Reconstruction of RP-1 10 kV
- Added: 18.04.2012
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Thesis project. Complete set of drawings, documentation and calculations.
Project's Content
01 Титульник.doc
02 Лист задания.doc
03 Содержание.doc
04 Введение.doc
05 Пункт1.doc
06 Пункт1,1.doc
07 Пункт 1,2.doc
08 Пункт1,3.doc
09 Пункт1,4.doc
10 Пункт1,5.doc
11 Пункт 2.doc
12 Пункт3.doc
13 Пункт4.doc
14 Пункт5.doc
15 Заключение.doc
16 Литература.doc
17 ЭЛИНС-прайс 14.07.05.doc
Статистическая информация.doc
Вводной выключатель.dwg
Линейный выключатель.dwg
Панель собственных нужд.dwg
Секционный выключатель.dwg
Схема первичных соединений.dwg
Схема питания потребителей.dwg
Карта селективности.dwg
Расчет токов КЗ.dwg
Расчет емкосных токов КЗ .xls
Расчет нагрузок.xls
Расчет токов КЗ.xls
Additional information
1. Substantiation of equipment implementation at the 10 kV power plant to be upgraded
1.1 Preparation of single-line diagram using In chambers
1.2. Calculation of short-circuit currents
1.3 Selection of substation main equipment and check for
dynamic and thermal resistance
1.2.1. Switches
1.2.2. Current transformers
1.2.3. Voltage transformers
1.2.4. Non-linear surge limiters
1.4. Selection of RPA devices using microprocessor protections of MTZ-610 L type
1.5. Calculation of relay protection setpoints
1.5.1. Calculation of MTZ and TO setpoints of 10 kV outgoing lines
1.5.2. Calculation of MTZ setpoints of section switch
1.5.3. Calculation of MTZ setpoints of 10 kV inputs
2. Generation of RPA diagrams for outgoing line, section switch, input
3. Calculation of ground fault current, selection of DGC devices
3.1. Calculation of ground fault current in mains with isolated
neutral with voltage of 10 kV
3.2. Calculation and selection of arc-quenching reactors
3.3.Controlled single-phase oil reactor of RUOM series
3.4. Zero sequence oil grounding filter
FMZO series
3.5. Automatic Compensation Setup System
SANK - 3.1 - UHL
4. Organizational - economic part of the project
4.1 Determination of estimated cost of RP-1 reconstruction in prices of 1991
4.2. Organization of scheduled preventive maintenance and repair of RP-
5. Occupational safety and safety
5.1.Organising structure of labor protection service at
5.2. Plan HSE improvement activities for
enterprise and its execution
5.3. Organizational and technical measures are provided by
safety works in electrical installations
Distribution electric networks with a voltage of 6-35 kV supply electricity to almost all consumers: industrial enterprises, agriculture and public utilities, electrified railways, gas pipelines and oil pipelines. At the same time, 75% of all violations of power supply to consumers occur precisely in distribution electric networks.
Damage and abnormal operation modes can lead to accidents in the system, which usually mean forced disturbances in the normal operation of the entire system or its parts, accompanied by underfilling of energy to consumers, unacceptable deterioration of its quality or destruction of the main equipment.
The root causes of accidents are very diverse, but for the most part are the result of timely undetected and undetected equipment defects, unsatisfactory design, installation and operation. The economy of our republic, in which energy is of great importance, requires uninterrupted electricity supply to consumers. Therefore, we should strive to work safely. The prevention of accidents or their development in case of damage in the electrical part of the power system can often be ensured by quickly disconnecting the damaged element.
Therefore, electrical installations are equipped with an automatically operating device - relay protection, which provides protection against damage and some abnormal operation modes .
Relay protection must meet a number of requirements, the main of which are selectivity, sensitivity, speed, reliability.
Reliability of power supply for consumers in these networks is provided by a set of technical solutions, including the construction of two or more supply lines (power lines), the installation of at least two step-down transformers at each substation (PS), the partitioning of power lines and switchgears by switchgears, as well as by using advanced control tools, and relay protection and automation (RPA).
New technical means are being introduced into distribution electric networks to ensure high reliability of power supply: overhead lines (HF) with insulated wires, single-phase cables (HF), vacuum and gas-insulated switches, fiber-optic communication channels, digital relays (terminals) for control and protection of electrical installations.
In a modern digital relay, many different functions can be combined, including RP functions from all possible types of damage and abnormal operation modes of electrical installations, automatic re-on functions (APV) power transmission lines, automatic switching on of standby power supply (ALT), automatic separation of damaged section and other automatic control devices in emergency and post-accident modes, functions of measurement and recording of electrical values, operational and programmed control of switching devices, functions of determination of damage location on emergency disconnected power transmission line, etc.
