Section - Boiler House Construction Organization
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Construction (installation) of RACINAL 3,2 MW precast-frame boiler house, including chimney, and networks.
General DataCharacteristics of construction conditions and complexity.
Project's Content
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Additional information
Cover Sheet
General Data
1.2. Characteristics of construction conditions and complexity
1.3 Transport infrastructure
1.4 Information on the possibility of using local labor during construction
1.5 List of measures to attract qualified specialists for construction
1.6 Characteristics of the land plot submitted for construction
1.7 Peculiarities of works in the conditions of power transmission and communication lines
1.8 Substantiation of the accepted organizational and technical scheme of the construction sequence
1.9 List of types of works subject to inspection
1.10 Process sequence of works
1.11 Construction needs for personnel, basic construction machinery, machinery and energy resources
1.12 Substantiation of material storage sites
1.13 Proposals for justification of quality control of works
1.14 Proposals for organization of geodetic and laboratory control service
1.15 List of required requirements for detailed documentation
1.16 Justification of the need for housing and soz. - domestic services
1.17 List of measures and design solutions ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements of labor protection
1.18 General requirements
1.19 Description of design solutions and measures for environmental protection during construction
1.20 Justification of accepted construction duration
1.21 List of measures to organize monitoring of the state of buildings and structures in adjacent territories
1 General part
The construction organization project is an integral part of the Gas Boiler House (3.2 MW) project in the territory.............................................................. in the reference part of the prefabricated boiler house "Rational."
The construction organization project was developed on the basis of the following regulatory and technical documents:
- SNiP III-4-80 *
"Safety in construction"
-SNiP 1.04.03-85 *
"Standards of construction duration and backlog in construction of enterprises, buildings and structures"
SNiP 2.09.03-86
"Industrial facilities"
-SNiP 3.01.01-85 *
"Organization of construction production"
- SNiP 3.0103-84
"Geodetic works in construction"
-SNiP 3.01.04-87
"Commissioning of completed construction facilities"
-SNiP 3.02.01-87
"Earthworks, foundations"
-SNiP, 3.03.01-87
Structural and Enclosing Structures
-SNiP 3.04.03-85
"Protection of building structures and structures against corrosion"
"External networks and structures"
-SNiP 12-01-2004
"Construction Organization"
-SNiP 12-03-2001
"Occupational safety in construction"
"Hygienic requirements for the organization of construction and construction works"
Regulation on the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements to their content, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008. №87.
Methodological recommendations of MDS 1281.2007 on the development and design of the construction organization project and the work execution project.
- "Manual on the development of projects of construction organizations and construction projects for housing and civil construction)
- All-Russian construction catalog C-6. Organization and technology of construction. Mobile inventory buildings and facilities
- Design and estimate documentation
The construction organization project contains:
characteristics of construction conditions;
Recommendations for major construction work;
justification of accepted construction duration;
Proposals for selection of construction machines, mechanisms, vehicles, temporary buildings and structures;
the need for work personnel and resources: electricity, water, fuel, compressed air and oxygen.
This construction organization project has been developed to the extent necessary for the selection of optimal methods for the performance of works, necessary construction mechanisms and is the basis for the development of a work execution project (PDP).
The construction organization provides for year-round work with the use of modern means of mechanization of production processes, with the fulfillment of all requirements and recommendations for the production of construction and installation works, including in winter.
1.2. Characteristics of construction conditions and complexity.
The project provides for the installation of a prefabricated boiler house (3.2 MW) in the allotted area and the addition of engineering networks to it, as well as the installation of heating networks to the peak of the Lazurny Hotel.
Construction site at: Krasnodar Territory, Sochi,............................
The construction site is characterized by the following conditions:
climatic area according to SNiP 2.01.0182 - IV V;
design winter outside air temperature as per SNiP 230199 * - minus 3 ° С;
snow area according to SNKK 203032002 mountain, with standard value of snow cover weight - 6 kPa;
-wind area according to SNKK 203032002 mountain, with standard value of wind pressure - 1.0 kPa,.
The site of the GRPB construction site has a relief of high-altitude, medium-crossed, cut by man-made activity. Elevations range from plus 536.15 m to plus 540.15 m.
The established level of groundwater ranges from 529.85m - 521.9m. The normative depth of soil freezing in this area is 0.3 m.
A gas boiler room (3.2 MW), chimneys 2Ø 450 h = 15 m are provided at the site. Engineering utilities (gas pipeline, water supply, electric networks, heating networks, sewerage) are laid.
1.3 Transport infrastructure
The section of the construction site is Krasnodar Territory,.................,...................... All construction materials are mainly supplied from the district center of G.............. The supply of construction materials, structures and semi-finished products is provided according to the approved transport schemes. mainly by road.
1.4 information on the possibility of using the local labor force in the construction.
Construction is provided by the general contractor and subcontractors involved in construction. The district center has enough labor for use in auxiliary work.
1.5 List of measures to attract qualified specialists for construction
The issue of hiring specialists is decided by the general contractor and subcontractors. A watchable method of work is envisaged, at the expense of the contracting organization.
1.6 Characteristics of the land plot submitted for construction.
The land area of the boiler room is allocated for construction. The relief of the construction site is with sharp height differences. Partially has green spaces and a soil-plant layer h = 0.20 m.
1.7 Peculiarities of works in the conditions of power transmission and communication lines.
For performance of works in areas of hazardous production factors, work order shall be issued - tolerance according to the form of Appendix D, SNiP1232001.
When performing work in the protective areas of structures or communications, the work permit may be issued if there is written permission from the organization - the owner of this structure or communication.
Perform electric welding, flammable and gas hazardous works in accordance with the requirements of Section 9, SNiP 12032001; sections XIV, XV PPB 0103 *; Section 6, POT R M 0212002 "Intersectoral Rules for Labor Protection during Operation of Oil Depots, Fuel and Lubricants Depots, Stationary and Mobile Filling Stations."
