Two-storey two-apartment brick residential building in Kashira

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Additional information
The plans for the development of the national economy provide for a more effective use of capital investments in the field of construction, a reduction in the labor intensity and cost of construction due to improved planning and organization of construction. Much attention is paid to increasing labor productivity, as well as the quality and reliability of the erected facilities.
Recently, great work has been carried out to unify the architectural solutions of buildings of various purposes and improve their structures. Efficient reinforced concrete structures are widely introduced into production. Construction has been translated into better planning and economic stimulus principles, which made it possible to incorporate many reserves, streamline the design and estimate business, and improve the quality of facilities being built.
The main attention is paid to increasing the efficiency of capital investments, improving their reproductive and technological structure. The concentration of material, financial and labor costs should be aimed at the technical re-equipment and reconstruction of existing enterprises and structures that determine scientific and technological progress.
It is especially important to continue the industrialization of construction production, to turn it into a single industrial construction process for the construction of objects from factory-made elements. Switch to a comprehensive supply of engineering and technical equipment to construction sites, enlarged units. Accelerate the creation and implementation of advanced technology, machine systems and mechanisms that ensure the integrated mechanization of construction and installation work, especially in the conditions of reconstruction of existing enterprises. Replace traditional labor-intensive processes with modern industrial methods in individual works.
Reduce manual work. Implement more advanced forms and methods of work, develop a brigade contract, enlarge brigades, improve the organization of their work. To increase the mobility of construction organizations for the construction of facilities in uninhabited and remote areas in a shorter time frame.
1.1. Scope of application of task list
The process map was developed for the construction of the first floor of a two-story two-apartment brick residential building in Kashira, providing for:
Layout of work organization on the floor, including:
- floor plan;
- crane binding, its diagram and technical characteristics;
- layout of slabs and sequence of installation; - division into plots and arrangement of scaffolds.
Work center organization scheme:
- when laying brick walls,
- when laying slabs.
Hourly work schedule.
Ground cycle works are performed after the following types of works are performed:
- construction of foundations;
-- backfill;
- installation crane is installed and places of its parking are determined;
- material storage sites have been prepared and their necessary stock has been brought in;
- an inventory container for receiving, mixing and batch delivery of mortar is installed and connected to temporary networks;
- as-built survey of zero-cycle structures is performed.
Thus, by the beginning of installation work, all works of the "zero" and preparatory period must be completed.
The works considered in the Job Instruction include:
- cleaning the workplace from dirt, snow, ice;
- brick supply;
- solution supply;
- arrangement of inventory scaffolding for masonry;
- masonry of walls and brick partitions;
- masonry of pillars of brick;
- arrangement of ventilation channels and pipes;
- laying of bar jumpers;
- filling of openings;
- laying of reinforced concrete, stone structural elements and parts;
- disassembly of inventory scaffolding for masonry.
The work is carried out by an integrated team of masons in 2 shifts: in the first shift, wall construction work is carried out, and installation work is carried out in the second shift.
The complex team consists of two links of the "troika."
The work is carried out in the spring-summer period and is carried out in 2 shifts.
The start of the work is April month.
The duration of execution is 4 days.
1.2. Technology and organization of works
1.2.1. Selection of installation crane.
Initial data for selection are dimensions and volumetric planning solutions of the building, parameters and working positions of the loads, method and technical position of installation, conditions of work.
In low-rise construction, the use of a boom crane is advisable.
The installation crane is selected according to the following technical characteristics:
- crane boom length;
- crane boom outburst;
- required hook lifting height;
- value of crane load moment at maximum departure;
- value of crane load moment at maximum weight;
- value of required lifting capacity.
Crane parameters shall meet the following requirements:
- the crane shall set the farthest structure to its design position;
- the crane at the same boom length shall set the farthest structure to its design position regardless of its weight.
For boom self-propelled cranes on caterpillar or pneumatic wheel travel height of boom (hook) S, boom length Lc and boom (hook) L are determined.
For a crane without a goose, the lifting height of the boom (hook), m.
d - distance between the projecting part of the building and the tail part of the crane during its turning, is accepted - 1 m;
Rzg - radius described by the tail of the crane, m.
Drawing of 1:200 scale crane position diagram (Fig. 1).
- determine the position of point E (1 m) from the outline of the building;
- axis/M M/, 1.5 m from crane parking level;
-- through point E, at an angle of 60 °, we draw a straight line (A K);
- we find the position of the crane rotation axis (1.5 m away from the building);
- measure line lengths, recalculate in scale, [AP] = 34 m, [PT] = 23.5 m, [AK] = 39.5 m.
This corresponds to the height of the boom rise Nc = 34 m., boom departure L = 23.5 m., Boom length Lc = 39.56 m.
Based on graphically found parameters of cranes, according to tables and schedules of lifting capacity, take-off and hook lifting height, select the following cranes:
-- FAUN – RTF – 50;
- COP - 8362;
- JAG - 50;
The technical and economic parameters of the selected cranes are entered in Table 1.
It is most profitable to use the KS pneumatic valve - 8362A (Fig. 2).
1.2.2. Instructions for the production of stone works.
Justifications for the work organization scheme.
When conducting the construction of external and internal load-bearing walls, inter-apartment and inter-room brick partitions, the requirements of SNiP 12012004 "Construction Organization" must be complied with. Organization of construction production, SNiP 3.03.0187. Bearing and enclosing structures, SNiP 12042002 (section 9), as well as SNiP 12032001. Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements.
2.2. The following works shall be performed on the ground floor of the building prior to the start of stone works:
- all works on installation of foundation floors are fully completed;
- geodetic check was performed and as-built diagrams were drawn up
- fencing of the slab sections to be frozen;
- all necessary materials and products are delivered and stored at the construction site in the crane area (Fig. 3);
- necessary devices, equipment, personal protective equipment, scavenging equipment and tools are prepared for operation;
- Workers and engineers engaged in masonry and related installation works are familiarized with the work design and trained in safe working methods.
Instructions for acceptance, storage and storage of materials and structures.
When accepting construction materials used for the construction of load-bearing walls and partitions, the availability of quality documents (passports, certificates, conclusions, etc.) is checked and the data presented in them are compared with the results of inspection, measurements, and in cases of doubts about their reliability, with laboratory test data.
The accompanying quality document shall verify the following:
- on the name and address of the manufacturer;
- on the number and date of issue of the quality document;
- on the name and brand of the delivered construction products;
- on the number of products in the package (batch);
- date of manufacture of delivered construction materials,
- on strength characteristics of materials;
- on symbols in accordance with GOST or TU.
Requirements for applied construction materials.
The brick used for masonry shall comply with GOST for these building materials. The quality of the brick delivered to the floor during masonry is checked by the performers (masons) by visual inspection (Fig. 4).
Prefabricated reinforced concrete straps of window and door openings shall not have chips, cracks, protrusions of metal reinforcement on the surface. The side surface of the bridges shall be marked with indelible paint.
Metal reinforcement, reinforcing masonry nets and rods shall be without visible signs of corrosion (Fig. 5).
The mortar used for masonry shall have a mobility of at least 7 cm. In winter working conditions lime additives and plasticizing - air-entrapping chemical additive of soaked liquor (PMC) shall be added to the masonry solution in an amount not exceeding 0.8 g per 1 kg of cement (Fig. 6). In winter conditions of stone works, the temperature of the mortar at the time of its shipment should not be lower than + 25 ° С, and at the time of laying in the wall - + 10 ° С. At ambient air temperature below 15 ° С, one grade above design grade solution shall be used.
It is forbidden to use bricks, prefabricated bars and mortar, for which the supplier does not submit quality documents.
Brick delivery to the facility is carried out in packages in specially equipped on-board machines. Packages with brick (Fig.9) are stored on a planned site on pallets or reinforced concrete slab (Fig.8) in the crane area in rows with a gap between pallets of 100-120mm. A passage with a width of 0.7 sound1.0m should be left after 3-4 rows of pallets. It is allowed to store packages with brick stacks on gaskets, the height of the stack is not more than 2 tiers. Brick is fed to working place in traverse case.
Prefabricated reinforced concrete bridges are stored in stacks on wooden inventory linings and gaskets with a thickness of at least 50 mm. Placement of liners and gaskets must be not more than 200 mm from the ends of stored items. The height of the stack shall not exceed three rows of height.
Delivery of masonry mortar to the construction site (Fig. 10) is carried out by car dump trucks. In order to prevent its delamination, the solution is supplied to the masons workplace by crane only after it is reloaded into boxes through a screw unit for receiving, mixing and dispensing masonry solution with a forced driver (Fig. 11). The mortar and concrete mixture are supplied to the workplace by a mounting crane in boxes with a capacity of 0.35 m3, with filling up to 0.25 m3.
Instructions on work execution technology.
Masonry of external and internal load-bearing walls, as well as partitions, shall be performed in accordance with the rules for the production and acceptance of works (SNII1778), compliance with which ensures the required strength of the structures to be erected and high quality of work, working drawings for the constructed structure, the work design and this Job Instruction.
The mason's workplace during wall masonry includes a section of the erected wall and a part of the area adjacent to it, within which materials, devices, a tool are placed and the mason itself moves. The mason's workplace consists of three zones: working 1 - a free strip along the masonry on which the masons work; material zones 2 - strips on which brick, mortar and parts are placed, laid in masonry as it is erected; 3 - in this area there are riggers providing bricklayers with materials and embedded parts. The total width of the workplace is 2.5... 2.6 m (Fig. 3).
When laying brick walls, the material is placed along the front of the work in an alternating order: brick on pallets, mortar in a drawer, then brick on pallets again. In order to be convenient to supply the solution to the walls, the distance between adjacent boxes with the solution should not exceed Z... 3.5 m, and they should be placed on a long side perpendicular to the wall. It is not necessary to place boxes outside the material zone and further than 2 m from the place of solution placement in the structure, since this increases the physical load on the worker and increases the loss of solution.
The stock of brick or stone at the workplace should correspond to the 2... 4-hour need for them. The solution is loaded into the boxes just before the start of operation. Jobs should not be cluttered with excess materials and scaffolding and forests should be overloaded.
The masonry of the external bearing walls is carried out by the links of the "four" masons. Recommended composition of the link (Fig.12):
Work on brickwork of external load-bearing walls is performed in the following sequence:
- marking of places of walls, doorways and their fixation on the floor;
- installation of rack - order (if necessary) (Fig.13);
- tensioning of mooring cord (Fig.14, 15);
- feeding and laying of bricks;
- overblocking, spreading and leveling of masonry mortar;
- laying of construction bricks (Figures 16, 17, 18, 19) in the structure of the outer wall;
-Verifying the correctness of laid masonry (Fig. 20);
- installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete lintels above door and window openings in the course of masonry.
Work on the construction of external walls by a bricklayer link is carried out in the following sequence. Masons K and K conduct masonry of the outer verst. Bricklayers K K make masonry of the inner verst and dam, while the bricklayer K helps them. The mooring cord is pulled by the bricklayer K only for masonry of the outer verst.
Masonry of external load-bearing walls is carried out from the inter-storey floor in a stepped way: first, masonry of the external verst is laid out in the 2 3 row, and then the internal structure of the wall. Masonry is carried out to an elevation of 1200 sound1250 mm above the floor level. Upon reaching the specified elevation, masonry continues with hinged panel scaffolds installed on the floor. Solution is spread on wall with indentation from edge of external or internal verst by 2-3 cm during masonry into wasteland and by 1-2 cm during masonry into clipping. When laying stamen rows, the dilution width of the solution should not exceed 22 cm, and when laying spoon rows-8 cm. At the same time, the vertical seams of the underlying masonry row are also filled with the solution. The height of the dispersed solution should be 2-3 cm so that after laying the brick there is an even seam of the required thickness. When laying a spoon row, the solution should be spread with a side face, and when laying stamen rows - with the front edge of a bucket-shovel. During masonry, the solution is laid in a "trough" formed by two vertical rows of masonry, and leveled with the rear of the shovel ladle. Masonry must be carried out in a wasteland with no masonry solution filling the front and inner surfaces of the walls up to 15 mm.. Horizontal reinforcement of masonry of external walls is performed by welded metal grids made of reinforcement wire every five rows.
During masonry breaks, the materials and articles laid in the structure must be closed from atmospheric precipitation.
Work on masonry of internal load-bearing walls and partitions is performed in the following sequence:
- marking of places of walls and partitions, doorways and their fixation on the floor;
- installation of rack - order (if necessary);
- tensioning of the mooring cord;
- feeding and laying of bricks;
- overblocking, spreading and leveling of masonry mortar;
- laying of bricks in the structure of the inner wall and partition;
- check of lined masonry correctness;
- installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete lintels above door openings in the course of masonry.
Masonry of internal bearing walls and partitions is carried out by the links of masons "double," the recommended composition of the link (Fig. 21):
bricklayer K strengthens the quay for masonry, bricklayer K feeds and spreads the brick onto the partition and spreads the mortar for masonry.
The berth is pulled along each row of masonry. Brick along the erected wall and partition is laid out in stacks of 2 pcs with an interval of 1/2 of stone (125 mm). Masonry at the intersection of structural walls, walls and partitions must be carried out simultaneously. In case of forced breaks, masonry is performed in the form of an inclined or vertical stroke. In case of vertical cutting, reinforcement consisting of three steel bars with diameter of 8 mm is laid in masonry seams after 2 m in masonry height, including in the level of each floor
Masonry reinforcement shall be performed every 4 rows of brick 2 W 6 A I. Masonry shall be wasteland with unfilled masonry mortar on the front surface of partitions up to 15 mm. When masonry reaches the elevation of 1200-1250 mm above the floor level, scaffolds are installed, and masonry of the next tier is carried out from hinged-panel scaffolds. The verticality of the faces and angles of the masonry, the horizontality of its rows should be checked at least twice on each tier of masonry (after 0.5-0.6 m) with the elimination of the detected deviations during the construction of the tier.
The laying of any structures and their elements, as well as the laying of bricks under the supporting parts of the structures, regardless of the dressing system, should be started and finished with a stamen row. The thickness of horizontal masonry seams shall not be less than 10 and not more than 15 mm. Thickness of vertical seams is assumed to be 10 mm
In the process of masonry, on each side of the door and window openings, at a height of 1/3... 1/4 the opening from the bottom and top of it, wooden antiseptic plugs are installed in the masonry (their size is usually equal to the 1/2 of brick) for subsequent attachment to them filling.
Prefabricated reinforced concrete lintels above window and door openings are installed with their supply by crane to prepared mortar bed. When installing jumpers, attention is paid to the accuracy of their installation by vertical elevations, horizontality and size of the support area.
Masonry is carried out in belt (two tiers on the floor). Construction and installation works are carried out in-line by areas and levels, which makes it possible to combine construction and installation processes and other works in time. Such method ensures continuity of installation works.
The floor is covered only after the installation of partitions, installation of window and door blocks, as well as the supply of materials for the construction of floors and sets of electrical and plumbing materials.
1.2.3. Instructions for installation works.
Prefabricated structures of the above-ground part of the building can be installed with supply from an acquired warehouse or from vehicles. During installation of prefabricated structures with supply from the acquired warehouse, all parts on the construction site should be stacked in the area of the tower crane. When organizing an acquired warehouse, it is necessary to plan and seal the site for storing products. The acquired warehouse is located in the area of the installation crane, and surface water is discharged. Heavy structures should be placed closer to the mounting crane. It is recommended that all structures, parts and articles be placed close to their installation in the design position in such a way that they are convenient to sling, and the marking is visible from the side of the passage. All structures stored in stacks shall be laid on wooden linings and gaskets (sheet No. 1). The installer of structures of the 2nd category prepares the elements for installation, slings them, using a four-branch sling with a lifting capacity of up to five tons (sling diagrams - sheet 1), for supply to the installation site, having previously examined and made sure that the elements are serviceable. The installer of structures of the 4th category accepts structures and together with the installer of structures of the 3rd category sets them to the design position, fixes and disassembles them. For installation of elements of reinforced concrete structures it is necessary to use inventory load-grabbing devices (sheet 1).
When laying slabs, special attention should be paid to the flatness of the ceilings and ensuring the necessary area for resting the slabs on walls. Before installation of floor slabs, support part of wall surface is checked and aligned at level of ceiling of underground. The first slabs of the inter-floor slab are laid from the same floor scaffolds that are used for the installation of wall structures. Subsequent elements are mounted directly from previously installed ones. One of extreme plates is laid first, for which scaffolding is used. Extreme slabs are installed with fencing structures attached to them.
Floor slabs are laid on a layer of M100 cement mortar. The stacking of the slabs is started from the end of the house, and then all the slabs are sequentially laid. The seams between the slabs, as well as the seams in the places of adjoining the walls, must be cleaned of construction debris and carefully poured with cement mortar of at least "150," about which to draw up an act for hidden work. In the place to make seals of concrete M - 200 with installation of fittings. Due to the small amount of welding work, the 4-bit structural installer, having the certificate for the right to work as an electric welder, performs electric welding of anchor joints. After laying of slabs and mineral felt, constructors pour seams between slabs with cement mortar.
Window and balcony door blocks must be delivered to the construction site glazed. Filling of window and door openings, hemp of boxes and installation of sill slabs is carried out in the course of masonry.
1.2.4. Crew calculation.
The construction of the building is carried out in-line, providing for the division of the building into two grips. The calculation of the team for the performance of a separate type of work is carried out in accordance with the ENi R for each of these types of work. Then, a complex team is assembled from the links performing each individual type of work. Work on the construction of walls and the installation of reinforced concrete elements of structures is carried out by a team in the following composition:
First shift:
4-bit mason - 8;
2-digit mason - 8;
2-degree rigger - 4;
driver of valve (5) - 1.
Second shift:
4-bit installer - 1;
3-bit installer - 2;
2-bit installer - 1;
5-bit carpenter - 1;
3-bit carpenter - 1;
2-degree rigger - 2;
driver of valve (5) - 1.
The number of divides on capture is taken according to the number of links in the brigade. When calculating the size of dividers, they proceed from the condition that for a change, the link should lay the wall to the height of the tier (1.1-1.2 m) along the entire length of the divider. The size of the plot (length of the work front) is determined by the formula:
On one capture, 4 plots are organized.
The main working processes are reduced to four complex ones - brickwork, lifting mortar and brick to the workplace, rearranging scaffolding, installation and related processes.
The duration of masonry on the floor is associated with the crane operation time in days with its two-shift use. The planned time is 8 shifts, or 4 days of work.
When erecting a floor, it is divided into two grips along the longitudinal axis of the building, and work will be carried out simultaneously on two grips. On one, walls are laid to a floor height of two tiers, on the second - the installation of prefabricated structures and other works accompanying masonry. The masonry of the walls on the floor begins on the first grip with the longitudinal axis that is further from the installation crane.
Leading process - brickwork is performed in 1 shift, rearrangement of scaffolding, supply of materials, installation, related work - in 2 shift. The duration of the gripping works depends on the labour intensity of the crane processes when loading the crane in 2 shifts; numerical composition of masons is determined by dividing the total labor costs by masonry by the accepted duration of work.
1.2.5. Tools, accessories and equipment.
Tools and equipment used in operation shall comply with the standards (specifications), be convenient, strong, safe for others and be kept in good condition (Fig. 22, 23, 24, Table 3).
1.3.Recalculation of labor costs.
The volumes of stone, loading and unloading and installation works during the construction of the first floor are presented in Table 4.
The main labor costs for brickwork of external and internal load-bearing walls, partitions, loading and unloading and installation works during the construction of the first floor are presented in Table 5.
1.4. Quality control of works.
Quality control of the floor erection works includes:
- acceptance of early installation works preceding brickwork;
- quality control of construction materials and products used for masonry and mounted jumpers;
- control of production operations related to stonework and lintel laying over openings;
- acceptance control of performed stone works with execution of concealed works inspection certificates.
Acceptance of previously performed works preceding the erection of external and internal bearing walls and partitions shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of section 2 p.2.111 + 2.113 SNiP 3.03.0187 and working drawings of the project.
Control of production operations shall be carried out according to the scheme of operational quality control of stone works and works on installation of lintels over window and door openings of walls and partitions. The operational quality control scheme is shown in Table 6.
Acceptance of finished stone structures shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of Section 7, Item 7.86 + 7.90 of SNiP 3.03.0187 until their surfaces are plastered (Fig.27).
1.5. Safety precautions during works.
When performing work on the construction of external and internal load-bearing walls and partitions, strict compliance with the requirements of labor safety measures set forth in SNiP 12042002 (Section 9) and SNiP 12032001 Labor Safety in Construction is required. Part 1. General requirements.
Lifting of building materials and products to the floor, their transfer to workplaces shall be carried out using load-gripping means and packaging means, which prevent their fall and damage (Fig.28).
Workers receiving cargo at bricklayers' workplaces must be trained and have a slingshot certificate. Stable radiotelephone communication shall be established between the workers and the crane driver.
It is forbidden to drop tools, accessories, working equipment, building materials and other objects from the floor.
Prior to installation of carpentry, all window and door openings in the external walls to be erected shall be protected or covered with safety shields (grilles).
When conducting masonry, it is forbidden to get on it with your feet, or to roll around. The flooring used shall only be of inventory manufacture. It is forbidden to use pallets, boxes, containers, as well as other items not intended for this purpose as scavenging devices.
The clearance between the wall (partition) to be erected and the working floor shall not exceed 50 mm. Working scaffolding shall be cleaned regularly (at least 2 times per shift) from debris.
Protective canopies with a plan size of at least 2 x 2 m shall be installed above the working entrances to the section.
The curtain scaffolds used shall only be of inventory version and shall be subject to periodic inspection
On the masonry areas of the external walls, external inventory protective visors in the form of flooring on brackets shall be installed. Brackets are hung on steel hooks-clamps attached to the erected wall in the course of its masonry. The first row of protective visors is installed at the elevation of 3,000, and is preserved until the completion of the construction of external walls.
All construction debris generated during the works shall be collected in a special container (waste collector) and, as it accumulates, removed by the installation crane from the floor for removal outside the construction site. Removal of building and household debris by dropping it down through window or door openings or from balcony slabs is prohibited.
In the area where installation works are carried out, it is not allowed to perform other works and find unauthorized persons.
When erecting buildings and structures, it is forbidden to perform work related to the presence of people on the floors above which prefabricated structures or equipment elements are moved, installed and temporarily fixed.
When erecting single-section buildings or structures, simultaneous installation and other construction work on different floors (tiers) is allowed, if there are reliable (justified by the appropriate calculation of the impact loads) interstage floors between them, by written order of the chief engineer. After the implementation of measures to ensure the safe performance of work, and provided that specially appointed persons responsible for the safe production of installation and transportation of goods by cranes are located directly at the site of work, as well as for monitoring the compliance of the crane operator, slingshot and signalman with occupational safety instructions.
