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Motor Transport Company No. 1, Assembly Bench Design -Diform Project

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Thesis project. GP, maintenance base, gearbox assembly bench, explanatory note

Project's Content

icon Агрегатн участ АТП-1.bak
icon Ан Хоз. Деят..bak
icon АНАЛИЗ.bak
icon Ведомость дипломного проекта.bak
icon Ген. план 1в.bak
icon Корпус.bak
icon Ось.bak
icon Педаль 2.bak
icon Площадка.bak
icon Рычаг.bak
icon Сектор.bak
icon Корпус.cdw
icon Ось.cdw
icon Педаль 2.cdw
icon Площадка.cdw
icon Рычаг.cdw
icon Сектор.cdw
icon Пр. корп..bak
icon Спец Педаль.bak
icon Стенд сбор редукт (Общий вид).bak
icon Таблица используемого оборудования.bak
icon ТК.bak
icon ТЭП.bak
icon Агрегатн участ АТП-1.cdw
icon Ан Хоз. Деят..cdw
icon АНАЛИЗ.cdw
icon Ген. план 1в.cdw
icon Пр. корп..cdw
icon Стенд сбор редукт (Общий вид).cdw
icon ТК.cdw
icon ТЭП.cdw
icon Ведомость дипломного проекта.frw
icon Таблица используемого оборудования.frw
icon Спец Педаль.spw
icon 1 АНАЛИЗ исправленный.doc
icon 2 ТЕХ ЧАСТЬ исправленная.doc
icon 3 КОНСТР исправленная.doc
icon 4 ТЕХ ПРОЦ исправленный.doc
icon 5 БЕЗОП исправленная.doc
icon 6 ЭКОНОМ исправленная.doc
icon Аннотация новая.doc
icon Введение исправленное.doc
icon ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ исправленное.doc
icon Оглавление исправленное.doc
icon Список используемой литературы .doc

Additional information




1. Analysis of production and economic activities

and the state of the PTB of the enterprise

1.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

1.2. Analysis of Enterprise Management Structure

1.3. Analysis of production and economic activities

1.4. Analysis of the number of ATP employees

1.5. Analysis of ATP rolling stock

1.6. Analysis of the state of production and technical base

1.7. Organization of maintenance and repair

rolling stock

1.8. Conclusion

2. Process Part

2.1 Calculation of maintenance periodicity

2.2 Calculation of technical readiness and release factors

ATP cars

2.4 Calculation of the number of technical impacts per year

2.5. Calculation of daily maintenance and diagnostics program

2.6. Calculation of annual scope of maintenance and maintenance works

2.7. Distribution of maintenance and maintenance scope by areas and types of works

2.8. Calculation of total number of maintenance personnel

and for maintenance and maintenance areas

2.9. Calculation of required number of maintenance, maintenance and waiting posts

2.9.1. Calculation of number of TO- posts

2.9.2. Calculation of number of TO- posts

2.9.3. Calculation of the number of diagnostic posts

2.9.4. Calculation of EO flow line

2.9.5. Calculation of number of TR posts ()

2.9.6. Calculation of number of waiting posts

2.10. Calculation of required areas of maintenance and maintenance department

2.10.1. Calculation of areas of the EO branch:

2.10.2. Calculation of areas of maintenance and maintenance departments:

2.11. Development of the general layout of the reconstructed

production building

2.12. Conclusion

3. Design Part

3.1. Overview of analogues of existing structures

3.2. Description of the designed structure

3.3. Design Calculation

3.3.1 Energy and kinematic calculation of the drive

3.3.2. Calculation of Keyway Connection

3.4. Conclusion

4. Process Design

4.1. Development of routine repair process

4.2. Analysis of design features and conditions

reduction gear box operation

4.3. Routing

4.4. Conclusion

5. Safety of life and the environmental part

5.1. Development of occupational safety measures

5.1.1. Organization of work on health and safety

5.1.2. Safety Training and Training

5.1.3. Safety requirements for production equipment

5.1.4. Safety requirements for the designed

to the equipment

5.2. Development of occupational safety measures in

Road Transport Unit

5.2.1. Calculation of area of light openings of compartment

for repair of units

5.2.2. Calculation of artificial lighting

5.3. Environmental safety

5.3.1. Calculation of storm water and sewage sump

5.4. Platoon

6. Technical and economic indicators of the project

6.1. Value of Fixed Assets

6.2. Calculation of ATP material cost requirements

6.3. Calculation of wage fund by categories


6.3.1. Calculation of the driver's remuneration fund

6.3.2. Calculation of the wage fund for repair workers

6.3.3. Calculation of remuneration fund for managers, specialists

and employees

6.4. Amortization costs of rolling stock

6.5. Other costs

6.6. Operating cost estimate

6.7. Calculation of transportation costs

6.8. Calculation of requirement of regulated working capital

6.9. Calculation of Financial Key Figures

6.10. Calculation of utilization rates of production funds

6.11. Feasibility study of efficiency

design development

6.12. Conclusion


List of literature used

Specification according to graphic part


The work justifies the need for the reconstruction of a motor transport enterprise. At the reconstruction stage, the total annual labor intensity of the work, the required number of workers and the staffing table are determined.

