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Coursework on the topic "Construction of a one-story residential building"

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On the topic: "Organization of the construction of a residential one-story building"

Project's Content

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Additional information




1. Schedule

1.1. Calculation of the scope of work

1.2. Labour Intensity Count

1.3. Description of accepted method of work execution

1.3.1 Crane selection

1.3.2 Determine required crane lifting capacity

1.3.3 Determine hook lifting height

1.3.4 Determination of crane boom hook departure

1.3.5 Determine the smallest boom length

1.3.6 Binding of self-propelled crane

1.3.7 Determination of crane impact zones

1.4. Labour Traffic Schedule

1.5. Schedule of movement of main construction machines and mechanisms

1.6. Schedule of arrival of building structures and materials to the site

1.7. Technical and economic indicators of the schedule

2. Routing

2.1. Calculation and work schedule

2.2. Technical and economic indicators

3. Construction Master Plan

3.1 Calculation of storage areas

3.2 Calculation of temporary buildings area

3.3 Calculation of temporary water supply

3.4 Calculation of temporary power supply


List of literature

Z a d a n e e

for the execution of the course project

Source Data:

Object name - one-storey residential building

Architectural and construction drawings of the building:

- facade, floor plans, foundations, roof, floors

Construction site - Tula

Construction start date - May 7, 2009

During construction, the facility is provided with:

- electric power - temporary power transmission line;

- water - from temporary water supply network ;

- heat - from temporary heating system.


Job Instruction for Construction of Cast-in-Situ Reinforced Concrete Slab

The site schedule is developed in the form of a line schedule.

Construction plan is being developed at the stage of installation of the above-ground part of the building


The housing construction strategy of Russia is reoriented to low-rise housing construction: the industry should ensure the construction of from 500 thousand to 1 million houses annually, up to 6570% of the total housing commissioning should be low-rise.

In each program speech, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, along with issues of state security, the development of science and innovative industries, and general economic growth, talk about low-rise construction as one of the ways to ensure a higher standard of living for citizens and solve the country's demographic problem. The issue is no longer as social as it is political.

To develop mass construction, it is necessary to accelerate the turnover of land, ensure comprehensive infrastructure development of territories and serial production of houses from modern energy-efficient and inexpensive building materials.

A bill "On amending some legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the development of low-rise housing development of territories" is being prepared for the second reading. The document does not solve all the problems of low-rise construction, but allows you to use almost the only way within the framework of the existing legislation for the free transfer of land to the population. In 2007, about 38% of the amount of funds allocated under the FTP "Housing" received low-rise projects. In 2006, this figure was zero.

This type of building refers to buildings intended for individual construction and is aimed at separate residence of an individual family both in the city and in rural areas (this project is provided for construction on the outskirts of the city of Tula on land free of development).

The advantages of this type of construction and such buildings are obvious:

1. The possibility of taking into account the customer's requirements for internal layout, internal and external decoration according to the author's designs of designers (or the customer himself). The variety of decisions of the facades and the exterior of the building as a whole.

2. The possibility of using the most modern finishing and building materials.

3. The presence of a land plot that allows the customer not only to produce agricultural products for the needs of his family, but also to be able to use this plot to relax and satisfy his fantasies and needs for transforming and decorating the landscape and surrounding area.

This type of construction contributes more to the decision of the national project "Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens," announced by the government.

Such a house can be built anywhere and in any climatic conditions of our country.

All this applies to the solution of these same problems in the Tula region.


The schedule is the leading component of the PIC and the PPM. As part of the PIC, a consolidated calendar plan and a calendar plan of the preparatory period are developed, and as part of the PPR, a schedule of work on the object and a schedule of the preparatory period are developed. The schedule sets the sequence and deadlines for execution at the site. It serves as a means of daily monitoring of the progress of work, is the basis for the implementation of the plan, the delivery of materials and structures. The duration of construction does not exceed the guidelines stipulated by SNiP 1.04.03 - 85 *. The following principles are observed in the planning process:

observance of correct technological sequence of finishing works;

maximum alignment of individual construction processes over time;

compliance with safety and safety requirements.

Special works performed by subcontractors are technologically related to civil works.

Schedule of movement of main construction machines and mechanisms

On the basis of the schedule, the movement schedule of machines and mechanisms in tabular form is carried out. The graph shows the type and brand of machines, their number and life .

Schedule of arrival of building structures and materials to the site

It is executed in tabular form based on the schedule. When developing schedules, the properties of materials, as well as stocks in days, storage of materials for the uninterrupted operation of teams are taken into account. The graph shows two lines:

continuous - material consumption, is accepted equal to the duration of the process and begins from that day;

dotted - goods receipt, starts 2-4 days before goods receipt with equal duration.


Work projects pay special attention to the organization of individual production processes. The Job Instruction is a document ensuring rational execution of this type of construction or installation works at the object under construction.

In accordance with MN 4767 instruction, the Job Instruction shall include the following sections:

- scope of application. This section provides a brief description of the conditions and peculiarities of the work that were adopted during the development of the Job Instruction;

- Technical and economic indicators (TEP), here is given data on labor costs per person per unit of finished products per person per shift;

- organization and technology of the construction process. This section describes the methods and sequence of the works included in the construction process;

- organization and methods of labor of workers, here calculations of labor costs are made for the entire volume of individual types of work and a schedule of their execution is drawn up;

- material and technical resources, the tables of this section show the results of the calculation of the material requirements for the installation of prefabricated tape foundations and the need for machines and mechanisms to carry out this process;

- calculation of labor costs. This section calculates wages for individual types of work and for the construction process as a whole.

During the process, engineering personnel perform systematic control. This type of inspection checks:

- quality of incoming materials, products and structures in accordance with the project requirements and specifications for their manufacture;

- operational control over performance of technological operations at all stages of construction production;

- monthly acceptance and evaluation of works performed by the team.

The system of measures to improve the quality of products for the presentation of work for delivery check the absence of defects and compliance with technical requirements. This increases the responsibility of each employee for the work done, and systematic control by engineering and technical personnel disciplines the performer during the task.

Intermediate control includes delivery of hidden works, completed sections of the building (floors) according to the act for performance of subsequent works. Final control is carried out during the delivery of the built building or structure, by a working commission consisting of a representative of the customer and the construction organization. The final acceptance of the completed building is drawn up by an act of the state commission.

This increases the responsibility of each employee for the work done,

a Systematic control by engineering

personnel disciplines the performer during the task execution.

Intermediate control includes delivery of hidden works, completed sections of the building (floors) according to the act for performance of subsequent works. Final control is carried out during the delivery of the built building or structure, by a working commission consisting of a representative of the customer and the construction organization. The final acceptance of the completed building is drawn up by an act of the state commission.

The technological map was developed for the device of masonry.

Construction Master Plan

The baseline for master plan development is:

Construction schedule;

Labor requirements and schedule of workers movement on the object;

Schedule of arrival of building structures and materials to the site;

Traffic schedule of the main construction machines;

Safety solution;

Temporary Utility Network Solution;

List (inventory) of temporary buildings with calculation of their requirements;

Fire fighting measures.


The task of organizing the construction on the topic "One-story residential building" was completed in full, in accordance with the curriculum and is 3 sheets of the graphic part and 41 sheets of the explanatory note. The course project was carried out on the basis of literature accepted in construction, the purpose of which is to create the most modern and comfortable building. During the course project, the following were made: heat engineering calculation, schedule and gene plan. The work on the course project made it possible to apply in practice the knowledge and skills obtained during the training in the specialty 08.02.01 "Construction and operation of buildings and structures."

Drawings content

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