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Reconstruction of the Pollock Processing Line - Thesis

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Thesis project. Drawings, Explanatory Note

Project's Content

icon Верхняя палуба судна.bak
icon Кинематическая схема.bak
icon Машина для разделки минтая Н3-ИРФ-2.bak
icon Машина для сортировки минтая Н3-ИС-7.bak
icon плакат - кулачок.bak
icon плакат - определение калибрующей щели.bak
icon плакат - экономические показатели.bak
icon План цеха после реконструкции.bak
icon План цеха до реконструкции.bak
icon план цеха. разрез.bak
icon План цеха до реконструкции.cdw
icon план цеха. разрез.frw
icon План цеха после реконструкции.bak
icon Разрез цеха после реконструкции. разрез NEW.bak
icon Технологическая схема.bak
icon Верхняя палуба судна.cdw
icon Кинематическая схема.cdw
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icon Машина для сортировки минтая Н3-ИС-7.cdw
icon План цеха после реконструкции.cdw
icon План цеха после реконструкции.cdw
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icon плакат - кулачок.frw
icon плакат - определение калибрующей щели.frw
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icon +1 Обзор научно-технической литературы.doc
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icon +11 Теплоэнергетический расчет.doc
icon +12 Расчет рабочей силы.doc
icon +13 Экономическая часть.doc
icon +14 Выводы.doc
icon +15 Литература.doc
icon +16 Перечень расчетно-графического материала.doc
icon +2 Технико-экономическое обоснование.doc
icon +3 Технологическая часть.doc
icon +4 Подбор оборудования, компоновка линии.doc
icon +5 Расчет машины(узла).doc
icon +6 Автоматизация процессов.doc
icon +7 Монтаж, эксплуатация и ремонт т.о..doc
icon +9 БЖД.doc
icon +Введение.doc
icon +Задание.doc
icon +Оглавление.doc
icon +Приложение.doc
icon +Рецензия.doc
icon +Титульник.doc

Additional information



1. Review of scientific and technical literature

2 Feasibility study

2.1 Region demand for finished products

2.2 Geographical location of the enterprise

2.3 Climatic conditions of the area

2.4 Regions Supplying Materials

2.5 Delivery of products to the consumer

3 Process Part

3.1 Biological and technological characteristics of raw materials

3.2 Selection and justification of process diagram

3.3 Production Flow Chart

3.4 Process Diagram Description

3.5 Material calculation

3.6 Consumption of auxiliary and packaging materials

4 Equipment selection

4.1 Selection of main equipment

4.2 Selection of auxiliary equipment

4.3 Line Layout

5 Calculation of machine (node)

5.1 Calculation of cam mechanism

5.2 Determination of sizing slot size on H3-IS- sorting machine

6 Process Automation

7 Installation, operation and repair of process equipment

7.1 Preparation of machine for operation

7.2 Operating Procedure

7.3 Machine Maintenance

7.4 Possible faults and ways of their rectification

7.5 Indication of safety measures

7.6 Preparation of the article for operation

7.7 Operating Procedure

7.8 Maintenance and operation of the machine

7.9 Possible faults and ways of their rectification


9.1 General Safety Requirements

9.2 Special safety requirements in preparation for fishing

9.3 Special safety requirements for maintenance of field machinery and equipment

9.4 Occupational safety for fitters and maintenance mechanics

9.5 Occupational safety during maintenance of thunder cutting machines

9.6 Health Care for Freezers

10 Ecology

10.1 Grinding of fish waste

10.2 Water Treatment

10.2 Ventilation

11 Thermal Power Calculation

11.1 Water calculation

11.2 Calculation of electric power

12 Calculation of labour force

13 Economic part

14 Conclusions

15 Literature

16 List of calculation and graphic material


According to the latest data in 2006. the number of motorized fishing vessels amounted to 2.1 million units, of which almost 70% were operated in Asia. Vessels of industrial fishing flotillas whose gross tonnage (BT) exceeds 100 tons and length more than 24 m are of greatest importance. According to the database, at the end of 2007. 23 thousand such medium and large vessels were fishing for aquatic bioresources, primarily marine fish.

