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Production Building -Diform Work

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The degree project on a subject: Project HUNDRED with development of the site for repair of a body of the avtomobilyarabot contains: PZ, a graphic part, a stand 3D model for recovery of geometry of a body of the car (building berth)

Project's Content

icon БОЛ.a3d
icon болт в сборе на 75.a3d
icon Болт в сборе.a3d
icon гориз = верт.a3d
icon колесо в сборе.a3d
icon крепление авто.a3d
icon МАЛ.a3d
icon писюн в сборе.a3d
icon Полка в сборе.a3d
icon РАМА.a3d
icon стапель.a3d
icon ID.bak
icon балда.bak
icon балка верт.bak
icon БОЛ.bak
icon болт в сборе на 75.bak
icon Болт в сборе.bak
icon вилка колесная.bak
icon вилка.bak
icon винт.bak
icon втулка дырявая.bak
icon гильза.bak
icon гориз = верт.bak
icon ГОРИЗ БАЛКА.bak
icon губа.bak
icon ЗАЕЗД.bak
icon заездные.bak
icon колесо в сборе.bak
icon колесо.bak
icon крепеж.bak
icon крепление авто.bak
icon МАЛ.bak
icon ножка.bak
icon ОСЬ НА40.bak
icon ось.bak
icon ОСЬНА80.bak
icon писюн в сборе.bak
icon писюн.bak
icon пластина.bak
icon Полка в сборе.bak
icon ПОЛКА.bak
icon РАМА.bak
icon скоба.bak
icon стапель.bak
icon ухи.bak
icon ШВЕЛЕРА.bak
icon шток.bak
icon ID.m3d
icon балда.m3d
icon балка верт.m3d
icon вилка колесная.m3d
icon вилка.m3d
icon винт.m3d
icon втулка дырявая.m3d
icon гильза.m3d
icon ГОРИЗ БАЛКА.m3d
icon губа.m3d
icon ЗАЕЗД.m3d
icon заездные.m3d
icon колесо.m3d
icon крепеж.m3d
icon ножка.m3d
icon ОСЬ НА40.m3d
icon ось.m3d
icon ОСЬНА80.m3d
icon писюн.m3d
icon пластина.m3d
icon ПОЛКА.m3d
icon скоба.m3d
icon ухи.m3d
icon цилиндр.m3d
icon ШВЕЛЕРА.m3d
icon шток.m3d
icon 2 Производственный корпус.bak
icon 3 участок.bak
icon 3.bak
icon 4.bak
icon 5.bak
icon 6.1.bak
icon 6.bak
icon 7Деталеровка.bak
icon бжд.bak
icon Деталеровка.bak
icon карта города.bak
icon Кузовной участок.bak
icon Обзор аналогов.bak
icon обзор.bak
icon Производственный корпус.bak
icon сборка.bak
icon Спецификация.bak
icon стапель 1.bak
icon Стенд.bak
icon СТО.bak
icon участок.bak
icon Чертеж.bak
icon Экономика.bak
icon 7Деталеровка.cdw
icon БЖД.cdw
icon Кузовной участок.cdw
icon Обзор аналогов.cdw
icon Сборка.cdw
icon Стенд.cdw
icon СТО.cdw
icon Экономика.cdw
icon Спецификация.spw
icon 5.1.doc
icon 6.1.doc
icon translation
icon 1.docx
icon 2.docx
icon 3.docx
icon 4.docx
icon 5.docx
icon 6.docx
icon Введение.docx
icon Заключение.docx
icon Содержание.docx
icon opis.txt

Additional information



The Summary


1. Technical and economic justification of the project

1.1Analysis of Meleuz STO

1.2 Rationale for the development and establishment of the Mleuz STO

1.3Analysis of selected service

2.Technological calculation of STR

2.1From Data

2.2 Calculation of annual volume according to TR

2.3Distribution of annual scope of work by types and place of execution

2.4 Calculation of the number of workers

2.5Post Count

2.6Compute the number of vehicles, waiting and storage

2.7Define the total number of posts and vehicles of the designed workshop

2.8Determination of room composition and areas

2.9Development of territory area

3Organising Section

3.1 Description of the developed area with indication of the works performed on it

3.2Production of process equipment for body section

4Constructor section

4.1Development Design Necessity Justification

4.2Analysis of existing bench structures to restore vehicle body geometry

4.3Invention and arrangement of the designed bench

4.4Order of operation with the article

4.5Measures of bench elements for body geometry restoration

4.6Technical and economic evaluation of design development

5 Occupational Safety and Environmental Safety

5.1 General Occupational Safety Requirements in the Industry

5.2Order of selection and training of personnel for work on the body section

5.3Analysis of hazardous factors and harmful factors during work on the body section and personnel protection measures

