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Microdistrict No. 6.3 - External networks of water supply and sewerage - exchange rate

  • Added: 01.07.2014
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Coursework. Explanatory Note + Drawings: Plot Plan, Plumbing and Sewerage Profile, Plumbing Diagram

Project's Content

icon Генплан.dwg
icon НВК1.dwg
icon Пояснительная записка к курсовой работе по дисциплине (Водоснабжение и водоотведение).docx
icon Профиль-водопровод.1dwg.dwg
icon Схема водопроводной сети.dwg

Additional information




1. Selection of vacuum circuit

2. Selection of vacuum pumps

2.1 Selection of high vacuum pump

2.2 Selection of low-vacuum pump

3. Defining Pipe Design Dimensions and Selecting

system elements

3.1 High vacuum system

3.2 Low vacuum system

4. Selection of valves, traps, vacuum gauges

5. Check calculation


List of literature


The development of new technological processes that ensure the technical re-equipment of the main industries is closely connected with vacuum technology.

New types of semiconductor structures, particularly clean materials, alloys, special coatings are made in vacuum.

Vacuum is a perfectly clean process medium in which electrochemical and electrophysical processes can be carried out in the manufacture of microelectronics products.

Low vacuum - the average length of the free path of the particles is many times less than the characteristic linear size significant for the object in question

105... 100 Pa.

Average vacuum - the average length of the free path of the particles is commensurate with the characteristic linear size essential for the object in question... 100 0.1 Pa

High vacuum - the average length of the free path of particles is many times higher than the characteristic linear size, significant for the object in question... 0.1 105 Pa

Ultra-high vacuum - there is no noticeable change in the properties of the surface, initially free from adsorbed gas, during the time essential for the working process below 10-5

Drawings content

icon Генплан.dwg


icon НВК1.dwg


icon Профиль-водопровод.1dwg.dwg


icon Схема водопроводной сети.dwg

Схема водопроводной сети.dwg

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