Such digital devices are called multifunctional. Unlike the traditional implementation of RPA using sets of separate relays with one, as a rule, function (current, voltage, time relays, etc.), when using digital relays, it is advisable to solve the RPA problem in a comprehensive manner.
In addition to large functional capabilities, digital RPA devices have many remarkable properties, including continuous automatic self-test, event storage, the ability to remotely monitor and quickly change RPA settings using computers and a communication channel or using a factor previously provided in the same relay. For example, when the power transmission line is switched on from the AFP device, the setpoint for the time of REP operation can be briefly lowered to accelerate the shutdown of a stable short circuit (CP). Alternatively, the entire set of RPA setpoints may be changed when, for example, the primary circuit of the electrical network is changed. These advantages of digital RPAs make them the most promising for automation of distribution electric networks.
Along with the description of the functional purpose of modern digital RZA equipment, the diploma project considers the feasibility study of the introduction of digital RZA equipment at a modernized 10 kV power facility.
The use of digital RPA devices also has an additional economic effect due to a significant reduction in maintenance costs of the RPA, a reduction in the size of damage to electrical installations during the rapid disconnection of the short-circuit and the implementation of "preventive" protection of electrical equipment from dangerous abnormal modes.
The appearance of digital RPA equipment should not be considered as a signal to immediately completely abandon the use of existing traditional RPA devices with semiconductor (analog) and electromechanical relays in electrical installations. Where calculations indicate the possibility of performing sufficiently sensitive, fast, selective and reliable RP with electromechanical relays, they can be used, given that they are now much cheaper than digital devices, there is a lot of experience in their maintenance, there are spare parts and special sets of tools for repairing and adjusting these relays, as well as modern portable devices for their maintenance. However, if modernization is necessary, and even more so when designing electrical installations, serious technical and economic calculations must be carried out to compare options for using cheaper traditional RZA equipment and more expensive digital RZA equipment, without being deceived by the momentary benefit.
Heads and ITR of power grid enterprises are required to pay special attention to the automation of their electric networks, as one of the effective means of improving the reliability of power supply. Studying the temporary foreign experience of automation of medium-voltage distribution networks, as well as the domestic experience of previous years, shows that investing capital in the automation of these networks is a profitable matter.
The purpose of the diploma project is to replace mentally and physically worn out equipment .
During the degree design, it is proposed to solve the following problems:
- feasibility study of equipment implementation at the 10 kV power plant being upgraded;
- preparation of single-line diagram using In99 cameras;
- selection of substation main equipment;
- calculation of short-circuit currents and equipment check for dynamic, thermal resistance;
- selection of RPA devices and calculation of relay protection settings ;
- development of circuits for binding microprocessor protections;
- calculation of estimated cost;
- Occupational safety and safety.
Substantiation of equipment implementation at the 10 kV power plant to be upgraded
RP-1 is supplied via two cable lines from item 110 Svetlogorsk. The first section of RP1 tires is powered through MV10kV KL No. 472, and the P section through MV10kV KL No. 482 p/st 110 Svetlogorsk.
Sections No. 1 and No. 2 can be powered from one line through a section switch. Control of SMV10 can be carried out remotely from the control panel or locally in 2RU10kV drive MV10 SMV-10kV.
All switches on RP1 of 10 kV belong to electric switching devices of average tension in which the extinguishing environment is transformer oil.
The principle of operation of the switches is based on quenching of the electric arc by the flow of the gas-oil mixture formed as a result of intensive decomposition of the transformer oil under the influence of high arc temperature. This stream receives a certain direction in the arc extinguishing chamber located in the arc burning zone.
During operation of the switches, oil level and overpressure value are monitored by oil level indicators and pressure gauges.
Currently, the switches are in working condition, but do not provide the required reliability, technically and morally outdated. In this regard, their replacement is necessary, with more modern and reliable ones.
When designing and operating any electric power system, it must be considered with the possibility of damage and abnormal operation modes in it. The most widespread and at the same time most dangerous types of damages to them are the short circuits (SC).
A significant increase in the reliability of relay protection and automation devices can be achieved using digital and microprocessor devices.
Modern digital protection, control and automation devices are combined multifunctional devices that combine various functions of protection, measurement, control, automation, local and remote control.
The use of an analogue-to-digital and microprocessor element base provides high measurement accuracy and constant characteristics, which allows significantly increasing the sensitivity and speed of protections, as well as reducing the time of the selectivity stage.
