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Sewerage networks (Course project)

  • Added: 12.04.2012
  • Size: 765 KB
  • Downloads: 3
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Complete set of drawings, explanatory note and calculations.

Project's Content

icon Сети_канал_List_2000.dwg
icon РАСЧЕТ_2008.xls
icon Пояснил_ВО_города_OK.doc
icon PRILOЖЕНИЕ_4.dwg

Additional information


1. Design Input

2. Characteristics of water disposal object

3. Network Tracing

4. Determination of estimated wastewater flow rates

5. Hydraulic and geodetic calculation of drainage network

6. Dyuker

7. Schedule of effluent inflow and outflow

8. GNS Design

9. Structure Calculation and Design on the Drainage Network


Design Input

The initial data for the design are: the general plan of the settlement, see Figure 1 and the design task.

Characteristics of water disposal object

A settlement located in the Samara region. A river flows through the village, which divides it into two districts. Each of the districts has a different degree of improvement. On the territory of the second district there is a furniture factory working in two shifts.

The relief is relatively calm, the difference in elevations is 7 m. Soils on the territory of the settlement are represented by sands. The depth of ground freezing is 1.1 m. Groundwater lies at a depth of 7 m.

Network Tracing

We accept a complete separate drainage system according to the crossed scheme with two-arm tracing of the main collectors in each of the two districts of the city. The wastewater of the second district of the city is transferred across the river to the territory of the I district using duker, where at point 11 they connect with the wastewater of the I district.

Waste water from the main pumping station is supplied to treatment facilities via two pressure water pipelines of the same diameter. Emergency outlets are provided in front of the duker and the main pumping station.

Drainage street collectors are traced along each longitudinal and transverse street of the city, taking into account the terrain of the places.

Schedule of effluent inflow and outflow

The distribution of the average daily waste water consumption from the microdistricts of the city and industrial enterprise by hours of the day in order to combine inflow and pumping schedules (stepwise or hourly and integral or total) is carried out in the form of a table [annex 3] and graphs [annex 4, 5]. Calculation and construction data, performed first in tabular and then in graphical form, are required to determine the capacity of the receiving tank of the main pumping station, the number of pumping units, their capacity and operation modes.

Drawings content

icon Сети_канал_List_2000.dwg


icon PRILOЖЕНИЕ_4.dwg


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