housing, metal washing in the kitchen) with the PE tire of the apartment board should be provided. Connections shall be made by IWGngLS cable in yellow-green insulation, with a section of 2.5 mm ².

Lightning protection

According to the instruction on lightning protection of buildings and structures RD34.21.12287, this object is subject to lightning protection in category III, according to which protection against direct lightning strikes and skid of high potentials is provided. General lightning protection instructions see Sheet 6

Construction and installation works

Installation works shall be performed only by qualified personnel entitled to perform electrical installation works.

Perform and accept installation works in accordance with PUE, SP and SNiP.

Explanatory Note

to the consolidated estimate at current prices for the construction of a two-apartment residential building at the address: North, Northern District, Novosibirsk Region

The estimated cost to the consolidated estimate in current prices for the construction of a two-apartment residential building at the address: North, Northern District, Novosibirsk Region, is based on the drawings: 238PK12AS, 238-PK-12-VK, 238PK12OV, 238-PK-12-ES.

The estimated cost is determined on the basis of Territorial unit rates for the Novosibirsk region (revision of 2009), 2001, registered by the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services, 2010. with conversion to the current price level by basic index method for issue No. 2, December 2011.

Construction area - VI.

Unexpected cost 2%.

Overhead costs and estimated profit are determined according to the letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated 28.07.2011. No. 20246AP/08.

The estimated cost in the current price level is 4743.74 thousand rubles .

Drawings content

icon АС.dwg

icon ВК.dwg


icon ОВ.dwg


icon ЭС.dwg

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