5.4Calculation of artificial lighting, ventilation, heating

5.5Productive sanitation requirements, subdivision sanitary condition control procedure

5.6System of environmental protection measures during project implementation

5.7 Fire Protection System

6Economic part

6.1Compute lump sum costs

6.2Year Running Cost Calculation

6.3 Calculation of the project payback period


List of sources used

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix B

Appendix D


Body repairs are now more in demand than ever. Nothing surprising: in Europe and America, 2-3 cars per family are already the norm, Russia and former social countries are rapidly catching up with "leaders" in the number of personal vehicles.

In general, in Russia, especially in large cities, body work is unlikely to lose "popularity" in the next few decades: the famous saying about fools and roads seems to be becoming more and more relevant. The quality of roads even in the capital causes a lot of complaints and complaints, and the conversation about the culture of driving and the manner of behavior of individual individuals on the roads is generally separate. As a result, the absence of a body repair queue in the service is a rather rare case.

The body is the most expensive part of a car, accounting for about 60% of its cost, in addition, the most vulnerable.

Repair of domestic and foreign cars is a profitable activity. Every day the number of cars and enterprises that are engaged in their repair is growing. And if the repair of units and systems, maintenance of the car is carried out by many motorists on their own, then not everyone can do body repairs, since, in addition to specific equipment that allows you to restore the original form of parts, work experience, knowledge of modern materials and the features of their use are required. This is especially important if the car is new and expensive, so the prices for body work are quite high.

Based on the existing problem, the relevance of the declared topic is determined, goals, tasks, subject and object, as well as research methods are formulated, novelty is determined.

The relevance of this work is that recently an important task is to provide high-quality services for the repair and restoration of the body frame of cars or its plumage. This is due to the increase and renewal of the car fleet, the complexity of the design of car bodies and the lack of specialists who have practical skills in working on modern body repair equipment.

The novelty of this work lies in the use of a frame stand for editing bodies with a computer measuring system and a set of universal templates at all stages of repair or restoration of car bodies, from checking the geometry of the body when the car is accepted for repair to a control measurement when assessing the quality of the repairs carried out. The use of such equipment will significantly improve the quality and reduce the repair time.

1.3 Analysis of selected service

A rare car lives to old age without a single scratch. Body work has always been and will remain the most time-consuming among the work carried out with the car. But they are most appreciated, because the temptation to introduce such a service is very great. Deciding on this, you need to remember that if for mechanical work for the most part there are enough middle-skilled workers and a universal tool, then the tin, and even more so the color, is a completely different weight category. The owner of the machine may not notice minor errors in adjusting the engine or bearings, and the poorly painted or faded body will certainly see. In addition, painting work requires very expensive equipment.

Six or seven years ago, the opening of a car service was almost certainly a profitable thing, and even they paid at all for mediocre work. In places where the fleet of cars grew, queues were lined up at the gates of maintenance stations huddled in garage cooperatives or boiler ones, and the future looked cloudless. Today, people do not have extra money, and the attitude towards the car has changed a lot. Now not only the filled ashtray, but also a serious accident are not a reason for changing the car. Accordingly, the requirements for the quality of work and their cost have increased greatly: they pay only for the real result.

To ensure acceptable quality of work, today it is necessary to install a whole complex of special equipment at a time. In most cases, it is almost impossible to do this without attracting third-party investments or loans.

But in order for the very significant funds spent on the purchase of this equipment not to lay a dead load on the shoulders of the investor, but to bring good income, it is not enough to simply buy good tools and hire qualified personnel. It is necessary to create an effective structure in which all work will flow easily and freely from one site to another, pleasing us with profit, and our customers - with quick and high-quality service. Efficiency is a rapid turnover of money, which means that there is no technological downtime and the speed of operations.

The following are the basic principles used in the planning and creation of the body section at the designed car maintenance and repair station.

