Repair and mechanical workshop of the plant of sliding bearings with production area - 6480m
- Added: 01.07.2014
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Project's Content
1 Архитектурно строит.doc
2 3 4.bak
2 3 4.dwg
2 Расчет колонны.doc
2 Расчет плиты.doc
2 Статический расчет.doc
3 жб безраскосная ферма.doc
3 Основания и фундаменты.doc
4 калькуляция.doc
4 калькуляция2.doc
4 Технология строительного производства.doc
5 Смета.doc
5 Экономический раздел.doc
6 карточка-определитель к ОСП.doc
6 Организация.doc
7 охрана труда.doc
8 9.bak
8 9.dwg
8 раздел по гражданской обороне.doc
Приложение 1.doc
приложение 10.doc
Приложение 2.doc
Приложение 3.doc
Приложение 4.doc
Приложение 5.doc
Приложение 6.doc
Приложение 7.doc
Приложение 8.doc
Приложение 9.doc
Additional information
I. Architectural and construction section
I.I. Design Input
I.I.I. Short description of the construction area
I.I.II. Building Requirements
I.I.III.The required characteristics and parameters of ABC
I.I.IV. Process
I.II. Volume-planning solution of the building
I.III. Structural solution of the building
I.III.I. Ensuring rigidity and stability
I.III.II.Nextended skeleton structures
I.III.III.Native structures
I.IV. Architectural and artistic solution of the production facility
I.V. Volume-planning and structural solution of ABK
I.V.I. Structural solution of ABC
I.V.II.ABK Volume Planning Solution
I.VI.Base selection of enclosing structures
I.VI.I.Levetechnical calculation for production building
I.VI.II.Teplotechnical calculation of the wall of the production building
I.VI.III.Teplotechnical calculation of production coating
I.VI.IV.Temotechnical calculation of ABC wall
I.VI.V. Technical calculation of ABC coating
I.VII.General Plan of Industrial Enterprise
II.Specific and structural section: building structures
II.I. Calculation of ribbed coating plate
II.II. Static Frame Calculation
II.III. Rafter Farm Calculation
II.IV Middle column calculation
III.Specific and structural section: foundations and foundations
III.I. Assessment of engineering and geological conditions of the construction site
III.II. Collection of loads on the foundation
III.III. Calculation of the extreme foundation of the industrial building
III.IV. Calculation of the average foundation of the industrial building
III.V. Calculation of foundations by material
III.V.I. Calculation of the extreme foundation of the industrial building by mother-al
III.V.II. Calculation of the average foundation of an industrial building by material
IV.Technology of construction production
IV.I.SQoQ Definition
IV.II. Calculation of required parameters of installation cranes
IV.III. Crane Specifications
IV.IV.Technological map for installation of frame of single-storey industrial building
IV.IV.I. Application area
IV.IV.II. Organization and technology of the construction process
IV.IV.III. Quality and Acceptance Requirements
IV.IV.IV.Calculation of labor costs
IV.IV.V. Work Schedule
IV.IV.VI. Logistical resources
IV.IV.VII.Security equipment
IV.IV.VIII. Technical and economic indicators
IV.V. Technological map for installation of the frame of the administrative-domestic building
IV.V.I. Application area
IV.V.II. Organization and technology of the construction process
IV.V.III. Quality and Acceptance Requirements
IV.V.IV.Calculation of labor costs
IV.V.V. Work Schedule
IV.V.VI. Logistics
IV.V.VII.Security equipment
IV.V.VIII. Technical and economic indicators
V. Construction economy
V.I. Identification of nomenclature and calculation of quantities of work
V.II.Designation of construction elements specification
V.III. Calculation of estimates
VI. Organization of construction production
VI.I. Selection and description of the method of work
VI.II.Variant design of the in-line method of construction of the facility
VI.III.Network model composition and calculation
VI.IV.Production and optimization of the network at the time scale
VI.IV.I.Production of Network in Time
VI.IV.II.Ptimization of the network
VI.V. Identification of logistical requirements
VI.VI.Define vehicle requirements
VI.VII. Calculation and Design of Construction Plan
VI.VII.I Calculation of warehouses and sites
VI.VII.II. Order of Temporary Construction Design on Construction Plan
VI.VII.III. Calculation of construction needs in water
VI.VII.IV. Calculation of construction requirements for lighting
VI.VII.V. Site Heat Supply
VI.VII.VI.Technical and economic indicators of the construction plan
VII.Protection of labor
VII.I General Information
VII.II. Electrical grounding calculation
VII.III. Calculation of illumination by utilization factor
VII.IV. Calculation of evacuation time
VIII.Grazhdan defense
VIII.I. Calculation of the force of means for search and rescue
for a diploma project on the topic: "Repair and mechanical workshop of the plant of sliding bearings with a production area of 6480 m2."