1.8 Substantiation of the accepted organizational and technical scheme of the construction sequence.
The general management of construction is carried out by the person who received the construction permit (Developer). In accordance with the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the basic functions of the Developer are:
- obtaining of construction permit: prior to construction and installation works it is necessary to issue certificate-of-admission for construction and construction works in the facility according to the form of Appendix "B" SNiP 12032001;
- attraction for performance of works on construction of work contractor's object;
provision of construction with design documentation, which has passed the examination and is approved in accordance with the established procedure;
involvement of the designer in cases of author's supervision of the construction of the facility, provided by law;
- notice of the commencement of any work on the construction site of the state control (supervision) bodies, which controlled this facility;
- ensuring the safety of work on the construction site for the environment and the population;
ensuring the safety of the completed construction facility for users, the environment and the population;
making decisions on commencement, suspension, preservation, termination of construction, commissioning of the facility completed by construction.
Providing construction with resources provides for:
power supply - organization of temporary power supply;
provision of water for production needs - mobile tanks brought by road;
provision of water for household needs - temporary water supply.
drinking water supply - imported bottled water.
provision of compressed air - mobile compressor stations.
provision of water for fire extinguishing - essential fire tank.
The place and scheme of connection to engineering networks of temporary communications of the construction site shall be determined by the Developer in agreement with the operating services.
The construction is planned to be carried out in two periods: preparatory and basic.
Preparation for the construction of the facility provides for the study of design estimates, detailed familiarization with the construction conditions, the development of measures for the performance of work taking into account environmental and labor safety requirements.
On-site preparatory works include:
- clearing and planning of the construction site area;
- delivery and acceptance of geodetic, layout basis for construction ;
- arrangement of inventory temporary enclosures;
- preparation of a fleet of construction machines, mechanisms and equipment;
- preparation of standby power supply sources;
- provision of the construction site with fire-fighting supplies and equipment, lighting and alarm equipment.
Construction and installation works of the main period are carried out after the completion of preparation for the work, development of measures for the work, acceptance of geodetic breakdown signs fixed on the ground.
Construction and installation works of the main period include:
- arrangement of monolithic foundation for boiler room;
- installation of gas boiler room (3.2 MW);
- installation of chimney;
- installation of gas duct;
- construction of external gas supply networks;
- construction of external sewerage networks;
- construction of external power supply and communication networks;
- construction of external heat supply networks;
Based on the density of construction of the construction site, networks, it is necessary to take into account the constriction and inconvenience of installation, while it is necessary to take safety measures and rationally organize the work front.
Soil shall be developed manually and by excavator.
In the process of "zero cycle" excavation, it is necessary to organize constant technical supervision of the soil condition and compliance with safety precautions during the work. Bulldozers, cranes, and other vehicles should not be located within the prism of the collapse of an unfastened trench. The movement of construction machines and vehicles near the unfastened trench and pits is allowed at a distance of at least 1 m from the prism of collapse.
SNiP 3.02.0187 shall be used for earthworks.
Foundation arrangement
The following works shall be performed prior to the foundation arrangement:
- organization of surface water removal from the construction site (if necessary);
- access roads and roads are arranged;
- movement paths of mechanisms, places of storage of reinforcement nets and formwork consolidation are indicated, installation equipment and accessories are prepared;
- reinforcement nets, frames and formwork sets were brought in in an amount that ensures uninterrupted operation for at least two shifts;
- acts of foundation foundation acceptance are drawn up in accordance with the executive diagram;
- temporary electric lighting of workplaces is arranged and electric welding devices are connected;
All works are performed in accordance with SNiP 3.03.0187.
For concrete delivery to construction site it is recommended to use
ABS-5-DO automotive kneaders
Installation of boiler room, chimney.
As the main lifting mechanism during construction, it is recommended to use an automobile crane of type KS 3577 with a lifting capacity of 10 tons with an boom with a length of 18 m, or its analogue.
Crane selection is made taking into account lifting capacity, lifting and departure height, based on coordinates of heaviest elements installation.
The mounted gas boiler house (3.2 MW) consists of 1 block, with dimensions of 9x6 m. The total weight of the boiler house, according to passport data, is 3.5 tons. The weight of the heaviest block is 3.5t.
Safety in the process of lifting and moving cargo is ensured by a set of measures aimed at improving working conditions and safety in the areas of work.
During operation of the automobile crane provide:
installation site and temporary roads for the crossing, which must be carefully compacted and planned with slopes not exceeding the norms specified in the technical certificate of the lifting mechanism;
safe installation of the crane near the slopes of the pits, which is determined by the distance from the base of the slopes of the pit based on the type of soil and depth of the pit;
safe areas for finding people during lifting, moving, installation and fixation of elements and structures.
Mounted chimney-2 pcs., metal Ø 425, Height 15 m., stack weight 3.5 t.
Fabrication and installation of steel structures of the chimney shall be carried out according to the requirements of SNIII875 * * made on the basis of working drawings. During the manufacture of welded joints, all corner seams shall be made with a smooth transition to the main metal-angular seams that accept longitudinal forces, it is allowed to be made with a flat surface. Ratio of angular seams is taken as 1: 1.5.
During installation, a standard series of mounting elements is used that transfer the load of the chimney system segments mounted above them to the bearing elements. The number of mounting elements and the distance between them are accepted according to the installation instruction of the chimneys.
The connection is made to the gas duct axis in place.
After completion of installation works, it is necessary to check the tightness of the joints and the presence of traction in the channel.
Installation shall be carried out in accordance with the process sequence in accordance with the work activities and SNiP 3.03.0187, SNiP 120399.
Prefabricated elements (reinforced concrete, metal, wooden structures) shall be stored in the crane area.
Acceptance of prefabricated products and structures delivered to the construction site shall be carried out in compliance with the following requirements:
all articles must have marking and passports, as well as the label of the OTC of the manufacturer;
for reinforced concrete products of the same type for each batch, the manufacturer shall provide test certificates of concrete control samples;
articles must have no external defects and damages (shells, exposed reinforcement, violations of the thickness of the protective layer, cracks, breaks, curvatures, etc.).
Installation of prefabricated products and structures is allowed only after instrumental verification of compliance with the design of the bases on which they (prefabricated elements) are mounted.
Installation of elements shall be carried out in-line using rational installation diagrams, accessories, tools, using standard crossbeams, grips and slings.