Technical layout of the unit compartment was made. As a design part of the project, a stand is designed for disassembling and assembling the vehicle gear box.

A process plan for disassembly of the vehicle gear box is being developed.

General and private measures are being developed to improve the state of life safety at the enterprise and environmental issues are being considered.

Technical and economic calculations of the project as a whole and separately on the design part are performed.

Calculation and explanatory note: p. - 127, Fig. -, Table -, Bill. - 27.

Drawing and graphic part: 9 sheets of A1 format.


One of the important problems facing road transport is improving the operational reliability of cars, and reducing the cost of maintaining them. The solution to this problem, on the one hand, is provided by the automotive industry and technicality (repairability), on the other hand, by improving methods of technical operation of cars, increasing labor productivity, reducing the labor intensity of maintenance and repair of cars, and increasing their inter-repair mileage. This requires the creation of the necessary production base for maintaining the rolling stock in good condition.

The main task of the PTB is to ensure the required level of technical readiness of the rolling stock.

The existing PTB network in the country is characterized by high wear and tear (5070%), which negatively affects the level of operability of rolling stock. Created during the time of centralized planning, it hardly fit into the current socio-economic conditions.

A prime example is the ATP1 PTB. The company, designed to meet the transport needs of the great construction projects of socialism, with a fleet of 450 units of rolling stock, in the current conditions of a decrease in the volume of construction and the lack of centralized support, is forced to reduce the area of ​ ​ PTB, rolling stock, and, accordingly, the number of employees.

During its service life, the PTB serves vehicles with different reliability, maintenance and repair modes, etc. These factors influence the change in the area, number of posts, equipment and other elements, i.e. require the PTB to adapt to these factors. However, in practice, this often does not happen, which is associated with additional labor and material investments.

The reconstruction will allow more efficient use of capital investments with a reduced need for labor.

Improving the design of cars, their units, units and systems causes the need to modernize production areas and work stations, equip them with new technological equipment.

The need to equip existing enterprises with equipment is due to many factors: this is the moral wear of individual samples, and the physical aging of equipment as a result of long-term operation, and the introduction of special equipment that provides new production needs.

The development of reconstruction has its own specifics, the nature of which is caused by the need to perform design procedures in conditions of certain restrictions: the existing development of the ATP territory, the presence and nature of structural and planning solutions of existing buildings and structures, the presence and placement of work posts and equipment, the arrangement and location of engineering networks and communications, etc.

These circumstances affect the entire process of development of the reconstruction project of the existing ATP, form its methodology, largely determine project solutions, the purpose of which is to determine the most effective way to use the existing production potential. This includes the main difficulties in designing the reconstruction.

The purpose of this diploma project is to reconstruct the motor transport enterprise of OJSC ATP1 in Cheboksary with technological calculations and determination of the payback period of design solutions.

1. Analysis of production and economic activity and condition of PTB of the enterprise

1.1. General characteristics of the enterprise

On the basis of the order of the Chuvash Joint Transport Farm Glavvolgovyatskstroy No. 114 dated June 15, 1964, the Autobase No. 1 of the Chuvash OCH of Glavvolgovyatskstroy was organized on June 16, 1964. The main goal of the formation of the Autobaz was the transport service of the construction complex of the city of Cheboksary (order of the Autobaz No. 1 of the Chuvash OCH Glavvolgovyatsky No. 114 of 15.06.1964).

In pursuance of the order of the chief of Head department on construction in the Volga-Vyatka economic region No. 94 of February 27, 1965 "About the organization of the Cheboksary motor depot" Glavvolgovyatskstroy Motor depot No. 1 ChOTH since March 1, 1965 was renamed into the Cheboksary motor depot Chuvashstroytrans (the order of the Cheboksary motor depot Chuvashstroytrans No. 47 of 04.03.1965).

Further, by order of the transport department of the USSR Ministry of Construction of 12.10.1972, orders of the Chuvash Territorial Construction Administration No. 413 of 04.11.1972 and the Chuvash OTH No. 264 of 12.12.1972, the Cheboksary Autobaz Chuvashstroytrans was renamed Autobase No. 1 of the Chuvash Combined Transport Economy No. 293 of 18.12.1972).

