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Sushi-Bar ventilation

  • Added: 03.07.2014
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Design of supply and exhaust ventilation of the sushi bar. Stage P

Project's Content

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Additional information

1. General Data

The ventilation project of the Japanese restaurant "Sakura" in Rostov-on-Don was developed on the basis of:

- Client's tasks;

- Existing guidance and regulatory materials.

In all rooms of the building, the required air environment parameters are provided using plenum ventilation systems according to SNiP 41012003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, SNiP 31062009" Public buildings and structures, "SNiP 230199 *" Construction climatology, "SP 7.13130.2009" Heating, ventilation. Fire Requirements, "Reference Manual to SNiP 2.08.0289 *" Design of catering facilities. "

2. ventilation

Ventilation of the restaurant of Japanese cuisine "Sakura" accepted a general supply with a mechanical impulse. The ventilation of the kitchen and domestic premises is designed as autonomous.

Air inflow into the halls of the restaurant is provided by separate systems P1, P2 located in the serviced rooms. Each plenum unit is equipped with an air valve, a coarse filter EU3, an electric air heater, a fan, noise silencers, and an automatic system. Bottom of air intake grids is located 2 m above ground level.

Channel fans are provided for air removal. To remove air from the process equipment, a local exhaust system B3 is provided, based on a kitchen fan. The B3 system fan is located on the roof. The B1 system fan is located in the operating room. The B2 system fan is located on the street. Air release is provided above the roof of the building.

Design capacity of ventilation systems is set by thyristor regulators and five-stage transformers with motor protection.

Air inflow and removal from rooms is provided by air ducts through

ventilation valves and grids. Connection of plenum and exhaust valves - by air ducts of appropriate diameter. Duct material - galvanized sheet steel. Material of diffusers and screens of ventilation steel coated with powder paint.

To prevent the spread of noise through the ventilation channels, they are equipped with silencers. Flexible inserts are provided at the points where the ducts are connected to the equipment. Sections of air ducts are selected based on the conditions of noiselessness of air movement along them and economic expediency of material consumption.

Air ducts are adopted of class P for transit sections and class H for the rest. Transit air ducts are made of steel with a thickness of 1 mm with a fire resistance limit EI30, which is achieved by painting air ducts with a certified fire-retardant coating with a service life of at least 15 years. Seal the places where air ducts pass through the walls and the floor, providing a normalized fire resistance limit for the fence.

Installation, testing, adjustment and acceptance of heating and ventilation systems is carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.05.0185 * "Internal sanitary and technical systems."

The technical solutions adopted in this project comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary, fire and other regulations in force in the territory of the Russian Federation, and ensure safe operation of the facility for life and health of people, subject to the measures provided for in the working drawings .

Drawings content

icon Суши-Бар.dwg


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