During installation, observe the following requirements:
the installation sequence shall ensure stability and hermetic stability of the installed part of the structure at all stages of installation and strength of the installation connections;
completeness of installation of structures of each section (gripping, tier) of the unit should make it possible to perform further work on the installed section;
- safety of installation, civil and special works shall be ensured taking into account their performance according to the combined schedule.
The mounted articles and structures must be securely secured by temporary or permanent bonds until they are released from the grips and slings.
Concrete works
When using production construction bases, concrete is delivered to the place of laying by a specialized motor vehicle (SB921A, SB-92V-1, SB159A, SB-130 type auto-concrete mixers) or SB113 type auto-concrete carriers centrally and is immediately unloaded to special portable trays or bunkers for supply by cranes to the place of laying. Rebar grids and frames are laid with the same cranes.
Consolidation of concrete mix is made by deep or superficial vibrators tipaIV92A, IV-99, IV101.
Depending on the type of mixture loaded into the drum of the automotive kneaders, their operation is possible in three modes:
- delivery of a dry mixture containing dried aggregates: activation of the drum, water supply from the water tank in the route or at the construction site 1020 minutes before unloading;
- when delivering a dry mixture containing wet fillers, a partially closed mixture: activation of the drum, supply of water to it immediately after its filling with the mixture;
- when delivering the finished mixture: periodic activation of the drum during transportation of the mixture to the object or constant rotation of the drum with minimum frequency at periodic increase of the rotation frequency.
It is allowed to transport finished concrete mixtures by motor vehicles without prompting them to travel for a distance of up to 45 km.
It is recommended to deliver the finished mixtures.
Concrete mixers of SB116A type with a mixing volume of 100/65 liters are used to prepare concrete mixtures at the construction site with a small concreting volume.
Concrete and reinforcement works shall be performed in accordance with SNiP Z. 03.0187.
Formwork shall be completed and installed strictly in accordance with the design, specification and SNiP requirements. It is advisable to procure formwork elements centrally.
All hidden works are executed by acts.
Quality control of concrete mixtures shall be carried out by the construction laboratory.
Laying of utilities (gas pipeline).
Before the start of the works on laying of utility networks and communications, break down the route, obtain permission to carry out earthworks and agree on the dates for their implementation with all interested organizations.
The correct laying of gas pipelines should be checked by leveling all the junction points of the laid gas pipeline and its intersection with underground structures.
During installation of gas pipelines, measures should be taken to prevent clogging of the pipe cavity.
At above-ground gasket lifting and laying of gas pipeline lashes on supports is performed only after quality control of welded joints. Welding technology and welding equipment ensuring welding quality shall be used in the construction and installation of the gas pipeline. Electrodes, welding wire shall be selected in accordance with the grade of welded steel and welding technology, as well as the ambient temperature at which the gas pipeline is built.
Welded joints of gas pipelines with a nominal diameter of up to 200 mm with an above-ground gasket shall be located from the edge of the support at a distance of at least 200 mm, and joints of gas pipelines with a nominal diameter of more than 200 mm - at least 300 mm. The distance from the valve flange or compensator to the pipeline support shall be not less than 400 mm.
Disassembly of communications falling into the area of work shall be performed only after receipt of the certificate on their disconnection.
The boundaries of the protection zones of gas distribution networks and the conditions for the use of land plots located within their limits must comply with the Rules for the protection of gas distribution networks approved by the Government of the Russian Federation .
The rest of the work is carried out by conventional methods and do not require special explanations.
Power supply
Power supply networks are laid together with communication cables (in one trench)
The trenches include preparatory works, arrangement of trenches, delivery of drums with cable to the place of work, cable rolling and laying in, cable protection from mechanical damage and backfilling of trenches. During the preparatory work, the necessary amount of brick, sand or sifted land is delivered to the route, as well as steel or asbestos cement pipes with an internal diameter of at least 100 mm for the arrangement of cable line crossings under railway tracks, roadways and various obstacles located on the cable line route.
When the cable route crosses footpaths, transition bridges with barriers shall be installed in the appropriate places, delivered in advance to the route. It is possible to start digging trenches after the absence of underground structures, pipe connections or other cables on the route or in dangerous proximity to it is checked as planned or using hole holes. To do this, the location of underground structures is checked according to the plan, and in the absence of the plan, test holes with a width of 350 mm are made across the intended route; pits must be dug with great care so as not to damage cables, pipes or other structures that may be in the ground. Trenches with a large length are arranged with special rotary trenches with digging, and more often with conventional excavating machines or excavators.
Trenches with a small length and passing under paved sidewalks, as well as trenches laid in wall areas where it is impossible to use mechanisms, are dug manually using a scrap and a shovel.
The depth of the trench is accepted according to the design, and the width is such that the distance between several parallel cables laid in it with a voltage of 10 kV is at least 100 mm, and from the wall of the trench to the nearest extreme cable is at least 50 mm. The cable laying depth can be reduced to 0.5 m in sections up to 5 m long when the cable is introduced into the building, as well as at their intersection with underground structures, provided that the cable is protected from mechanical damage by laying it in asbestos cement pipes.
In places of future location of cable distribution couplings, trenches are expanded to form pits. Pits for one cable coupling up to 10kV shall be 1.5m deep and 2.5m long. For each next row of the coupling to be laid, the pit width shall be increased by 350mm.
Excavated cobblestones, pieces of asphalt and concrete are laid on one side of the trench or pit at a distance of at least 1 m from their brow to ensure the free movement of workers along the route.
Cables are delivered to the place of laying in drums on special cable conveyors or on cars equipped with a device for loading, transporting and unloading the drum with cable. Discharge the drums with the cable carefully so as not to damage it and not cause injury to the workers.
It is strictly forbidden to drop drums with cable from cars or from cable conveyors. The cable should be unloaded as close as possible to the rolling point, but so that it does not interfere with the movement of workers, does not pose a threat of falling into the trench and is conveniently located for rolling.
Cable delivered to the place of laying is rolled out of drums by means of moving transport, winch on rollers, manually on rollers or without rollers. When rolling a cable from a moving vehicle from a car or a cable transporter, two workers manually rotate the drum, winding the cable from it, and the other two workers receive and put the cable in a trench. The cable is wound off the drum from above and not from below. Rolling is performed at vehicle or towed conveyor speed not exceeding 2.5 km/h. When rolling from a drum located on the ground, the latter must be raised above the ground by a 200 of 250 mm using a steel shaft and two cable jacks. Wooden boards with a thickness of at least 50 mm, bricks or reinforced concrete slabs are laid under the jacks.
