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Technology for the construction of a five-story residential brick building - coursework

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Course project. Drawings, Explanatory Note

Project's Content

icon СГП.dwg
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icon Календарный план.dwg
icon план, перекрытия, разрез.dwg
icon привязка крана.dwg

Additional information



Initial data

1 Design characteristic of the building

2 Selection of the method of erection of the above-ground part of the building

3 Determination of construction volumes

3.1 Specification of the elements of the building

3.2 Determination of boiler depth

3.3 QoS Count List

4 Determination of labour intensity and labor costs

5 Calculation of required parameters of installation frames

5.1 Selection of tower block

5.2 Selection of the most cost-effective design option

5.3 Binding of kra-na

5.4 Length of crane units

5.5 Definition of hazardous area of the ship

6 Selection of the required set of technical equipment

6.1 Sheet of need for mechanisms, stock, devices and tool

7 Development of the production schedule

8 Development of construction master plan

8.1 Pre-Horn Engineering

8.2 Calculation of areas of temporary tasks

8.3 Calculation of areas of purchased objects

8.4 Warehousing of materials, structures, products and equipment

List of literature


The technology of construction production is a scientific discipline on the methods and means of carrying out construction and installation work during the construction of industrial enterprises, residential buildings, public buildings and other branches of the national economy.

The purpose of the course work is to consolidate and deepen the theoretical knowledge obtained during the study of the discipline "Technology for the construction of buildings and structures," to develop optimal technological and organizational conditions for the implementation of construction and repair processes that ensure the production of construction products within the established time frame with minimum use of all types of resources.

The task provides for the development of a training project for the performance of work (PPM) on the construction of the above-ground part of the building. The design object is a frameless building with longitudinal and transverse non-planar brick walls.

Structural characteristics of the building

Structurally, the building was decided as arceless with pro-longitudinal and transverse brick bearing walls. The spatial rigidity and stability of the building are ensured by the joint work of the external and internal walls, floor slabs and a stairwell.

The base is sand. This base has a pre-static strength and can withstand significant loads. A prefabricated reinforced concrete ribbon foundation is arranged under all the walls of the building. Horizontal waterproofing is arranged from two layers of toll. As vertical waterproofing, bitumen coating is used.

When erecting the walls of the building, manual masonry with horizontal and vertical dressing of seams is used. Solid ceramic bricks according to GOST 5302007 are used for masonry of external and internal walls. The walls are laid on cement sand mortar using M 500 cement. Mineral wool piercing mats according to GOST 21880-76 are used as insulation.

Slabs of each floor of the building of a residential building - slabs of floors are reinforced concrete multistage according to GOST 956191. Plate thickness is 220 mm .

Rigidity of engagement of floor plates is ensured by their anchoring between each other and wall. Reinforcement of A-1 class with diameter of 10 mm is used as anchor.

Wooden window blocks with double-glazed windows made according to individual order. For the manufacture of window blocks, second-grade softwood according to GOST 8486 is used.

Doors external entrance wooden, double-deck blind made according to GOST 24698 81. Internal doors are wooden, single-floor, deaf factory made.

2 Selection of the method of erection of the above-ground part of the building

The construction method of the building is in-line. The in-line construction method combines the advantages of consistent and parallel methods and eliminates their disadvantages .

The building is mounted by the build-up method. The method of expansion is that individual floors of buildings are erected sequentially from bottom to top. Mounting elements are installed in design position successively from bottom to top, i.e. on pre-installed elements .

According to the design technique, which ensures the accuracy of installation of structures in the design position, we use a free installation method. Accuracy of installation of structures with free method is achieved by moving parts of structures by installers and using measuring and geodetic tools.

By the degree of enlargement of structures, we use element-by-element installation. Element-by-element installation involves the installation of structural elements in the design position. Depending on the sequence of installation of individual mounting elements, we use a complex installation method. The complex (concentrated) installation consists in the fact that all structures of one grip of the building are installed, verified and fixed.

For arrangement of installation works: installation from the acquired warehouse. When organizing installation from the warehouse, all specified technological processes and operations are performed directly on the construction site. In the warehouse with structures, the following operations and processes are performed: unloading, sorting by grades and objects, warehousing, acceptance, you-a defect phenomenon, completeness accounting, loading and transportation to installation places.

By location of installation crane: with one-sided location.

In the direction of development of the installation front of work: floor-by-floor development of work in the longitudinal and transverse directions.

Development of construction master plan

The construction master plan is the construction site plan, which depicts the composition and relationship of the three main groups of facilities located on it - existing ones, including demolished and portable, erected, permanent and temporary, and construction facilities, creating conditions for the full and timely implementation of the accepted organization and technology of construction production, standard maintenance of employees, fulfillment of requirements for saving of material, technical and fuel and energy resources, compliance with labor safety, fire safety, environmental protection, hygienic requirements.

Construction plan design procedure:

a) the boundaries of the construction area (construction site) are indicated on the topographic plan;

b) apply the designed permanent building including transport communications and engineering networks;

c) install installation crane KBk - 100.1, sites for storage of building structures and process equipment;

d) development of a scheme for transportation of construction goods and technological equipment with justification of road parameters and structures;

e) determine the locations of temporary auxiliary and maintenance buildings, structures, installations and their complexes, as well as temporary devices, communications and networks with indication of their connection points to existing systems;

f) cite the main special structures, devices and devices due to natural climatic, engineering and geological

and organizational and technological peculiarities of construction;

g) determination of technical and economic parameters of SGP.

8.1 Road Design

For the timely deployment of construction of microdistricts, urban planning complexes, first of all, transport communications and engineering networks are being built.

The design, placement and construction of roads are carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.06.0385, SN 44972, RD-11-06-2007.

The sequence of road construction includes the following stages - drawing up a traffic diagram, selecting the type of roads, determining the characteristics and structures of roads.

The width of the temporary road is taken to be 3.5 m with single-lane traffic with an increase of up to 7 m for unloading areas for vehicles, including heavy vehicles.

The length of the unloading area is assigned depending on the number of vehicles simultaneously standing under unloading, their dimensions and is taken equal to 35 m (within 15 45 m). Along buildings up to 18 m wide, a passage is arranged on one side.

The width of the gate at the entrance to the construction site is taken as 4 m.

The speed of vehicles on the construction site near the work sites shall not exceed 10 km/h in straight sections and 5 km/h in turns.

The width of pedestrian paths to workplaces and workplaces is 1 m (at least 0.6 m).

Drawings content

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