3 Organizational section.

3.1 Description of developed area with indication of works performed on it.

3.1.1 Process of car body repair

Body section is designed to eliminate defects and faults of bodies that occurred during operation. On the body section, the original shape and strength of the repaired body is restored, as well as work is carried out to maintain the body and its mechanisms in a technically serviceable state. In this area, welding and reinforcement work is carried out, which includes disassembly, assembly, editing and welding of damaged panels, body parts and its mechanisms. Usually the car is delivered to the body section on wheels, and emergency bodies on special trolleys.

Tin works are such works that provide for the repair (elimination of dents, cracks, breaks) of wings, splashes, hoods, doors and other parts of the body. Progressive is the panel repair method, which provides for the complete replacement of the damaged body element.

Disassembly and assembly work - includes the removal and installation of doors, individual panels or body parts, mechanisms, glasses and other removable parts. Partial disassembly of the body for repair of its parts is carried out in the volume necessary for qualitative performance of all repair operations. To assemble bodies after repair, including the installation of units and parts on the car body (doors, wings, panels), various sets of devices and tools are used, as well as a set of templates.

Straightening work, depending on the nature of the damage, consists in eliminating irregularities on deformed surfaces, as well as in correcting distortions of the geometric dimensions of the body (skews).

Welding works are an integral part of body work.

Almost all repair operations require the use of welding, in one volume or another. The body section uses gas, arc and spot welding. Welding is used when removing a damaged section, installing parts or new sections of the body and additional parts (reinforcement boxes, linings, inserts, etc.), as well as when brewing cracks, breaks and holes with and without patches depending on the area and state of the damaged surface.

Reinforcement works - include repair of all body mechanisms (locks, door hinges, windows, etc.), as well as repair of windows and replacement of windows. The repaired and assembled mechanism is installed in place with subsequent adjustment. When replacing glasses, devices for assembling glasses, wooden and rubber brushes, mandrels should be used.

Depending on the technical condition of the body, the following repair methods are used:

- straightening by mechanical action (straightening, drawing) in cold state or using local heating;

- repair by cutting out the destroyed part of the part with manufacture of a repair insert and its adjustment in place;

- repair using used parts, or blocks of such parts, or part of the part to replace the damaged area from the rejected emergency bodies;

- repair of the body by replacing the damaged part with repair inserts made from the range of spare parts of the manufacturer (partial replacement);

- repair by replacement of damaged part or part block with spare parts from manufacturer's nomenclature;

- welding of body elements depending on the structure of the assembly, which is performed butt-wise, overlapping or using an intermediate insert. In butt welding, the gap between the edges shall not exceed 1.5 times the diameter of the welding wire. Overlapping welding is carried out with a point, intermittent or continuous seam with overlapping edges of 10-20 mm. Welding of intermediate welding is carried out in accordance with the method of its connection used (butt or overlapping);

- welds on the front surfaces of the body panels are cleaned to the level of the base metal. Welds are allowed on closed surfaces that do not interfere with the installation of parts;

- before installation of parts forming hidden (inaccessible) cavities, it is necessary to remove corrosion and perform anti-corrosion treatment in the specified places.

3.1.2 Technology of deformation elimination

The technology for eliminating body deformations depends on the type of skew and the nature of the deformations of the parts. Dents in body and plumage panels, in which the metal is not stretched after impact, are most often leveled by extruding or pulling out the concave section until it gives the correct curvature and, if necessary, subsequent straightening of the extruded surface. Those formed in the panel with a large stretch of metal are bulged and cannot be straightened by straightening, since during its execution the vertex of bulging can lose stability and move to the other side of the sheet. Therefore, another technological process for repairing a car is the replacement of a damaged element.

The main technological operations that ensure the restoration of the operability of passenger car bodies by replacing the damaged area include the following types of work:

- marking and section of damaged part of the part;

- machining of deformed edges of connected parts and manufacturing or fitting of repair part taking into account 10 mm allowance for connection;

- forming the edge at the joint of the restored part;

- piercing or drilling holes with a diameter of 5 mm on the edge of the attached part in steps similar to factory welding points;

- cleaning on both sides of the edge of the connected parts, fitting in place and welding along the holes of the repair part;

- preparation of the restored section of the body for painting, which provides for grinding of welds flush with the base metal, covering and grinding of the surface.

The method of restoring car bodies by replacing their components is based on the use of only semi-automata for electric welding in the medium of carbon dioxide and ticks for point electric contact welding.