Making a single-line diagram
The main electrical connection diagram of the substation is the combination of the main electrical equipment, busbars, switching and other primary equipment with all the connections made between them.
The selection of the main circuit is decisive when designing the electrical part of the substation, since it determines the complete composition of the elements and the connections between them. The selected main diagram is the initial one when making a schematic diagram of electrical connections, auxiliary diagrams, secondary connection diagrams, wiring diagrams and so on.
Various factors should be taken into account when selecting the electrical installation scheme: the value and role of the substation for the power system; substation position in the power system, circuits and voltages of adjacent networks; category of consumers by degree of reliability of power supply; perspective of substation expansion and adjacent network section. From the entire set of conditions affecting the selection of the main substation diagram, the main requirements can be distinguished:
- reliability of consumers power supply;
- adaptability to repair works;
- operational flexibility of the electrical circuit;
- economic feasibility.
RP-1 is supplied via two cable lines from item 110 Svetlogorsk. The first section of RP1 tyres is powered by CL No. 472, and the P section by CL No. 482.
Electric power is supplied and distributed among consumers in a closed 10 kV switchgear.
The supply line is switched off by actuating the lead-in switch.
RP-1 10 kV has two bus sections. A radial circuit is used to distribute power over 10 kV cable lines. The radial scheme was chosen for a number of reasons: electricity consumers are located in different directions from the substation; the radial circuit is more reliable than the trunk circuit; in this scheme, electric energy is transmitted directly to the receivers, without branches on the way to power other consumers.
Buses are connected by section switch. This scheme is selected due to the fact that a large number of receivers are connected to the buses, and the need for redundancy is also taken into account. Both bus systems are in operation with a corresponding fixed distribution of all connections. In normal operation, the section switch is disconnected and each bus section is powered by an input cable line. When one of the lead-in lines fails, the sectional switch is actuated and all consumers are powered through the second cable line. This distribution of connections increases the reliability of the circuit.
On sheet 1 of a graphic part the scheme of primary connections of substation of RP1 of 10 kV with use of the In99 cameras and the plan of ZRU10 of kV is submitted.
Generation of RPA diagrams for outgoing line, section switch, input
Electrical drawings include electrical connection diagrams, which are a simplified image of the connection of individual elements of an electric circuit.
Designations of electric devices, machines, devices, devices on schemes are standardized, i.e. for each look the symbol which application is obligatory (GOST 2.721 - 74 - 2.755 - 74) is established.
The connection diagram (wiring) shows the connections of the plant components and determines the wires, cables that make these connections, as well as the places where they are attached and inserted into the plant. Connection diagrams are used in the development of drawings determining the layout and methods of fixing wires, cables in the installation, as well as for connection during the adjustment, control and repair of plants. The wiring diagrams show the most rational layout of wires and indicate the places of installation of relays. These schemes are performed without observing the scale.
The discussed diagrams do not give an idea of the designs of electrical installations. To clearly represent the design of this electrical installation (during its construction), a set of construction and electrical drawings is performed. The construction drawings show the general view, plan and sections of the electrical installation room, the electrical drawings show the schematic diagram, the general view and sections of the electrical installation, the location of the electrical equipment, and the structural units. If the devices are simple, the drawings are aligned.
Diagrams of RPA devices using microprocessor protections of MTZ610 L. type for outgoing line, sectional switch, input are presented on sheets of 2,3,4 graphic part.
In this diploma project, the reconstruction of the 10 kV RP1 was carried out. Svetlogorsk with the replacement of physically worn out and obsolete equipment with more modern and reliable.
A single-line diagram using In99 cameras was compiled.
At the 10kV distribution substation, the following switching equipment was selected:
Voltage transformer 3xZNOL.0610 U3
10 kV current transformer TPOL - 10 U3
OPN 10 kV OPN-KP/Tel-10
Switch of 10 kV of BP01012,5/630 U2
Relay protection unit MTZ610L.3.
Arcing reactor RUOM-190/11
RVZ10/630 RVZ-10/630 I disconnector
The design calculates short circuit currents and relay protection setpoints.
Ground fault currents are calculated in the network with isolated neutral, DGC device is selected.
Estimated cost of reconstruction of RP1 at prices of 1991 is determined. Sheet 7 of the graphic part shows the technical and economic indicators of the project.
The project presents organizational and technical measures to ensure safe performance of work in electrical installations from the point of view of labor protection and safety.
Вводной выключатель.dwg
Линейный выключатель.dwg
Панель собственных нужд.dwg
Секционный выключатель.dwg
Схема первичных соединений.dwg
Схема питания потребителей.dwg
Карта селективности.dwg
Расчет токов КЗ.dwg
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