The FAO Review Report on Fisheries and Aquaculture (2009) also noted that Russia accounted for 16 per cent of the world's total BT. However, in 2006. Russia's share in world fisheries was only 3.3% (i.e. 3.2 million tons). out of 92 million). These data show a significant redundancy of the existing and, unfortunately, obsolete large and medium-sized fishing fleet.

During the USSR, a powerful industrial fleet was formed, capable of conducting marine fishing in remote areas of the World Ocean. The share of catches in the oceans and zones of foreign countries is insignificant, and this raises the question of the required scale of renewal of the Russian fishing fleet.

By the number of such fishing vessels used, the first place belongs to the United States (3.3 thousand vessels). The US fleet was built by private entrepreneurs according to individual specifications for fishing for local coastal reserves. Under the "convenient" flag of Belize, 9% of the world's BT are fishing. The largest share (35%) of receiving and transport ships belongs to Russia and China, respectively, 140 and 120 ships .

The number of fishing vessels in the world in the last 10 years has remained at the same level, not significantly reduced in the volume of BT, and the world fleet of receiving and transport vessels has decreased by more than 50%. New vessels are equipped with more productive equipment, having an average BT of 540 tons for fishing vessels and 590 tons for transport vessels. As a result of rising fuel prices, the construction of specialized vessels has decreased. FAO and OECD documents note systematic overfishing of certain species of aquatic bioresources (cod, shark, sturgeon, crustaceans, etc.) and aim to further reduce marine fishing capacity. For this reason, in 2004,2006. the fishing fleet of the EU countries annually decreased in the number of ships by 3.1% and in BT by 3.5 %.

The average age of fishing vessels operating in the world is 27.4 g. and 22.9 years of reception and transportation. In 2001 - 2007 the introduction of new vessels was reduced by 5 times (according to statistics in 2001. received 400 vessels).

In Russia, fishing decreased by almost 3 times compared with the beginning of the 1990s and by 2008. the catch was 3.2 million tons. marine fish. Coastal and marine fishing in Russia (with existing volumes of exports and imports) can solve the problem of ensuring food security in the Russian Federation at the level of average global per capita consumption of fish (16 kg/year), as well as ensure the socio-economic development of coastal regions (especially the Far Eastern Federal District), employment of the population and contribute to strengthening the geopolitical position of Russia in the use of World Ocean resources .

The Russian domestic market in 2009 is saturated with a variety of fish products, therefore, a significant increase in marine fish fishing by 2020. (up to 5-6 million tons) is not a "mandatory" state goal.

Fish and fish products make up a significant part of the diet of animal protein in the nutrition of the world's population.

Fish, as well as other objects of fishing: mammals, invertebrates and algae are of great importance for our country, being an important source for the production of a variety of food, feed, technical products and medicines. The potential resources of hydrobionts are very significant. About 60 billion tons of zooplankton, 3-5 billion tons of benthos and 3.54.0 billion tons of nectonic organisms are produced annually in the world's oceans, the latter being the raw material base of the fishing industry.

The current state of bioresources of oceans, seas and inland reservoirs allows to extract 15,0160 million tons of raw materials per year. World and domestic catches include mainly fish (8592%), invertebrates (88.5%) and marine plants (11.5%)

The value of fish as a food product is determined primarily by the presence in its composition of a large number of full-fledged proteins containing all vital (essential) amino acids, as well as fats, vitamins, minerals, so an increase in fish consumption affects life expectancy, as indicated by statistics.

For example, Japan is one of the top ten countries in terms of life expectancy - 80 years and the number of fish consumed per capita. Russia, according to media reports, was in 98th place among 162 countries in 2001 at 66 years old.

Today, the indigenous peoples of the North, whose traditional food was fish, are threatened with extinction (as an ethnic group).