3.1.3 Types of repairs

Depending on the degree of damage, deformation and corrosion, there are 6 types of body repairs:

- Repair No. 1 - straightening of damages with a surface area of up to 20% in easily accessible places;

- Repair No. 2 - correction of damages with welding or "Rem. No. 1" on the surface area up to 50%;

- Repair No. 3 - straightening of damages with opening and welding, partial restoration of the surface. Partial restoration of parts is carried out by eliminating damage by drawing and straightening with metal shrinkage, cutting out areas that are not subject to repair, making repair inserts from selected body parts or sheet metal with giving it the shape of the restored part;

- Repair No. 4 - repair of damages by partial restoration of parts on the surface area over 30%;

- Repair No. 5 - replacement of the damaged part of the body part with a repair insert from the range of spare parts or made according to the drawings of the manufacturer;

- Repair No. 6 - repair, providing for the replacement of damaged parts of the body with blocks of parts from rejected bodies with marking, section, fitting, drawing, straightening, welding of the latter;

Emergency damaged parts of the car body can be eliminated with sufficient reliability by replacing damaged elements by installing repair parts or inserts. This method provides for the replacement of body parts only if the damage cannot be repaired by editing, straightening or partial replacement. The composition of the main technological operations that ensure the restoration of the operability of the bodies of passenger cars can be shown on the example of the structural diagram of the organization of the technological process.

3.1.4 Procedure for passing the car during repairs on the body section

The registration procedure is carried out in accordance with the "Rules for the provision of maintenance and repair services for motor vehicles," approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on April 11, 2001;

The process of taking the car for repair at the workshop can be presented in the following form:

- Customer request;

- waiting places;

- if necessary, the customer's car is washed;

- diagnostics

The body is defected in order to detect defects on it, determine the type of repair and ways to eliminate the existing damage. The process of defect is carried out both during acceptance of the car for repair, and directly during any repair effects. Cars are accepted for repair at a post equipped with instrumentation tools necessary to determine the technical condition of the body. If necessary, equipment is used to control the geometry of the body base. Bodies that are not damaged by emergency damage have, as a rule, wear and tear, which manifest mainly in the form of corrosion, cracks, breaks, etc. In accordance with the technical requirements, the body is not accepted for repair in the presence of through corrosion along the lines of the load-bearing elements, which excludes the possibility of welding repair inserts simultaneously along the front and rear spars and floor amplifiers, and provided that the body floor assembly is not supplied as a spare part; deformations after fire with displacement of at least 30 mm of two or more control points in different areas of the body base. At the same time, body parts that have changed their shape as a result of burning or have through corrosion along the connection lines with other parts of the body are not subject to repair;

- ordering - work orders for the upcoming work.

When compiling an order, work orders must be carried out:

- checking of documents for the car;

- check of vehicle completeness;

- inspection;

- definition and approval of scope of work with the customer;

- tentative determination of cost and time of works execution;

- put in the order - the work order provided spare parts, consumables, if any.

- sending the vehicle to TR posts;

- re-diagnosis in the presence of client and senior foreman;

- payment of performed services;

- issue of a warranty ticket for a period of 30 days, provided that the client complies with the technical requirements for the operation of the car;

- delivery of the car to the customer .

Drawings content

icon ID.m3d


icon балда.m3d


icon балка верт.m3d

балка верт.m3d

icon вилка колесная.m3d

вилка колесная.m3d

icon вилка.m3d


icon винт.m3d


icon втулка дырявая.m3d

втулка дырявая.m3d

icon гильза.m3d


icon ГОРИЗ БАЛКА.m3d


icon губа.m3d


icon ЗАЕЗД.m3d


icon заездные.m3d


icon колесо.m3d


icon крепеж.m3d


icon ножка.m3d


icon ОСЬ НА40.m3d

ОСЬ НА40.m3d

icon ось.m3d


icon ОСЬНА80.m3d


icon писюн.m3d


icon пластина.m3d


icon ПОЛКА.m3d


icon скоба.m3d


icon ухи.m3d


icon цилиндр.m3d


icon шток.m3d


icon 7Деталеровка.cdw


icon БЖД.cdw


icon Кузовной участок.cdw

Кузовной участок.cdw

icon Обзор аналогов.cdw

Обзор аналогов.cdw

icon Сборка.cdw


icon Стенд.cdw


icon СТО.cdw


icon Экономика.cdw


icon Спецификация.spw


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