Methods of slinging structural elements and equipment shall ensure their supply to the installation site in a position close to the design one.
It is prohibited to lift prefabricated reinforced concrete structures that do not have mounting loops or labels to ensure their correct slinging and installation.
Cleaning of structural elements to be installed shall be performed before their lifting.
The components of the structures or equipment to be mounted shall be held during the movement against swinging and rotation by flexible braces.
People are not allowed to stay on elements of structures and equipment during their lifting and displacement.
During interruptions in operation it is not allowed to leave raised elements of structures and equipment on weight.
Structural elements installed in the design position must be fixed so that their stability and geometric stability are ensured.
Disassembly of elements of structures and equipment installed in the design position should be performed after their permanent or temporary reliable fixation. It is not allowed to move the installed elements of structures or equipment after their disassembly, except for cases justified in the PPM.
Installation works at height in open places at wind speed of 15 m/s and more, in case of ice, thunderstorm or fog excluding visibility within the work front are not allowed. Work on the movement and installation of vertical panels and similar structures with high sailing speed should be stopped at a wind speed of 10 m/s or more.
It is not allowed to find people under the mounted elements of structures and equipment until they are installed in the design position and fixed.
If it is necessary to find those working under the mounted equipment (structures), special measures must be carried out to ensure the safety of those working.
Mounted mounting platforms, ladders and other devices necessary for the operation of the installers at height should be installed and fixed on the mounted structures before their lifting.
Fences shall be installed immediately on the mounted stairways.
In all construction areas where this is required under working conditions: equipment, machines and mechanisms, on roads and other dangerous places should be displayed clearly visible, and in the dark, illuminated warning signs and safety signs.
1.6.Technical economic indicators.
2.1. How to build a schedule.
The construction schedule is a documented model of construction production, which establishes the rational sequence, sequence and timing of individual works and construction processes at each site.
The purpose of calendar planning is to develop and implement the most effective model of organizational and technological linkage of work in time and space on one facility, performed by various executors with continuous and effective use of labor, material and technical resources allocated for these purposes in order to put the facilities into operation within the specified time frame.
The object schedule is designed to establish the composition and number of construction and installation works at the facility, the order, sequence and timing of each work, as well as to determine the dates for the start and completion of the construction of the facility (SNiP 3 01 - 01 - 85).
The initial data for the development of the object construction schedule are:
- standards of construction duration of buildings and structures (SNiP 1 - 04 - 03 - 85);
- detailed documentation of architectural and construction part of the course design;
- data of engineering surveys of the construction site;
- typical PPM of similar objects;
- typical Job Instructions for execution of main processes and operations;
- SNiP 3 - 4 - 80 "Safety in construction";
- Bill of quantities of work;
- Labor cost statement (compiled on the basis of SNiP 4 - 02 - 91 and SNiP 4 - 05 - 91);
- a process plan developed for the construction of the first floor.
The schedule for the construction of the facility is developed in such a sequence: an analysis of the space-planning and structural solutions of the facility is made in order to choose rational methods for its construction; a list of construction and installation works included in the calendar schedule is established; count the number of construction and installation works included in the list; the labour intensity of each work (human days) and the need for construction machines for each work (machine shifts) are determined. Methods of work execution and means of mechanization are selected, sequence of work execution is established, and possible combination of different types of work, taking into account production in-line method. The duration of each work is determined based on their labor intensity; deadlines for commencement and completion of works according to the calendar are established; on the basis of the calendar plan, work schedules of workers, work schedules of the main construction machines are drawn up; Health and safety measures are planned.
The development of the schedule is carried out in accordance with the following principles:
1. The construction period must not exceed the standard construction period, this is determined by the coefficient of construction duration. Construction duration shall not depend on special works. Special requirements for site commissioning dates are taken into account.
2. When developing a work schedule, it should be linked taking into account the technological sequence and labor protection requirements.
3. Climate and environmental factors should be taken into account.
4. Machinery downtime, short-term workforces, and drastic reductions in workforces should be avoided.
5. The design documentation is reviewed.
6. Nomenclature of works to be included in the schedule is determined.
7. The scope of work is calculated.
8. Selection of work methods and main machines and mechanisms is made.
9. You define the work for the individual activities.
10. Work duration is calculated and schedule is built.
11. Work and machinery movement schedules are built. The sequence and duration of works are established.
12. Optimization of the schedule is carried out in accordance with the schedules of the movement of workers and mechanisms. It is checked that the scheduling for the process sequence dates is correct.
The work schedule shall be prepared according to the established form. The left part includes the initial data: the list and number of works, labor costs, construction machines, the duration of work in shifts, the number of shifts in days, the number of workers per shift, the number of cars per shift, the composition of the team. In the right part: which is a schedule of work, show the progress of construction and installation works with the indication of the sequence, the timing of each work, the number of employed workers, the shift of work. The due dates are linked to the calendar that is placed at the top of the schedule. The duration of the work is shown in the graph in a solid line if the work is performed in one shift, and in a double solid line if the work is performed in two shifts. The numbers above the line indicate the number of workers involved in this work, the number of shifts and the duration of the work
The schedule for the movement of workers is built directly under the schedule and on the basis of its data on the quantitative and qualitative composition of specialized and complex units and teams.
The workers' movement schedule is constructed by summing up the number of all workers on each working day in all the work that takes place on that day. At the same time, differences, peaks and other sharp fluctuations in the number of workers are inevitable in the graph. It is necessary to achieve a minimum number of such fluctuations. To this end, the previously drawn up calendar plan is clarified and improved, that is, optimized.
Uniformity of use of labor resources of calendar plan is estimated by coefficient of uneven movement of working personnel.
The schedule of demand for construction machines is drawn up in the form of a table under the schedule in close relationship with the construction schedule.
The graphic part reflects the technological relationship of all types of work and determines the duration of each construction process, as well as construction in general. The nomenclature of works covers zero cycle, installation work, stone, roofing, finishing work, special types of work, landscaping.
Commencement of construction according to the calendar plan on April 1, 2010.
Completion of construction May 26, 2010
For this schedule:
The actual construction duration is 38 days, the standard construction period is 39.3 days. Duration factor - 0.97,
- construction period does not exceed the normative construction period;
The total labor intensity for the main construction and installation works is 476.2 people, the average number of workers at the construction site is 18.63.
In accordance with the schedule, a schedule of workers was built, the schedule was optimized for the distribution of workers and the unevenness coefficient of workers was calculated.
The maximum number of workers at the construction site is 26 people. The unevenness coefficient of the movement of workers is 1.4.
2.2. Methods of works execution.
The main factor determining the decisions of the work schedule is the method of their organization.
In practice, various methods are used, differing in the presence of various restrictions and a system of rules for the interaction of the resources of construction organizations, ensuring the achievement of a given result - the effective performance of construction and installation work at a given time without reducing the volume of production or provision of services.
In order to achieve this goal, the planning for the construction of industrial enterprises or civilian facilities should be based on the main strategies presented by typical construction organization schemes.
The parallel method of organizing construction involves simultaneous construction and installation work at all facilities and sites. This method allows the construction of the facility to be carried out in an extremely short time, but its use is possible only with the maximum concentration of resources of the construction organization.
The sequential method of organization of work has various modifications, in which the work is carried out alternately, in individual areas of the object (workshops, premises, buildings). The sequential method ensures the shortest duration of construction in individual areas, which leads to the rapid commissioning of the area until the completion of all work on the facility. However, the total duration due to the usually large number of queues is significantly increased, and the resources of the construction organization are used least rationally due to the need for frequent transitions of construction machines and workers from one site to another. With a consistent method, it is also necessary to make up for the losses of products or services provided, but the amount of reserves can be significantly reduced.
The most rational in-line methods of organizing construction, combining consistent and parallel organization of work.
The flow method best meets the requirements of the construction organization, since it can use its resources sufficiently rationally.
Before the start of earthworks at the construction site, a set of preparatory works is carried out: marking and releasing the diversion strip from trees, shrubs, turf cover, slabs, stones, boulders; surface water discharge device, geodetic survey works.
Earth-moving and earth-moving vehicles are used in earthworks. The planning of the territory of the construction site and cutting of the vegetation layer are carried out using a bulldozer, which works in a layer-by-layer manner with the movement of soil at a distance of up to 100 m. Soil backfilling is also carried out using a bulldozer. Soil development in trenches is carried out using a single-bucket excavator with loading on dump trucks and in a dump. Rework of the pit bottom is performed manually to a depth of 0.07 m (SNiP 3 - 02 - 01 - 87).
By means of the assembly crane of the KS brand - 8362A all installation works are performed. All these works are performed by a team of eight people, including the crane driver.
Installation of tape foundations is carried out as follows:
- The breakdown begins with the transfer of the axes of the building to the base.
- Installation of foundation cushions starts with laying of corner, i.e. lighthouse, as well as intermediate lighthouse blocks. Installation of foundation cushions is carried out by means of a "canopy" by a tower crane.
- After laying of the whole series of foundation cushions, their position is checked using theodolite or leveler.
- Subsequent rows of tape foundation are mounted similarly.
Waterproofing of the foundation is carried out as a continuous waterproof rug made of ruberoid, glued in two layers on the insulated surface.
For the productive work of bricklayers, it is essential to organize the supply of materials to workplaces and for this, a boom crane is used on the construction site. The brick is supplied to the workplace with bags on pallets. Masonry solution is supplied by crane in boxes..
All types of prefabricated flat floor elements are mounted in a "canopy" manner.
The elements can be stacked in the warehouse in the crane area or transported from the plant. Depending on the size of the slab elements and the number of places of their capture, a four-branch sling is used as sling devices. Universal load-gripping device can be used for mounting with simultaneous horizontal position of plates.
The first slabs of the floor slab panels are laid from the same floor scaffolding that wall masonry is used. Subsequent plate elements are laid directly from previously laid elements. Extreme plates are laid with fencing structures attached to them.
Window and door blocks in buildings are installed before the start of finishing work. Door blocks are installed in the opening before the start of finishing work, but door webs are removed for the period of finishing work. Window and door blocks are installed in openings during the construction of walls, using mounting mechanisms available on the object for this purpose.
The work on filling the openings is carried out by a team of working carpenters consisting of two people.
Roofing works in KP are planned after installation of the building box in order to create a work front for finishers.
Before installation of the rafter system, perform the following organizational and preparatory measures and works:
- make and accept the underlying structures, including installation of attic slab, cornice arrangement, installation of ventilation risers above attic slab and roof;
- install lifting crane or equipment;
- prepare tools, accessories, equipment;
- deliver materials and products to the workplace,
- issue a work permit for high-risk work;
- familiarize the performers with the technology and organization of works.
Preformed, treated with protective compositions, marked and spacketed elements of rafters system are supplied to attic floor. At the same time, inventory scavenging means for mounting are supplied.
Installation of rafter system elements from inclined rafters is performed with breakdown of work front for gripping in the following order:
- Install mauerlats and sunbeds;
- racks and skate runs are installed;
- installation of rafters' legs and braces;
- a lattice is installed.
Installation of mauerlates and sunbeds is performed with preliminary laying on top of walls of 2 layers of roll waterproofing.
Work is carried out in summer conditions in one shift.
Plastering of surfaces during the construction of an object is carried out by a flow-dissected method, which is based on the breakdown of processes into separate operations performed by specialized units that make up a complex team. The links, their number, composition and scope of work are selected so that the rhythmic transition of workers from one grip to another is ensured and all work is carried out in a continuous flow. At the same time, plaster work in the building can be carried out "from bottom to top," i.e. as the floors are ready, with the condition that there are at least two laid floors above the plastered floor; or "top-down" when plaster work begins after the building is completed. When erecting the volume for plastering, a team of plastering workers consisting of 21 people is occupied, which are distributed among the works being carried out, as follows: 5 workers apply spray, 5 workers apply soil, 5 workers apply cover with rubbing of the surface with a half-cloth, four workers fill the surface, two people ensure continuous operation of the plaster station.
Before starting painting work in the premises, it is necessary to complete all construction work (except for the installation of clean floors), electrical work, sanitary and technical. Before painting, the humidity of the plastered surfaces shall not exceed 8%. Wooden structures, as a rule, come to objects painted at one time. To perform painting work at the facility, a team of five painter workers was adopted. The organization of the team's work was built in-line, i.e. the entire volume of work is divided into captures and molar works are carried out on captures and on the campaign of the main works.
The building has three types of floors: ceramic tiles (in bathrooms), covered with linoleum and parquet. Before floor arrangement base is cleaned from building debris and washed with water. Cement sand mortar is used as bracing. Floors are arranged on a pre-prepared base, in accordance with typical job instructions for each type of work.
The arrangement of the floors is carried out by a team of eight people. Work should be started after completion of work on previous grips during floor preparation during work.
The improvement of the territory is carried out by a team of three people and lasting 9 days, work is carried out in one shift. They clean up the territory, landscaping, the construction of sidewalks, roads for the entrance of transport, the construction of a playground.
When the facility is commissioned, a commission is created, which is presented with acts, drawings, work logs, author's supervision logs.
The Commission shall check the documentation, quality and conformity of the performed works to the project, readiness of the handed-over facility, including all previous works. Then draws up the corresponding act, which serves as the basis for the appointment of a state commission.
2. 3. Calculation of labor and machine time.
Bill of Quantities.
2. 4. Quality control of works.
2.4.1 Quality control of earthworks shall be carried out by special services of construction organizations. During earthworks and foundation arrangement, input, operational and acceptance inspection shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.0185 * and Appendix 1 of SNiP 3.02.0187.
Incoming control - control of incoming materials, products, soil, etc., as well as technical documentation, including work execution projects. Control is carried out by the registration method according to certificates, consignments notes, passports, etc., and, if necessary, by the measuring method. During incoming control of detailed documentation, its completeness and adequacy of technical information contained in it for the performance of works are checked.
Operational control is carried out during construction processes and production operations and ensures timely detection of defects and taking measures to eliminate and prevent them. It is carried out by measuring method or technical inspection. Results of operational control are recorded in general or work logs, geotechnical control logs and other documents provided by the current quality management system.
Acceptance control - control performed upon completion of excavation work on the facility or its stages with the participation of the customer. Acceptance of earthworks shall consist in inspection of:
- elevation of edges and trench base;
- dimensions of the trench;
- slope steepness;
- soil quality of the base.
Delivery and acceptance of works shall be executed by acts of inspection of hidden works, inspection of soil quality of the base in an open trench, and inspection and acceptance of the trench, which shall contain a list of technical documentation, on the basis of which the work was carried out, data on checking the correctness of earthworks and the bearing capacity of the base, topographic, geological and hydrogeological conditions, including groundwater level, the presence of karst and landslide phenomena, as well as a list of shortcomings indicating the timing of their elimination.
Changing the planned high-altitude position of designed structures during construction work without the approval of the OPS and the project author is strictly prohibited.
During earthworks, during the installation of underground structures, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the trench base, slopes, surface water runoff and drainage. The composition of the monitored indicators, limit deviations, scope and control methods shall correspond to Table 10.
Based on the results of the acceptance inspection, a documented decision is made on the suitability of the trench base for subsequent work.
Quality control during installation of prefabricated tape foundations.
Before commencing construction work, the foundation blocks shall bear the hairlines defining the axes. If there are hairlines on the articles, check their position. With the correct geometric shape of the block, the longitudinal and transverse axes are taken as lines connecting the two intersection points of the side wall diagonals (Fig. 29)
- not more than 12 mm from alignment of the wall blocks with the risk of laying axes;
- from vertical of top planes of wall blocks - 12 mm.
The grade of the solution must correspond to the design.
The mobility of the bed solution shall be 5-7 cm.
Wall blocks shall be installed in accordance with dressing.
Not allowed:
- The use of a solution, the setting process of which has already begun, as well as the restoration of its plasticity by adding water;
- contamination of support surfaces.
Axes are designated on faces as traces of intersection of planes drawn through transverse and longitudinal axes perpendicular to upper face. At the same time, not all the risks shown in Figure 29 are applied, but those that are necessary for the installation of the unit.
In the planned position, the blocks are set by mechanical centrists if the plumb line method is used, or by traverse if the vertical plane method is used.
For installation and alignment of foundation blocks by height, it is necessary to have two additional benchmarks at the bottom of the trench with elevations of the foundation floor laying level on them.
The sequence of control measurements during the installation of prefabricated tape foundations may be as follows:
1) Fill a leveling layer, for example of sand, about 10 cm thick and 20 cm wide, larger than the size of the pillow (Fig. 30).
2) Position of corner and lighthouse blocks on the bottom of the pit is placed with studs or rings.
3) On the outside of studs or rings on sand cushion of frame or board with marks of axes of blocks and their planned position is checked.
4) Height position of frames or boards is determined by leveling and set to design elevation.
5) The sand cushion is pressed and leveled to the level of the frame or boards.
6) Blocks are installed on the prepared base so that their main marks coincide with the marks of frames or boards.
7) Check the position of corner and beacon blocks by leveling (in this case, the counter on the rack standing on the block should be less than the counter on the rack at the reference point by the block thickness).
8) Control planned measurements of sides and diagonals in sections limited by corner and lighthouse blocks are made and compared with design dimensions;
9) At the level of the upper outer rib of the corner and lighthouse blocks or between the lighthouse blocks, the berth is pulled and the installation of other blocks is controlled along it, filling the gap.
During foundation arrangement it is necessary to perform separation of holes for passage of underground utilities. The planned position of the inputs is determined by measuring from the main axes, and the high-altitude position - from the benchmarks. Bushings shall be split prior to assembly of blocks.
The reliability of waterproofing depends on the waterproofness and other physical and mechanical properties of the initial materials, the quality of construction and installation work performed, the consistency of the technological regime and operating conditions.
When performing works on the construction of paint waterproofing of the foundation surface, it is necessary to strictly monitor the quality of the materials used, compliance with the technology for performing work and care for finished coatings. Quality control of works on painting waterproofing shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.0185 * "Organization of Construction Production," SNiP 3.04.0187 "Insulation and Finishing Coatings." Permissible deviations in the arrangement of painting waterproofing are not regulated by regulatory documents.
Production quality control of waterproofing works shall include incoming control of working documentation, structures, products, materials and equipment, operational control of individual construction processes or production operations and acceptance control of insulation works.
During incoming control of detailed documentation, its completeness and adequacy of technical information contained in it for the performance of works shall be checked.
During incoming inspection of articles and materials constituting waterproofing surfaces of foundations, their compliance with the requirements of standards or other regulatory documents and working documents, as well as the availability and content of passports, certificates and other accompanying documents should be checked by external inspection.
Material requirements.
All materials used in the construction of paint waterproofing shall comply with the requirements of the current GOST and technical specifications (specification) for these materials.
Materials after the expiration of the storage period established by the standards or specifications before use are subject to inspection in the construction laboratory.
Physicochemical indices of bitumen mastic of BNK grades as per GOST 954874 * are given in Table 12.
Each batch of bitumen mastic is provided with instructions for use and a document in which it must be indicated:
- name of the manufacturer or its trademark;
- name of mastic, index of component or composition (for multicomponent mastic);
- designation of the normative document for a specific type of mastic;
- batch number and date of manufacture;
- net mass of container;
- Brief instructions for use.
The package must ensure the safety of the mastic during transportation and storage. The features of the package indicate in the regulatory document a specific type of mastic.
During the production, storage, transportation and use of mastic, it is necessary to comply with safety requirements established by sanitary and epidemiological supervision bodies, which should be indicated in the regulatory document for a specific type of mastic, and GOST 151084 *.
Delivery of mastic to the facility must be carried out by a specialized motor vehicle (autogudronator) or in a special container with a lid.
The regulatory document for a specific type of mastic should contain fire hazard indicators for coating from mastic: flammability and flammability groups - for waterproofing mastic.
During loading and unloading operations safety requirements as per GOST 12.3.00976 * shall be observed.
Mastic at the facility shall be protected from sunlight, stored in tightly closed containers in warehouses or under a canopy in places far from open fire and flammable objects.
The results of incoming control shall be recorded in the "Log of incoming accounting and quality control of the received parts, materials, structures and equipment."
During operational control, all operations on the device of painting waterproofing are checked in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.0187.
The adhesion strength of the compositions to be applied to the base should be at least 0.4 MPa.
During acceptance inspection quality of the foundation waterproofing device is checked.
The composition of production quality control is given in Table 13. The results of the work quality control shall be recorded in the work log.
Quality Requirements:
- painting material is applied uniformly without passes over the entire insulated surface in at least two layers;
- paint waterproofing shall be continuous;
- no bloating, delamination, spongy structure of waterproofing layer, flooding, surges.
When arranging painting waterproofing, concealed works acts are drawn up:
- state of insulated surface;
- installation of embedded parts, including seals;
- surface flattening and waterproofing reinforcement strips sticker;
- dye waterproofing device.
Requirements for finished insulation coatings are given in Table 7 of SNiP 3.04.0187.
Acceptance of all works related to the installation of the foundation waterproofing with cold bitumen mastic shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 7 SNiP 3.01.0185 * "Organization of Construction Production," SNiP 3.04.0187 "Insulation and Finishing Coatings" and SNiP 3.04.0385 "Protection of building structures and corrosion."
Quality control of plaster works should be carried out by special services of construction organizations, as well as manufacturers, craftsmen and foremen.
Production quality control of plaster works shall include incoming control of working documentation, materials and equipment, operational control of plaster works and acceptance control of plastered surface.
During incoming control of detailed documentation, its completeness and adequacy of technical information contained in it for the performance of works are checked.
During the incoming quality control of the facade surface to be plastered, the quality of the surface and the accuracy of the geometric parameters are checked selectively by technical inspection.
When laying walls, the depth of the seams not filled with mortar on the front side shall not exceed 15 mm in the walls and 10 mm (vertical seams only) in the pillars. Deviations in dimensions and position of stone structures from design ones shall not exceed:
- thickness of structures: walls + 15 mm;
poles + 10 mm;
- the width of the prostheses ± 15 mm;
- width of openings + 15 mm;
- vertical displacement of window openings 20 mm;
- displacement of structural axes from laying axes 10 mm;
- deviation of masonry surface and angles from vertical:
one floor 10 mm;
on a building more than 2 floors 30 mm high.
Cement sand mortar and dry cement sand mixtures shall comply with the requirements of the regulatory and technical documentation and be delivered to the facility in full factory readiness. Dry plaster mixtures must be delivered to the facility in paper bags or in special vehicles.
The mixture in the bags shall be marked on each bag in any part thereof. The marking shall contain: the name of the mixture, the recipe number, the purpose of the mixture, the composition of the mixture, the average mass of the mixture in the bag, the method of use, the amount of closure water, the shelf life.