The author of the project is a student of the C52 group Ilya Chichibabin with the project manager Giasova Irina Viktorovna.
Full-time faculty of TSTU. Protection Year 2005
The project includes: architectural and construction section, development of space-planning and structural solution of the building, sections of technology and organization of construction of the facility, economic calculations are given.
The project consists of an explanatory note on A4 sheets and a graphic part on 12 A1 sheets.
The modern economic development of the country is characterized by some growth in the indicators of the production sector. Production is faced with a number of tasks: increasing indicators of economic efficiency, expanding the range of goods produced, improving the quality of production.
The key point in solving these economic problems is the creation of new production funds, the construction of additional production facilities. From this point of view, the development of the design of the repair and mechanical workshop of the sliding bearing plant with an area of 6480 m2 is quite relevant .
Constantly wearing out business assets, cars, machines and mechanisms slow down development of any enterprise. The expansion of the repair and mechanical base of the plant will allow you to restore the necessary equipment on your own and in a shorter time, which will have a direct and indirect positive impact on the production and economic situation of the enterprise.
The increase in the production capacity of the plant will increase the volume of products produced, create additional jobs, which will improve the socio-economic development of the region.
Providing rigidity and stability.
Rigidity and stability are provided by frames consisting of columns rigidly embedded in foundations and rafter structures hinged to columns.
Spatial rigidity is ensured by the installation of a hard coating disk. The disk is created by welding the coating slabs on at least three sides to the rafter structure and zoning the joints with concrete of class B20 at least. As well as vertical connections located in the middle of the temperature block.
I.III.II. Supporting structures of the frame.
The bearing skeleton consists of columns, the base, foundation beams, rafter designs, a covering. The section of the building is shown on sheets 3 and 4 of the graphic part.
In the design, monolithic, stand-alone glass-type foundations with an elevation of the top of the sub-column of 0.150 are used.
The foundation for adjacent columns in the temperature seam is accepted combined for two columns .
F1 foundation is accepted as FB41 grade. Section of a base of column is 1200х1200 mm, depth is 1500 mm. The foundation has one stage 1800x2100 mm, the height of the stage 300 mm, the height of the sub-column 1200 mm, the bottom of the foundation at elevation -1.650.
Foundations are reinforced with welded mesh with 200x200 mm cells located at the base of the foundation with a protective layer of concrete of at least 35 mm. Foundations are made of concrete grade B20. Hot-rolled steel of AII class periodic profile is used for working reinforcement. The foundation plan is shown on sheet 7 of the graphic part.
Foundation beams.
Foundation beams are designed for use in industrial frame buildings with a pitch of 6 m, as a support for self-supporting wall panels. Foundation beams of grade FB3 are used in the project. Gaps between the ends of beams, as well as between beams and columns, are ground with concrete of grade B 75. Beams are made of concrete of grade B 25. Working reinforcement is made of hot-rolled steel of periodic profile of class AII. The layout of the foundation beams is shown on sheet 7 of the graphic part.
Rectangular columns are accepted in the design. The extreme columns in the above crane part have a section of 380x400mm, in the above crane part of 600x400. Middle columns have section 600x400. For columns of extreme rows, the reference is zero. All columns are designed for use in conditions where the top of the foundations is at -0.150. The columns of the extreme row are accepted as KPI1. The column top mark is 8.4m. Columns of the middle row are accepted as KPI3. Column top elevation is 8.4m. Embedded parts are provided in columns.
Columns are reinforced with steel frame. They are made of concrete grade B 20. The main working reinforcement is made of hot-rolled steel of periodic profile of class AIII.
Rafter farms.
Rafter metal trusses made of paired corners with belts of tars with span of 18 m are used as bearing structure of coating. In trusses, the lower belt is located horizontally, and the upper belt has a slope of 1.5%. The height of the trusses on the support on the edges of the belts is 3150 mm. Reinforced concrete slabs are installed directly on the upper belt of rafter trusses and welded by a seam with a thickness of at least 6 mm and a length of 60 mm. Rafter trusses are designed using I-posts. Diagram of trusses layout is given on sheet 4 of graphic part.
The coating is made of reinforced concrete slabs. Ribbed slabs 3 x 6 are used in the building. Seams between slabs 50 mm wide are ground with cement sand mortar. Slabs are made of B25 class concrete. The main stressed reinforcement is made of hot-rolled steel of the periodic profile of class AVI. The layout plan of the plates is shown on sheet 4 of the graphic part.
