Reconstruction of fire station building for business center

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Additional information
Architectural and construction section
1. Situation Plan
2. Source Data
3. General information about the building
4. General plan
5. Space Planning Solution
6. Architectural and structural solution
7. Heat engineering calculation of enclosing structures.. 25 8. Calculation of geometric visibility conditions of the auditorium
9. Fire safety
Design Section
1. Load collection
2. Definition of cargo area
3. Calculation of steel profiled flooring
4. Column Calculation
5. Node Calculation
6. Node Calculation
Organizational and Technological Section
1. Production Flow Charts
2. Stroygenplan
3. Crane selection by technical characteristics
4. Temporary Road Design
5. Calculation and placement at object warehouses
6. Assessment of Construction Plan
7. Occupational Safety Measures for Construction Plan Design
8. Scheduling
9. Calendar Plan Evaluation
10. Design of temporary power supply for construction
11. Definition of Site Water Requirements
12. Installation technology of building structures
13. Quality control of works
Economic section
1. Introduction
2. Local Resource Estimate No.
3. Local estimate No. 2 for internal sanitary and technical
4. Local estimate No. 3 for internal electrical installation
5. Object Estimate Calculation
6. Construction Cost Estimate Summary
7. Technical and economic indicators
Occupational safety
1. Occupational safety measures
2. Safety precautions for various types of work
a) During earthworks
b) During concrete works
c) During installation works
c) During roofing works
3. Environmental protection
4. Fire safety
List of literature
Diploma Project:
Reconstruction of the fire station in the micro district of Drevlyanka, Petrozavodsk for a business center.
The project considered the reconstruction of the building in the micro district of Drevlyanka, Petrozavodsk. The basis for the reconstruction was the building of the former fire station. The end result is a business center.
The project developed in detail architectural, space-planning, design and structural sections, gave recommendations on health, safety and environmental protection. Heat engineering calculation of the outer wall and roof insulation was made. Estimate for reconstruction is calculated.
The general plan of the land plot zoned the plot. Parking, as well as driveways and paths are developed taking into account the current planning and development standards.
The organizational and technological section contains a detailed construction plan, which shows the location of crane parking lots, houseboats, lighting scheme, road transportation scheme, etc. The schedule shows the construction period, the number of workers on site, as well as certain types of work performed during the construction period. Also, a project for the installation of metal frames was carried out.
In the design section, the main structural elements, assemblies were worked out and the steel solid-wall frame was calculated.
Architectural and construction section
Source data.
The construction site is located along Lososinskoye Shosse in the city of Petrozavodsk. The basis for the reconstruction is a four-story brick building of the former Pogdepo. The end result of the reconstruction is a business center.
The city of Petrozavodsk belongs to the second district in terms of wind load W = 23 kgf/m2, to the fourth in terms of snowy impact Sp = 150 kgf/m2, the house is designed in a humid climatic zone .
As per SNiP 23.0199 * "Construction climatology":
Air temperature during the year:
absolute minimum 40 С;
absolute maximum + 35 С;
average maximum temperature of the hottest month + 20.5 С;
coldest days 34 С;
the coldest five-day 32 С;
average monthly relative humidity:
the coldest month is 86%;
the hottest month is 63%.
Constructive solution.
The structure of the building is with structural external (up to the level of the fourth floor) and internal walls made of brick. From the fourth floor, the supporting structure is a metal frame.
As the main decision, the following were made:
Walls made of ceramic brick M100, 510 mm thick - external, and internal - 380 mm. Insulation of walls - external, is carried out using heat insulation plates "Techno FAS" 100mm (see Fig. 3, p. 14).
The partitions of the premises are framed with GCL skin, the Isophone material is used as sound insulation
Partitions of sanitary facilities are frame-lined with skin made of moisture-resistant MCP.
The staircase is reinforced concrete, rests on the brickwork of the inner wall.
Window units - two-chamber double-glazed windows PVC, Rehau.