Prior to the cable rolling, linear and angular rolling rollers are installed in the trench: linear rollers are installed on straight sections of the trench every 2 m, and angular rollers are installed in places of bends and turns of the trench.
When rolling the cable manually, workers put it on their shoulders and slowly move along the trench or along its bottom. The cable located on the shoulders of the workers should not have large bends. The load on each worker involved in manual cable rolling shall not exceed 35 kg. The cable must be on the same arm of each worker carrying the cable. It is necessary to lower the cable from the shoulders simultaneously and in two steps: first to the level of the lowered hand, and then to the ground. It is strictly forbidden to drop the cable on the ground to avoid accidents or damage to the cable. In case of insufficient number of workers required for normal rolling of the cable designed for voltage up to 1kV and at ambient air temperature above 0 ° C, loop rolling is used. To this end, the drum with cable is installed not at the beginning of the trench, but at the middle of its length: half of the cable from the drum is wound from above to one side, and the remaining half is wound from below the drum to the other side with a loop brought through the drum.
Communication networks.
Laying of unarmored optical cables in the occupied cable sewer channel by electrical cables shall be provided in a pre-laid polyethylene pipe.
In headers the cables shall be arranged as follows:
- with a two-row arrangement, wire broadcast cables can be laid on one side or on the other side of the passage. At the same time, on one side of the passage, wire broadcasting cables should be laid from above, below the communication cables and under them thermal conductors. On the other side of the passage - power cables from above, wire broadcast communication cables below, then communication cables and water pipes below them ;
- with a single-row arrangement, power cables must be laid on top, wire broadcasting cables below them, communication cables below, even lower water and heat pipelines .
In case of parallel laying in headers of communication cables and power cables, communication cables shall be located 20 cm below power cables.
When laying in manifolds of communication cables, the latter shall be located not less than 10 cm above pipes of water supply, heating system and other pipelines.
Heating system.
The heating system is laid in a channel-free manner, and in impassable channels. Piping installation shall be performed by specialized installation organizations, at the same time installation technology shall ensure high operational reliability of pipelines operation.
Earthworks and foundation works shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of SNII876, SNiP 3.02.0183.
Self-propelled boom cranes are used for installation of heating system from steel pipes. If they cannot be used according to the conditions of work, then manual devices such as tripod and portals are used.
The pipes along the trench should be placed at its edge so that they do not interfere with the mechanisms working on the pipeline laying. Pipes and mechanisms shall be arranged rationally so that from each parking of the mechanism it is possible to lower the largest number of pipes into the trench.
In order to avoid unnecessary displacements during piping installation, pipes, fittings and shaped parts should be laid out along the trench, taking into account their location along the pipeline line in accordance with the design.
For mounting and hanging of single pipes and lashes to the load hook of the mounting crane or lifting device, various gripping devices are used, which must ensure the pipe is firmly fixed. The most common of these are captures like towel rice 3.
fig. 3
Steel pipes of the heating system are laid with steel sections of small length, which are chosen so that the non-rotating joint is not closer than 1 m from the crossed structure.
Automotive cranes-manipulators RKK8000 are used to lay sections. lifting capacity 3.74 t
Excavation works shall be performed after breakdown of the pipeline route in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 8 of SNiP III -8-76 "Rules of Work Execution and Acceptance. Earthworks, "SNiP 3.05.03-85
For digging trenches, a Bobcat 430 mini excavator with a 130 l bucket or its analogue is used
Heat conductors are laid after checking compliance of the trench bottom elevations with the design; prepare base and sand for tossing before laying heat conductors.
In urban conditions, pipes are laid by flow method by gripping system. In this case, the weaves are made of the same length.
The enlarged assembly and welding of pipes or sections in the mould is carried out at the withdrawn site.
Heating network pipes are laid on existing supports, in case of installation of additional fixed supports.
Before installing the pipes, the insulation resistance of the articles against the steel pipe must be checked. Insulation resistance of each element must be more than 10 MOhm.
When laying heat networks in cases, enhanced corrosion protection of pipes of heat networks and cases should be provided, and at the intersection of electrified railways there should be additional active electrochemical protection, electrical insulation supports and control and measuring points.
When performing installation works, the following types of hidden works are subject to acceptance with the preparation of inspection certificates according to the form given in SNiP 3.01.0185: preparation of the surface of pipes and welded joints for anti-corrosion coating; anti-corrosion coating of pipes and welded joints.
The supply of construction materials, structures and semi-finished products is provided according to the approved transport schemes.
Water supply and sewerage networks.
In addition to the requirements of the projects (working projects) and these regulations, the requirements of SNiP 3.01.0185 *, SNiP 3.01.0384, SNiP III480 * and other norms and rules, standards and departmental regulatory documents approved in accordance with SNiP 1.01.0183 shall also be observed during the construction of new, expansion and reconstruction of existing pipelines and water supply and sewage facilities.
For digging trenches, a Bobcat 430 mini excavator with a 130 liter bucket or its analogue is used.
Water supply and sewerage pipelines and structures completed by construction shall be put into operation in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.0487.
Piping installation shall be carried out in accordance with the work design and process charts after checking compliance with the design of trench dimensions, wall fasteners, bottom elevations and support structures during above-ground laying. The inspection results shall be reflected in the work log.
Bell-type pipes of pressure-free pipelines should, as a rule, be laid with a bell up the slope.
When laying pipelines on a straight section of the route, the connected ends of adjacent pipes must be centered so that the width of the bell slot is the same along the entire circumference.
Connection of pipes from high pressure polyethylene (HPH) and low pressure polyethylene (LPA) to each other and to shaped parts should be carried out by heated tool using butt-butt butt welding method. Welding of pipes and shaped parts made of polyethylene of various types (IPA and HPH) is not allowed.
When performing welding operations, the welding site must be protected from the effects of atmospheric precipitation and dust.
The construction of pipelines and structures in seismic areas should be carried out by the same methods and methods as in normal construction conditions, but with the implementation of the measures envisaged by the project to ensure their seismic resistance. Joints of steel pipelines and shaped parts should be welded only by electric arc methods and check the quality of welding by physical inspection methods in the amount of 100%.