Solving the problems of improving the quality of life (through increasing diets in the consumer basket due to fish products) requires comprehensive environmental and social and legal support. And also the revision of quotas of aquatic bioresources for social support of the population, at least at the rate of 3040 kg for each resident of Kamchatka.

Fish is a raw material for the production of high-value food products that promote health, improve human performance, prevent aging and serious diseases. In recent years, the species composition of the extracted raw materials has changed significantly. The catch of traditional fishing objects (cod, etc.) has decreased. The production of salmon, pollock, sardine, mackerel, halibut and some other fish species has increased, thereby increasing the need for fast and high-quality fish processing. Freshly caught fish should be treated as quickly as possible, otherwise its rheological properties change. Under putina conditions, freezing is used to quickly treat fish and preserve its properties. Freezing is a relatively cheap way to preserve all the nutritional and taste properties of the product. This method is well used in mintai Putin, when catches are tens of tons of fish per day.

In this thesis, the reconstruction of the pollock processing line is considered, in which the final products are frozen ice cream and pollock ice cream.

1. review of scientific and technical literature

The purpose of the cutting is to remove inedible parts and organs, remove valuable raw materials (caviar, milk, liver), prepare the raw materials for a high-quality technological process. Fish cutting is one of the most complex and time-consuming operations in the production of food products. This operation is mainly reduced to cutting off the head, caudal fin and removing the insides from the abdominal cavity with its next refining. The quality of these operations depends on the quality and product type of the products produced, the share of the output of the food part and the amount of manual labor on the refining. Cutting can be carried out manually, using fish cutting machines, or in two ways at the same time.

Equipment classification

Fish cutting machines are single-operation and multi-operation. Single-operation operations perform only one fish cutting operation (head-cutting, skins, scaly, bug-cutting). Multioperative fish cutting machines combine several operations.

Currently, multi-operation machines are most widely used, which are divided in turn depending on the process of processing, the type of raw material being treated, its size composition, shelf life before processing, the method of removing the insides and a number of other factors. Removal of insides is performed by mechanical, vacuum or hydraulic method. Combinations of these methods in a single cutting device are also possible. The cutting of large and medium-sized fish was initially carried out mechanically by preliminary cutting of the head and tail, cutting of the carcass or longitudinal cutting with disc knives and grinding of the abdominal cavity with cutters, scrapers, brushes with simultaneous supply of water to working tools. The progressive direction of the mechanical method was the foaming of the abdominal cavity with a disc or sickle-shaped knife and the cleaning of the abdominal cavity with scrapers and brushes located along a screw line on the operating rotor.

Vacuum method consists in extraction of insides by suction from abdominal cavity through head section by means of vacuum nozzles. The downside is that the blood kidney and black film are not removed.

For cutting medium-sized fish, a hydro-hydraulic method is more effective. It is based on the kinematic energy of the jet, which is supplied from hydraulic pumps to the upper part of the abdominal cavity. The jet parameters and nozzle dimensions are determined by the force necessary to remove the insides, the strength of the blood kidney and the black film lining the abdominal wall.

2. feasibility study

2.1. Region's demand for finished products

Among the factors influencing the assessment of the life of the population, full and high-quality nutrition is of great importance, and for residents of Kamchatka - and the share in the diet of fish products.

The value of fish as a food product is determined primarily by the presence in its composition of a large number of full-fledged proteins containing all vital (essential) amino acids, as well as fats, vitamins, minerals, so an increase in fish consumption affects life expectancy, as indicated by statistics. It has been proven that fish contain many essential nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Fish is mined and processed by an enterprise of the Kamchatka Territory, and fish products are traditionally in high demand among the local population, since genetically modified additives, artificial dyes, preservatives, etc. are not used in production, the time from catch to processing of fish is small, which indicates a high quality of the final product, fishing occurs from January to March, while additional natural cooling of the fish occurs, which positively affects the rheological characteristics of the raw materials.