External doors - PVC, Rehau windows.
The roof is double-pitched with an internal organized drain .
As the enclosing structures of the fourth floor, the "sandwich" of the Petropanel panel is adopted.
Roof is made of roofing material "Technoelast SOLO" 1 layer.
As the insulation of the roof, the Nobasil slabs with a thickness of 180mm according to the metal professional style are adopted.
Vapor insulation - "Yutafol" -1 layer.
During the reconstruction of the building, an elevator is provided.
Fire safety.
The building is designed in accordance with SNiP 210197 * "Fire safety of buildings and structures" and refers to the IV degree of fire resistance according to SNiP 2.08.0185 "Residential buildings" change No. 3, since the area of the building does not exceed 500 and the difference in elevations between the road and the lower part of the window of the second floor does not exceed 5 m (SNDDD iP planning 2.07.0189) and urban planning. Fire breaks between buildings, access for fire engines were observed.
Ensuring the safety of people.
Evacuation is the process of organizing the independent movement of people outside the premises in which it is possible to influence them with dangerous fire factors.
Exits are evacuation if they lead out of the ground floor rooms (directly through the corridor or through the stairwell). Exit from the basements shall be provided outside the common staircases.
Evacuation from the second, third and fourth floors is carried out through the stairwell through the main entrance. Evacuation from the basements is also carried out.
The building has an automatic fire extinguishing system.
Organizational and Technological Section
1. Organizational and technological diagrams of production
The organization of construction production should ensure the focus of all organizational, technical and technological solutions on the achievement of the final result - commissioning with the necessary quality and on time.
Prior to the start of the construction of the facility, work and measures must be carried out to prepare construction production in an amount that ensures the implementation of construction at the designed pace, including general organizational and technical preparation, preparation for the construction of the facility, preparation of the construction organization and preparation for the construction and installation work.
When organizing construction production, the following shall be ensured:
coordinated work of all participants in the construction process with coordination of their activities by the general contractor ;
comprehensive supply of material resources;
execution of construction works in compliance with the technological sequence and technically justified alignment of them with construction terms;
compliance with safety regulations.
Construction shall be carried out in a process sequence in accordance with the schedule, taking into account the justified combination of certain types of work.
It is forbidden to start work on erection of above-ground structures of the building until complete completion of construction of underground structures and backfilling of trenches with soil compaction up to its density in the natural state.
Preparation for the construction of the facility provides for the study of design estimates, construction conditions, the development of PPM, the performance of the preparatory period.
2. Stroygenplan
The Construction Plan is the main document of the Work Execution Project (WP). It is a construction site plan, on which, in addition to the designed buildings, the location of temporary buildings and structures, communications and roads, storage sites and installation crane is shown. Temporary buildings are built in the preparatory period of construction and are allocated on the construction plan with symbols.
Rational use of the construction site is achieved by:
The scope of construction of temporary buildings and structures should be minimal;
temporary buildings and structures shall be located according to safety and fire safety standards;
The length of temporary water and power supply networks should be minimal;
temporary roads and storage sites should be placed so that the number of transshipments and movements of construction goods is minimal.
The initial data for the construction plan are:
site plot plan;
A schedule with a summary schedule of work requirements
list of construction machines and mechanisms;
Construction Structure and Material Requirements List
regulatory data on construction plan design.
When entering the construction site, a shield, site diagrams are installed with the indication of construction and installation teams, SMU, site manager, foreman and foreman.
The construction plan is calculated in the following sequence:
Application of existing structures, access roads and utility networks.
Preliminary definition of building plan boundaries.
Perform calculations of inventory buildings and warehousing.
Location of inventory, administrative production premises.
Application of routes of internal temporary roads, approach passes.
Identification and application of temporary power supply and water supply networks of the construction site, telephony and dispatch communication.
There are no temporary buildings in this project, since the appendages for workers are located directly inside the reconstructed building. This is the difference between reconstruction and new construction. Energy and water supply are provided through existing networks.