Plaster solutions shall pass without residue through a mesh with cell sizes, mm:
- for spraying and soil - 3
- for coating layer and single-layer coating - 1.5
The mobility of the solution should be 5-12 cm of the immersion of the steel cone.
Operational control is carried out in the course of plaster works and ensures timely detection of defects in order to take measures to eliminate and prevent them and includes checking the quality of preparation of the base to be plastered, the humidity of the plastered surface, the strength of adhesion of the applied plaster to the base, the thickness of the applied plaster layers.
During operational control, compliance with the technology of plaster works execution, compliance of performed works with construction codes and rules is checked.
During acceptance inspection, the quality of the finished plastered surface is checked. On the finished surface there should be no cracks, traces from the sharpening tool, strains of mortar, spots, heights, shells, etc.
During acceptance inspection, the following shall be checked:
- strength of plaster adhesion to the base of plastered walls;
- deviations of plastered surface from vertical and horizontal;
- surface irregularities of smooth outline;
- deviations of slopes of openings, pilasters, pillars from vertical and horizontal;
- deviations of curvilinear surface radius;
- deviations of slope width from the design one.
Dimensions of deviations of plastered surface shall comply with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.0187 "Insulation and finishing coatings" and are given in Table 14.
The composition and content of the production control are given in Table 15.
Work on the installation of plaster coatings of the facades shall be carried out in accordance with the rules for the production and acceptance of works according to:
- SNiP 3.03.0187 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures";
- SNiP 3.04.0187 "Insulation and finishing coatings";
- GOST 2801398 Construction solutions. General specifications;
- SP 8210198 Code of Rules for Preparation and Use of Building Solutions.
Quality control of plaster works for interior decoration shall be carried out by the services of construction organizations, as well as by the manufacturers, craftsmen and foremen.
Production quality control of plaster works shall include incoming control of working documentation, materials and equipment, operational control of plaster works and acceptance control of plastered surface. The composition and content of the production control are given in Table 18.
During incoming control of detailed documentation, its completeness and adequacy of technical information contained in it for the performance of works are checked.
Structures of internal walls and partitions in buildings and structures subject to plaster works shall comply with the requirements of the relevant norms, rules and standards in terms of quality of work performance and tolerances.
During the incoming quality control of the surface to be plastered, a selective technical inspection checks the surface quality and accuracy of geometric parameters.
Surfaces to be plastered shall not have deviations exceeding the following values:
- deviations of surface and angles of masonry from vertical not more than 10 mm;
- irregularities on the vertical surfaces of the masonry, found during the application of the rack with a length of 2 m - up to 10 mm;
- deviation of masonry rows from horizontal by 10 m of wall length - up to 15 mm.
Sandy cement solutions for spraying and soil shall meet the requirements of the regulatory and technical documentation and relevant standards.
During preparation and preparation of finishing compositions it is necessary to comply with the requirements set out in Table 16.
Dry plaster blends shall be delivered to the facility in paper bags. The mixture is marked in bags on each bag. The marking shall contain: the name of the mixture, the purpose of the mixture, the composition of the mixture, the color, the amount of closure water, the shelf life. Storage of bags with dry plaster mixture shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of standards and technical specifications for them. In the working area, spread bags with dry mixture along the wall, preventing concentration of loads in one place.
Operational control is carried out in the course of plaster works and provides detection of defects in order to take measures to eliminate and prevent them and includes checking the quality of preparation of the base, humidity, strength of adhesion of plaster to the base, thickness of applied plaster layers. During operational control, compliance with the technology of plaster works execution, compliance of performed works with SNiP 3.04.0187 "Insulation and finishing coatings" is checked.
During acceptance inspection, the quality of the finished plaster is checked. The finished surface shall be free of cracks, strains of mortar, stains, shells, etc. The plaster shall adhere firmly to the surface, not peel off, have a well-worn surface without external defects.
During acceptance inspection the following are checked:
- strength of plaster adhesion to the base;
- deviation of plastered surface of walls and ceilings from vertical and horizontal;
- irregularities of the surface of the smooth outline, detected when applying a rule or template 2 m long;
- deviation of slopes of openings, pilasters, pillars from vertical and horizontal;
- deviations of curvilinear surface radius;
- deviations of slope width from the design one.
The maximum deviations of the plastered surface shall comply with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.0187 "Insulation and finishing coatings" (Table 17).
Quality control of painting works shall be carried out by special services of construction organizations in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.0187 "Insulation and finishing coatings."
Production quality control of works shall include incoming control of working documentation, materials and equipment, operational control of works on painting of facades and acceptance control of painted surface.
During the incoming inspection, the presence of certificates and other certifying the quality of primers, patches and paint compositions delivered to the object, the presence of markings on the container and the tightness of the container with the paint composition, viscosity, consistency, adhesion and the degree of overwashing of paint compositions are checked. Materials used for surface painting shall meet the requirements of the relevant standards and specifications. These materials shall be tested in laboratory conditions for viscosity, adhesion, consistency, etc., in all cases of doubt about their quality (violation of package integrity, unclear marking, non-compliance of storage conditions with the requirements of norms, standards and specifications, expiration of warranty shelf life, etc.). The viscosity of the paint compositions should be such that the paint composition is applied to the surface without flows.
Paint compositions should be checked for the degree of rubbing, painting consistency, cover and drying time. The amount of solvent and film-forming substances in the paint compositions should provide a paint consistency at a temperature of 18-20 ° C, in which the paint compositions, without flowing from the brush or roller, freely come off them when pressing on the painted surface, as well as a cover corresponding to the minimum consumption of the paint composition per unit area, in which the applied paint layer does not penetrate the previously applied layer.
Operational control is carried out during the painting process and ensures timely detection of defects in order to take measures to eliminate them.
During preparation of the base for painting it is checked:
1. Quality of base for painting
- absence of dust, rust, seeding, fat and bitumen stains;
- absence of roughness, surface cracks and irregularities, exfoliations, solution tightening, traces of treatment with locking machines;
2. humidity of surfaces;
3. bond strength and thickness of the sheet;
4. quality of surface flattening.
When painting surfaces, check:
- thickness of paint coating layers;
- monotonicity, absence of stripes, spots, ticks, splashes, abrasion of surfaces;
- no translucence of the underlying paint layers;
- absence of layering, wrinkles, visible paint specks;
- absence of film clots on the surface, brush and roller traces;
- absence of dry paint prints on the attached tampon.
When accepting painted surfaces, the quality requirements for painted facade surfaces are set forth in Table 19.
When preparing the surfaces of walls and partitions for painting, it is necessary to strictly monitor the quality of the materials used, compliance with the work technology.
Work quality control is carried out at all stages of the process circuit. from the development of the project to its implementation at the facility on the basis of PWP and Job Instructions.
Production quality control of works shall include incoming control of working documentation, structures, products, materials and equipment, operational control of individual construction processes or production operations and assessment of compliance of performed works.
During incoming control of detailed documentation, its completeness and adequacy of technical information contained in it for the performance of works shall be checked. During the incoming inspection of the materials required for the preparation of the surface of walls and partitions for painting, it should be checked by external inspection of their compliance with the requirements of standards or other regulatory documents and working documents, as well as the availability and content of passports, certificates and other accompanying documents. All materials used to prepare the surface of walls and ceilings shall meet the requirements of the applicable standards and specifications (specification) for these materials. Materials after the expiration of the storage period established by the standards or specifications before use are subject to inspection in the construction laboratory.
The patches and primers used for surface preparation shall meet the requirements of the technical requirements for their manufacture. These materials must be tested in laboratory conditions for viscosity, adhesion, consistency and in all cases of doubt in their quality (violation of package integrity, unclear marking, non-compliance of storage conditions with technical requirements, expiration of warranty period of materials, etc.).
The primers applied to ensuring coupling of the subsequent layers of preparation with a surface have to have viscosity about 15 with on the VZ4 viscometer. The finished primer should be screened through a screen with 1200 holes/cm2.
The patches used to fill cracks, shells and align the surfaces shall be a uniform non-alloying mass, have the property of strong adhesion to the surface (1 kg/cm2 after 24 hours), easily align, do not leave grits and scratches on the treated surface, do not change or crack when dried. The patches prepared for mechanical application on the prepared surface shall have a consistency corresponding to 12 cm of standard cone immersion, and the patches prepared for manual application - 6-8 cm.
Primers and patches in liquid phase are transported in special container in closed form, and powders - in polyethylene bags or metal closed containers.
You can transport to your destination at a temperature of at least + 5 ° C.
Primers and blankets shall be stored in closed container at temperature not lower than + 5 ° С in closed room at the distance not less than 1.5 m from heating devices.
After prolonged storage before use, primers and patches must be mixed directly in the container.
A label shall be affixed to each packaging unit indicating:
- manufacturer's name;
- trademark and address;
- batch number and issue date;
- net mass;
- shelf life;
- Brief information about the application.
In agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to use other types of packagings made of material that does not enter into chemical interaction with the components of the material stored in it.
Quality control (viscosity, temperature, presence of lumps, etc.) of the patches during their centralized preparation should be carried out immediately before their use.
Surfaces of all views shall not have:
- contaminants in the form of dust, splashes of solution, fat and bitumen stains protruding on the surface of salts;
- cracks in places of conjugation (angles of abutment, joints) and shrinkage cracks with opening of more than 3 mm;
- shells, strakes, troughs on any section of the surface with an area of 200x200 mm more than 5 pcs.
Foundations prepared for the painting of walls and partitions shall meet the requirements of Table 21.
The results of incoming control shall be recorded in the "Log of incoming accounting and quality control of the received parts, materials, structures and equipment."
Room acceptance and operational control shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.0187.
The post-operational control shall include:
- correct storage of materials;
- quality of the surface to be prepared for painting;
- compliance with surface preparation technology.
Concrete surfaces of industrial products shall meet the requirements of the relevant standards or technical specifications for their manufacture.
Plastered surfaces shall have no delamination of the plaster from the structures, traces of the sharpening tool, the flow of mortar..
Quality control and the availability of additional surface treatment before painting walls and partitions shall be carried out by a commission with the participation of a representative of control bodies. Quality check of surface preparation shall be carried out anywhere, but not less than three points, as well as in corners and places of conjugation.
The flatness of the surface prepared for painting shall be determined by the value of the gap between the rib of the two-meter rack and the surface to be inspected, which shall not be more than 2 mm.
Humidity of surfaces shall be checked with gelatin plate, calcium chloride, wet paper.
Surfaces prepared for painting shall not be bleached and shall have deviations exceeding those given in Table 22.
The quality of surfaces prepared for painting is checked by a commission consisting of a foreman or foreman of the finishing team and a representative of the quality control service of the construction organization, which must record the results of the inspection in the general log of work on the construction of the facility and draw up an act of acceptance of the work.
Inspection of the quality of surfaces prepared for painting shall be carried out selectively on one or more areas of the surface characteristic of the entire scope of work.
The Commission shall determine the compliance of the quality of the prepared surface with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.0187 "Insulation and finishing coatings," draw up a list of defects and outline ways of their elimination, recording these data in the acceptance certificate.
When performing work on the arrangement of flooring, it is necessary to strictly monitor the quality of the materials used, compliance with the technology of performing work and care for finished coatings. Premature loading (operation) of the floors can disrupt the processes of setting (adhesion) of the coating with the base and lead to its deformation. Pedestrian traffic on coatings made of piece materials laid on layers of cement-sand solution mixture can be allowed not earlier than reaching the ultimate compression strength of 2.5 MPa (25 kgf/cm2).
Work quality control is carried out at all stages of the process circuit, from the design development to its implementation at the facility on the basis of PPM and Job Instructions.
Complete devices of each floor element made in accordance with the design are subject to acceptance. Acceptance is performed before arrangement of overlying floor elements.
Production control is carried out by teams, employees of construction laboratories, as well as representatives of technical supervision of the customer, design institute, inspection of state architectural and construction control, equipped with technical means that ensure the necessary reliability and completeness of control.
Production quality control of construction and installation works shall include incoming control of working documentation, structures, products, materials and equipment, operational control of individual construction processes or production operations and acceptance control of construction and installation works.
During incoming control of detailed documentation, its completeness and adequacy of technical information contained in it for the performance of works shall be checked.
During incoming inspection of building structures, products, materials and equipment, their compliance with the requirements of standards or other regulatory documents and working documents, as well as the availability and content of passports, certificates and other accompanying documents should be checked by external inspection.
Permissible dimensions of tiles shall not exceed the tolerances specified in Table 23.
Manufactured ceramic tiles shall have a dense uniform structure and the surface shall be smooth, embossed or embossed; in color - single-color or multi-color. The selection of floor tiles shall comply with the architectural and construction drawings of the project. The reverse (non-face) side of the tiles should have a surface that ensures reliable adhesion of the tiles to the solution. The side faces of the tiles must be a right angle to the tile planes. Tiles must not have through cracks and, when piercing with a wooden or metal hammer, make a clean non-moving sound.
Tiles shall be supplied by the manufacturer in bundles weighing 8 kg according to the customer's specification, packed in paper and bandaged with twine. The reverse (non-face) side of the tiles shall be marked with the manufacturer's mark. The pack at one end is left partially open to determine the color of the tiles. The tiles supplied to the object shall comply with the requirements of GOST 67872001.
Operational control is carried out directly in the process of performing operations on the floor arrangement, as well as immediately after completion of work. During operational control, it is necessary to check compliance with the technology of construction and installation processes; compliance of performed works with working drawings, construction codes, rules and standards. The results of the operational inspection shall be recorded in the activity log.
The most frequent defect in the arrangement of tile floors is the detachment of tiles from cement mortar laid on a dry concrete base. Due to intensive suction of moisture from the interlayer by the base, the strength of the solidified dewatered interlayer is reduced, and its structure under load is disturbed, which leads to partial or complete detachment of the tile coating.
Similar defects in tile floors are observed with intense exposure to the freshly lined surface of the sun's rays and excessive heat in the rooms, especially with minimal water content of the grout interlayer.
The tiles can also peel when the interlayer is not uniformly varied in volume, if fatty compositions of the solution are used, or when its thickness varies significantly.
Often, the reason for delamination is the laying of dusty tiles, insufficiently thorough cleaning of the base from dust.
In case of partial or complete peeling off of the floor coating, the tiles and interlayer are removed with a tooth and a hammer, the base surface is cleaned, provided with dusting, wetted with water and again lined with tiles.
When arranging interlayers and ties, their thickness should be carefully checked, taking into account the thickness of the coatings, so that after laying the tiles, a single floor level is maintained in all rooms. Thresholds are allowed only at external entrance doors, in bathrooms, as well as in cases specially specified in the project.
During acceptance inspection, it is necessary to check the quality of construction and installation works performed, as well as critical structures.
Control is carried out based on the following:
- material and lining pattern shall be in accordance with the design;
- Surfaces lined with ceramic tiles shall be monotone or have a smooth transition of shades;
- the lined surface as a whole must be rigid, have no chips in the seams of more than 0.5 mm, cracks, spots, fluid flows and seedlings;
- surfaces finished with facing materials shall have no deviations from geometric shapes.
At acceptance of each floor element compliance with specified thicknesses, elevations, planes and slopes, required quality of materials, products and construction mixtures is checked. Degree of compaction of each layer, filling of seams between tiles, correctness of adjoining floors to other structures (walls, channels, etc.), as well as correctness of floor pattern made of tiles are also checked.
The level of the base plane is checked with a control two-meter rack, and if there is a slope, with a control rail-template with a level. The clearance between the coating surface and the two-meter control rack shall not exceed 4 mm.
The flooring bases of ceramic tiles shall be rigid, with a strong and even surface and conform to the design. Deviation of the surfaces of the underlying layer, ties and coatings from the horizontal plane or the specified slope is allowed not more than 0.2% of the corresponding size of the room. If the width or length of the room is 25 m or more, these deviations shall not exceed 40 mm.
Permissible deviations of the surface of concrete underlying layers during inspection with a control two-meter rack are: for braces - 4 mm when laying tiles on a layer of mastic and 10 mm - from mortar; for underlying concrete layers - 10 mm.
The step between the two adjacent covering tiles shall not exceed 1 mm and between the covering and the floor boundary elements shall not exceed 2 mm. Tile coatings laid on bitumen or tar mastic under a concentrated load of 200 kg shall not be more than 1.5 mm, and mastic shall not protrude from seams on the surface of the coating.
Adhesion of mosaic and tile coatings with underlying floor or floor elements is checked by piercing the entire area. If insufficient adhesion is detected, the coating shall be shifted.
Cracks, potholes and open seams in the floor elements, slots in the places of adjoining the floor covering to the plinths, walls and partitions are not allowed and are subject to correction.
The width of the seams between the tiles should be 2 mm or according to the design. Deviations of seams between rows of tiles in the coatings from the rectangular direction shall not exceed 10 mm by 10 m of the row length.
The mark of the clean floor of the bathroom should be 2-3 cm below the mark of the clean floor of the apartment. Tile laying is carried out with a slope of 1% of the bath. Tile poppings at the door box are not allowed.
Place of adjoining floor to pipes of large diameter should be treated with cement plinth according to template or glued on KN-2 of composite plinth from previnil.
The elevation of the clean floor of the apartment should be 1-2 cm higher than the elevation of the clean floor of the staircase.
When arranging a ceramic tile coating to the ramp, lay the tiles dry from the ramp. Coating abutment to the ramp shall be made at one elevation without clearance.
Special attention is paid to quality control of hidden works. Their implementation is executed by special acts. Final quality assessment of finishing works shall be made by the working committee at acceptance of the building or structure for operation.
Work on the arrangement of ceramic tiles floors shall be performed in accordance with the rules for the production and acceptance of works according to:
- SNiP 2.03.1388 "Floors";
- SNiP 3.03.0187 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures";
- SNiP 3.04.0187 "Insulation and finishing coatings";
- GOST 67872001 "Ceramic tiles for floors. Specifications ";
- VSN994 "Instruction on the arrangement of floors in residential and public buildings." Department of Construction, Scientific and Technical Department, 1995;
- "Recommendations on the arrangement of sexes." JSC TsNIIPROMZDANIY, 1998;
Quality control of work on the arrangement of floors from piece parquet shall be carried out by specialists of the construction organization service equipped with technical means and ensuring the necessary reliability and completeness of control.
Work quality control is carried out at all stages of the process circuit, from the design development to its implementation at the facility on the basis of PPM and Job Instructions. Quality control shall include incoming control of working documentation, materials and products, operational control of work on flooring and acceptance quality control of works performed.
During incoming control of detailed documentation, its completeness and adequacy of technical information are checked. During incoming inspection of materials and products, compliance with their standards, availability of certificates of conformity, hygienic and fire documents, passports and other accompanying documents is checked. The results of incoming control shall be entered in the "Log of incoming accounting and quality control of the obtained parts, materials, structures and equipment."
When performing work on the arrangement of flooring, it is necessary to strictly monitor the quality of the materials used, compliance with the technology of performing work and care for finished coatings. Premature loading (operation) of floors can disrupt the process of hardening of the coating glue and lead to its deformation.
Quality, delivery and storage of piece parquet shall meet the requirements of GOST 862.185 "Parquet products. Parquet piece. Specifications. "
Requirements for grade A bars are set at the level of the highest quality category, for grade B bars - at the level of the first quality category. Grade A bars should be made of oak wood and tropical species with a wood density of 25% moisture ³ 900 kg/m3. Brand B bars are made from oak wood, beech, ash, spiky maple, birch bark (karagach), elm, ilm, chestnut, grab, gladicia, white acacia, birch, common pine, Siberian pine, Korean pine, larch, as well as tropical species and modified wood with indicators of operational and physical and mechanical properties not inferior to the listed wood. Planks from common pine, Siberian pine, Korean pine and larch should be made with a radial cut of wood. Inclination angle of one-year layers at the end to the front side of the plate must not be less than 45 °.
Deviations from the shape of the plates shall not exceed those specified in Table 24.
Piece parquet shall be supplied complete in packs. Strips in packs are laid with ridges outwards and face sides upwards, except for upper row, which is laid with face sides downwards. Each pack shall contain bars of the same type, grade, size and breed. The packs must contain an equal number of right and left bars. A label or tag shall be affixed to each packet, or a clear stamp shall be affixed with indelible paint on the top row of plates or packagings in which:
- name or trademark of the manufacturer;
- number of OTC receiver;
- type and grade of slats;
- dimensions in mm;
- quantity in pieces and m2;
- wood rock;
- date of manufacture;
- designation of this standard.
The parquet supplied to the consumer shall be accompanied by a quality document, which shall indicate:
- manufacturer's name and address;
- type and grade of slats;
- quantity in m2;
- batch number;
- date of manufacture;
- designation of this standard.
. The strips should be stored in the correct rows and sorted according to the grades, types, sizes and species of wood in heated rooms at a relative humidity of air (55 ± 25)%, under conditions that do not allow their humidification.
The quality, delivery, storage of adhesive compositions must meet the requirements of the relevant specifications and state standards.
The requirements of the standards, technical specifications for the quality of the supplied materials are controlled by the manufacturer. When placing materials in storage, the standard marking shall be checked.
Materials shall be stored by type under standard conditions.
Operational control is carried out directly in the process of performing operations on the floor arrangement, as well as immediately after completion of work. During operational control, it is necessary to check compliance with flooring technology, compliance of performed works with working drawings, construction codes, rules and standards. The results of the operational inspection shall be recorded in the activity log.
When arranging braces, their thickness should be carefully checked, taking into account the thickness of the coatings, so that after the flooring of the parquet, a single floor level is maintained in all rooms. Thresholds are allowed only at external entrance doors, in bathrooms, as well as in cases specially specified in the project.
During acceptance inspection it is necessary to check quality of performed works on parquet laying.
Complete devices of each floor element made in accordance with the design are subject to acceptance. Acceptance is performed before arrangement of overlying floor elements. Concealed in subsequent work on the arrangement of each element of the floor should be issued by acts of hidden work.
Control is carried out based on the following:
- within one room floor shall be made of parquet of one rock, one size and pattern;
- finished parquet floor shall be flat and horizontal. When a two-meter rack is applied in any direction, the clearance shall not exceed 2 mm;
- ledges between adjacent bars are not allowed. Clearances between the coating plates shall not exceed 0.3 mm;
- subsidence of the floor from piece parquet laid on a layer of glue under static concentrated load of 200 kg should not exceed 1.5 mm. The load on the coating is transmitted by a 30 '30 mm die, which is installed directly at the angle of the parquet bar. The load shall be valid for 2 days at the maximum floor heating temperature possible during operation;
- at acceptance of each floor element, compliance with specified thicknesses, elevations, planes and slopes, required quality of materials, products and construction mixtures is checked. Correctness of floor adjoining to other structures (walls, channels, pipes, etc.) is also checked, as well as correctness of floor pattern. Deviation of the thickness of the elements from the design is allowed only in certain places and not more than 10% of the specified thickness;
- the value of the ledge between the coating and the floor boundary elements shall not exceed 2 mm;
- slots between plinths or fillets and floor covering or walls (partitions) are not allowed.