The following stages and elements of hidden works are subject to acceptance on the constructed pipelines with the preparation of certificates of inspection of hidden works: preparation of the base for pipelines, arrangement of stops, size of gaps and sealing of butt joints, arrangement of wells and chambers, corrosion protection of pipelines, sealing of pipeline passage points through the walls of wells and chambers, filling of pipelines with sealing, etc.
1.9 List of types of works subject to inspection.
1. Earthworks.
- removal and use for reclamation of fertile layer of land;
- arrangement of natural base for tanks, foundations, pipelines in pits and trenches;
- inspection of pit opening and soil inspection;
2. Construction of bases and foundations.
- construction of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete slab; foundations; islets;
3. Concrete works.
- reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures;
- installation of embedded parts;
- corrosion protection of embedded parts and welded joints;
- formwork arrangement with instrumental check of elevations and axes;
- concreting of structures;
4. Installation of steel structures.
support and anchoring of bearing metal structures (beams, runs);
- protection of building structures and embedded parts, welded joints against corrosion;
- installation of anchor bolts ;
5. Installation of light enclosing structures.
- fixing of plates, sheets, frames;
- sealing along the perimeter of door and window boxes;
- installation of window and door blocks;
6. Insulation works.
- preparation of surfaces for cutting and application of the first layer of waterproofing;
- arrangement of each previous layer of waterproofing prior to application of the following;
- hydraulic insulation in the areas to be covered with soil;
- base arrangement for insulation layer;
- insulation and heat insulation device;
- steam insulation device;
7. Internal sanitary systems.
- non-destructive inspection of welded joints of pipelines according to regulatory documents.
- testing of installed equipment;
- testing of heating and heat supply systems; internal cold and hot water supply;
- laying of internal sewerage and water supply systems;
8. External networks (gas pipeline).
- visual inspection of welded joints.
- non-destructive inspection of welded joints of pipelines according to regulatory documents.
- testing of installed equipment;
- testing of gas supply system: blowing and stumps. tests;
- laying of gas pipeline routes;
11. external lighting mains.
- check of cable slewing boom and quality of its attachment on supports.
- external damages are detected by external inspection, measurements using geodetic tools.
- testing of installed equipment;
1.10 Process sequence of works.
Boiler room and chimney.
- arrangement of foundations and platform for boiler room and for chimneys:
- site layout and soil filling;
- arrangement of crushed stone foundation for foundation;
- arrangement of the hydraulic insulating layer;
- formwork arrangement and reinforcement grid laying;
- laying anchors in the foundation for the chimney;
- concreting;
- arrangement and waterproofing of railway pits.
- installation of "ABMK-500" boiler house:
- dismantling of temporary connections of boiler house units;
- assembly of boiler house units and connection to each other, finishing;
- installation of chimneys.
Above-ground gas pipeline
above-ground laying of steel gas pipelines;
installation of shut-off valves and NFS;
gas pipeline leak test;
cleaning of gas pipelines by air blowing;
visual and measuring inspection of welded joints;
radiographic inspection of welded joints;
gas pipeline grounding device;
bending of steel pipe surfaces;
painting of steel pipe surfaces.
Water supply:
- soil development;
- sand base arrangement;
-Plating Plumbing
-installation of structures
- installation of shutoff valves;
- preliminary testing of network sections;
- side waterproofing of railway wells;
- backfilling;
- final pressure testing and flushing of the water supply;
- soil development;
- sand base arrangement;
- side waterproofing of railway wells;
- arrangement of railway wells;
- laying of sewage pipes.
Heat supply network (underground)
a passage of trenches, under the heating system, under the heat chambers.
installation of supports (above-ground part of heating line);
arrangement of sand base in trenches;
waterproofing of heat chambers, wells and their installation in the design position.
laying of pipes of heating line and GVA (above ground and underground)
installation of shut-off valves and t/s units.
preliminary test of heat network pipes and GVA
device for heat insulation of pipes at welded joints
washing of heat network
Final test of heating network and WAN networks
commissioning of the facility
Communication and power supply networks (underground).
Route breakdown;
Additional route layout;
Arrangement of descents for crossing rivers, aryks, collectors, beams and ravines;
Loading, transportation and unloading of drums with cable and cable fittings;
Trench excerpt;
Bedding in rocky and crushed stone soils;
Cable laying;
cable filling in rocky and crushed stone soils;
Laying of signal tape
Filling the trench.
Installation of measuring columns fixing joints of cable and instrumentation construction lengths;
Cultural land reclamation.
1.11 Construction needs for personnel, basic construction machines, machinery and energy resources.
The construction need for personnel is determined on the basis of the production per worker per year, the cost of annual volumes of work and the percentage ratio of the number of workers by their categories:
Note: The grades of machines and mechanisms are specified during the development of PPM.
Construction demand for electricity, fuel, water, compressed air, oxygen, personnel, inventory buildings is determined depending on the territorial location of construction, the volume of construction and installation work in accordance with the "Design Standards for Drawing Up Construction Organization Projects"
Power Demand
The main consumers of electricity at the construction site are construction machines, mechanisms and installations of the construction site or inventory buildings.
Total rated power of electric motors of construction machines
Water consumption for household needs
Q2 = 0.01 + 0.07 = 0.08 l/s.
Calculation of fire-fighting water flow rate
The water flow rate for external fire extinguishing is taken on the basis of the three-hour duration of extinguishing one fire and ensuring the calculated water flow rate for these purposes at the peak water flow rate for production and household needs.
When calculating water consumption, it should be taken into account that the number of simultaneous fires is accepted at the construction site up to 150 hectares - 1 fire, St. 150 hectares - 2 fires.
The size of the territory is taken equal to 1 ha.
Estimated number of fires f = 1.
The water flow rate for fire extinguishing of the building is 2.5 l/s from each jet of the internal fire crane.
Number of internal fire cranes used for fire fighting n = 1;
Water flow rate for building fire extinguishing, Q31 = n * q31 = 1 * 2.5 = 2.50 l/s.
The area of the building for calculating fire fighting is 2.35 thousand m2 .
Fire resistance rating of building II.
