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Project - Server Fire Fighting Automation

  • Added: 29.09.2012
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drawings, PP

Project's Content

icon 02 Условные Обозначения2.dwg
icon Заказная Спецификация.doc
icon Общие данные.dwg
icon оповещение.dwg
icon Пояснительная записка.doc
icon раазм. извещ..dwg
icon разм.бкп.dwg
icon разм.генераторов.dwg
icon Функцион.схема.dwg

Additional information

General part

The working design of the automatic aerosol fire extinguishing unit (AAPP) installed in the server room located on the sixth floor of the administrative building at the address: completed, on the basis of the Contract and the initial data provided by the Customer .

1.1. The technical solutions adopted in the project meet the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

• Compendium of prices for design works for construction. Section 60. "Automatic fire extinguishing, fire alarm and alarm systems" (with modifications and additions).

• DBN A.2.2-3-97 "A warehouse, an order rozroblennya, pogodzhennya that zatverdzhennya proektno ї documentats і ї for a bud_vnitstv"

• DSTU B A.2.4-4-99 "Osnovn_ of a vimoga to proektno ї that robocho ї documentats і ї".

• DSTU B A.2.4-7-95 "Rules of the Viscount Architectural Chair"

• DBN B.2.51398 "Reaping automation of Budinkiv i sport"

• DBN B.2.51398 "Pozhezhna automatic equipment budink_v і sporud" Zm_na 1

• DBN V.1.1-7-2002 "Reap-Free ob'єktіv Budivnitzva"

• Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection of Ukra§ni No. 161 v_d 22.08.2005 river "Perel_k same for priznachennyam about' ¾kt_v, yak_ p_dlyagayut obladnannyu avtomatichny installations pozhezhogas_nnya that pozhezhno ї signal_zats і ї"

• DSTU 227293 "Fire safety. Terms and Definitions "

• OST 25.127187 "Automatic fire extinguishing, fire protection and fire alarm systems"

• GOST 12.1.00491 "SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements "

• GOST 12.4.009983 "SSBT. Fire fighting equipment for protection of objects. Main species. Accommodation and maintenance. "

• GOST 12.01.03081 "Electrical safety. Protective grounding, grounding. "

• GOST 12.3.04691 "Automatic fire extinguishing plants. General Technical Requirements "

• GOST 2813089 "Fire equipment. Fire extinguishers, fire extinguishing and alarm systems. Schematic and graphic symbols "

• GOST 2733187 "Fire equipment. Fire Classification "

• RTM 25 48882 "Automatic fire extinguishing units and fire fighting, security and fire alarm units. Standards of the number of personnel engaged in maintenance and ongoing repair. "

• NAPB B.01.0042000 "Rules of technical content of fire automation units."

• DSTU 4490:2005 "Automatic Aerosol Fire-Fire Plants"

• NAPB A.01.0012004 "Fire Safety Rules in Ukraine." Order of the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine No. 126 of 19.10.2004

• PUE98. Electrical Installation Rules.

• DNAOP 0.001.21-98 "Rules for safe operation of electrical installations of consumers."

1.2. All instruments and devices used have a certificate of conformity and fire safety.

Purpose, composition and main technical characteristics of AALP.

2.1. The room shall be protected by a server room with dimensions of 1.65 x 3.0 x 3.33 m, volume - 16.48 m3. Classification of explosion and fire hazardous area according to PUE - P11a. Permanently open opening at an altitude of 3.0 m, with an area of ​ ​ 0.32 m2.

2.2. AUAP is designed to automatically detect and extinguish fire centers at an early stage of its development when controlled fire factors exceed the established threshold values ​ ​ in the protected area. AUAP notifies the facility personnel and/or fire department about the fire.

2.3. AUAP includes:

• Fire control device "Alto2000 BKP";

• fire-extinguishing aerosol generator "AGS11/5 ";

• remote selector switch with AALS operation mode indicator;

• remote manual starting device;

• Trigger automatic fire alarm loops;

• fire extinguishing aerosol generator starting circuit;

• light-and-sound alert "Aerosol! Go away ";

• light-and-sound alert "Aerosol! Do not log in ";

• thermal fire detector TPT2;

• smoke fire detector IPK8.;

• magnetic contact detector COMC 1/8;

• COM03 monitoring module.

2.4. Automatic fire detection and generator starting equipment based on "Alto2000 BKP" PKP is designed to monitor the status of alarm loops and start circuits, generate indication control signals and external devices, output start pulses to fire extinguishing modules and information to the address module of the existing fire alarm system.

2.5. The automatic fire alarm system is designed to detect fire in the protected volume at an early stage of fire development, at the same time provide sound and light signals about the operation of the installation and sound warning about the operation of the alarm equipment, send messages about the operation to the equipment room to the 24-hour duty station.

PPKP can transmit messages about the operation of automatic fire extinguishing systems to the centralized monitoring panel through existing communication channels.

Main technical decisions made in the project.

4.1. In automatic mode "Alto2000 BKP" PPKP performs constant cyclic polling of connected detectors, analyzes the co-standing of alarm loops and start-up circuits.

4.2. The "Alto2000 BKP" launch control unit is adopted as the equipment for receiving signals about fire detectors actuation.