Special attention is paid to quality control of hidden works. Their implementation is executed by special acts. Final quality assessment of finishing works shall be made by the working committee at acceptance of the building or structure for operation.
Perform works on floor arrangement from piece parquet in accordance with the rules of work execution and acceptance according to:
- SNiP 3.04.0187 "Insulation and finishing coatings";
- VSN 994 "Instruction on the arrangement of floors in residential and public buildings." Department of Construction, Scientific and Technical Department, 1995;
- "Recommendations on the arrangement of sexes." JSC TsNIIPROMZDANIY, 1998
When performing work on wall gluing with wallpaper, it is necessary to strictly monitor the quality of the materials used, compliance with the technology for performing work and care for finished coatings.
Work quality control is carried out at all stages of the process circuit, from the design development to its implementation at the facility on the basis of PPM and Job Instructions.
Production quality control of construction and installation works shall include incoming control of design documentation, used products and materials, operational control of individual construction processes or production operations and assessment of conformity of performed works, the results of which become inaccessible for control after the start of subsequent works.
During incoming control of design documentation, its completeness and adequacy of technical information contained in it for the performance of works shall be checked.
During incoming inspection of products and materials required for wall gluing with wallpaper, their compliance with the requirements of standards, technical specifications or other regulatory documents and working documents, as well as the availability and content of passports, certificates and other accompanying documents of the supplier (manufacturer) confirming the quality of the specified materials, products and equipment should be checked by external inspection.
Material requirements.
All materials used for wall gluing shall meet the requirements of applicable standards and specifications (specification) for these materials and shall have certificates of conformity. Materials, after the expiration of the storage period established by the standards or specifications before use, are subject to inspection in the construction laboratory.
The incoming wallpaper must be the same lot (article) with the same pattern, color and tones, the same width and have a certificate of conformity. Wallpaper shall be stored in indoor warehouses protected from precipitation and soil moisture. The arrangement of transportation, storage and storage shall comply with the specifications and exclude the possibility of damage, damage and loss. To control compliance of wallpaper with regulatory and technical documentation, 3% of rolls are selected from each batch, but at least three pieces. If unsatisfactory results are obtained during re-inspection, a batch of wallpaper is married in its entirety.
Adhesives used to glue premises with wallpaper shall meet the requirements of the technical specifications for their manufacture.
The results of incoming control shall be recorded in the "Log of incoming accounting and quality control of the obtained parts, materials, structures and equipment."
Room acceptance and operational control shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.0187 and VSN 4996.
The post-operational control shall include:
- correct storage of materials;
- the quality of the surface to be glued;
uniformity of application of adhesive composition;
- compliance with wallpaper sticker technology.
Surfaces of all views shall not have:
- contaminants in the form of dust, splashes of solution, fat, bitumen and oil stains protruding on the surface of salts;
- cracks in places of conjugations (angles of abutment, joints) and shrinkage cracks with opening of more than 3 mm;
- shells, strakes, troughs on any surface area of 200x200 mm more than 5 pcs.
The bases prepared for paper and fabric-based lining shall meet the requirements specified in Table 25. Surfaces of all fastening devices located under cardboard, paper or directly under wallpaper shall be pre-coated with anti-corrosion composition.
Concrete surfaces of industrial products shall meet the requirements of the relevant standards or technical specifications for their manufacture.
Plastered surfaces shall have no delamination of plasterwork from structures, traces of a sharpening tool, flow of mortar.
Quality control and the presence of additional surface treatment before gluing must be carried out by a commission with the participation of a representative of the control bodies. Quality check of surface preparation for gluing with vinyl wallpaper shall be performed anywhere, but not less than in three points, as well as in corners and places of conjugations.
Vertical and horizontal surfaces of all types prepared for gluing with vinyl wallpaper shall be checked by plumb, level, two-meter rack and metal ruler with accuracy up to 0.5 mm. The smoothness of the surface prepared for gluing shall be determined by the gap between the rib of the two-meter rack and the surface to be checked, which shall not be more than 2 mm.
The illumination of the surfaces shall be checked by measuring the luminous flux by a photovoltaic luminometer.
Control of the quality, type and color of the wallpaper used for gluing shall be carried out in accordance with the acceptance rules and sampling methods for control established in the relevant standards and technical specifications for materials.
The conformity of the type, grade, quality and color of the wallpaper used must be made visually by comparing them.
Quality control of adhesive compositions (viscosity, temperature, presence of lumps, etc.) during their centralized preparation should be carried out immediately before their use.
The adhesive composition must be applied in a continuous uniform layer, without passes and flows, and maintained before thickening. An additional layer of adhesive interlayer should be applied along the perimeter of the window and door openings, along the contour and in the corners of the surface to be finished with a strip with a width of 7580 mm at the time the base layer begins to thicken.
Wallpaper webs according to the required sizes are harvested directly on the object with a sharp knife under the elbow using a metal ruler. The wallpaper should be prepared according to the sourcing maps, which indicate: the length of the panels, the number of them for each object (including: house, section, apartment, room), as well as, if necessary, the required number of curb pieces.
Quality of wallpaper works shall meet the following requirements shown in Figure 35:
- there should be no contamination, stains, bubbles, buckles, distortions and delaminations on the glued surfaces;
- joints of wallpaper panels must be vertical. The deviation of the panels from the vertical shall not exceed 5 mm for the entire height of the room;
- all panels shall have the same colour and colour;
- fitting of wallpaper at the joints of the panels must be performed in compliance with the drawing;
- connection of wallpaper cloths glued in front must not be visible at a distance of 2 m;
- do not seal plinths, platbands, supports for electrical sockets and switches with wallpaper;
- in the process of gluing surfaces, operational control over the performance of necessary and additional technological operations should be carried out.
Workers must know and fulfill all requirements (stages, operations) that ensure the required quality of work.
The corners of the walls must be glued with a whole cloth. Glue spots on their surface must be removed immediately.
Vertical edges of adjacent fabric-based wallpaper panels shall overlap the width of the previous 3-4 mm overlapping panel when sticking. Trimming of overlapping edges should be performed after complete drying of adhesive layer, and after removal of edge glue should be applied additionally in places of gluing of edges of adjacent panels.
The surface glued with vinyl wallpaper shall be even, free from bloating and raised edges.
When pasting wall-paper does not allow pollution of wall-paper by glue, spots, drips, flaking of wall-paper, swellings, bubbles, folds, wrinkles, roughnesses of the line of a sawn-off shotgun of wall-paper at plinths and platbands, gluing of the ends of wall-paper on a plinth, patches and a dokleivaniye of certain places in panels, admissions, distortions and deviations, noticeable deviations in color and shades of the pasted panels, from under the cut-off edge the underlying edge should not be visible.
Ledges and clearances between edges of adjacent panels are not allowed. Joint lines shall be straight. Wallpaper panels shall be glued without deviations of edges from vertical by more than 1 mm to the entire height of the room.
The wallpaper must fit tightly to the base. Delaminations are not allowed. Fitting of edges of adjacent panels shall be accurate, without distortion of pattern in joints. Displacement of the pattern is allowed by not more than 0.5 mm.
Wallpaper panels in each individual room shall be one-ton; the use of panels of different shades within the same room is not allowed.
Humidity of surfaces shall be checked with gelatin plate, calcium chloride, wet paper.
Surfaces glued with wallpaper up to their complete drying must be protected from direct exposure to sunlight and through. Increase of air temperature more than 23 ° С inside the room during drying period of glued wallpaper is not allowed. In order to ensure the specified drying conditions in the room, a constant temperature (not lower than 10 and not more than 23 ° C) must be maintained around the clock under natural ventilation conditions, ensuring drying of the glued surfaces no earlier than a day after gluing.
The temperature and relative humidity of the air in the rooms before and after the surfaces are glued with wallpaper shall be determined at the walls at a height of not more than 0.5 m from the floor by an aspiration psychrometer with an electric motor with measurement accuracy up to 1 ° C and 1% relative humidity.
The determination of the gluing strength of the wallpaper shall be carried out by examining the tear-off area of the fully dried samples pre-glued to the surface to be glued or the like. The release of the glued wallpaper should not be on the adhesive layer.
Quality control of glued surfaces and their compliance with specified standards shall be checked visually taking into account the requirements for finished glued surfaces.
Verticality and flatness of finished glued surfaces shall be checked with plumb or rack and level to the accuracy of 1 mm.
The deviation of the edges of the wallpaper from the verticality is recommended to be determined by the plumb with an accuracy of 1 mm to the entire height of the web (2.43.5 m).
When inspecting the glued surfaces at a distance of up to 3 m, there should be no noticeable points for connecting the wallpaper and fitting the pattern at the joints.
The quality of surfaces glued with wallpaper is checked by a commission consisting of a foreman or foreman of the finishing team and a representative of the quality control service of the construction organization, which must record the results of the inspection in the general log of work on the construction of the facility and draw up an act of acceptance of the work.
Quality check of surfaces glued with wallpaper shall be carried out selectively on one or more areas of the surface characteristic of the whole scope of work.
The Commission shall determine the compliance of the quality of the surface glued with wallpaper with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.0187 "Insulation and finishing coatings," draw up a list of defects and outline ways to eliminate them, recording these data in the acceptance certificate.
The operation of premises glued with wallpaper should be started no earlier than 3 days.
The use of organic solvents for cleaning all types of wallpaper is prohibited, since they cause the destruction of the surface layer of the material.
When constructing a rafter system from wooden elements, production quality control is carried out, which includes: incoming control of structures, materials and semi-finished products; operational control of construction and installation works performance, as well as acceptance control of works performed. At all stages of the work, inspection is carried out by representatives of the customer's technical supervision.
The manufacturer shall accompany each lot of lumber and fastening elements with a quality document according to GOST 130152003, which shall indicate:
- name and address of the manufacturer; Document number and date of issue Batch number name and grades of materials and structures; quantity; main physical and mechanical parameters.
The document on the quality of products supplied to the consumer must be signed by the employee responsible for the technical control of the manufacturer.
Incoming quality control of materials consists in external inspection of their compliance with GOST, specification, project requirements, passports, certificates confirming the quality of their manufacture, completeness and compliance with their working drawings. Incoming control is performed by line personnel upon receipt of goods to the construction site. The shape and basic dimensions of the products shall be in accordance with the design.
All batches of materials and products are externally inspected to detect obvious deviations in geometric dimensions from the design.
Dimensions and geometrical shape are checked selectively by single-stage control.
The construction of the rafter system is allowed only after acceptance of the supporting structures. The operational quality control scheme is shown in Table 26.
During preparation and performance of roofing works the following shall be checked:
Quality of metal sheet;
no scratches, deformations, bends, fractures, dimensions in length;
quality of grating execution - cross section of grating, distance between grating and compliance with design solution;
availability of gasket waterproofing material;
presence of end, skate, cornice slats;
readiness of all structural elements for roofing works;
correctness of all connections to projecting structures;
correctness of ventilation channel execution;
correctness of skate, endova, cornices;
correct installation and fixation of stairs, transition bridges, stairs on the roof, correct arrangement of the drainage system.
The acceptance of the works shall be accompanied by a thorough inspection of its surface and especially in the endowments, in the cornice areas, at the points of the skate installation, the entire drainage system.
The made metal blanket roof shall meet the following requirements:
all sheets of metal, including ridge elements, must be tightly attached to the grill, without distortions, with observance of overlaps, with observance of the size of the grill leader. There should be no damage, fractures, dents, scratches on the surface of metal sheets.
Production defects detected during the inspection of the finished roof must be corrected before putting the house into operation.
Acceptance of the finished roof shall be executed by an act evaluating the quality of works.
Acceptance of performed works is subject to inspection by acts of hidden works, including performed steam insulation, heat insulation, waterproofing layer (if these structural elements are available), arrangement of antennas, braces, posts, attic windows.
Requirements for roofing quality and control items are given in Table 28.
During installation of internal sewerage systems of residential and public buildings it is necessary to conduct strict quality control of the applied materials, products and equipment, compliance with the technology of work execution and care of completed works.
Quality control of works on installation of internal sewerage systems is performed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.0185 * "Organization of construction production" and SNiP 3.05.0185 "Internal sanitary and technical systems."
Production quality control of works shall include incoming control of working documentation, products, materials and equipment, operational control of individual construction processes and production operations and acceptance control of works on installation of internal sewage systems.
During incoming control of detailed documentation, its completeness and adequacy of technical information contained in it for the performance of works shall be checked. During incoming inspection before installation quality control of applied materials, pipe blanks, plumbing appliances, measuring tools is performed, at which external inspection establishes compliance with their requirements of standards or other regulatory documents and working documentation, as well as availability and content of passports, certificates and other accompanying documents.
The results of incoming control shall be recorded in the "Log of incoming accounting and quality control of the received parts, materials, structures and equipment."
During operational control, all operations for installation of internal sewerage systems of residential and public buildings are checked in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.0185 "Internal sanitary and technical systems."
Pipelines must be firmly fixed on building structures of buildings or tightly laid on supports. Welded joints of pipelines shall not be on supports.
The weld shall not contain cracks, shells, pores, undercuts, as well as creases and leaks of the built-up metal.
The distance from the surface of the plaster or lining to the axis of the non-insulated risers when they are open shall be at a pipe diameter of up to 32 mm - 35 mm and at a pipe diameter of 40 to 50 mm - 50 mm with a permissible deviation of + 5 mm.
Vertical risers of plastic pipelines are set by level and plumb. Deviation from vertical at open gasket is allowed not more than 2 mm per 1 m of pipeline length.
Pipeline slopes shall be directed towards water discharge devices. Dilution water supply pipelines and supplies to instruments are laid with a slope of 0.002-0.005 for the possibility of water descent from them. At the lower points of the network, descent devices are arranged.
Height of sanitary appliances installation from the level of clean floor shall correspond to the dimensions specified in Table 30. Permissible deviations of the installation height of stand-alone sanitary devices shall not exceed ± 20 mm, and at group installation of the same type of devices ± 5 mm.
Pipes and shaped parts (except for two-hole couplings) shall be directed against water movement.
Flush pipe for urinal tray flushing shall be directed by holes to the wall at an angle of 45 ° down.
When installing a common washbasin and bath mixer, the height of the washbasin installation shall be 850 mm up to the top of the side.
Technical criteria and means of control of operations and processes (laying and testing of pipelines, installation of plumbing appliances) are given in Table 29.
During installation of internal water supply systems of residential and public buildings it is necessary to strictly monitor the quality of the applied materials, products and equipment, compliance with the technology of work execution and care for completed works.
Quality control for installation of internal water supply systems is performed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.0185 * "Organization of Construction Production" and SNiP 3.05.0185 "Internal Sanitary and Technical Systems."
Production quality control of works shall include incoming control of working documentation, products, materials and equipment, operational control of individual construction processes and production operations and acceptance control of work on installation of internal water supply systems.
During incoming control of detailed documentation, its completeness and adequacy of technical information contained in it for the performance of works shall be checked. During the incoming inspection, before the start of installation, quality control of the used materials, pipe billet, water collection valves, measuring tools is carried out, at which external inspection establishes their compliance with the requirements of standards or other regulatory documents and working documentation, as well as the availability and content of passports, certificates and other accompanying documents.
Tolerances for fabricated steel pipe assemblies and parts shall not exceed the values specified in Table 30.
The results of incoming control shall be recorded in the "Log of incoming accounting and quality control of the received parts, materials, structures and equipment."
During operational control, all operations for installation of internal water supply systems of residential and public buildings are checked in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.0185 "Internal sanitary and technical systems." Pipelines must be firmly fixed on building structures of buildings or tightly laid on supports. Welded joints of pipelines shall not be on supports. The weld shall not contain cracks, shells, pores, undercuts, uncontrolled craters, as well as creases and leaks of the built-up metal. In residential buildings and public buildings, the distance from the surface of plaster or lining to the axis of uninsulated risers and horizontal pipelines of cold and hot water supply systems, when they are open, should be at a pipe diameter of up to 32 mm - 35 mm and at a pipe diameter of from 40 to 50 mm - 50 mm, with a permissible deviation of + 5 mm.
Verticality of pipe risers is established by level and plumb. Deviation from vertical at open gasket is allowed not more than 2 mm per 1 m of pipeline length.
Pipeline slopes shall be directed towards water discharge devices. Dilution water supply pipelines and supplies to instruments are laid with a slope of 0.002-0.005 for the possibility of water descent from them. At the lower points of the network, descent devices are arranged.
The required quality and reliability of scaffolding installation and operation shall be ensured by construction organizations by implementing a set of technical and organizational measures in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2732187 "Rack-side scaffolding for construction and installation works," SNiP 3.01.0185 * "Organization of construction production."
Production quality control of scaffolding shall include incoming quality control of scaffolding elements, operational control of individual installation processes or operations and acceptance control of installed scaffolding.
During incoming inspection of scaffold elements, their completeness and compliance with the requirements of the standards is checked, as well as the availability and content of passports, certificates and other accompanying documents. The results of incoming control are recorded in the "Log of incoming accounting and quality control of the obtained parts, materials, structures and equipment."
During operational control, compliance with the technology of erection of scaffold elements, compliance of scaffold installation with working drawings, construction codes, rules and standards is checked.
During acceptance inspection, the required quality of the installed scaffolding prepared for operation is checked.
Metal tubular scaffolding is allowed for operation only after the complete completion of their installation, but not before their delivery to the person appointed for acceptance by the chief construction engineer with the participation of a safety worker.
When the scaffolding is put into operation, the following shall be checked:
- compliance of assembled frame with installation diagrams;
- correct assembly of units and compliance of scaffolding attachment with the design;
- correctness and reliability of forest support on the base;
- correct installation and attachment of the fence and flooring;
- presence of diagonal connections and their correct location;
- safeguarding the forests against possible vehicle strikes;
- check of bolts tightening reliability on clamps;
- Ensuring the removal of water from forests;
- observance of vertical installation of posts and reliability of scaffolding fixation to walls;
- availability of fire extinguishing equipment and lightning protection device;
- scaffolding acceptance shall be performed under design load located on working floor of upper tier. The value of the load and its location should correspond to the load scheme adopted in the design of the scaffolding.
Reliability of attachment is checked by accessory for control of forces of forest plugs jamming, which develops pulling force of at least 300 kgf.
When pulling force of 300 kgf is applied to the plug, it must not be pulled out of the wall.
The surface of the soil on which forests are installed must be planned, sealed and surface water removed from it.
During operation, the condition of all joints, wall anchorages, floorings and fences shall be monitored systematically. To do this, every day before the start of the shift, the forests are inspected by the foreman or master of the leadership work performed from these forests.
At least once every 10 days, the condition of the scaffolding should be checked by representatives of the construction organization with a record of defects noticed.
In all cases of detection of deformations of elements of forests, disturbance of stability and other defects, work from forests should be stopped before correction and re-acceptance of forests.
2. 5. Safety precautions during works.
During earthworks, areas of production in settlements should be fenced in order to avoid access by unauthorized persons. Specifications for the arrangement of inventory enclosures are set out in GOST 2340778.
When approaching underground communication lines, earthworks shall be carried out under the direct supervision of the works manufacturer or foreman, and in the protective zone of cables under high voltage or the existing gas pipeline, in addition, under the supervision of workers of the electric or gas facilities, if there is a work permit.
In case of detection of communications, underground structures, explosive materials and ammunition in the process of excavation works not provided for by the project, excavation works in these places should be stopped, representatives of the customer and organizations operating the detected communications should be called to the place of work, and measures should be taken to protect the discovered underground devices from damage. Work is resumed after the nature of the discovered structures or objects is identified and a permit is obtained. If ammunition is detected, work can be started only after they are removed by sappers.
The development of soil in the immediate vicinity of the lines of existing underground communications is allowed only with the help of manual shovels, without the use of impact tools. The use of earth-moving machines in such places is allowed in agreement with the owner organizations of communications.
Work related to employees being in excavations with slopes without anchorages in bulk, sandy and dust-rich soils above ground water level (taking into account capillary lifting) or soils drained by means of artificial water lowering is allowed at depth of excavation and slope slope specified in Table 32.
If it is necessary to develop a trench in the immediate vicinity and below the bottom of the foundations of existing buildings and structures, the design should provide technical solutions to ensure their safety. In the presence of nearby buildings and structures from the trench to be opened, it is necessary to establish systematic instrumental monitoring of their condition.
Excavations, the development of soil of which takes to the streets, driveways, in the courtyards of settlements, as well as in other places of possible location of people, should be protected by protective fences in accordance with GOST 2340778 with the installation of warning signs on them, and at night - and signal lighting.
To pass workers into trenches, install ladders or stairs with a width of at least 0.6 m with railings or additional wooden stairs with a length of not more than 5 m.
The soil extracted from the trenches is loaded into the dump trucks and removed from the construction site to the installed places.
Movement, installation and operation of the excavator and dump truck near the trench with fixed slopes are allowed only outside the prism of soil collapse at the distance established by the work execution project.
In the absence of relevant instructions in the work design, the minimum horizontal distance from the base of the excavation slope to the nearest machine supports is allowed to be taken according to Table 33.
Work in a trench with slopes subjected to humidification is allowed only after a thorough inspection by the foreman (foreman) of the condition of the slopes. The stability of the slopes shall be checked by the responsible person regardless of atmospheric impact at a depth of more than 1.3 m, as well as after the thaw.
Execution of works in a trench with vertical walls without fixation, in sandy, dust-rich and melted soils above the level of groundwater and in the absence of underground structures near it is allowed at their depth not more than, m:
1.0 - in non-tracked bulk and natural addition of sandy soils;
1.25 - in sandy loam;
1.5 - in loams and clays.
At the average daily air temperature below minus 2 ° С, it is allowed to increase the maximum depth of vertical walls of excavations in frozen soils, except for loose frozen ones, by the value of ground freezing depth, but not more than 2 m.
Loading of soil on the dump trucks shall be carried out from the rear or side side.
The distance between the bulldozer and the excavator, running one after another, should be at least 10 meters. It is not allowed to perform other work from the side of the face and be within the range of the excavator plus 5 m.
Fire safety at the construction site, work areas and workplaces should be ensured in accordance with the requirements of PPB 0103 "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation."
Electrical safety at the construction site, work areas and workplaces shall be ensured in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12032001 "Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements. "
Lighting of the construction site, work areas, workplaces, driveways and passages to them in the dark shall meet the requirements of GOST 12.1.04685 "SSBT. Construction. Lighting standards for construction sites. " Illumination shall be uniform, without the blinding effect of lighting devices on the workers. Construction production in unlit places is not allowed.