Fire hazard category G.
From the prevailing conditions on the construction site, household ones are not divided into dressing rooms, washrooms, etc. - we take the required area for administrative and household buildings as the total for all these premises.
Based on the area of one house - 18 m2, we accept the total number of houses 2 pcs.
To heat mobile inventory buildings, use factory-made electric heaters.
1.12 Substantiation of material storage sites.
The quantity of material P to be stored in the warehouse is determined by the formula
where Q is the total amount of material for construction with loss,
a is the coefficient of non-uniformity of goods receipt, for automobile and
railway transport is accepted 1.1. In this project = 1.10 .
T - consumption period in days,
n is the received stock of the material in the warehouse in days
k is the non-uniformity coefficient of material consumption (approximate = 1.3 ),
in this project = 1.30 .
The total storage area S, including the passageways, is determined by the formula
where V is the quantity of material stacked on 1 square metre of storage area,
b is the warehouse utilization factor in this project = 0.60 .
Inventory Building Nomenclature
The general
demand, m3
Total required area, m2
Metal structures
4.5 tons.
Open storage area = 1.55q. l.
Storage area from storage under canopy = 0.00 sq.m .
Closed storage area = 0.00Q. l.
1.13 Proposals for justification of quality control of works.
During performance of works perform input, operational and acceptance quality control, as per Section 6, SNiP 12012004.
Incoming control consists in checking incoming materials, structures and products for compliance with GOST requirements, technical specifications, working drawings, as well as the availability and content of passports and certificates. Document the results of incoming inspection (item 6.1.3 of SNiP 12012004).
Operational control is carried out by systematic observation and verification of compliance of performed works with the requirements of the 3 part "Organization, production and acceptance of works" and design documentation. Document results of operational control (item 6.1.6 of SNiP 12012004).
Acceptance control is carried out after completion of certain types of work or during acceptance of completed structures, at the same time the possibility of subsequent work or suitability of the structure for operation is determined. The results of acceptance of works shall be executed by acts of examination of hidden works (att. 5, SNiP 12012004).
Perform quality control during works performance, refer to Section 6,
SNiP 12-01-2004:
- by the customer - provision of technical supervision;
- design organization - author supervision;
- Territorial body of state construction supervision - inspection control;
- works manufacturer - continuous quality control of works performed.
Quality control is performed according to SNiP 3.02.01-87:
- during soil development and during arrangement of vertical layout - as per Section 3 and Table 4.5;
- at compaction and backfilling - as per Section 4 and Table 6,7,8.
Concrete works, erection of structures.
Quality control is performed according to SNiP 3.03.0187 - concreting of monolithic structures - as per Section 2 and Table 2, 3, 9, 10, 11.
For the manufacture of formwork, wood is used with impregnation with a certified fire-retardant composition.
- installation of steel structures and welding works - according to sections 4, 8 and tables 14, 15, 16, 41, 42, 43.
1.14 Proposals for the organization of the geodetic and laboratory control service.
The Customer is obliged to hand over to the general contractor the geodetic basis created by the certificate (according to Appendix 12 to SNiP 3.01.0384).
In accordance with the instructions of SNiP 12012004, on the basis of the design documentation, the executor of the work should prepare diagrams of the location of the building axes broken in kind, signs for fixing these axes and installation landmarks, as well as diagrams of the arrangement of structures and their elements relative to these axes and landmarks. The diagrams shall be designed on the basis that the axes and landmarks broken in kind shall be technologically accessible for monitoring while monitoring the accuracy of the position of the structural elements at all stages of construction. At the same time, if necessary, correct the existing or develop a procedure for performing and monitoring the accuracy of geodetic survey works, rules for applying and fixing installation landmarks (see item 4.10 of SNiP 12012004).
During construction detailed breakdown works shall be performed in accordance with the work execution project (SNiP 3.01.0384).
In the process of erecting structures and laying engineering networks, the general contractor should conduct geodetic control of the accuracy of geometric parameters, which is a mandatory integral part of production quality control. Production quality control also includes:
- incoming control of working documentation of structures, articles, materials and equipment;
- operational control of individual construction processes or production operations (concrete works; welding works);
- acceptance control of construction and installation works;
Based on the results of the control geodetic survey, the general contractor draws up an executive scheme and transfers it for verification to the customer along with acts allowing further work.
The main layout axes are fixed with four signs. Axial signs must not fall into the soil violation zone during construction and installation works.
Upon completion of construction, high-altitude turnpieces are arranged RpN1; RpN2 as per GP grade drawings.
In the first two years of operation of the multi-fuel filling station, the precipitation of the foundations of buildings, structures and equipment should be monitored. Inspect and measure at least once every three months (PB1252703). To perform measurements at the site of the multi-fuel filling station, benchmarks are provided (see drawings of the GP and Stroygenplan grade).
1.15 List of required requirements to detailed documentation.
There are no special requirements for the subsequent development of detailed documentation.
1.16 Substantiation of the need for housing and social services.
The construction team lives in their own apartments and individual houses and is provided with social culture in Astrakhan and the Astrakhan region.
1.17 List of measures and design solutions ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements of labor protection.
Description of design solutions and measures for the protection of facilities during the construction period.
To prevent unauthorized persons from entering the construction site and the safety of material assets, as well as to prevent the threat: terrorist attack, sabotage, vandalism, etc.,
A number of measures should be envisaged:
- Temporary (permanent) fencing of the construction site.
- Organization of lighting of the construction site.
- Provision of the construction site with telephone communication
- Organization of measures for strengthening of security of an object: strengthening of a fence, gate, gates, windows, walls of warehouse; Use of electronic security.
- Provision of the access regime: control of the passage of citizens, the entry/exit of transport and mechanisms, the export/removal of goods.
- Provision of operational communication between the posts, with the PSC administration and the Customer.
- Patrolling the site according to the established schedule and routes.
- Monitoring of compliance with internal regulations and public order.
- Monitoring of operational situation and serviceability of security systems.
- Protection of the life and health of citizens against unlawful attacks.
- Suppression of violations and unlawful actions aimed at causing material damage, as well as a set of measures to counter and protect the facility in emergency and emergency situations.
- Working out interaction with law enforcement agencies and the anxiety group.