I.III.III. Enclosing structures.
Curtain panels.
Three-layer panels are used as wall enclosing structures. Depending on the location in the plan and the height of the wall, the panels are ordinary, parapet. Row panels have dimensions of 1.8x6; 1.2х6; parapet 1,8x6.
Embedded parts are provided in panels:
* top and bottom for attachment to column struts;
* for attachment to coating structures.
Flexible gaskets made of hernite and sealing material are used to soak seams between panels. The section along the wall is shown on sheet 4 of the graphic part. As a result of the heat engineering calculation, the minimum plate thickness = 260 mm was obtained (see annex 3).
The design provides for glazing with 6x3.6m windows (according to lighting design) in metal bindings. Bindings are made of paired pipes. Framing elements are attached to slopes of openings. There are no window boxes in steel bindings. Stiffness of filling is provided by angles framing the opening along the perimeter. Filling the wall with window blocks is shown on sheet 3 of the graphic part.
This design provides light-aeration lights with a width of 6 m with a panel height of 2720 mm (according to the lighting design). The main elements are lamp panels and lamp trusses. Lantern panels are made 6 m long. The covering of the lantern is carried out similarly to reinforced concrete slabs. Access to the canopy roof is provided by steel fire ladders of MLL located at the ends. Brand of bindings of light-aeration lamps PF125. Lamp truss brand 4FF23. Lamp panel brand 4FP1.
Waterproofing carpet is arranged by gluing 4 layers of ruberoid with bitumen mastic.
The waterproofing carpet at the points of abutment to the walls of the parapets and other projecting elements shall gradually rise to a height of not less than 250 mm. Places of abutments are glued from above with additional layers of roll material conjugated with main carpet in overlapping. Upper edge of waterproofing carpet is brought into groove and securely attached with galvanized nails to antisepted racks and protected with apron made of galvanized roofing steel with subsequent sealing of groove with cement sand mortar. When waterproofing carpet is embedded in groove of concrete stones, edges of waterproofing carpet and apron are pinched in groove with wooden plugs and sealed with cement sand mortar.
Compensators made of galvanized steel in the form of bleed are arranged in deformation seams.
At points of adjoining the waterproofing carpet to the elements cutting the coating, the waterproofing carpet is reinforced with an additional layer of roll material and a layer of a bag impregnated with tar mastic. The roof is composed of: a four-layer ruberoid carpet on bitumen mastic; cement-sand brace 20 mm thick, insulation from foam polysterol = 100 mm (see thermal calculation of the floor), vapor insulation with one layer of ruberoid.
Roof structure is presented in sections 11, 3-3,4-4 of graphic part.
Water intake funnels.
The drainage from the roof is organized, it is carried out through water intake funnels. The distance between the funnels must be no more than 48 m. The mark of the funnels BP95 used.
Drain branch pipe of funnel is attached to floor plate by clamp, and pressure ring of funnel presses waterproofing carpet to flange of drain branch pipe with blind nuts. Waterproofing carpet in place of funnel adjoining is reinforced with two layers of waterproofing material. Clearance between lower part of drain branch pipe and riser funnel is closed with soaked pack and bitumen mastic.
The cover and roof plan, as well as the location of the funnels in the plan are shown on sheet 4 of the graphic part.
In the designed building, an open gate of 3.6 x 3.6 m is provided, consisting of a frame and two canvases hung on it. The gate webs are hung to the frame that frames the opening by means of two pairs of hinges. The frame is installed on the concrete foundation and is fixed using anchor bolts. Slots between and under swing webs are closed with flexible aprons made of rubber and tarpaulin. In the gate there are wickets for the passage of people .
In the design, floors made of concrete of class B25 were adopted throughout the building with a thickness of 50 mm by a layer of sand treatment with a thickness of 150 mm, which is laid on compacted soil (see section 4-4 of the graphic part ).
I.IV. Architectural and artistic solution of production building
The unity of the architectural ensemble of the enterprise is achieved using the rhythmic division of the facade, which creates the effect of the continuity of metric movement, which, in order to prevent monotony, is changed by the transition of the facade to a new architectural theme.
The identification of the scale of an industrial building is facilitated by the usual visual assessment by a person of the materials and structures of the building: dissecting the wall with seams in accordance with the size of large wall panels creates an effect of disproportionacy of the whole and its part.
The contrast of individual volumes is created by using contrast relations between horizontal and vertical wall divisions.
The light color of the walls ensures the perception of the curtain wall as a thin, light shell of the building. This is also facilitated by the arrangement of windows. The variety in the architectural appearance of the production building contributes to the setting of the volume of ABK.
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