4.3. The project provides for:

notification of fire alarm system operation;

30 second time delay of GOA start;

disconnection of ventilation and air conditioning systems;

if necessary, de-energize the energized equipment;

remote starting of GOA;

stationary and remote disconnection of automatic starting of the GOA;

notification of release of fire extinguishing compound to the protected room;

possibility of switching the system from automatic to manual mode.

4.4. Fire alarm loops using IPK8 fire smoke detectors manufactured by SKB Electronmash (Ukraine) are used as technical means of fire detection in protected premises.

4.5. In order to avoid false actuations of the AUAP prompting automatic fire alarm, the protected room is equipped with two automatic fire alarm loops.

4.6. Loops of AUAP prompting network are included in PPKP in "I" mode.

4.7. At the entrance to the protected room there is a manual fire from the IPR broadcaster for manual remote start of the fire extinguishing system.

4.8. APS loops of AUAP booster system are connected by 4x0.4 PSVV cable to separate cells of "Alto2000 BKP" PPKP.

4.9. "Alto2000 BKP" must be installed without the right to disconnect PPKP from power supplies.

4.10. PPKP of the "Alto2000 BKP" automatic aerosol fire extinguishing unit also constantly monitors the state of the circuit for start-up of fire extinguishing aerosol generators, manual starting devices, light-and-sound devices, connecting lines (loops).

If loopback parameters (break, short circuit, load change at the end of loopback, interlocking) change, the equipment outputs sound and light signal.

4.11. In case of fire detector actuation in the first loop of prompting fire alarm, PPKP AUAP generates "Attention" signal with indication of direction in which actuation occurred. In this case, sound and light alerts "Aerosol! Go away!, "PPKP goes into standby mode .

4.12. When the fire detector of the second loop operates, PPKP sets to "Fire" state. AUAP, which is in the "Automatic on" state, begins counting the thirty-second delay in the release of AOS to the protected room (the time required to evacuate people).

4.13. After thirty second delay of PPKP "Alto2000BKP" outputs electric pulse to electric starting unit of GOA "AGS11/5," thermal ignition of aerosol-forming composition of generator occurs, fire-extinguishing aerosol is supplied from generator to protected volume. At the same time, AALP start control unit actuates "Aerosol! Don't come in!. "

4.14. Generators can also be started manually from the "Alto2000 BKP" PKP or from the manual starting device located at the entrance to the protected room, (ISP).

4.15. Doors of the protected room shall be equipped with magneto-contact detectors interlocked with the operating mode indicator and automatically disconnecting the automatic start of the unit when they are opened .

Indication of AALP operation state is displayed on the "Manual/Automatic" operation mode indicator installed on the wall at the entrance to the protected room.

4.16. The doors of the protected room must be equipped with a device for self-closing the door with sealing in the narrows.

Organization and execution of installation works.

5.1. Forcing APS AUAP detectors shall be mounted on the ceiling of protected rooms in accordance with DBN B.2.51398.

5.2. Attach the cable of prompting plumbing rails behind the suspended one to the building structures of the protected rooms using the mounting fasteners.

5.3. Installation of the aerosol fire extinguishing generator shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of DSTU 4490:2005 "Automatic aerosol fire extinguishing plants" and the manufacturer's instructions in the following sequence :

preparatory works,

measurements of the protected room,

generator installation.

5.4. The generator is attached using the bracket included in the set of generators.

5.5. The generator shall be installed on non-combustible wall structures inside the protected room .

5.6. Orient the generator in such a way as to avoid the possibility of directing the generator on the escape route from the protected room, as well as to ensure fast and uniform filling of the entire volume of the protected room.

5.7. The distance from the starting circuits of the generator at parallel pro-masonry to electrical appliances, electrical equipment and wiring must be at least 0.5 m.

5.8. The installed generator shall have free access to perform preventive and scheduled operations.

5.9. Wires and cables shall be laid in accordance with PUE, DBN B.2.51398.

5.10. The circuits of alarm loops shall be laid behind the suspended ceiling and in trays, install with 4x0.4 mm PSVV type wire.

5.11. To lay chains of start-up of GOA 2х1.5 mm2 are opened by wire VVGNG.

5.12. The warning circuits shall be laid by 2x1.0 mm2 PVC wire.

5.13. When wires and cables pass through walls, wire or cable, lay in a separate piece of steel pipe or metal pipe.

Power supply and grounding.

6.1. According to the degree of reliability of power supply, AUAP electric receivers should be provided according to the requirements for category I as per PUE.

If it is impossible to supply electric receivers from two independent sources, it is allowed to supply them from one source: from different transformers or from two nearby substations connected to different supply lines laid along different routes with an automatic reserve input device.

6.2. Perform grounding jumper with wire with copper core section not less than 1.5 sq. mm. Connect all grounding wires to the common existing building grounding loop, as per PUE. Operation of the device should be carried out in accordance with the "Rules for technical operation of electrical installations by the consumer."

Drawings content

icon 02 Условные Обозначения2.dwg

02 Условные Обозначения2.dwg

icon Общие данные.dwg

Общие данные.dwg

icon оповещение.dwg


icon раазм. извещ..dwg

раазм. извещ..dwg

icon разм.генераторов.dwg


icon Функцион.схема.dwg