The slopes of the trenches developed in winter should be inspected when the thaw occurs, and based on the results of the inspection measures should be taken to ensure the stability of the slopes and fasteners.
Before starting excavation work on areas with possible pathogenic contamination of the soil (landfill, cattle trucks, etc.), it is necessary to obtain a work permit after obtaining the permission of the State sanitary supervision bodies or the organization-owner of this territory.
On the territory of the objects under construction and reconstruction, it is not allowed to unintentionally reduce shrub vegetation and fill root necks and trunks of growing trees and shrubs with soil. The trees to be saved must be fenced.
In the area of the planning works, the soil layer must be previously removed and stored in specially designated places, followed by use for land reclamation. It is not allowed to release water from the construction site directly to the slopes without proper protection against soil erosion. Production and household effluents generated at the construction site shall be cleaned and neutralized in accordance with the instructions of PIC and PPR.
If archaeological and paleontological objects are identified during earthworks, the work on the site should be suspended and the local administrative authorities should be informed about this.
It is forbidden to use equipment, machines and mechanisms that are the source of the release of harmful substances into the atmospheric air, soil and water bodies and increased levels of noise and vibration.
All works on the construction of the underground part of the building must be carried out in compliance with safety rules in the construction of SNiP IIA.11-70. "Safety in construction," Collection of changes and additions to the chapter of SNiP IIIA.11-70. "Safety in Construction," "Instructions for Safe Work for Boom Cranes Drivers," M., "Transport," 1975, Typical Labor Safety Instructions for Erection Installers for Steel and Reinforced Concrete Structures, M., Orgtransstroy, 1978, Typical Labor Safety Instructions for Insulator, M., Orgtransstroy, 1977.
Elements and structures are cleaned from dirt, ice and rust on the ground (before their rise).
Prior to installation, the workstations and the structures to be mounted shall be cleaned of dirt, snow, ice, and steel parts shall be cleaned of rust, check the structural dimensions of the elements and the presence of all necessary hairlines, check the slinging places to ensure safety of lifting the structures and their supply to the installation site.
Parts entering the construction site shall meet the requirements of III1673SNiP. "Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures." They must have no deformations, damages, cracks, shells, strains, deviations from design dimensions.
Structures with defects affecting their strength should not be accepted at the construction site, and defects not affecting the strength of the structures should be eliminated at the construction site before installation.
Elements of prefabricated structures must be lifted smoothly, without jerks, swinging, rotation, set to the design position without shocks and impacts and combine risks.
The results of the inspection of the mounted structures are drawn up by an act with the participation of representatives of the customer, the general contractor and the construction and installation organization.
Removable load-gripping devices (crossarms, slings) and packagings shall be subject to periodic inspection by the person responsible for their serviceability (crossarms - every 6 months, slings and packagings - every 10 days).
Cargo hooks of cranes and removable load-gripping devices shall be equipped with safety closing devices preventing spontaneous fall-out of the load-gripping device or cargo.
It is forbidden to lift prefabricated reinforced concrete structures that do not have mounting loops or markings and marks that ensure the correctness of their slinging and installation.
On the installation site, the procedure for the exchange of conditional signals between the lifting person and the crane driver shall be established.
All signals are sent only by one person-foreman of the installation team, link or rigger.
"Stop" signal is sent by any employee who has noticed danger.
It is forbidden to stay on elements and structures during their lifting, movement and installation.
Do not leave raised elements and structures on weight. Disassembly of installed elements and structures is allowed only after their strong and stable fixation.
Transition of installers by installed elements and structures that do not have fences is not allowed.
When performing works on painting waterproofing of foundations with cold bitumen mastic, the following hazardous and harmful production factors may arise due to the nature of the work:
- increased dust and gas content of the working zone air;
- increased or decreased temperature of materials, surfaces and air of the working zone;
- location of the workplace near the difference in height of 1.3 m or more;
- sharp edges, burrs and roughness on surfaces and materials;
- increased pollution of air, skin, working clothes with chemical compounds, aerosol, dust;
- Increased severity of labour;
- increased level of noise, vibration;
- increased or decreased temperature, humidity and mobility of air;
- increased level of static electricity;
- fire and explosion hazard;
- unprotected (unprotected) movable elements of painting equipment;
- Insufficient lighting at workplaces.
In order to prevent exposure of workers to hazardous and harmful industrial factors, safety of insulation works shall be ensured by following measures:
- organization of workplaces with indication of methods and means for provision of ventilation, fire extinguishing, protection against thermal burns, lighting, performance of works at height;
- special safety measures during waterproofing works in closed basements;
- safety measures during preparation, transportation and application of mastic on the surface.
All new workers entering the construction site must undergo both induction training and initial training at the workplace on safety and labor protection in working with mechanisms, tools and materials. On-site briefing is conducted by the work manufacturer or the wizard with recording of the results of the briefing in the "Workplace Briefing Log." Those who have passed the introductory training are entered in the "Log of the introductory training on labor protection."
Persons allowed to work on waterproofing of foundations shall have professional training (including on occupational safety) corresponding to the nature of the work, qualification group on electrical safety not lower than II for persons allowed to control equipment with electric drive, and persons allowed to control manual electric machines.
Those working with oil bitumen must be provided with personal protective equipment, in accordance with standard industry standards for the issuance of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment:, filter gas masks as per GOST 12.4.0342001, suits as per GOST 12.4.11182 * and GOST 12.4.11282 *, shoes as per GOST 12.4.03277 *, sleeves as per GOST 12.4.01075 and *. There are no special requirements for personal hygiene.
Workers and engineers are required to undergo training, check knowledge of the rules for safe work, ensuring fire safety, using primary fire extinguishing equipment, providing pre-medical assistance to victims, etc.
When performing insulation work using bitumen, employees must use special suits with trousers issued on top of boots and sleeves.
In order to prevent and timely detect occupational diseases or poisoning, all incoming and permanently employed workers must undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations and receive a certificate of suitability for waterproofing.
Hydraulic insulators shall:
- be trained in safe and progressive methods of carrying out the corresponding operations of the technological cycle;
- have a work permit for the performance of these works, and before their start, be instructed on labor safety at the workplace;
- be allowed to work with sealants and mastic containing toxic and easily volatile flammable substances, only after special training, as well as instruction on the properties of materials and fire safety measures.
Requirements for materials, storage and transportation.
Materials used for waterproofing works shall be accompanied by certificates certifying their quality indicators and instructions for the use of the supplied materials.
Storage and transportation of waterproofing and auxiliary materials is organized in accordance with the requirements set out in the technical specifications and standards for finished products.
In the areas of work in the premises where insulation work is carried out with the release of harmful and fire hazardous substances, it is not allowed to perform other work and find unauthorized persons.
Content of harmful substances in the air of the working zone and microclimate parameters shall not exceed the standards established by GOST 12.1.00588.
The room in which bitumen is operated shall be equipped with plenum ventilation. In case of sudden termination of supply ventilation operation, waterproofing operations with materials containing organic solvents shall be suspended and workers removed to a safe distance.
Noise and vibration levels at workplaces created by machines and mechanisms shall not exceed the standards established by GOST 12.1.00383 and GOST 12.1.01290.
Equipment for waterproofing of foundations shall comply with GOST 12.2.00391. When moving bitumen manually at workplaces, metal tanks should be used, having the shape of a truncated cone, facing a wide part down, with tightly closing covers and locking devices.
To prevent fires, it is necessary to strictly observe fire safety requirements according to PPB 0103 "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation" and regularly instruct workers.
When waterproofing with the use of organic solvents, it is necessary to organize a fire station, which should include a nightmare with a size of 2 '3 m. In windy weather, workers should be located so that the wind blows in the back or in the side, which contributes to the improvement of sanitary and hygienic conditions at the workplace.
When sunbathing small amounts of bitumen, extinguish with sand, a nightmare or a foam extinguisher. Extinguish the developed fires with a foam jet from the stalls.
For smoking, special places should be reserved, equipped with urns, barrels of water, boxes of sand.
Bitumen production wastes are neutralized by burning in afterburning furnace.
All electrical installations shall be shut down upon completion of works and cables and wires shall be de-energized.
When operating in basements, sufficient natural or forced ventilation and illumination of working areas shall be provided. The voltage of the electrical network during operation in closed rooms shall not exceed 12 V with valves in explosion-proof design.
Workplaces for waterproofing operations at height shall be equipped with scavenging facilities with fences and ladders-ladders for lifting on them, which meet the requirements of SNiP 12032001.
Waterproofing facilities shall be equipped with primary fire extinguishing equipment - fire extinguishers, water barrels, sand boxes, crowns, axes, shovels, bagels, buckets.
Each worker must know his/her duties in case of fire and its extinguishing, be able to use fire extinguishing means, quickly notify the fire brigade using communication means, must disconnect electrical appliances and de-energize electrical wiring.
In order to comply with environmental regulations, a water tank for washing tools and mechanisms should be provided.
Wiping material after its use must be collected in a special container for subsequent delivery to the surface and disposal. It is forbidden to burn used wiping material.
When arranging the paint waterproofing of foundations with cold bitumen mastic, it is necessary to follow the following requirements:
- SNiP 12032001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements ";
- SNiP 12042002 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production ";
- GOST 12.0.00490 "Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions ";
- POT RM0162001 "Intersectoral rules on labor protection (safety rules) during operation of electrical installations," M., 2001;
- PPB 0103 "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation," Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, M., 2000;
- JV 121352003 "Labor safety in construction. Industry Standard Occupational Safety Instructions ";
- "Recommendations on the organization of the work of the labor protection service in the organization."
For works on decoration of facades at height with the use of scavenging means, persons at least 18 years old, who have professional skills, have passed a medical examination and are recognized as fit, have received knowledge on safe methods and methods of work according to GOST 12.0.00490 "SSBT. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions, "who passed the exams of the qualification commission in the prescribed manner and received relevant certificates.
During the operation of the scaffolding, the condition of all joints, wall anchorages, floorings and fences shall be monitored systematically.
Scaffolding shall be equipped with stairs or stairs for lifting and lowering people.
Working flooring at the outer row of scaffold posts shall have a fence.
Scaffolds shall be equipped with lightning protection devices and must be grounded.
The gap between the wall of the existing building and the working flooring of the installed scaffolding shall not exceed 150 mm.
Placards with load arrangement diagrams and their permissible value shall be displayed on the forests.
People under 18 years of age who have undergone special training and received certificates for the right to work with this tool, as well as certified in the first group of safety equipment and do not have medical contraindications for this type of work, are allowed to work with the pneumatic tool.
Every employee using a pneumatic tool shall be aware of the instructions and rules for the technical operation of the tool.
Employees engaged in the production of plaster works shall be provided with individual and collective protective equipment as per GOST 12.4.01185 *.
Before the start of work, the machines and mechanisms are checked at idle. The housings of all mechanisms shall be grounded, the conductive wires shall be reliably insulated and the start-up valves shall be closed.
Persons who have undergone special training and passed safety and health examinations are allowed to manage the mechanisms.
Portable current collectors, tools, machines, lamps, etc., used during plaster works, shall have a voltage of not more than 42 V.
When constructing plaster coatings of facades it is necessary to be guided by the following requirements:
- SNiP 12032001 Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements;
- SNiP 12042002 Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production;
- GOST 12.0.00490 SSBT. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions;
- GOST 12.1.00491 * SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements;
- GOST 12.4.01189 SSBT. Means of protection of workers. General requirements and classification;
- GOST R 12.4.0262001 Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings.
Installation of plaster coatings of internal walls and partitions shall be carried out in accordance with SNiP 12032001 "Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General Requirements, "SNiP 12042002" Occupational Safety in Construction. Part 2. Construction production "and fire safety rules stipulated in GOST 12.1.00491 *" SSBT. Fire safety. General Requirements "and PPB 0193 * *" Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation. "
For internal plaster works with the use of scavenging means, persons at least 18 years of age with professional skills who have undergone a medical examination and are recognized as fit, who have received knowledge of safe methods and techniques of work according to GOST 12.0.00490 "SSBT are allowed. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions, "who passed the exams of the qualification commission in the prescribed manner and received relevant certificates.
Prior to the start of work with plasterers, solution pump driver and maintenance link, the first instruction is given at the workplace on safe work performance with recording of the results of the instruction in the "Briefing Log at the Workplace."
Those newly recruited must undergo induction training with an entry in the "Safety Induction Log."
Only workers who have undergone special training according to GOST 12.0.00490 "SSBT are allowed to work with electrified tools. Organization of occupational safety training. General Provisions "and Workplace Safety and Safety Instruction.
During dry cleaning of the surface and other work related to the release of dust and gases, it is necessary to use restaurators and protective glasses.
Employees engaged in the production of plaster work or working at increased dust and gas content of the air of the working zone must be provided with individual and collective protective equipment as per GOST 12.4.01189 "SSBT. Means of protection of workers. General requirements and classification. "
Portable tools, machines, lamps must have a voltage of not more than 42 V.
When using electric or liquid fuel air heaters to dry the plastered surfaces of the building or structure premises, the requirements of PPB 0193 * * "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation" shall be observed. It is forbidden to dry the rooms with roasters and other devices that release fuel combustion products.
The working area during plaster works shall be illuminated in accordance with SNiP 230595 "Natural and artificial lighting" and GOST 12.1.04685 "SSBT. Construction. Lighting standards for construction sites. " Illumination of workplaces shall be not less than 30 lux. The temporary lighting design shall be developed by a specialized organization at the request of the contractor.
When using compositions containing harmful and fire hazardous substances, at workplaces there should be primary fire extinguishing equipment, windows opened in the room to provide ventilation, and workers should be provided with austriators and other personal protective equipment.
When preparing plaster solutions at the workplace, it is necessary to use for these purposes rooms equipped with ventilation, which does not allow increasing the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the working zone. Rooms shall be provided with harmless detergents and warm water.
When performing plaster works of internal walls and partitions, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements of occupational safety and safety, environmental and fire safety according to:
- SNiP 12032001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements ";
- SNiP 12042002 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production ";
- GOST 12.0.00490 "SSBT. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions ";
- GOST 12.1.00491 * "SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements ";
- POT RM0162001 Intersectoral rules on labor protection (safety rules) during operation of electrical installations;
- PPB 0193 * * Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation;
- JV 121352002 Occupational safety in construction. Industry Standard Occupational Safety Instructions.
Workers engaged in painting work must be trained in work acceptance and safe working methods.
Persons under 18 years of age who have undergone special training and received a certificate of the right to work with these tools, as well as those certified for the second group of electrical safety and who do not have medical contraindications for this type of work, are allowed to work with electric tools.
Every painter using a pneumatic painting instrument shall know:
- instrument maintenance manual and rules;
- safe ways to connect and disconnect the tool from the air pipeline;
- main causes of tools failure and safe ways of their elimination.
In case of malfunctions in mechanisms operation, the necessary repair can be performed only after their stopping, de-energizing and stopping of compressed air supply.
The enclosures of all electrical mechanisms shall be reliably grounded.
Employees engaged in painting works must be provided with individual and collective protective equipment according to GOST 12.4.01189, which must be used depending on the nature of the work performed:
- special footwear and special clothing (GOST 12.4.10383);
- rubber gloves (GOST 2001093);
- cotton gloves (TU 17 RSFSR 06774584);
- open or closed glasses for eye protection;
- RU60M, RU-60M-A, RU6 ONU, RPG67A, SHB-1, U2K, "Petal" (GOST 12.4.02876 *, GOST 1726971 *), F62Sh for respiratory protection.
The complex of sanitary and technical measures includes the provision of household premises, sanitary and hygienic devices operating in accordance with SNiP 2.09.0487 "Administrative and household buildings."
Workers engaged in painting work must undergo an acceptance medical commission upon admission to work and periodic medical commissions by order of MZ No. 90 dated 14.03.96.
When using paint composition, it is possible to generate a small amount of solid and liquid waste, which must be collected in special containers and aimed at destruction in accordance with the "Procedure for the accumulation, transportation and disposal of toxic industrial waste." It is necessary to strictly observe the whole range of environmental protection measures. In the same way, the product is disposed of after the warranty shelf life.
When a solution or polymer paint enters the skin, it is necessary to remove it with a hand cleaner and rinse with water.
Paint compositions on solvents and solvents themselves must be stored in closed ventilated explosion-and-fire safe rooms and comply with the requirements of GOST 9980.586.
For works on painting facades at a height using scaffolding, cradle, lifts, at least 18 years old, suitable for medical indicators for the performance of these works, are allowed.
During the operation of the scaffolding, the condition of all joints, wall anchorages, floorings and fences shall be monitored systematically.
Scaffolding shall be equipped with stairs or stairs for lifting and lowering people.
The working floor on the side of the outer row of scaffolding shall have a fence.
Scaffolds shall be equipped with lightning protection devices with mandatory grounding.
The gap between the wall of the existing building and the working flooring of the installed scaffolding shall not exceed 150 mm.
Placards with load arrangement diagrams and their permissible value shall be displayed on the forests.
Hand-operated winches shall be provided with safe handles, lowering speed shall not exceed 10 m/min.
Winches with electric drive must have block brake, which automatically acts at engine shutdown, with safety factor not less than 2.
The required number and reliability of scavenging means from which facades are painted (forests, cradles, hydraulic hoists) should be provided by construction organizations in accordance with the provisions of SNiP 12032001 "Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General Requirements, "SNiP 12042002" Occupational Safety in Construction. Part 2. Construction Production, "SNiP 3.01.0185 *" Organization of Construction Production, "GOST 2425888" Scavenging Equipment. General Technical Specifications, "GOST 2732187" Rack frames for construction and installation works. "
Works on painting of building facades with resistant facade paints should be carried out in strict compliance with the requirements of safety and labor protection, environmental and fire safety according to:
- SNiP 12032001 Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements.
- SNiP 12042002 Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production.
- GOST 12.0.00490 SSBT. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions.
- GOST 12.1.00491 * SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements.
- GOST 12.3.00575 * SSBT. Painting works. General safety requirements.
- POT RM0162001 Intersectoral rules on labor protection (safety rules) during operation of electrical installations.
- JV 121352002 Occupational safety in construction. Industry Standard Occupational Safety Instructions.
Preparation of wall surfaces and partitions for painting shall be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.04.0187 "Insulation and finishing coatings," SNiP 12032001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General Requirements, "SNiP 12042002" Occupational Safety in Construction. Part 2. Construction production "and fire safety rules stipulated in GOST 12.1.00491 *" SSBT. Fire safety. General Requirements "and PPB 0103" Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation. "
The application of primers and patches at construction facilities and construction industry enterprises should be carried out in accordance with the current instructional documents regulating the requirements of labor protection, work safety and industrial sanitation in the construction industry.
Internal finishing works with the use of scavenging means are allowed for persons at least 18 years old, who have professional skills that have passed a medical examination and are recognized as fit, who have received knowledge of safe methods and techniques of work in accordance with GOST 12.0.00490 "SSBT. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions, "who passed the exams of the qualification commission in the prescribed manner and received relevant certificates.
Construction painters who have undergone appropriate training, have professional skills and do not have contraindications by age or sex for the work performed must undergo:
- mandatory preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic (during work) medical examinations (examinations) to be considered suitable for work in the manner established by the Ministry of Health of Russia;
- training in safe methods and techniques of work execution, initial instruction at the workplace on safety and labor protection, internship and examination of knowledge of labor protection requirements.
Painters are required to comply with occupational safety requirements to ensure protection against hazardous and harmful production factors related to the nature of work:
- location of the workplace near the difference in height of 1.3 m or more;
- increased dust and gas content of the working zone air;
- increased voltage in the electrical circuit, closure of which can occur through the human body;
- insufficient illumination of the working area.
In order to prevent the exposure of workers to hazardous and harmful industrial factors, the safety of surface preparation for painting must be ensured by the following labor protection measures:
- organization of workplaces, provision of scavenging facilities and other means of low mechanization necessary for performance of works at height;
- methods and means of supplying materials to workplaces;
- installation of equipment to provide ventilation of the working area air, fire extinguishing;
- organization of means of protection of skin of hands, body, eyes when using toxic chemicals.
Employees engaged in the preparation of the base for painting or working at increased dust and gas content of the air of the working zone must be provided with individual and collective protective equipment as per GOST 12.4.01189 "SSBT. Means of protection of workers. General requirements and classification. "
During dry cleaning of the surface and other work related to the release of dust and gases, it is necessary to use restaurators and protective glasses.
Being on the territory of the construction (production) site, in industrial and domestic premises, areas of work and workplaces, painters are obliged to comply with the rules of internal labor regulations adopted in this organization. Admission of unauthorized persons, as well as drunken workers to these places is prohibited.
Painters must immediately notify their immediate or superior manager of any situation that threatens the life and health of people, every accident that occurred at work, or about the deterioration of their state of health, including the appearance of an acute occupational disease (poisoning).
The working area shall be illuminated in accordance with SNiP 230595 "Natural and artificial lighting" and GOST 12.1.04685 "SSBT. Construction. Lighting standards for construction sites. " Illumination of workplaces shall be not less than 100 lux. The temporary lighting design shall be developed by a specialized organization at the request of the contractor.
In order to prevent noise in the work area, the requirements of SNiP 23032003 "Noise protection" shall be followed.
When using compositions containing harmful and fire hazardous substances, at workplaces there should be primary fire extinguishing equipment, windows opened in the room to provide ventilation, and workers should be provided with austriators and other personal protective equipment.
When performing loading and unloading and transportation operations for the movement of materials, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of GOST 12.3.00976 * "SSBT. Loading and unloading works. General safety requirements. "
Workers engaged in the preparation of the base for painting must be trained in work techniques and safe working methods in accordance with GOST 12.0.00490 "SSBT. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions. "
Workstations for the preparation of primers and patches from dry equalizer should be equipped with effective local exhaust ventilation, ensuring the removal of dust and volatile toxic substances from the places of their formation.
Before grinding and grinding, the surface of the wall should be moistened by spraying clean water to prevent the release of fine dust. Sprinkling of water can be done manually or by means of nozzles, sprinklers, household air humidifiers, etc.
In order to prevent the accumulation of static electricity charges, all mechanisms and technical devices must be reliably grounded.
The surface of walls and partitions shall be covered with spatulas on handles preventing contamination of working skin. Leveling of applied trellis layer by hands is not allowed. Fresh contaminants of the skin or clothing of workers must be washed away with water.
It is recommended to apply respirators to protection of respiratory organs against fine dust ShB1,U2K, "Petal", "Aerum™" filtering actions, etc.