The construction plan is designed in accordance with all standards so that the construction is safe and as efficient as possible.
4. Design of temporary roads.
Traffic diagram and temporary road diagram
The diagram shall provide access to the area of operation of installation and loading and unloading mechanisms, to means of vertical transport, warehouses, household premises. Construction roads must be circular or with turning, platforms. When routing roads, minimum distances shall be observed, m:
between the road and the storage area - 0.5... 1.0;
between the road and the crane trajectory - 6.5... 12,5;
between the road and the fence enclosing the construction site, not less than 1.5;
between the existing house and the hazardous area of the crane - 1.5... 2 (if the condition is not met, the crane should be limited to work in this direction by warning signs).
On the construction plan shall be marked with the corresponding conditional signs of the entrance of transport, directions of movement, parking during unloading, reference dimensions, places of installation of signs.
Designed roads meet the requirements. Access to the area of operation of installation and loading and unloading mechanisms, to means of vertical transport, warehouses is provided. Construction expensive ring. The distance between the road and the storage area is 1m .
Road Settings
Carriageway width: accepted for single-lane - 3.5 m,
On sections of roads where one-way movement on the ring and in material unloading zones is organized, not less than 100 m later, we arrange sites 3 m wide and 20 m long.
Rounding radii: based on the shunting properties of cars, we accept for construction passages: Rmin. = 12 m. But at the same radius, the width of the passages Z, 5 m is not enough for the movement of construction trains, and therefore we are widening, in the aisles of curves, passages up to 5 m.
Hazardous road areas
In accordance with safety standards, a dangerous area of the road is considered that part of it that falls within the cargo movement zone, through passage of transport through these sections is prohibited.
Road constructions
Construction temporary roads are made of prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs. We lay slabs on a sand bed with a thickness of 10... 25 cm. We accept railway slabs with undisturbed reinforcement with a thickness of 16... 18 cm in plan size of 6000.1750 mm and 3500.1750 mm, interconnected by anchors .
9. Evaluation of the schedule
All documents on planning in which on the basis of volumes of SMR and the made organizational and technology decisions the sequence and terms of implementation of construction are defined belong to the planned schedules (PS) in construction. KP is the main document as part of PIC and PPM.
The CP of the construction of the object in the form of a linear schedule is designed to determine the sequence and timing of work (civil), special and installation works carried out during the construction of the object. These deadlines are established as a result of rational linkage of the deadlines of certain types of work, accounting for the composition and number of core resources, primarily working teams and leading mechanisms, as well as specific conditions of the construction area, a separate site and a number of other significant factors.
The construction period includes the time from the beginning of the preparatory period (in which the norms provide only for on-site work) to the commissioning of the plant's capacities or to the commissioning of non-production facilities.
Based on the KP and accepted methods of work, resource use schedules are drawn up. Resource samples clearly show the level of demand, consumption, availability, reveal the lack or excess of resources in a given period of time, give an idea of the uniformity of their consumption.
The differential resource schedule reflects the consumption of resources over time intervals. The vertical axis shows the value of resources, and the horizontal axis shows the time of its consumption (arrival). The area of the epure expresses the total amount of resources of this species.
This project has developed an effective CIW schedule. The normative period of reconstruction according to SNiP 1.04.0385 * is 8 months. The reconstruction period was taken in the amount of 50% of the new construction, since according to calculations 50% already exist.
Reconstruction begins with preparatory work, which includes the installation of temporary fences, roads, air power supply, clearing and preparation of the construction site.
This is followed by dismantling existing structures. These works are carried out by a team of eight people. The following structures are dismantled: partitions, roof covering, fourth floor walls, floor covering. Unnecessary openings are also laid and new openings are punched. In parallel with the dismantling of walls, a concrete belt is arranged for further installation of frames directly on it .