- Monitoring of operational situation and serviceability of security systems.
Measures and design solutions ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements of labor protection
When performing works, ensure compliance with the requirements of the following documents:
- Labour Code of the Russian Federation.
- "Rules for arrangement and safe operation of lifting cranes" PB 1038200.
- "Intersectoral Rules for Labor Protection in Road Transport" POT R M0272003.
- Standard industry standards for the free issuance to employees of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 66 of 25.12.97
- SNiP 12032001 "Occupational Safety in Construction" Part 1.
- SNiP 12042002 "Occupational Safety in Construction" Part 2.
- SP 121362002 "Decisions on labor protection and industrial safety in construction organization projects and work execution projects."
- "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation" PPB 0103.
- PB12-529-03 Safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems.
1.18 General requirements.
It is allowed to start construction and installation works at the RACINAL 3.2 MW boiler house facilities only if there is a work execution project (PDP), in which all safety measures must be developed.
Before commencing work, it is necessary to familiarize employees with the solutions provided for in the PPR and provide instruction on safe methods of work.
The construction site shall be enclosed by a solid fence from a 25mm thick board.
Hazardous areas shall be marked with warning signs and illuminated at night.
To carry out security lighting at night, install searchlight masts. Security lighting shall provide horizontal illumination of 0.5Lk at the ground level at the boundary of the construction site (GOST 12.1.04685).
The boundaries of hazardous areas (areas near the building above which cargo is transported by crane) must have signal barriers that meet the requirements of GOST 2340778.
Places of passage of people close to hazardous areas shall be fenced, marked and, if necessary, equipped with protective devices. Perform works according to the work execution project, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 12032001, SNiP 12042002.
1. Measures on occupational safety in transport
and loading and unloading operations.
Loading and unloading operations are carried out mechanically using KS 3577 cranes.
Load grippers shall meet the requirements of the state standard (PB1038200).
When loading and unloading goods, do not:
- perform unloading of elements of steel structures by dropping from vehicles;
- perform slinging of cargo in unstable position.
Transport and unloading operations shall be performed in accordance with Section 8, SNiP 12032001.
Height of stacks of materials, articles, structures shall be accepted in accordance with
from item 6.3.3, SNiP 12032001.
The speed of vehicles at the construction site does not exceed
10 km/h in straight sections, and 5 km/h in turns and crane working area.
Construction machines, vehicles, production equipment, mechanization and accessories, hand-held machines and tools used during the work shall comply with the requirements of the state standards for labor safety.
Before sprinkling of dust materials (sand; ASG), they are moistened directly in the body of the car.
Work Safety Measures for Earthworks
The slope of the excavation slopes, based on the geological and hydrological conditions of the work areas and taking into account loads from construction machines and stored materials, shall be indicated in the "PPR." In "PPR" determine the places of installation of fences of recesses, transition bridges (ladders) and stairs (see item 5.12, SP121362002).
3. Occupational safety measures
concrete and reinforcement works .
Removable load-gripping devices, slings, and packagings intended for concrete mixture supply by lifting cranes shall be manufactured and inspected in accordance with PB 1038200 p.2.19.
When cleaning the body of the dump trucks from the remains of the concrete mixture, employees are forbidden to be in the body of the dump truck.
When performing concrete and reinforcement works, observe the requirements for labor safety in accordance with sections 7, SNiP 12042002.
Occupational safety measures during installation works
Do not lift steel structures that do not provide their correct slinging and installation. Clean the elements of structures to be installed from dirt and ice before their lifting.
During interruptions in operation it is not allowed to leave raised elements of structures and equipment on weight.
In the area of installation works (crane operation) it is forbidden to find unauthorized persons. Perform technical inspection of the load-gripping devices with recording in the work log (refer to para 7.4.4 SNiP 12032001).
Structures, equipment during the crane movement keep from swinging and rotation with flexible braces. Sling shall be carried out with slings equipped with safety closing devices preventing spontaneous falling-out of structures and providing the possibility of remote disassembly from the working horizon. Disassembly of structures and equipment installed in the design position, be performed after design attachment by temporary attachment.
It is forbidden to perform work on installation of structures at wind speed of 10 m/s or more, as well as at ice, hail, fog.
During installation works observe the requirements of Chapter 8, SNiP 12042002.
Electrical safety during construction and installation works
Use portable explosion-proof lamps for lighting.
Metal scaffolding, metal enclosures of work areas, metal sections for laying cables and wires, electrically driven vehicles, equipment enclosures, machines and mechanisms with electric drive shall be grounded immediately after their installation in place prior to the commencement of any work.
Current-carrying parts of electrical installations must be insulated, protected or placed in places that are not accessible for touching them.
Safety measures during fire operations
Places of fire works and places of installation of welding rectifiers (transformers), gas cylinders shall be cleaned of combustible materials.
Electric welding works should be carried out only after combustible materials within a radius of 5 meters are removed from the work area.
Height welders shall have a metal box for collecting electrode balls.
Before starting work, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the electric holder and the reliability of its insulation, the serviceability of the safety mask with protective glass and light filter, as well as the state of insulation of wires, the density of connections of contacts of the welding wire .
Welding wires should be laid so that they are not damaged by passing machines. These wires shall not touch metal objects, oxygen hoses and propane.
The work station of the electric welder must be protected from atmospheric precipitation. In case of rain, snowfall and wind speed more than 10 m/s, it is forbidden to perform welding of joints without inventory shelters.
During fire works comply with the requirements of PPB 0103 p.649; 654; 655.
7. Fire safety during works.
During fire works in case of formation of gas hazardous and
hazardous areas on the construction site, it is necessary to issue a work permit in the established form.
On the construction plan, along with the technical requirements, fire safety requirements are provided:
- free access to buildings under construction and buildings in operation (temporary);
- temporary buildings and structures are located taking into account fire breaks.
To provide fire-fighting water supply, use fire tanks built in the preparatory period and fire hydrants on the city water supply networks.
The facility shall be provided with primary fire fighting and communication means for calling fire departments. When determining the types and quantity of primary fire extinguishing equipment, physical-chemical and fire hazardous properties of combustible substances, as well as the area of the construction site and the building under construction, are taken into account. The required quantity of primary fire extinguishing equipment is accepted in accordance with Appendix 3, PPB 0103, one shield of SHBA for one object under construction.