To protect the skin of hands when working with adhesive compositions, creams and pastes "Travabon," "Arretil," "Chiotb," IER-1, PM1, "SligSpecial," "Solopol," etc. The paste is applied to the clean skin in a uniform layer before starting work, after which the paste is washed with neutralizing liquids or with warm water with soap.
The manual tool used in the preparation of the base shall be in good condition.
Adhesive painting of walls and ceilings shall be performed in compliance with the requirements of SNII480 "Safety in construction." Special attention should be paid to the following: painting work at a height should be carried out from inventory forest sublimes, ladders, universal table-heads, mobile towers and other inventory devices.
When performing work on stairways, special scaffolds (tables) with different length of support posts installed at the stages should be used.
The working floor shall be horizontal and shall have a fence.
Women are allowed to carry loads not exceeding 15 kg.
It is allowed to store paint materials only in specially provided places in accordance with the PPM. The following precautions shall be taken when preparing paint compositions using paint cutters:
prevent overheating of the electric motor during operation of the paint cutter;
Do not leave the working paint cutter unattended and do not allow people who have not received special training to work on it.
Persons under 18 years of age who have undergone special training and who have received a certificate of the right to work with these tools are allowed to work with an electrified instrument.
When cleaning the surface, grinding and mechanized painting, it is necessary to use protective glasses. When flushing surfaces with hydrochloric acid solution, workers must use protective glasses, rubber boots and gloves. Acid is diluted by slowly pouring it into water.
When painting with water compositions, it is necessary to ensure that the wiring at the site is de-energized.
Occupational safety and safety issues during cladding works.
Provision should be made for:
- grounding of machines, laying of wooden flooring around them and device of water discharge. Flooring should be cleaned daily;
- performing operations for processing ceramic tiles on special stands (tables, benches), at the same time between those working there should be either a distance of at least 3 m, or protective shields that limit the separation distance of fragments. In case of dry treatment of lining products inside the premises, dust suction devices shall be installed at workplaces;
- use of portable electrified tool with voltage not more than 42 V;
- safe organization of the workplace, including the use of the necessary means of scavenging and fencing of workplaces.
All new workers entering the construction site must undergo both induction training and initial training at the workplace on safety and labor protection in working with mechanisms, tools and materials. On-site briefing is conducted by the work manufacturer or the wizard with recording of the results of the briefing in the "Workplace Briefing Log." Those who have passed the introductory training are entered in the "Log of the introductory training on labor protection."
Foremen must ensure high labor discipline among team members and require workers to strictly comply with internal labor regulations and labor safety and safety rules.
Only workers who have undergone special training in accordance with GOST 12.0.00490 and primary instruction on safety and labor protection at the workplace are allowed to work with electrified tools. The power tool must be serviceable, have smooth and securely fixed handles with reliable grounding. Cleaning, lubrication, repair and carrying of electric machines and machines shall be carried out only after stopping them and checking the conditions preventing accidental supply of voltage. Electrical machine wires shall have no fractures and intersect with other energized wires.
Tile liners must be provided with overalls, sleeves, knucklebacks, respiratory agents for work related to the release of a large amount of dust, holding up to 80% of the dust, protective glasses with non-peeling glasses for cutting and drilling ceramic tiles, rubber dielectric shoes and gloves to protect their hands from bursting with mortar, and protective helmets. In addition, protective pastes and ointments should be used to protect the skin of the hands from the effects of chemically harmful compounds.
Tiles when arranging coatings on a layer of cement mortars must be laid in rubber gloves in order to protect your hands from corroding them with mortar; tile cutting must be performed in protective glasses; dielectric halos must be on the feet. When decorating floors, it is forbidden to crop and skin tiles on stones.
Before switching on and after each movement of equipment, it is necessary to check the insulation of wires, protective means, fences and grounding of equipment.
The tools must be fully functional.
The tool handles of tile liners (hammers, buchards, etc.) should be made of viscous wood (beech, acacia, oak, etc.) and spliced with a metal wedge, and teeth, loops, scarps should not have sharp faces, burrs, knocked-down heads at the places where the hand grabs.
Workplaces, passageways and driveways need to be well illuminated. Do not clutter them with excess materials, especially boards, shields with sticking nails.
On the object, tiles should be stored in closed warehouses packed in packs separately in grades, colors and laid on pallets.
Do not throw tile packs during loading and unloading. During transportation, loading and unloading of tiles, measures must be taken to ensure their safety from mechanical damage.
To prevent fires, it is necessary to strictly comply with fire safety requirements and regularly instruct workers.
For smoking, special places should be reserved, equipped with urns, barrels of water, boxes of sand.
Waste must be removed from the facility prior to completion.
In warehouses with flammable materials, matches, bat lights and the like cannot be used.
All electrical installations shall be shut down upon completion of works and cables and wires shall be de-energized.
Places of work should be provided with fire extinguishing means - fire extinguishers, barrels of water, crates with sand, crowns, axes, shovels, bagels, buckets.
Each worker must be aware of his duties in case of fire and its extinguishing, be able to use fire extinguishing means, quickly notify the fire brigade using communication means.
When making ceramic tiles floors, follow the following requirements:
- SNiP 12032001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements ";
- SNiP 12042002 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production ";
- POT RM0162001 "Intersectoral rules on labor protection (safety rules) during operation of electrical installations," M., 2001;
- PPB 0193 * * "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation," Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, M., 2000;
- JV 121352002 "Labor safety in construction. Industry Standard Occupational Safety Instructions ";
- GOST 12.0.00490 "Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions ";
- "Recommendations on the organization of the work of the labor protection service in the organization."
Pipeline torture is performed in compliance with SNII480 "Safety in Construction."
To work with an installation pistol, persons trained in the rules for the operation of the pistol and having a special certificate are allowed, at least under 18 years old, with the education of at least 8 classes with qualifications not lower than III category, who worked on installation work for less than 2 years, have undergone a medical examination. When working with a mounting pistol, the requirements of VSN 41080 are met in accordance with the additional tolerance.
When performing floor laying works from piece parquet, the workers entering the construction site must undergo both introductory training and initial training at the workplace on safety and labor protection when working with mechanisms, tools and materials. On-site briefing is conducted by the work manufacturer or the wizard with recording of the results of the briefing in the "Workplace Briefing Log." Those who have passed the introductory training are entered in the "Log of the introductory training on labor protection."
It is allowed to work only with serviceable mechanized equipment and tools. Mechanized equipment and tools shall be connected to the network only by electrical locksmiths qualified according to the tariff and qualification directory of works and professions of workers engaged in construction and repair and construction works and a qualified safety team not lower than II.
Only workers who have undergone special training according to GOST 12.0.00490, who have a safety qualification group not lower than II and III group on electrical safety and who have received a primary instruction at the workplace on safety and health are allowed to work with an electrified tool. The power tool must be serviceable, have smooth and securely fixed handles. Clean, lubricate, repair and carry-on the electric machines only after stopping them and checking the conditions preventing accidental voltage supply. Electrical machine wires shall have no fractures and intersect with other energized wires.
Before switching on and after each movement of equipment, it is necessary to check the insulation of wires, protective means, fences and grounding of equipment.
Connect electrical machines to the network only through a protective shutdown device (RCD). Before connecting the machines, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the protective-disconnecting device when the plug connection is open.
All electrical installations shall be shut down upon completion of works and cables and wires shall be de-energized.
The tools must be fully functional.
The tool handles (hammers, stams, etc.) should be made of viscous wood (beech, acacia, oak, etc.) and spliced with metal wedges, and the teeth, scarps should not have sharp faces, burrs, knocked-down heads in the places where the hand grabs.
During sawing, the material must be laid on a mop or gaskets, and the saw blade should be guided with a stop. When sawing materials with a hand saw, it is forbidden to lay it on your knee and keep your hand at the saw.
Use individual bags or portable boxes to carry and store the tool.
When processing materials using a mechanized tool, parketeers must:
- replace the working (replaceable) tool, as well as adjust and repair only after equipment disconnection from the electrical network;
- prevent overload and overheating of electric motors;
- during operation keep hands at safe distance from rotating parts of tools and mechanisms;
- do not leave power tools and equipment connected to the network without supervision.
Rubber adhesives shall be stored in sealed packagings at a positive temperature in accordance with the rules for the storage of explosive flammable materials.
Glue may not be heated or diluted with solvents.
When working with rubber adhesives, it is necessary to use workwear, and when glue gets on the skin of the hands, you should immediately wash off with a solvent - ethyl acetate or gasoline.
The workers must be provided with overalls, sleeves, knuckles, respiratory agents for work related to the release of a large amount of dust.
In addition, protective pastes and ointments should be used to protect the skin of the hands from the effects of chemically harmful compounds.
Workplaces, passageways and driveways need to be well illuminated. Do not clutter them with excess materials, especially boards, shields with sticking nails.
At the facility, piece parquet must be stored in closed warehouses packed in packs separately in grades, colors and laid on pallets.
It is not allowed to throw packets with parquet during loading and unloading. During transportation, loading and unloading of packages, measures must be taken to ensure their safety from mechanical damage.
To prevent fires, it is necessary to strictly comply with fire safety requirements and regularly instruct workers.
For smoking, special places should be reserved, equipped with urns, barrels of water, boxes of sand.
Waste must be removed from the facility prior to completion.
In warehouses with flammable materials, matches, bat lights and the like cannot be used.
Places of work should be provided with fire extinguishing means - fire extinguishers, barrels of water, crates with sand, crowns, axes, shovels, bagels, buckets.
Each worker must be aware of his duties in case of fire and its extinguishing, be able to use fire extinguishing means, quickly notify the fire service using communication means.
When arranging floors from piece parquet, be guided by the following requirements:
- SNiP 12032001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements ";
- SNiP 12042002 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production ";
- POT RM0162001 "Intersectoral rules on labor protection (safety rules) during operation of electrical installations," M., 2001;
- GOST 12.0.00490 "Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions ";
- PPB 0103 "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation," EMERCOM of Russia, M., 2003;
- JV 121352003 "Labor safety in construction. Industry Standard Guidelines for Occupational Safety. "
Surfaces shall be glued with wallpaper in accordance with SNiP 3.04.0187 "Insulation and finishing coatings," SNiP 12032001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General Requirements, "SNiP 12042002" Occupational Safety in Construction. Part 2. Construction Production "and fire safety rules stipulated in GOST 12.. 1.00491 *" SSBT. Fire safety. General Requirements "and PPB 0103" Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation. "
The use of wallpaper at construction facilities and construction industry enterprises should be carried out in accordance with the current instructional documents regulating the requirements of labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation in the construction industry, as well as in accordance with the recommendations of VSN 4996.
Persons under 18 years of age with professional skills who have undergone a medical examination and are recognized as fit, who have received knowledge of safe methods and methods of work according to GOST 12.0.00490 "SSBT are allowed to apply wallpaper to the inner walls. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions, "who passed the exams of the qualification commission in the prescribed manner and received relevant certificates.
Construction painters who have undergone appropriate training, have professional skills and do not have contraindications by age or sex for the work performed must undergo:
- mandatory preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic (during work) medical examinations (examinations) to be considered suitable for work in the manner established by the Ministry of Health of Russia;
- training in safe methods and techniques of work execution, training on labor protection, internship at the workplace and verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements.
Painters are required to comply with occupational safety requirements to ensure protection against hazardous and harmful production factors related to the nature of work:
- location of the workplace near the difference in height of 1.3 m or more;
- increased dust and gas content of the working zone air;
- increased voltage in the electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body.
Workers engaged in wallpaper gluing or working at increased dust and gas content of the working zone air shall be provided with individual and collective protective equipment as per GOST 12.4.01189 "SSBT. Means of protection of workers. General requirements and classification. "
During dry cleaning of the surface and other work related to the release of dust and gases, it is necessary to use restaurators and protective glasses.
Being on the territory of the construction (production) site, in industrial and domestic premises, areas of work and workplaces, painters are obliged to comply with the rules of internal labor regulations adopted in this organization. Admission of unauthorized persons, as well as drunken workers to these places is prohibited.
Painters must immediately notify their immediate or superior manager of any situation that threatens the life and health of people, every accident that occurred at work, or about the deterioration of their state of health, including the appearance of an acute occupational disease (poisoning).
The working area during wallpaper gluing shall be illuminated in accordance with SNiP 230595 "Natural and artificial lighting" and GOST 12.1.04685 "SSBT. Construction. Lighting standards for construction sites. " Illumination of workplaces shall be not less than 100 lux. The temporary lighting design shall be developed by a specialized organization at the request of the contractor.
When using compositions containing harmful and fire hazardous substances, primary fire extinguishing equipment should be provided at workplaces, and workers should be provided with respiratory and other personal protective equipment.
When performing loading and unloading and transportation operations for the movement of materials, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of GOST 12.3.00976 * "SSBT. Loading and unloading works. General safety requirements. "
Workers engaged in wallpaper gluing must be trained in work techniques and safe working methods in accordance with GOST 12.0.00490 "SSBT. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions. "
Rooms in which wallpaper and adhesive compositions are stored shall be equipped with forced supply ventilation with at least two air exchanges per hour.
Workstations for wallpaper cutting, preparation of a flooring from a dry equalizer, preparation of adhesive compositions should be equipped with effective local exhaust ventilation, ensuring the removal of dust and volatile toxic substances from the places of their formation.
Before grinding and grinding, the surface of the wall should be moistened by spraying clean water to prevent the release of fine dust. Sprinkling of water can be done manually or by means of nozzles, sprinklers, household air humidifiers, etc.
In order to prevent the accumulation of static electricity charges, all mechanisms and technical devices used in disassembling and cutting wallpaper must be reliably grounded. In the case of static electrification when sticking wallpaper, it is necessary to moisten their face by rubbing with a wet rag or spraying with water.
Application of adhesive compositions on the surface of walls or material shall be carried out with brushes or spatulas on long handles, excluding the possibility of contamination of the skin of the workers. Leveling of applied adhesive layer by hands is not allowed. Wet fabric or cotton tampons shall be used to remove the adhesive composition protruding between the edges of the glued webs. Fresh contaminants of the skin or clothing of workers with adhesive compositions are easily washed away with water.
Dilution of adhesives and mastic can be done with water. The use of organic solvents is not allowed.
The following normative parameters of the microclimate provided for medium-gravity works according to GOST 12.1.00588 * "SSBT shall be provided in the premises of the construction facilities where pre-treatment of polymer materials (cutting, preparation of adhesive compositions) and various work on gluing are carried out. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the working area air ":
- air temperature - 18-23 ° С;
- relative humidity - 40-60%;
- air speed - 0.2 - 0.3 m/s.
Workers who glue walls with wallpaper must be provided with sanitary facilities. A first aid kit with a set of medicines and dressings for first aid for poisoning, burns and injuries should be stored in sanitary facilities. Working with polymer materials (vinyl wallpaper and synthetic adhesives) are provided with overalls and overcoats in accordance with the "Standard Industry Standards for the Free Issue of Overcoats, Overcoats and Safety Devices to Workers and Employees Engaged in Construction Work."
To protect the respiratory organs from fine dust, it is recommended to use filter-action austriators ShB1, "Petal," U2K, RPG-67, etc.
To protect the skin of hands when working with adhesive compositions, pastes "Chiot6," IER-1, PM1, etc., can be recommended. The paste is applied to the clean skin in a uniform layer before starting work, after which the paste is washed with neutralizing liquids or with warm water with soap.
In order to prevent static electrification when working with polymer materials, special types of shoes and clothes should be used: anti-electrostatic half-dogs and anti-electrostatic robes sewn from antistatic fabric.
Hand tools used in the process of gluing works must be in good condition, knives are well sharpened, put on handles and stored in special covers.
Work to glue surfaces with vinyl should be carried out in strict compliance with safety and health requirements, according to:
- SNiP 12042002 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production. "
- JV 121352003 "Labor safety in construction. Industry Standard Occupational Safety Instructions ";
- PPB 0103 Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation;
- SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the organization of construction and construction works.
When constructing a rafter system, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of labor protection in construction in accordance with SNiP 12032001 "Safety of labor in construction. Part 1. General Requirements, "SNiP 12042002. "Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction Production, PB 1038200 of the State Gortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation "Rules for the construction and safe operation of lifting cranes," other regulatory documents on labor protection.
The main hazardous production factors in the performance of works are: work in the area of the installation crane; operation at altitude; possibility of falling of mounted elements; violation of the technology for performing work operations, the risk of fire of lumber.
Before starting operation at altitude it is necessary to:
• obtain work permit in the form of Appendix "D" to SNiP 12032001;
• obtain (if necessary) certificate-of-admission in the form of Appendix "B" to SNiP 12032001;
• obtain safety belts.
Before starting work, the slingers shall:
• check serviceability of load-handling devices and presence of marks or tags on them with designation of number, date of load-carrying capacity test;
• check availability and serviceability of auxiliary inventory devices;
• Select the load gripping devices corresponding to the weight and nature of the load to be lifted. Slings should be selected (taking into account the number of branches) of such a length that the angle between the branches does not exceed 90 °;
• Check the illumination of the workplace with a light meter.
In the area where the crane works are carried out, it is not allowed to perform other works and find unauthorized persons. Areas dangerous to the movement of people during installation shall be fenced and equipped with clearly visible warning signs.
Prior to installation works, it is necessary to establish the procedure for exchange of conditional signals between the foreman of the installation team and the crane driver. All signals are sent only by one person, except for the Stop command, which can be sent by any employee who has noticed a clear danger.
Workplaces at a height of more than 1 m above the ground or floor shall be reliably enclosed. If it is not possible to install the fencing, the height installers shall be provided with safety belts. Places of carbines fixation shall be specified by the master.
Disassembly of elements installed in the design position should be performed after their temporary reliable fixation. Fences shall be installed immediately on the mounted stairways.
It is not allowed to perform installation works at altitude in open places at wind speed of 15 m/s or more, in case of ice, thunderstorm or fog, which excludes visibility within the scope of works front.
Before starting work, carpenters must:
- put on helmet, work clothes, special shoes of the installed sample;
- get a task to perform work from the foreman or supervisor and undergo training at the workplace taking into account the specifics of the work performed.
- check the workplace and its approaches for compliance with safety requirements;
- select the equipment, tools and process equipment required during the works performance, check their serviceability and compliance with safety requirements;
- check stability of previously installed structures.
For approach on jobs the carpenters have to use the equipped systems of access (mid-flight ladders, ladders, step-ladders, transitional bridges).
Scaffolds from which wooden structures are installed and installed are not allowed to be connected or supported on these structures until they are finally fixed.
Do not place tools and materials close to the height difference. In the event of a break in work, carpenters must take measures to prevent their fall. Work on the production of missing parts (chopping, sawing, dough, etc.) is not allowed in the specified places.
When arranging floorings, ladders, fences with railings, it is impossible to leave chips and sticking nails. Nail hats should be buried in wood.
It is necessary to disassemble the timber stack with ledges, from top to bottom, ensuring the stability of the remaining materials in the stack.
Carpenters must carry bars with the help of special mites. Cast bars and heavy parts with the help of special hooks and crowns. Long-length lumber (bars, etc.) must be transferred together.
When installing rafters, posts and other wooden structures, do not interrupt operation until the structures to be assembled and installed are firmly fixed.
Elements and parts of roofs should be supplied to the roof in the prepared form. Procurement of parts in large quantities should be carried out in specially designed and accordingly equipped places. It is not allowed to perform the workpiece directly on the roof.
Supply roofing materials, elements and parts to the roof in containers with a lifting crane. Acceptance of the specified loads shall be carried out at special receiving platforms with fences. Do not grab the load with your hands, bending over the fence; when lowering the load to the receiving platform, it should be directed using special hooks. Carpenters must place roofing materials, elements and parts on the roof in the places specified by the work manager, with measures taken against their fall, rolling or impact of wind gusts.
During operation using electrically driven machines, carpenters are prohibited from:
- tighten and bend hoses and cables;
- allow crossing of hoses and cables of electric machines with electric cables and electric welding wires under voltage, as well as hoses for supply of combustible gases;
- transfer the electric machine to another person;
- perform operations from stairs;
- process icy and wet wooden products with electric tools;
- leave the operating power tool without supervision.
Carpenters engaged in antisepting materials should use a hose gas mask or respiratory agent to protect the respiratory organs, protective glasses to protect the eyes, protective pastes to protect the skin of the hands and face.
In the premises where antiseptic treatment is carried out, other work, as well as smoking and eating are not allowed. When preparing and loading antiseptic compositions, it is necessary to take measures against their spraying and spraying.
In case of detection of failure of scavenging devices, process equipment, power tools, as well as other emergency situation at the work site, the work shall be suspended and measures taken to eliminate it. If it is impossible to eliminate the emergency situation on their own, carpenters must inform the foreman or work manager about this.
When laying sewers and installing plumbing equipment, the following hazardous and harmful production factors may arise due to the nature of the work:
- location of the workplace near the difference in height of 1.3 m or more;
- increased dust content, gas content of the working zone air;
- sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of articles and equipment.
In order to prevent the impact of hazardous and harmful industrial factors on workers, the safety of the installation of internal sewage systems should be ensured by observing the following labor protection measures:
- organization of workplaces with indication of methods and means for provision of ventilation, fire extinguishing, performance of works at height;
- methods and means of delivery and installation of pipelines, plumbing products and equipment;
- safety measures during works in furrows, niches, boxes;
- special safety measures in case of piping etching and degreasing.
Works on installation of internal sewage systems may be performed by persons at least 18 years old, who have professional skills, have passed a medical examination and are recognized as fit, have received knowledge of safe methods and methods of work according to GOST 12.0.00490 "SSBT. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions, "who passed the exams of the qualification commission in the prescribed manner and received relevant certificates.
Prior to starting work with internal plumbing systems and equipment installers, the first instruction is given at the workplace on safe work performance with recording of the results of the instruction in the "Instruction log at the workplace."
Those newly recruited must undergo induction training with an entry in the "Safety Induction Log."
To work with an installation pistol, persons trained in the rules for the operation of a pistol and having a special certificate are allowed, at least under 18 years old, with education not lower than 8 classes and qualifications not lower than III category, who have worked in the installation work for at least two years, have undergone a medical examination and are recognized as suitable for the above works.
When working with an installation pistol, the requirements of VSN 41080 are met, work is carried out along with the tolerance.
Only workers who have undergone special training according to GOST 12.0.00490 "SSBT are allowed to work with electrified tools. Organization of occupational safety training. General Provisions "and initial workplace safety and safety instruction.