From April 11, immediately after dismantling, construction and installation works begin, on which as well as during dismantling, the crane SKG401 is used. Immediately after installation of frames, a profile sheet is placed in the design position, which is the connections for frames (until that moment the frames remain in the design position due to end connections and temporary spacings). Also, an excavator works in parallel, which develops soil for the further construction of attachments. Moreover, part of the installation team is engaged in these works.
Then works such as:
- arrangement of enclosing structures (petropanel)
- insulation device (NOBASIL plates)
- roofing material arrangement (Technoelast PREMIUM)
In parallel with these works, the construction of additions is carried out.
Next, windows are installed and at the same time the installation of the elevator begins, to which a specialized team is invited.
After the windows installation is completed, the team goes to the partition device and the MK skin.
Then follows the santech. and electrical installation works, which are planned sequentially. In parallel with electrical installation works, a leveling tie is arranged on existing floors.
Next, the internal walls are plastered simultaneously with the decoration of the facades, followed by painting.
The final work is planned improvement of the territory.
The construction lasts 148 days and ends on September 25, 2008.
12Construction Installation Technology
In this project, I have developed a PPM for the installation of metal frames (sheet N11), which clearly depicts the following:
- Plan with indication of the place of pre-assembly and installation of frames, location of temporary warehouse for connections and service equipment, crane parking and range, as well as design position of frames, links, temporary struts and service equipment
- Section of the building with installation of the frame in the design position using SKG-401 crane
- Technical characteristics of SKG-401 crane
- Cargo slinging diagram
- Schedule of works on installation of metal frames, according to which a team of eight people works on installation.
12.1.Component of structural installation works
The installation procedure - the methods and sequence of individual operations and the necessary accessories for them - is determined in the work design. The process of erection of structures is preceded by operations on erection of structures at installation sites, preparation of supports for mounted elements, preparation of structures for erection. The installation process includes:
slinging of structures for their lifting and disassembly after installation and fixation;
lifting, aiming and installation of structures near the support;
alignment and fixation of structures to bring them to a stable position;
installation of links and execution of design fixtures.
The sling shall ensure stable balance of the structure in the suspended state, for which it is necessary that the points of suspension are located above its center of gravity. Since the structure is ultimately suspended from the crane hook at one point during lifting, it can change its position in space from random factors without losing equilibrium. Under these conditions it is possible to point the structure to the design supports during its installation.
Workers performing slinging and disassembly of structures (slings) must undergo special training and be certified by the commission with the issuance of a certificate of admission to work.
Installation of structures is carried out according to given axes and elevations. Elevations of support points are determined by leveling, which is installed on each mounted horizon: on the ground, on floors, etc. Verticality of the installed structure is checked using a plumb lowered from the upper end of the structure. Distance from plumb thread to axis hairlines is determined by deviation from vertical.
When you reconcile a design, you sometimes want to check that it is curved from the axis. At a short distance for measuring curvatures, a steel ruler is applied with a rib to the structure, at long distances the cord is pulled along the axis of the structure. Curvature is determined by dividing the maximum gap between the ruler or cord and the surface of the structure by the length of the measured chord.
12.3.Installation scaffolds and ladders
Installation of building structures is associated with the performance of various works at height (installation of elements, their reconciliation, attachment of assembly units, welding and installation of bolts in these units, grouting of joints, etc.). Installation scaffolds and stairs are used to provide easy and safe conditions for assemblers to work at height. In some cases, for ease of operation, stairs are combined with mounting platforms or cradles in one unit. This simplifies the suspension structure and reduces the installation of such a unit in comparison with the separate installation of the stairs and platforms (cradles).
In accordance with the requirements of economy and purpose, the mounting scaffolds should be: inventory, designed for reuse and transfer from one construction object to another;
light enough to avoid installation difficulties;
strong, ensuring the safety of workers. Scaffolds must have railings with a height of at least 1 m, consisting of a handrail, one intermediate horizontal element and an on-board fence, and lifting cradles - a railing with a height of at least 1.2 m.
