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Production of PF-060 grade alkyd lacquer with a capacity of 4800 tons per year. uattylya the 4800th ton of a zhylyn of PF-060 of Marcala alkidt_ varnish nd_r_s_

  • Added: 20.02.2018
  • Size: 526 KB
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Production of PF-060 grade alkyd lacquer with a capacity of 4800 tons per year. Raw material consumption is shown. Selected equipment for the production of PF-060 grade alkyd lacquer. Raw material used: saline oil; -pentaerythritol; -phthalic anhydrite; -carbonate of sodium; -wite-alcohol. uattylya the 4800th ton of a zhylyn of PF-060 of Marcala alkidt_ varnish nd_r_s_. Қoldanylatyn shikіzattarғa bailanysts shyғyndar eseptelgen. Atalғan PF-060 markals alkidti lacta өndіruge қazhettі zhabdyқtar taңdalғan. Қoldanylatyn shikizattar: - kүnbaғys mayes; -pentaerythritol; -ntrium carbonates; -phthaldes anhydrite; -wite-spirit.

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