Workers working at increased dust and gas content of the working zone air shall be provided with individual and collective protective equipment as per GOST 12.4.01189 "SSBT. Means of protection of workers. General requirements and classification. "
Connection of galvanized steel pipes, parts and assemblies by welding during installation and at the procurement plant should be carried out provided that local suction of toxic emissions or cleaning of the zinc coating for a length of 20-30 mm is provided from the butt ends of the pipes with subsequent coating of the outer surface of the weld and the near-seam zone with paint containing 94% zinc dust (by weight) and 6% synthetic binders (polysterine, chlorinated rubber, epoxy resin).
Portable electrical tools, electromechanisms, lighting fixtures shall have a voltage not exceeding 42 V.
The working area of internal plumbing systems and equipment installers shall be illuminated in accordance with SNiP 230595 * "Natural and artificial lighting" and GOST 12.1.04685 "SSBT. Lighting standards for construction sites. " The illumination of workplaces must meet the standards. The temporary lighting design shall be developed by a specialized organization at the request of the contractor.
During operation, observe the requirements of PPB 0103 "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation" and GOST 12.1.00491 * "SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements. "
Procurement and fitting of pipes on scaffolds intended for piping installation is prohibited.
Piping degreasing works shall be performed in rooms equipped with plenum ventilation. In these rooms it is forbidden to use open fire and allow sparking. Electrical installations in such rooms shall be explosion-proof. When performing degreasing work in the open air, employees must be on the windward side.
Workers engaged in pipeline degreasing works shall be provided with appropriate gas masks, workwear, sleeves and rubber gloves, and the degreasing place shall be protected and marked with safety signs.
Testing of equipment and pipelines should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the rules of the State Gortekhnadzor of Russia under the direct supervision of a specially designated person from among the specialists of the installation organization according to a previously developed methodology with compliance with safety and health requirements.
It is allowed to inspect steel and plastic pipelines only after pressure reduction to 0.3 MPa, and to eliminate defects after pressure reduction in pipelines to atmospheric pressure.
When installing internal sewage systems, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements of safety and health, environmental and fire safety according to:
- SNiP 12032001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements ";
- SNiP 12042002 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production ";
- GOST 12.0.00490 "SSBT. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions ";
- GOST 12.1.00491 * "SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements ";
- PPB 0103 "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation";
- POT RM0162001 "Intersectoral rules for labor protection (safety rules) during operation of electrical installations";
- JV 121352003 "Labor safety in construction. Industry Standard Guidelines for Occupational Safety. "
When laying water supply and installing plumbing equipment, the following hazardous and harmful production factors may arise due to the nature of the work:
- location of the workplace near the difference in height of 1.3 m or more;
- increased dust content, gas content of the working zone air;
- sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of articles and equipment.
In order to prevent the impact of hazardous and harmful industrial factors on workers, the safety of the installation of internal water supply systems must be ensured by observing the following labor protection measures:
- organization of workplaces with indication of methods and means for provision of ventilation, fire extinguishing, performance of works at height;
- methods and means of delivery and installation of pipelines, plumbing products and equipment;
- safety measures during works in furrows, niches, boxes;
- special safety measures in case of piping etching and degreasing.
The works on installation of internal water supply systems are allowed to be carried out by persons at least 18 years old, who have professional skills, have undergone a medical examination and are recognized as fit, have received knowledge of safe methods and methods of work in accordance with GOST 12.0.00490 "SSBT. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions, "who passed the exams of the qualification commission in the prescribed manner and received relevant certificates.
Prior to starting work with internal plumbing systems and equipment installers, the first instruction is given at the workplace on safe work performance with recording of the results of the instruction in the "Instruction log at the workplace."
Those newly recruited must undergo induction training with an entry in the "Safety Induction Log."
To work with an installation pistol, persons trained in the rules for the operation of a pistol and having a special certificate are allowed, at least under 18 years old, with education not lower than 8 classes and qualifications not lower than III category, who have worked in the installation work for at least two years, have undergone a medical examination and are recognized as suitable for the above works.
When working with a mounting pistol, the requirements of VSN 41080 are met in accordance with the additional tolerance.
Only workers who have undergone special training according to GOST 12.0.00490 "SSBT are allowed to work with electrified tools. Organization of occupational safety training. General Provisions "and initial workplace safety and safety instruction.
Workers working at increased dust and gas content of the working zone air shall be provided with individual and collective protective equipment as per GOST 12.4.01189 "SSBT. Means of protection of workers. General requirements and classification. "
Connection of galvanized steel pipes, parts and assemblies by welding during installation and at the procurement plant should be carried out provided that local suction of toxic emissions or cleaning of the zinc coating for a length of 20-30 mm is provided from the butt ends of the pipes with subsequent coating of the outer surface of the weld and the near-seam zone with paint containing 94% zinc dust (by weight) and 6% synthetic binders (polysterine, chlorinated rubber, epoxy resin).
Portable electrical tools, electromechanisms, lighting fixtures shall have a voltage not exceeding 42 V.
The working area of internal plumbing systems and equipment installers shall be illuminated in accordance with SNiP 230595 "Natural and artificial lighting" and GOST 12.1.04685 "SSBT. Lighting standards for construction sites. " The illumination of workplaces must meet the standards. The temporary lighting design shall be developed by a specialized organization at the request of the contractor.
During operation, observe the requirements of PPB 0103 "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation" and GOST 12.1.00491 * "SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements. "
Procurement and fitting of pipes on scaffolds intended for piping installation is prohibited.
Piping degreasing works shall be performed in rooms equipped with plenum ventilation. In these rooms it is forbidden to use open fire and allow sparking. Electrical installations in such rooms shall be explosion-proof. When performing degreasing work in the open air, employees must be on the windward side.
Workers engaged in pipeline degreasing works shall be provided with appropriate gas masks, workwear, sleeves and rubber gloves, and the degreasing place shall be protected and marked with safety signs.
Testing of equipment and pipelines should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the rules of the State Gortekhnadzor of Russia under the direct supervision of a specially designated person from among the specialists of the installation organization according to a previously developed methodology with compliance with safety and health requirements.
It is allowed to inspect steel and plastic pipelines only after pressure reduction to 0.3 MPa, and to eliminate defects after pressure reduction in pipelines to atmospheric pressure.
When installing internal water supply systems, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements of safety and health, environmental and fire safety, according to:
- SNiP 12032001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements ";
- SNiP 12042001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production ";
- GOST 12.0.00490 "SSBT. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions ";
- GOST 12.1.00491 * "SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements ";
- PPB 0103 "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation";
- POT RM0162001 "Intersectoral rules for labor protection (safety rules) during operation of electrical installations";
- JV 121352003 "Labor safety in construction. Industry Standard Occupational Safety Instructions
Loading and unloading operations should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12032001 "Safety of labor in construction. Part 1. General requirements, "GOST 12.3.00976 *," SSBT. Loading and unloading works. General Requirements "and PB 1038200" Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Lifting Cranes, "approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.
Persons under 18 years of age who have undergone a medical examination and are recognized as fit, trained according to a special program in educational institutions (points) licensed by the State Gortekhnadzor of Russia under programs agreed with the State Gortekhnadzor of Russia, certified by the qualification commission under Art. 9.4.22 "Rules for the construction and safe operation of lifting cranes," and received a certificate of the right to perform loading and unloading.
Slingers engaged in loading and unloading operations must first undergo a briefing and sign after it is carried out in the logs:
- induction training;
- on-the-job briefing;
- repeated briefing (at least once every three months);
- unscheduled briefing - targeted briefing.
Employees admitted according to the results of the medical examination to perform work on loading (unloading) of dangerous and especially dangerous goods, provided for by GOST 1943388 *, must undergo special training in labor safety with subsequent certification, as well as know and be able to apply first aid techniques.
The crane in operation shall be provided with a plate with a clearly marked registration number, lifting capacity and the date of the next partial or complete technical inspection.
Installation crane, load-gripping devices and packagings that have not passed the technical examination are not allowed for operation.
It is prohibited to perform works on the installation crane at wind speed exceeding the value allowed for the operation of this crane and specified in its technical certificate, as well as in heavy snowfall, fog, rain, as well as in all other cases when the driver does not distinguish the signals of the rafter or the cargo being moved.
Prior to the start of loading and unloading operations, the procedure for exchanging conditional signals between the rafter and the crane driver must be established.
During operation of the installation crane, the following is not allowed:
- finding people near the working crane;
- lifting of cargo: backfilled or put to the ground; pinched with other loads, bolted or cast with concrete; in an unstable state;
- pulling the load during its lifting, displacement and lowering;
- leveling of the transported load by hands, as well as correction of slings by weight;
- operation at disabled or faulty safety devices and brakes;
- release of pinched load-gripping devices by means of crane;
- lifting and movement of cargo whose mass is unknown or exceeds crane lifting capacity;
- lifting of cargo without marking.
Operation of installation cranes under unconnected contact wires of urban transport can be performed if the distance between the crane boom and contact wires is not less than 1000 mm when a limiter (stop) is installed, which does not allow to reduce the specified distance during boom lifting. The operation of the cranes near the power transmission line made by the flexible cable is determined by the owner of the line. In the places of loading and unloading operations, in the area of work of lifting machines, as well as on the installation crane, the presence of persons who are not directly related to the work or crane is prohibited.
Cargo slinging must be carried out in accordance with the developed methods of correct slinging and hooking of cargo, which should be trained by slings and crane drivers. Graphic image of slinging and hooking methods, as well as a list of the main transported loads with indication of their weight, shall be handed out to slings and crane driver and posted in the work areas. Slings corresponding to the weight and nature of the load to be lifted shall be used to sling the load intended for lifting, taking into account the number of branches and their inclination angle; slings should be selected so that the angle between their branches does not exceed 90 °.
Cargo shall not be moved when people are under it. The rafter may be located near the load during lifting or lowering, if the load is not more than 1000 mm from the platform on which the rafter is located.
When moving the cargo with a car crane, it is not allowed to be on the load and in the area of its possible fall.
It is forbidden to lift or lower the load when people are in the body or in the cockpit of the car supplied for unloading (loading).
After completion of operation and in the interval between operations, the load and load gripping devices shall not remain in the lifted position.
Methods of cargo slinging should exclude the possibility of falling or sliding of built-up cargo. Installation (laying) and attachment of cargo should ensure their stability during transportation and storage, unloading of vehicles and disassembly of stacks, as well as the possibility of mechanized loading and unloading.
The movement of small-piece cargoes shall be carried out in specially designed packagings, and the possibility of individual cargoes falling out shall be excluded.
Movement of cargo of unknown mass shall be carried out only after determination of its actual mass.
The load or load-gripping device shall, when moved horizontally, be raised 500 mm above the objects encountered in the way.
Movement of the installation crane with the load is not allowed.
It is permitted to lower the goods to be moved only to a place intended for this purpose, where the possibility of falling, overturning or sliding of the goods to be installed is excluded. The appropriate strength of the lining and gaskets must be laid in advance at the place of installation of the cargo. The cargo should be laid and disassembled evenly, without violations of the dimensions installed for storing the cargo and without cluttering the passages. When lifting the load, it must be previously raised to a height of not more than 200-300 mm to verify the correctness of the sling and the reliability of the brake.
To turn long and bulky loads, one or two hauls made of hemp rope or steel flexible cable must be used.
People under 18 years of age who have passed the medical commission and are recognized as suitable for the performance of these works, who have completed training in accordance with GOST 12.0.00490 for safe methods of work, who have passed the exams of the qualification commission and have the appropriate certificate are allowed to work at height during the installation and operation of scavenging equipment. In addition to special training, workers must receive initial instruction at the workplace on labor safety and work permits for dangerous work. Workers shall be familiarized with the scaffolding design, as well as with the procedure, methods and methods of work execution. Persons admitted for the first time to perform work must work for a year under the direct supervision of a more experienced worker.
Prior to the commencement of scaffolding works, workers shall obtain work permit for the performance of these works for the period required to complete the entire scope of work.
The weight of the scaffold assembly elements per worker (during manual assembly of scaffolding equipment) at the construction site shall not exceed 25 kg - during installation and dismantling (scaffolding equipment) at the height and 50 kg - when they are installed on the ground.
Scaffolding shall be equipped with stairs or stairs for the lifting and lowering of persons not exceeding 40 m apart, and for scaffolding less than 40 m long at least two stairs or ladders shall be installed. The upper ends of stairs or ladders must be attached to scaffolding crossbars, and openings in scaffolding to exit stairs must be fenced on three sides. The angle of inclination of the ladder to the horizon shall not exceed 60 ° and the angle of the ladders shall not exceed 1:3.
The working floor on the side of the outer row of scaffolding shall have a fence. The height of the fence shall be not less than 1.1 m. The distance between the horizontal elements in the vertical plane shall not be more than 0.5 m, between the posts shall not be more than 2 m. The scaffold railings according to GOST 2732187 shall withstand a concentrated static load equal to 70 kg applied horizontally or vertically in any place along the length of the handrail.
In places of passages to the forest building, they shall have protective visors and lateral continuous skin to prevent people from falling from above various objects, and the protective visor shall protrude beyond the forests by at least 1.5 m and be installed at an angle of 15-20 ° to the horizon. The height of the passages shall be not less than 1.8 m. When performing works with scaffolding 6 m high or more, there shall be at least two floorings: working (upper) and protective (lower), and each work place on the forests adjacent to the building shall also be protected from above by flooring located at a height not more than 2 m from the working flooring. In cases where the performance of work, movement of people or transport under and near forests is not provided, a protective (lower) flooring device is not necessary.
Scaffolding shall be equipped with lightning protection devices and lightning arresters consisting of lightning receptacle, current collector and grounding. The distance between the lightning detectors shall not exceed 20 m and the ground resistance shall not exceed 15 ohms. During thunderstorms and in wind with a force of 6 points or more, work on forests, as well as their installation and dismantling, should be stopped. With the onset of darkness, if there is not enough artificial lighting, work on the forests should be stopped.
Scaffolding shall be securely attached to the building walls at the entire height in accordance with the attachment diagrams. Arbitrarily removing the attachment of scaffolding to the wall, is not allowed.
Do not attach scaffolding to parapets, cornices, pipes, balconies and other protruding parts. If the attachment points of the scaffold posts coincide with the openings in the wall, the scaffolding should be fixed to the inside of the building through the openings by means of overhead devices.
When working at height, the workers shall be provided with safety belts for attachment to reliable parts of the building or scaffolding racks in accordance with the instructions of the engineering and technician supervising the installation of scaffolding.
Installation workers shall be provided with overalls, overcoats, tested safety belts, ropes, helmets and other personal protective equipment.
During the installation of scaffolding, the following shall be provided:
- strength and reliability of structures;
- safe working conditions during installation and operation;
- stability during installation and operation;
- fences and individual means of protection, preventing the possibility of falling of workers and materials from a height;
- safe transportation of materials.
Forest flooring located at a height of 1.3 m or more from ground level shall be protected. The height of the railing shall be not less than 1.1 m from the working flooring, and the side board shall be not less than 10 cm. The clearance between the flooring boards shall be not more than 5 mm. The distance between the horizontal elements of the fence is not more than 0.5 m. In places under which other work is carried out or there is a passage, the flooring should be without gaps.
The gap between the wall of the existing building and the working flooring of the installed scaffolding shall not exceed 150 mm.
After completion of installation of each level of scaffolding before works start, their correctness and quality of installation is checked by inspection of the whole structure and test wrapping with wrench of nuts. When tightening nuts on tightened bolts of clamps, do not insert gaskets into the wrench, build up the wrench handle, use keys with knocked-down faces and keys with sliding jaws.
The act of acceptance of forests is approved by the chief engineer of the organization. Before approval of the act, it is not allowed to work with forests.
Placards with load placement diagrams and their permissible value, as well as evacuation diagrams of workers in case of emergency should be displayed on forests.
Scaffolding posts located at the driveways and at cargo lifting points shall be protected against possible impacts by vehicles.
It is not allowed to increase the flight of cantilever overhang of floorboards.
It is necessary to prohibit the movement and maneuvering of vehicles along the front of the forests at a distance of closer than 3 m by installing fences and warning signs.
When feeding materials to the scaffolding by the tower crane directly to the workplaces, observe the following rules:
- in order to avoid impact on the scaffolding by the load suspended from the crane hook, it is prohibited to turn the boom simultaneously with the crane movement or cargo lifting in the immediate vicinity of the scaffolding; these operations should be carried out separately - first lifting and moving, and then turning the boom;
- on forests there must be a signalman regulating the cargo movement path by sending signals to the crane driver;
- during boom operation, the load must be lifted above the fence by not less than 1 m, the cargo should be lowered to the scaffold floor smoothly and at the lowest speed.
When materials are supplied to the scaffolding by stationary hoists, their frames must be attached to the building independently of the scaffolding.
Dismantling of forests can be started only after all work on forests is completed and all materials, inventory, tools and construction debris are removed from the forests.
During the dismantling of scaffolding, all first floor doorways and balconies shall be closed.
The work dismantling area shall be protected and have warning signs and inscriptions.
During scaffolding operation it is necessary to follow the requirements of PPB 0103 "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation."
The working scaffolding shall have the following primary fire extinguishing equipment:
- for every 20 m of working flooring - 1 fire extinguisher;
- buckets - not less than 4 pcs for the whole flooring.
In case of erection of scaffolding for repair of buildings of high fire hazard, installation of temporary riser of fire water pipeline with water analysis on working flooring shall be provided.
For fire safety purposes, in addition to the staircase on the forests, spare exits from the working floor to the room through the openings shall be provided.
Power lines located closer to 5 m from metal scaffolding must be removed (during installation or their disassembly), de-energized or enclosed in wooden boxes, and the drawbacks of trolleybus and other wires in the scaffolding area should be enclosed in rubber hoses.
In addition to the solutions listed in this section, the requirements of SNiP 12032001 "Occupational Safety in Construction shall be complied with when constructing and operating forests. Part 1. General Requirements, "SNiP 12042002" Occupational Safety in Construction. Part 2. Construction production "; SNiP 3.01.0185 * "Organization of construction production," GOST 2425888 "Scavenging equipment. General Technical Specifications, "GOST 2732187" Rack frames for construction and installation works. Specifications. "
3. 1. General Plan Principles.
The construction plan is the most important document regulating the organization of the site and the volume of temporary construction.
The initial data for the construction master plan design are:
Architectural drawings of the object - floor plan, section, master plan.
Methods of works execution.
Construction schedule.
The course project has developed an object construction master plan.
The main purpose of the construction plan design is rational placement of the main installation mechanisms, temporary buildings, structures and installations.
The construction plan consists of a graphic part and a calculation and explanatory note. Graphic part of the construction plan: outline of the building under construction;
lifting and mounting mechanisms for their movement, as well as platforms for their installation and dismantling;
crane and hazardous areas;
building materials and parts warehouses and pre-assembly sites;
temporary and permanent roads and engineering communications;
placement of temporary administrative, domestic and industrial premises;
boundaries of the construction site;
explication of temporary buildings and structures, conditional images.
The need for manpower and material resources is determined on the basis of the calendar plan; based on the calculation of resource requirements, types and number of temporary buildings and facilities; site boundaries are applied on the plot plan; Temporary building locations; the outline of the building under construction, engineering communications and roads.
In the explanatory part, on the basis of the selected methods of work, storage areas are calculated and construction warehouses for open storage of materials are placed; design on-site roads and access roads (including temporary ones); calculate temporary administrative buildings and structures, select and place them on the construction site; placing closed storage warehouses; calculating and designing external lighting of the construction site; determining electric power consumers, their location and power; determining heat consumers and designing a heat supply system; determining water consumers and calculating a water supply system; calculating and designing a system for providing the construction site with compressed air, communication and dispatching networks; building site fencing is designed.
The construction of a two-story brick residential building for two apartments in Kashira is carried out on a territory free from development. The construction site is enclosed by a continuous concrete fence 2.4 m high. The site has a gate for entry and exit directly to the intra-quarter road and beyond.
The main working road on the construction site is permanent, has a site for unloading vehicles and is designed from road slabs 3.5 m wide. The road is looped, there are sites for the junction of transport; in storage areas there are widens up to 6 m, at the points of turn of transport the road has a rounding radius of 10 m. Roads are equipped with signs, traffic patterns and road signs are posted at the entrance to the construction site.
During the construction of a residential building, a lifting mechanism is used - a boom crane of the brand.
Crane operation area is determined by installation area, dimensions of which are designed according to maximum boom flight.
On the construction master plan, a hazardous zone has been designed for - an area where people are found dangerous to health and life due to a possible break in moving cargo - this is a high-risk zone.
The dimensions of the hazardous area are determined by the possible departure of the cargo when it falls from a height, and are determined by the formula:
Rospass zone = 0.3 × Building
We accept the dimensions of the danger zone - 2 meters.
Temporary buildings and structures are accepted according to the calculation taking into account the construction master plan for the specified work cycle.
At the entrance, household premises are designed from mobile cars for servicing workers, the paths of workers do not cross heavy traffic and the danger zone.
Temporary power supply, water supply and sewerage are accepted taking into account the number of people working on this cycle, the number of temporary buildings and structures, the technology of conducting certain types of work.
Toilets, dressing rooms, showers and a food tub are provided with water from the city water supply, sewerage is carried out directly to the existing city sewage collector. Heating of domestic premises is provided by electric heating devices. The telephone service of the foreman's office is provided from the existing telephone network.
For power supply of the construction site, a transformer substation is provided, which is supplied from the intra-quarter substation with high-voltage cable. A chopper for connecting consumers is installed, electric power is supplied from it by a separate cable to household premises, and for lighting the construction site.
A fire shield with fire fighting equipment is equipped on the site and hydrants are installed that connect to the city water supply.
Materials and products are stored in the crane service area.
3.2. Calculation of the area of temporary buildings.
The need for construction in administrative and sanitary buildings is determined on the basis of the calculation of the number of employees according to the standards. The number is determined according to the calendar, according to the schedule of movement of workers.
The share of categories of workers (workers, ITR, employees, junior maintenance personnel, security) is accepted approximately in% of the total number of workers: workers - 85%; ITR and employees - 12%; MOS and security - 3%. All these buildings are designed for all employees, including subcontractors, without exception.
Maximum number of workers from the work schedule: Rmax = 26 people.
Engineers and technicians
employees: ITR = 0.12 × 26 = 3 people.
Junior maintenance personnel and security: MOS = 0.03 × 26 = 1 person.
Number of employees: R = 26 + 3 + 1 = 30 people.
Domestic premises on the construction master plan shall be designed in compliance with the following conditions:
Household premises are grouped and located in one place;
Groups of domestic premises are designed near the main entrance to the construction site;
In accordance with safety procedures, domestic premises are located outside the hazardous area;
Domestic premises are designed with fire breaks of 5 meters;
Domestic premises are designed at a distance of not more than 500 meters from the workplace, toilets not more than 100 meters from the workplace and domestic premises;
As part of the domestic premises (near the office) there is a fire shield.