For operation at height, suspended platforms and suspended cradles with fences are convenient; one two workers are placed on them, performing docking of structures. Suspended cradles are fixed directly on mounted structures using steel hooks. Depending on the nature of the structure and their components, different types of cradles can be used.
A simple one-sided metal cradle for one person to handle the joints of small-height beams to columns is used in this project. Its elements are made of round steel with a diameter of 20 mm, the platform is made of sheet with a thickness of 1.6 mm. The steel cradle has a mass of 36 kg, from aluminum alloys - 16 kg. A small mass allows you to easily move the cradle from one beam to another. Access of workers to the cradle - by stairs suspended from columns.
For the treatment of beam joints, similar angular cradles are used.
On the installation of steel structures, hinged and attachment stairs are more often used. These stairs are made of steel. In hinged stairs, the straps are made not only from an angle profile, but also from pipes. The width of the staircase is 400 mm, the length is about 4 m, the distance between the steps is 340 mm. The weight of the steel ladder is 31 kg, made of aluminum alloy 13 kg. With such a weight difference, aluminum stairs have the advantage, since during installation they have to be manually removed by height and transferred. Stairs are hung by links in height. The upper hooks of the ladders are hung directly on the column or on the lower stage of the upper link. A bracket is welded to the bottom of each staircase link, fixing the distance of 150 mm t of staircase to the column for ease of foot resting; link bottom is tied with wire to column. The number of hanging links is determined by the height of the column.
Short steel corners are welded in the required places to attach the ladder hooks to the steel columns.
For work at a low height (8-10 m), attachment mounting stairs are used. Against the lateral shift at the top of the ladder there are horizontal protruding stops with screws enveloping the column. The stair consists of three sections. Due to the average removable staircase, it is possible to change the length of the staircase by 8.5 and 6.8 m. The steel staircase together with the platform has a weight of 250 kg.
12.4.Other works.
Other works include installation of plumbing appliances, installation of wiring, painting, plaster, finishing, as well as flooring.
To supply water pipes to the sink, bathrooms, toilets, use galvanized pipe d = 15 mm. All connections are made on threads using standard angles, tees, half-couplings. All hot water connections must be marked on the paint.
Plumbing appliances are used standard purchased (mixers, sinks, baths...).
After installation of all instruments and equipment, internal networks are tested to detect leaks during plumbing.
When the sewage system is installed, it is necessary to make a slope of at least 0.02 to ensure the movement of water towards the riser. In the sewerage system, two cleaners are arranged, one on the first floor, the second on the second floor. Persons of the relevant services are called to connect the house to the water supply system. The act on pressure testing of water supply systems is signed.
Electrical installation works.
All electrical installation works are carried out after the completion of work on the construction of walls, floors and coatings.
Internal wiring, sockets, switches are made for plaster.
After completion of electrical installation works, an act for hidden works is drawn up, a representative of the electric grid is called, mandatory connection to external power supply networks depending on the consumption power in kW for the house.
Finishing works.
After plastering, keying and priming of walls, wooden surfaces, paint with enamels of FP type. Observe all safety regulations.
Painted surfaces shall be even, clean, prepared for painting. Paint in 2 times. The second layer is applied not earlier than 24 hours of drying of the first layer. Colors and colors for paint are selected independently when coordinated with future residents of the house.
Paint the floors, the plinth last.
The glazed tile for baths and showers is preferably calibrated.
Solutions and adhesives for tiles should be used factory, domestic, SCCP type.
Before laying tiles on walls and floors, make careful waterproofing in two layers of isole on bitumen mastic.
Plaster work in the garage can not be carried out, but to make masonry of the internal walls for decoration. Then the wall is plastered and glued to the ceiling.
13. Quality control of works
Interim and final handover
The quality of installation works is determined by the results of production control and evaluated in accordance with a special instruction on the assessment of the quality of works. The following stages of installation works quality are provided: input, operation and acceptance. The results of all inspection types are recorded in the activity logs.