For the needs of builders, use temporary buildings of container type that meet the requirements of the current norms, rules and standards for fire safety.
For heating of inventory buildings use electrical heaters of factory manufacture.
To evacuate people in case of fire, use at least 2 entrances to the building.
It is forbidden to clutter entrances and driveways, entrances to the building and approaches to the fire equipment.
At the entrance to the construction site, a site plan must be posted indicating the location of fire hydrants, fire extinguishing equipment and communications. An indicator shall be provided on the construction site, which shall have figures indicating the distance to the nearest fire water reservoir, in accordance with item 90, PPB 0103.
Works inside the building using combustible substances and materials (hydro and steam insulation, etc.) are not allowed at the same time as other construction and installation works related to the use of open fire (welding, etc.).
Fire work place shall be provided with fire extinguishing equipment.
All types of construction, installation of process equipment, including fire protection works, shall be performed by organizations that have licenses for the corresponding types of work. Order of the GUGPS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of 28.03.96 No. 10 and documents in accordance with PNB 23296.
Products subject to mandatory certification in the field of fire safety must have certificates of the established image or certified in the manner prescribed by law (order of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation of 8.07.02 № 320).
During the construction and operation of buildings, it is necessary to fulfill the requirements of SNiP 210997 * * "Fire safety of buildings and structures" P.4.2, para. 4.3.
When performing works, comply with the requirements of "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation" PPB 0103, "Safety Rules for Welding and Other Fire Work," also GOST 12.1.00491 * "Fire Safety. General requirements. "
1.19 Description of design solutions and measures for environmental protection during construction.
The incorrect organization of the construction site and the operation of construction equipment, as well as their structural shortcomings, can have a negative impact on the environment, which can manifest itself in the following:
pollution of water bodies and surrounding areas by construction waste, garbage, sewage and toxic substances;
in the increased carbon monoxide content in the exhaust gases of the aircraft due to incomplete combustion of the fuel;
- in splicing or sewing of working fluid and lubricants when filling machines or changing oils to winter and summer grades.
The completeness of ICE combustion and therefore the amount of carbon monoxide contained in the exhaust gases depends on a number of reasons:
- fuel quality;
- condition, engine; -qualification of the driver.
It should be remembered that the combustion conditions of fuel in engines in the cold season are deteriorating - a large amount of it is not completely burned, which is accompanied by increased carbon monoxide emissions. In addition, at low temperatures, it is difficult to start ICE after interchangeable storage. Fuel and lubricants cause great harm if for various reasons they fall on the ground, the vegetation layer, into the water. Residues of fuel and oils, wiping materials left after operation can cause fire as a result of spontaneous combustion or ignition of the fire.
During construction and installation works it is necessary to comply with environmental protection requirements set forth in SNiP 3.01.0185, SNiP 3.02.0187 and SNiP 3-8-76. It is also recommended to take into account the provisions of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, the Rules for the Protection of Surface Waters from Sewage Pollution, approved by the Ministry of Water Transport, the Ministry of Fisheries, and the Ministry of Health of the USSR.
When developing a project for the execution of work, the general contracting construction organization on the basis of the above documents, taking into account the project for the construction organization, should develop natural protection measures, in which it is necessary to reflect:
- Measures for the protection and rational use of land;
- Measures to protect trees and vegetation;
- air pool protection and noise control measures;
- Measures to protect water resources.
Land conservation and management activities should include:
maximum reduction in the size of the construction site for construction and installation works;
- preservation of removed topsoil for its subsequent restoration;
application of special devices for receiving mortars and concrete mixtures;
measures to ensure storage, temporary storage of fuel and lubricants and maintenance of construction machines and mechanisms at special sites equipped with an organized storm water collection system (device along the perimeter of temporary storm sewage sites) with diversion to local temporary treatment facilities or storage tanks with their subsequent removal by special transport from the construction area;
- execution of measures preventing fuel and lubricants from getting to the ground during filling of construction machines and mechanisms at the workplace (filling with gas stations, use of inventory pallets, etc.);
- cleanliness of containers in case of manual filling of construction machines and mechanisms;
- provision of overflow of replaceable oils and working fluids of construction equipment into specially prepared tanks with subsequent sending for regeneration;
- cleaning of building debris
Measures to protect plantations and vegetation should include:
- fencing of wood plantings on the construction site, installation of warning signs in places of movement of construction equipment and transport;
- timely improvement of the territory with restoration of fertile soil;
- fire safety.
Air basin protection measures should include measures to prevent the release of substances harmful to humans and the environment. To this end, provision should be made for:
- adjustment of fuel equipment of internal combustion engines and installation of neutralizers for oxidation of incomplete combustion products on them;
- application for technical needs of electric power instead of solid and liquid fuel;
Noise control should be aimed at ensuring normal working and living conditions of workers and include:
- use of construction equipment with electric and hydraulic drive as much as possible;
use of silencers for engines;
compliance with technological discipline;
improving the quality of access and on-site roads;
use of containers for transportation of construction goods.
Measures to protect water resources should exclude the possibility of discharging building waste, fuel and lubricants, wastewater and toxic substances into the water. To this end, provision should be made for:
- Equipment of the construction site with temporary sewage systems ensuring the removal of industrial, household and rain wastewater to local temporary treatment facilities or storage tanks with their subsequent removal by special transport from the construction area;
- organization of incoming control of building structures and materials for conformity of the quality of the applied materials to the design in terms of the content of toxic substances dangerous to the plant and animal world.
List of main construction organizations.
Work on the installation of the boiler house is supposed to be carried out by a construction organization that has won the tender, has a license for the right to carry out construction work, documents of Environmental significance, and, if necessary, attracts construction equipment from enterprises that have authorized environmental management documents on lease terms.
1.20 Justification of accepted construction duration.
The duration of the construction of the facility is determined according to the scope of construction and installation work and the average annual production per worker and is 2.0 months, including a preparatory period of 0.5 month.
1.21 List of measures to organize monitoring of the state of buildings and structures in adjacent territories.
The boiler house construction works performed in general do not affect the condition of the existing nearby buildings.
Monitoring is not required.
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