3.3. Calculation of open storage areas.
Depending on the requirements for the physicochemical properties of the stored materials, there are additional warehouses:
- open (prefabricated railway, brick, etc.);
- open and semi-closed canopies (carpentry, process equipment)
- closed insulated and non-insulated (cement, ruberoid, paints, etc.);
- special (combustible and flammable liquids, etc.).
Closed warehouses are non-inventory and inventory (prefabricated, container, mobile).
When designing the acquired warehouses, determine the necessary stocks of material and technical resources to be stored in the warehouse; purchase warehouses by storage type; Determine the storage type location and binding of the warehouse on the construction site.
Open warehouses of materials and structures are located near objects under construction and in the area of operation of mounting cranes along the front of their movement.
The following types of warehouses shall be provided at the construction site:
- closed: for storage of binders, paints, lacquer, chemicals, glass, linoleum, tiles, ruberoid, etc.
- canopies: for storage of reinforcement, window and door blocks, wood products, etc.
- open: for storage of bricks, prefabricated railway structures, crushed stone, gravel, etc.
Open warehouses are organized, as a rule, in the areas of operation of installation cranes, along roads and access roads. For passages, longitudinal and transverse strips with a width of at least 0.7 m every 2530 m are provided.
Closed warehouses and canopies are located directly in the building under construction, providing them with proper protection.
Calculate requirements in an open warehouse.
On the construction master plan, 3 types of warehouses were designed:
• Open;
• Canopy;
• Closed.
Open warehouses are placed in the area of the installation crane. The open storage area is accepted not less than the calculated area.
The open is taken in one quantity. Closed warehouses and canopies are designed at the boundary of the installation area.
The accepted storage area is accepted not less than the estimated size (length and width).
Open warehouse is located not less than 1 m from crane motion axis.
The following are placed in an open warehouse:
• Brick on pallets;
• Prefabricated railway structures in stacks, on wooden gaskets of a certain height.
3.4. Calculation of construction site power supply.
Electrical power at the construction site is used for:
Technological needs - performance of certain types of works performed during the winter period of construction, requiring heating;
Ensuring the operation of machines, mechanisms, tools that will operate from electricity;
For power supply of internal and external lighting at the construction site:
• internal - lighting of domestic premises;
• outdoor - lighting of the construction site, warehouses, work places.
According to the functional purpose, electricity is divided into:
• Power power, which is performed to ensure the operation of mechanisms, machines and tools;
• Lighting power, for lighting of domestic premises and construction site.
The electric power source is the active electric line, from which the temporary electric line to the TM100/10 transformer is designed.
Power and lighting lines are made by air method.
The power demand of the construction site is determined by the formula:
considering power loss in the network (we accept 1.1); K1, K2, K3, K4 - demand factor taking into account non-simultaneous operation (we accept K1 0.7; K2 0,4; K3 0,8; K4 - 1); ϕ1, ϕ2 - average power factors (we accept ϕ1 0.7; ϕ2 0,8); Pr - the sum of the capacity of all installed motors is considered equal, provided that the electricity consumption is:
• boom valve - 40kW
• solution mixing and supply unit - 1.5kW
• compressor unit - 4kW
• floor grinding machine - 1.5kW
• dryer - 5kW
• welding machine -15kW
We accept the RPR = 67 kW;
Rmach - the sum of capacities for technological needs (in the course project we accept - 0); Moat is the sum of the power for lighting devices for internal lighting (it is assumed that for lighting the office to an amount of 100m2 it is necessary from 11.5 kW, lighting for eating - 0.81kW per 100m2, dressing rooms and washrooms - 11.5 kW per 100m2):
Ditch = 1.54 kW;
Ron is the sum of the power of lighting devices for outdoor lighting (we accept from the condition 11.5kW for 1km of lighting, the length is accepted by the length of the fence, searchlights - 0.5kW for 1 searchlight)
Ron = 1 kW
We determine the power demand of the construction site:
P = 69.54 kW
We accept the TM100/10 kW transformer.
3.5. Calculation of construction site water supply.
The calculation of temporary water supply consists in determining the layout of the network and the diameter of the pipeline supplying water for the following needs:
production needs ();
household needs ();
shower units ();
fire extinguishing ().
The total need for water will be:
3.6. Safety, fire safety, environmental protection.
3.6.1 Safety precautions during earthworks.
When performing earthworks and other works related to the placement of workplaces in excavations and trenches, it is necessary to provide measures to prevent the impact on workers of the following hazardous and harmful production factors related to the nature of the work:
- collapsing rocks (soils);
- falling objects (pieces of rock);
- moving machines and their working organs, as well as objects moved by them;
- location of the workplace near the difference in height of 1.3 m or more;
- increased voltage in the electrical circuit, closure of which can occur through the human body;
- chemical hazards and harmful production factors.
In the presence of hazardous and harmful production factors mentioned above, excavation safety shall be ensured on the basis of execution of the following labor protection solutions contained in the organizational and technological documentation (PIC, PPR, etc.):
- determination of safe steepness of loose slopes of pits, trenches (hereinafter referred to as excavations) taking into account loads from machines and soil;
- determination of structure of pit walls and trenches attachment;
- selection of types of machines used for soil development and their installation sites;
- Additional measures to control and ensure the sustainability of slopes due to seasonal changes;
- determination of the places of installation and types of fencing of pits and trenches, as well as stairs for lowering workers to the place of work.
In order to prevent soil erosion, formation of landslides, collapse of excavation walls at excavation sites, it is necessary to ensure removal of surface and underground water before their start.
The place of work should be cleaned of boulders, trees, construction debris.
Excavation work in the protective zone of high-voltage cables, the existing gas pipeline, other communications, as well as in areas with possible pathogenic contamination of the soil (landfills, cattle trucks, cemetery, etc.) must be carried out along with admission after obtaining permission from the organization operating these communications or the sanitary supervision body.
Work under these conditions should be carried out under the direct supervision of the work manager, and in the protective zone of cables under voltage or existing gas pipelines, in addition, under the supervision of employees of organizations operating these communications.
The development of soil in the immediate vicinity of existing underground communications is allowed only with the help of shovels, without the help of impact tools.
The use of earth-moving machines at the intersection of excavations with existing communications that are not protected from mechanical damage is allowed by agreement with the organizations - owners of communications.
In case of detection of excavation works not specified in the design of communications, underground structures or explosive materials during the process, the excavation works shall be suspended, until the permission of the relevant authorities is obtained.
3.6.2. Safety precautions during stonework.
When performing stone work, it is necessary to provide measures to prevent the following hazardous and harmful production factors on the workers:
- location of workplaces near the difference in height of 1.3 m or more;
- drop of higher materials, structures and tools;
- spontaneous collapse of structural elements;
- moving parts of machines and structures and materials moved by them.
In the presence of hazardous and harmful production factors mentioned above, the safety of stone work should be ensured on the basis of the implementation of the following labor protection decisions contained in the organizational and technological documentation (PIC, PPR, etc.):
- organization of workplaces with indication of design and place of installation of necessary scavenging facilities, load-gripping devices, containers and containers;
- sequence of works performance taking into account stability of structures under construction;
- determination of the structure and places of installation of means of protection or human fall from height and fall of objects near the building;
- Additional safety measures to ensure the stability of masonry during the cold season.
The walls of each upper floor of the multi-storey building shall be laid after installation of load-bearing structures of the interstage floor, as well as platforms and marches in staircases.
If it is necessary to erect stone walls of the upper floor without laying floors or coatings, it is necessary to use temporary fasteners of these walls.
When installing floors and other structures, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of section 8 of these codes and regulations.
When masonry the external walls of buildings with a height of more than 7 m from the internal scaffolding, it is necessary to arrange external protective visors along the entire perimeter of the building that meet the following requirements - the width of the protective visors shall be not less than 13 m, and they shall be installed with a slope to the wall so that the angle formed between the underlying part of the building wall and the visor surface is 1100 С, and the gap between the building wall and the visor floor does not exceed 50 mm;
- protective visors shall withstand uniformly distributed snow load set for this climatic area and concentrated load not less than 1600 N (160 kg) applied in the middle of the span;
- the first row of protective visors must have protective flooring at a height of not more than 6 m from the ground, and remain until the complete completion of the masonry of the walls, and the second row, made of solid or mesh materials with a cell of not more than 50x50 mm, installed at a height of 6-7 m above the first row, and then, in the course of masonry, reposition after 6-7 m.
3.6.3. Safety technique during finishing works.
When performing lining works, it is necessary to provide measures to prevent the following hazardous and harmful production factors related to the nature of the work:
- increased dust and gas content of the working zone air;
- location of the workplace near the difference in height of 1.3 m or more;
- sharp edges, burrs and roughness on surfaces of finishing materials and structures;
- insufficient illumination of the working area.
In case of hazardous and harmful production factors mentioned above, safety of finishing works shall be ensured:
- organization of workplaces, provision of their necessary scavenging means and other means of low mechanization necessary for the performance of works;
- when using compositions containing harmful and fire hazardous substances, ventilation and fire safety solutions shall be provided.
When performing finishing works, comply with the requirements of these codes and regulations.
Finishing compositions and mastic should be prepared, as a rule, centrally. When preparing them at the construction site, it is necessary to use for these purposes rooms equipped with ventilation, which does not allow exceeding the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in the air of the working area. Rooms shall be provided with harmless detergents and warm water.
It is forbidden to heat and dry the rooms with roasters and other devices that release fuel combustion products into the rooms.
When performing work with solutions having chemical additives, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment (rubber gloves, protective ointments, protective glasses) according to the manufacturer's instruction of the composition used.
In case of dry cleaning of surfaces and other works related to dust and gas release, as well as in case of mechanized patching and painting, it is necessary to use respiratory devices and protective glasses.
When cleaning surfaces with acid or caustic soda, it is necessary to work in safety glasses, rubber gloves and an acid-resistant apron with a breastplate.
Use safety goggles when applying the solution to the ceiling or vertical surface.
3.6.4 Fire safety at the construction site.
Fire-fighting measures are performed during the entire period of construction works.
First of all, appropriate fire resistance of building structures for various categories of buildings and structures should be ensured.
To prevent a fire, fire barriers are arranged on the building - firewall walls, having a fire resistance rating of at least 4 hours. Firewalls are on independent foundations, cut vertically all structural elements of the building and must rise above the roofs by at least 0.6 m. In wooden buildings, firewalls must still protrude beyond the outer walls, eaves and overhangs of roofs at 0.3 m. Doors in firewalls are installed unburned, with fire resistance of at least 1.5 hours, and the area of openings should not exceed 0.25% of the firewall area.
In firewalls it is allowed to arrange ventilation and smoke channels.
Protection of wooden structures from fire can be carried out by painting with special fire-retardant paints, impregnation in solutions of special salts, the creation of thin-layer coatings and thermal odors. Fire-retardant coatings make fire difficult and slow the spread of fire. Fire retardant paints are applied with brushes or paint. Paints containing clay are applied with a molar brush, with a passage of at least 3 times. Coating with fire-retardant compositions is applied by hand protected with sleeve made of tight tarpaulin. When small cracks appear on the coating after drying, secondary coating is performed with a thinner layer and a more liquid solution. The thickness of the coating should be 2... 6 mm.
Fire-retardant works begin with sealing of cracks with pins. Fire retardant composition: 1:2... 3 (clay: sand), 1:2: 0.3 (clay: sand: gypsum). After drying, fire-retardant painting or coating is made.
On construction sites, roads and driveways should not be cluttered with building materials and equipment, each utility or main building and structure should not be located from roads and driveways at a distance of more than 25 m. At night, roads and driveways on the construction site, the locations of water sources and fire stations should be illuminated. Timber is stacked, making fire breaks from buildings under construction or temporary structures in 15... 30 m.
Burnt building materials, chips, sawdust, etc., must be removed daily to specially designated places at a distance of at least 50 m from timber warehouses, buildings and structures.
Warehouses of flammable and combustible liquids, varnishes and paints, depending on their capacity and storage method, are arranged with fire breaks in 18... 36 m. Household premises are arranged with fire breaks of 5 meters. It is forbidden to contain flammable and combustible liquids in the basements and floor of the basements. During storage of varnishes and paints, the greatest fire hazard is dissolved in olefins, whitespirite, alcohol, etc.
It is allowed to store gas cylinders in special closed warehouses and in open warehouses under canopies with fire breaks of at least 20 m, with a distance to warehouses with flammable and combustible liquids of at least 50 m. The territory of the open warehouse should be protected. Do not store oxygen cylinders and cylinders with combustible gases in one room. Filled and empty cylinders shall be kept separately. Cylinders for different gases shall have a distinctive colour and an inscription indicating the gas. Cylinders with safety valves are stored and issued. In the room, cylinders with combustible gases from heating radiators are installed at a distance of 1.5 m.
Lime quenching pits are located at a distance of at least 5 m from the place of its storage and at least 15 m from other buildings and structures. Unburned lime shall be stored in closed non-combustible storage rooms with raised floor above ground level not less than 20 cm. Use of water and foam fire extinguishers in these warehouses is not allowed, dry sand and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers should be used. Temporary wiring on the construction site is performed with insulated wire on strong supports at a height of at least 2.5 m above the workplace, 3.5 m - above the passageways and 6 m - above the driveways. Suspension of wiring at a height of less than 2.5 m is allowed only in pipes or boxes. Electric lamps of general lighting are used 127 and 220 V when the luminaires are located at a height of at least 2.5 m, at a lower height of the luminaires, an electric current voltage of not more than 36 V should be used.
Construction sites shall be provided with primary fire extinguishing equipment.
The fire department includes:
• Fire extinguisher - 2 pcs
• Shovel -2pc
• Buckets - 2pc
• Sand box 0.5 m3
• 250 liter barrel with water
• Bagor -2pc
In order to quickly notify the fire and call the fire department, the construction site should have a telephone connection.
3.6.5. Analysis of hazardous and harmful factors of the construction site.
Construction as a branch of the national economy requires the implementation of sufficiently complex and diverse organizational and technological decisions in the process of preparing production and at the stage of its implementation. The specific features of construction are characterized by the variability of the place of work, the relative shortness of technological processes, the use of various construction machines, units, devices, the need to work outdoors, often in adverse weather conditions. This puts forward increased requirements for creating and ensuring safe and healthy working conditions at work, improving technological processes and implementing labor protection measures in construction. The analysis of the causes of industrial injuries makes it possible to identify them in the main groups:
- organizational - poor organization of work on the construction site, insufficient training of workers, formal training and instruction on labor protection, violation of production technologies, violation of the work and rest regime, use of workers not by specialty and without taking into account qualifications;
- technical - faulty condition of scavenging facilities, accessories and tools, structural flaws of construction machines, units, equipment;
- sanitary - poor lighting of workplaces, dust content of air, vibration, absence or insufficiency of domestic premises, etc.
- psychological and physiological - lack of attention, weakening the control of workers over their activities (unnecessary risk, work at height without a mounting belt, etc.).
Any of these causes may cause an emergency, resulting in injuries, fatalities and material damage. The most common negative situations on the construction site include the collapse of forests, the fall of mounted elements as a result of a sling of slings and loops, the collapse of soil from the slopes of excavations, falling from a height due to the lack of fences, electrotraumatism, fires in sanitary facilities. The need to work with caustic and toxic substances (varnishes, solvents), with pulverized materials, with vibration tools leads to skin diseases and lung diseases. Working at low temperatures in a humid environment, with large physical loads, leads to a disease of the joints and musculoskeletal system.
3.6.6. Measures to ensure safe working conditions.
Prior to commencement of construction and installation works in the territory of the organization, the producers of works and the administration of the operating organization shall issue a certificate, and after completion of the works of the preparatory period - an act on compliance of preparatory works with the requirements of labor safety and readiness of the facility for the start of construction.
The site itself, being a high-risk zone in urban development, is fenced with a fence 2.4 m high. The height of the fences of the work sections is 1.2 m. When the fence adjoins the place of passage of people, the fence is made with a visor. Workplaces and passages to them at a height of more than 1.3 m and a distance of less than 2 m from the height difference boundary are protected by protective fences, and at a distance of more than 2 m - by signal fences. Openings in the walls when one-sided adjoining them are protected if the distance from the floor level to the bottom of the opening is less than 0.7 m. The entrance to the building under construction is protected from above by a visor 2 m wide at an angle of 7075 ° from the wall.
If the workplaces are not protected, then the installers work with a permit and safety belts.
The underground part is erected by a self-propelled crane MKG20. A hazardous area is determined at the site, which is 13 m taking into account the longest mounted element with the addition of the minimum departure distance, determined depending on the height of the building (according to SniP 12032001). At the border of the hazardous area, signal fences and safety signs are installed (area near the building, area of construction machines). Sanitary facilities and passages to them are located outside the hazardous area. It is forbidden to be on the site without a helmet. The above-ground part is installed by BKSM5 tower crane. When working on the lifting crane site, a person responsible for cranes and rafters is appointed. All of them undergo training and certification at the courses of Gosgortekhnadzor, have a certificate. Slingers and crane operator under the receipt shall be informed with the PPR (Stroygenplan). On the construction plan, parking lots, crane operation area, control cargo location and crane parking place during inspection are indicated, slinging diagrams are developed. The crane operator performs only the commands of the rafters, which have distinctive signs (helmets different from the working color), clearly visible from the crane. The Stop command is accepted from anyone. When the cargo installation site is out of sight of the crane operator, an intermediate signalman is used. The crane operator must have a table of weights of mounted elements. During operation of the tower crane, crane tracks are arranged, grounded, protected and accepted by act. The work is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the construction and safe operation of lifting mechanisms.
Materials are stored on liners and gaskets on specially designated planned sites with a strong base. Structures and materials are stored in accordance with the requirements of SniP 120399, leaving passages 1 m wide between stacks. It is not allowed to lean materials and structures to fences, trees and temporary structures.
Wiring of temporary networks is performed by isolated wires on strong supports at a height of 3.5 m above the passages, 6 m - above the driveways, 2.5 m - above the workplaces. Areas of work and the site as a whole, workplaces, driveways and passageways in the dark are illuminated by floodlights. There should be no blind action of instruments. The choppers are in protective design, the distribution board - with a locking device. The network is served by a duty electrician. Metal scaffolds, fences, crane tracks, electrical equipment enclosures are grounded.
Safety requirements for performance of various types of works are developed in accordance with SNiP as part of Job Instructions. All workers undergo induction training before the start of work, and in the aftermath of work - periodic training at workplaces with subsequent certification.
Sanitary facilities at the site are accepted based on the number of people at the site during the design period.
The concentration of harmful substances in the air of the working area, noise and vibration levels at workplaces should not exceed the established GOST.
The compliance of working conditions with hygienic standards is monitored during the certification of workplaces. Workers engaged in work with harmful working conditions are provided with protective equipment and are additionally instructed. The site area is equipped with fire extinguishing equipment according to fire safety rules: sand boxes, fire hydrants, fire extinguishers. On the shield there are: a shovel, a bucket, an ax, a trunk, scrap. The shield is located near domestic premises. Special places are allocated for smoking and fire hazardous work (within a radius of more than 50 m from places with combustible materials). Cylinders with combustible gases, combustible liquids are stored separately in ventilated rooms with fire extinguishing equipment and insulated wiring. Places for heating bitumen and other works are removed from burned materials, warehouses with combustible materials. At workplaces where paints and glue that emit explosive substances are used, actions using fire and possible sparking are not allowed.
Domestic premises on the site are arranged with fire breaks. It is forbidden to use homemade heating devices in domestic premises.
All work related to artificial heating or heating at the construction site is carried out under the supervision of the duty electrician. It is forbidden to use roasters and other home-made devices to dry the premises.
Internal roads provide access to the building in accordance with fire regulations, traffic patterns and road signs are arranged at the entrance to the site. On the site there are warning signs, fire department phones. A wash is installed at the entrance to the site.
3.6.7. Environmental assessment during construction and mitigation activities
the environment.
When designing the organization of construction production, according to SNiP 3.01.0185, a list of special measures for environmental protection is provided for during the construction and operation of buildings.
Preservation in the process of construction of green spaces provided for by the project.
Carrying out during landscaping of the site of its landscaping.
Use of cut vegetal soil for site reclamation.
Control of carbon monoxide content in exhaust gases of construction machines, ingress of working liquids and lubricants into the soil.
Washing machines only in stationary conditions or specially designated places.
Waste disposal or disposal to landfills.
During the development of the site, the vegetation layer is cut and preserved until its subsequent use during the reclamation of disturbed land. Temporary buildings and structures should be located on unsuitable soils for land use.
Felling of trees and shrubs on the territory of the construction site is carried out only within the boundaries established by the design documentation. Trees and shrubs suitable for subsequent landscaping must be dug up and planted in a specially designated area. Land plantations that are not subject to cutting or transplantation should be protected.
Unused construction waste, including from the dismantling of existing buildings, construction debris is stored and exported.
Vehicles under unloading must be with the engine turned off.
Upon completion of the main work on the improvement of the territory and its landscaping, it is planned to form a system of green spaces that contribute to noise protection.
List of literature
1. Gayeva A.F., Usek A.S. Course degree design. Industrial and civil buildings: Textbook for technical schools ./Edited. A.F Gaeva - A.; Stryozdat, Leningrad branch. 1987 – 264s; silt.
2. Danilov N.N., Bulgakov S.N., Zimin N.P. Technology of organization of construction production: Textbook for technical schools. – M.; Stroyizdat, 1988-751s.; silt.
3. Ermolenko M.I. Definition of construction and installation works; Directory. - Kiev: Alarm, 1987 - 264s.; il.
4. Zimin M.P., Artyunev S.P. Technology and organization of construction production ./Gosstroy-Russia., Moscow College of Urban Planning and Entrepreneurship. – M.; 2001 - 672s.; il.
5. Reference Manual for the Selection of Construction Cranes and Cargo Grippers/All-Union State Head Design and Technology Institute for the Organization and Technology of Construction. - M.: VPTIATROSTROY, 1990195s.
6. Akhanov V.S., Ikachenko G.A. Handbook of the builder ./Ed. 9th - Rostov nD: Phoenix, 2006. – 480 pages.
7. ENiR. Collection 2 Earthworks. Issue 1. Mechanized and manual earthworks ./Gostroy USSR. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1988224s.
8. SNiP 1.04.03 - 85. Standards for the duration of construction and backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures/Gosstroy of the USSR - Gosplan SSSr - M.: Stroyizdat, 1987 - 522s.
9. GESN 8102072001 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures prefabricated.
10. GESN 8101082001 Stone structures.
11. GSEN 8101102001 Wooden structures.
12. GSEN 8102112001 Roof.
13. GSEN 8102122001 Paula.
14. GSEN 8102152001 Finishing works.
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