Construction structures and materials coming for installation shall be subject to incoming inspection. Such control is performed during acceptance of structures at the installation site.
Operational control is carried out as individual production operations or construction processes are completed. This control is designed to ensure the timely detection of defects in the work and the causes of their occurrence, as well as the adoption of measures to eliminate and prevent them. Operational control provides for systematic control in the process of work and intermediate control in the process of delivery and acceptance of hidden works.
Systematic control in the process of work is carried out by work managers or persons specially allocated for this purpose. During quality control of installation works, the following is checked: installation technology and sequence in accordance with the work execution project. An arbitrary deviation from the design can lead to a decrease in strength or a loss of stability of individual elements of the structure during installation or to complications for subsequent operations. Therefore, a possible deviation from the work technology envisaged in the project is previously agreed with the organization that developed the work execution project; execution of existing rules and instructions for construction erection works; observance of rules of techniques during unloading of structures, their storage, supply for installation, slinging and installation. In case of non-compliance with this rule, structures can receive external damages that will require additional repair work, and low-visibility ones that can appear only during the operation of the structure; geometric dimensions of the structure. Deviations in the dimensions and position of the installed structures from the design shall not exceed the permissible values established by the construction codes and regulations for various kinds of structures, as well as special requirements specified in the design of the structure or in the design of the installation works; quality of design and fixation of mounting joints and elements (mounting welding, grouting, bolting). The performance of these works, as well as the materials used, must comply with the specifications for their production. Particular attention is paid to the quality of these works in winter.
In order to improve the quality of works on installation of building structures and increase the level of technological discipline of these works by means of constant and targeted impact, a comprehensive system of installation works quality management was developed and implemented in the Main Steel Structure. This system contains a set of manuals and guidance materials on the quality of work. It includes standard operating quality control (QQMS) schemes for erection of structures for various engineering structures, including: industrial and administrative buildings, sheet structures and light spatial structures. The CCS provides instructional material for assessing the quality of installation works at their acceptance from crews, links, individual workers and the whole object, as well as for assessing the quality of work of installation sections, departments and ITR.
Interim acceptance is carried out to check and fix the quality of hidden works, that is, those that cannot be inspected during subsequent operations.
Intermediate acceptance of hidden works shall be executed by an atom signed by representatives of the installation organization, the general contractor - the construction organization and the customer (the representative of the technical acceptance of the installation works does not give the right to carry out subsequent works by adjacent construction and installation organizations at the facility. They can be performed only after the final delivery of installation works.
Acceptance control (final delivery-acceptance) of the installed structures of the structure or its part in the form of a spatially rigid unit (span, temperature unit, floor) is carried out to check and evaluate the quality of the installed object after completion of all installation work on the delivered object. The dimensions of the handed over parts of the structure are set in the design of the work.
Structures are usually painted after their final delivery and issued in a separate act. Before handover, the performers again check the quality of the mounted structures by inspecting them and instrumental (geodetic) verification of the geometric dimensions of the structure. Detected defects are eliminated and technical documentation required for delivery is prepared.
At final delivery the following is presented:
working drawings of mounted structures (for steel structures - KMD drawings) with deviations from the design approved with the design organization applied to them during installation;
factory certificates for installed steel structures;
documents (certificates) certifying the quality of materials (electrodes, methyses and other welding materials) used at the installation, laboratory analysis documents during welding and grouting of joints;
an inventory of certificates (diplomas) on the qualifications of welders working on installation, indicating the numerical or literal signs assigned to them;
materials of geodetic measurements results during check of layout axes and installation of structures;
certificates for intermediate acceptance of hidden works;
Structural test certificates for those facilities where they are required by existing regulations or by designs; assembly and welding logs.
This project emphasizes quality control for the installation of frames. Moreover, the control should be carried out after the installation of each frame in the design position.