2.5. Delivery of products to the consumer

Due to the fact that the standard of fish consumption established by the Law "On the Consumer Basket of the Kamchatka Region" (2006) for the able-bodied population is less than the medical norm recommended by the Academy of Medical Sciences of Russia, the supply of finished products must be made directly to the territory of the Kamchatka Territory.

The sale of ice cream fish products is more profitable in the countries of Southeast Asia, North America and Europe, so most of the finished products are exported. Nevertheless, the Kamchatka market will be provided with the products of the enterprise.

Directly during the fishing and processing of raw fish into finished products, products that are exported are re-loaded into a transport refrigerator. The refrigerator transports products to Japan (ports of Funabashi, Sendai, Hakodate, etc.), China (port of Dalian, etc.). There, ice cream fish products are processed into other types of food and non-food products, as well as further supply of products to other countries.

3.4.11. Storage of caviar

Caviar in boxes I put in stacks of small dimensions rectangular

forms. The storage mode of ice cream caviar should be such as to slow down all qualitative and quantitative changes in the product as much as possible. Storage temperature is not higher than minus 18 ° С, temperature mode must be constant. Strict constancy of temperature and humidity is a prerequisite for the rational storage of ice cream products. Natural air circulation (0.010.08m/s) shall be observed to equalize air temperature and humidity. air temperature is measured twice a day and recorded in the log, relative humidity is 1 times a week.

Shipment is made to a specific destination. Ice cream caviar is transported in accordance with transportation rules and instructions

perishable goods operating in this mode of transport at a temperature not higher than minus 18 ° С.

Storage of ice cream hawk caviar together with other cargoes having a specific smell is not allowed.

3.4.12. Washing carcasses

Washing is carried out in order to remove microorganisms and mechanical contaminants from the surface of the fish. It is produced in clean running water on conveyor, combining this process with cutting. In order to avoid watering of fish meat and additional extraction from its tissues of valuable substances created in water (proteins, vitamins), loss of mechanical strength of the tissue, acceleration of fish seeding by microorganisms and acceleration of autolytic processes, washing should not be prolonged.

The water used for washing must meet the requirements of SaNPiN, GOST R 51232 for drinking water. The water temperature shall not exceed 15C °. The water flow rate is 6 m3/ton.

Washed fish goes for laying in trays.

3.4.13. Preparation of trays

Before loading fish products are subjected to sanitary treatment, washed with clean water.

3.4.14. Putting carcasses in trays. Weighing

The fish is laid evenly, tightly to the top, with a given net weight taking into account losses during freezing, with simultaneous weighing on automatic scales of the Marel brand (5 pcs). Net weight of one unit - 22 kg. Dishes filled with fish are covered with covers, while slightly pressing the fish.

3.4.15. Freezing

The fish is frozen by a dry artificial method in 5 tiles cooled with liquid refrigerants.

Fish freezing must be carried out until the temperature in the body thickness or block of fish is reached when dry artificial freezing is not higher than minus 18 ° C.

When freezing is completed, the temperature of the fish should be checked before unloading it from the freezer; control measurements of tempera-tour are made in several fish taken from different places or blocks of fish using a thermometer in a metal frame with a pointed end.

The time of loading and unloading the fish from the freezer and the temperature control measurements of the frozen fish should be recorded in a special log.

Frozen fish after unloading from the freezer is not slowly sent to the flush. Shedding is necessary to ensure that frozen fish are easily removed from the shovels. With the subsequent knocking out, empty trays are supplied along the belt conveyor for laying, and frozen block-shaped fish for gluing

3.4.16. Glazing

Glazing of frozen blocks of fish occurs immediately upon unloading from the freezer. Trays with frozen fish along the reverse belt conveyor are fed to the reticulated flush, then to the knock-out table and mesh glazing. Glazing is carried out with cooled clean fresh water temperature from + 1 to +3˚S.

3.4.17. Packaging

Glazed blocks of fish enter the packing table. Blocks of fish are packed in PCB inserts, then two blocks in polypropylene bags with already marked ones and sewn. Packaged products via the roller table are delivered to the loading hatch in the hold.

Drawings content

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