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Steam boiler

  • Added: 22.04.2021
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KAV exchange rate project 1.7

Project's Content

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Input data for calculation of auxiliary steam boiler. Table

Calculation of air volumes and combustion products when burning liquid organic fuel. Table 2 and

Determination of enthalpy of fuel combustion products and drawing of diagram "I-t." Table 4 and

Preliminary heat balance of steam boiler. Determination of fuel consumption and temperature of exhaust gases. Table

Definition of main elements of steam boiler characterizing its general layout

Defines the layout dimensions of the boiler furnace. Table

Calculation of heat exchange in the furnace. Table

Determination of optimal structure of convective steam-generating tube bundle

Structural calculation of steam-generating convective bundle of pipes. Table

Determination of non-binding heat balance of the boiler. Table

Calculation of strength of boiler main elements

Strength calculation of steam-generating pipes

Strength calculation of steam-water header

Water collector strength calculation

List of literature used


for a course project in the discipline

On the topic "Thermal and constructive calculation of the ship's

auxiliary steam boiler "

Initial data for calculation:

Steam boiler type - water tube

Full steam capacity of the boiler - Dk, kg/s - 1.7.

Steam working pressure in steam-water manifold - Rk, MPa - 2.9.

Superheated steam temperature tne, ° C - -.

Feed water temperature tn v., ° C - 50.

Cold air temperature tXB, ° C - 40.

Boiler efficiency t'c,% - 79.

Fuel grade - fuel oil M40/12/Formulation version 10.

Excess air coefficient a, - 1.2.

The completed course design should consist of a calculation and explanatory note (in A4 format) and a graphic part (in A1 format), which includes cross-sectional and longitudinal sections of the general types of steam boiler and a specification for its main elements.

The explanatory note should contain the following sections:

Form of assignment for the course project;

Diagram "I 1" of combustion products of specified fuel;

Design thermal scheme (layout sketch) of the steam boiler;

Thermal and structural calculations of all heating surfaces.

Drawings content

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