Economic section
1. Introduction
The estimated documentation is drawn up in accordance with the Methodological Guidelines for Determining the Cost of Construction Products in the Territory of the Russian Federation (MDS811.99), the Set of Rules for Determining the Cost of Construction as part of the Pre-Design and Design Estimate Documentation (SP 810194) and the methodological documents of the State Construction of Russia.
Local estimate No. 1 for construction and installation works was compiled in the JSC program on the basis of Territorial unit rates in 2001 prices using translation factors to 2007 prices:
OZP - 4.74;
Operation of machines - 3.45;
Including the remuneration of drivers - 4.74;
Materials with delivery - 3.49;
2. Local Resource Estimate 1
Overhead costs are determined according to the "Methodological guidelines for determining the amount of overhead costs in construction carried out in the areas of the far north and the areas equated to them" MDS 8134.2004 (Table No. 1) and amount to 118% for all types of construction and installation work.
Estimated profit is determined according to the "Methodological guidelines for determining the estimated profit in construction" MDS8125.2001. and represents 85% of the wage fund .
3. Local estimate No. 2 for internal sanitary works
This estimate is calculated on the basis of increased rates for heating, ventilation, running water and sewage per 1 cubic metre of building volume. The cost of heating and ventilation per unit of rubles. is 161.78 rubles.
The cost of water supply and sewerage per unit in rubles. is 34.57 rubles.
Overhead costs and planned profit are taken in the same way as local resource estimates.
4. Local estimate No. 3 for internal electrical installation
This estimate is calculated on the basis of increased costs for internal lighting, telephoning and radiating, similar to the local estimate for internal sanitation. With the same overhead (118% of FOT) and estimated profit (80% of FOT).
The cost of internal electrical lighting per unit in rubles. is 34.26 rubles,
The cost of telephonisation and radioification per unit in rubles. is 14.73 rubles.
5. Object Estimate Calculation No. 1
The object estimate calculation is made in the current level of prices for the object as a whole by summing up the data of local estimates (estimates) with the grouping of works and costs according to the corresponding columns of the estimated cost of "construction work," "installation work," "equipment, furniture and equipment," "other costs."
6. Consolidated cost estimate for construction
The consolidated cost estimate is the defining document for the limit of funds required for the complete completion of construction. The consolidated estimate of construction costs approved in accordance with the established procedure serves as the basis for determining the limit of capital investments and opening construction financing. The consolidated estimate for construction is made at the current price level.
In the consolidated estimate of the cost of production and housing and civil construction, funds are allocated to the following chapters:
chapter - "Preparation of the construction area" (2% of the total object estimate No. 1).
chapter - "Main construction facilities" (the result of object estimate No. 1).
chapter - "Energy facilities" (1% of the total object estimate No. 1).
chapter - "Transport facilities and communications" (by calculation).
chapter - "Landscaping and landscaping of the territory" (4% of the total object estimate No. 1)
chapter - "Temporary buildings and structures" (1.8% of the total for chapters 1-6)
chapter - "Other works and costs" (costs associated with the assignment of workers 1% of the total for chapters 18; bonus costs for the commissioning of the object 2.21% of the total
chapters 18; additional costs in the production of CMR in winter 1.8% of the total
by chapters 1-8)
Chapter 10 - "Management Content and Author Supervision" (technical supervision 0.8% of the total
chapters 19; author's supervision 0.2% of the total for chapters 1-9)
12 chapter - "Design and estimated works" (2% of the total for chapters 110)
The costs of examination are accepted 20% of the amount of design work and are included in Chapter 12 with the sign "+."
The consolidated estimate of construction costs summarizes the results for each chapter, as well as the "Total according to the consolidated estimate."
And also, according to the results of chapters 1 to 12, 2% is taken for the reserve for contingency expenses (MDS 811.99 paragraph 3.5.9).
The total cost of the facility is equal to the total of the consolidated estimated calculation, including VAT (18%).
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