By order of the Chuvash OTH No. 355 of 23.06.1987 from July 1, 1987, Autobaz No. 1 of the Chuvashstroytrans was renamed the "Motor Transport Enterprise No. 1" UAT "Chuvashstroytrans."

The joint-stock company of the open type "Motor Transport Enterprise No. 1" was established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On Organizational Measures for the Transformation of State Enterprises, Voluntary Associations of State Enterprises into Joint-Stock Companies" dated July 1, 1992 No. 721 and was registered by Decree of the Kalinin District Administration of Cheboksary under No. 7/22 of January 20, 1993. July 30, 1996 transformed into an open joint-stock company "Motor Transport Enterprise No. 1."

Postal address: 428022, Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary, Gas station, 24

Phones: 230019, 23-08-20, 233760, 23-07-70

1.7. Organization of maintenance and repair of rolling stock

Maintenance of rolling stock in ATP is carried out in accordance with the adopted program of mandatory scheduled works adjusted according to local conditions. Routine repairs are carried out according to demand, in the TR area and in specialized areas. Also during TR works related to restoration of parts and CG to the extent of technical capabilities are performed.

In ATP, maintenance is carried out at specialized posts. The posts are equipped with observation ditches. TR post work is carried out in the main building room, equipped as well as the maintenance section with inspection ditches. EO is carried out in a specialized building equipped with automatic washes.

In order to carry out the service in the ATP, an approximate planning chart is made covering all the rolling stock available in it. The schedule is drawn up for a month, based on its periodicity, corresponding to the operating conditions of the rolling stock of the transport enterprise, and the average daily mileage. The technical service adjusts the schedule depending on the actual mileage of a car, transferring certain types of services to closer or farther terms. Maintenance works of cars are performed by aggregate section method.

All maintenance work on vehicles is carried out according to the process charts developed for each inspection, adjustment and lubrication of this unit. The Job Instruction specifies how the operation is performed, the tool and accessories used, and the materials used. Maintenance performance is recorded according to garage leaflets issued for each car received for maintenance of TO-1 and TO-2. A record of the work performed is made by the master of this production site, and confirmed by the workshop mechanic or driver who receives the car after maintenance. The ATP repair technician monitors the execution of the maintenance schedule based on the records in these sheets.

Considering the overall state of repair production, we can say that the enterprise has a good material and technical base for performing all kinds of repair work. But still there is equipment that has worked out its resource, but are in working condition. The maintenance and maintenance zones are not sufficiently equipped with the appropriate equipment, so not all ditches are equipped with hydraulic hoists, nuts, a lot of work is done manually. Diagnostics are carried out in the preventive building, while many works, after which diagnosis is necessary, are carried out in the main building. Due to the insufficiently constant composition of employees and the inability to support a high level of qualification, the ATP adopts a universal approach to work with personal responsibility for the repair of each unit. The employee performs work from and to, which leads to increased speed of transport in repair.

1.8. Conclusion

Analyzing the state of production and technical base and indicators of production and economic activity of OJSC ATP1, we conclude that the company has undergone large structural, economic and economic changes over the past decade. The enterprise needs the reconstruction of the PTB. The decrease in the fleet list relative to the original ATP project and the reduction in the number of employees of the enterprise led to a decrease in the workload of the production units of the enterprise and the presence of a large empty territory. All this falls a heavy burden on the economy of the enterprise. The redevelopment of production units in order to free up the space of auxiliary buildings and the redevelopment of the territory of the enterprise in order to optimize the area necessary for active use will have a positive economic effect on the enterprise. The theoretical rationale for the conclusion is reflected in subsequent chapters.

2.11. Development of the general layout of the reconstructed production building

Production buildings of car maintenance enterprises shall be designed and reconstructed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.09.0285, VSN 0189 and ONTP0191.

Departmental building standards of car maintenance enterprises (VSN 0189), space-planning and structural solutions of buildings and structures of road transport enterprises closely tie to the distribution of rolling stock in categories depending on the overall size of cars.

In accordance with the above process calculations, we conclude that with the existing utilization of production capacities of production and auxiliary buildings, it is possible to reduce their areas with the transfer of part of the compartments located in auxiliary buildings to the main one. So, according to calculations, it was determined that to fully satisfy the needs of the fleet in maintenance, it is enough to have one TO-1 post and one TO-2 post with the combination of the work performed on one travel working ditch in different shifts: TO-1 in the first, and TO-2 in the second. At the same time, additional equipment is not required to perform the same type of work. And vehicles are not idle in anticipation of their turn to conduct TO-1.

The preventive building used for maintenance and diagnostics is exempt from equipment. All equipment is transferred to the heavy vehicles TR department. In the department, on one of the empty ditches, a universal travel post is organized to perform work on TO-1 and TO-2. The second free ditch is engaged in a stand for checking the KI8964 brakes and a post is organized on it to conduct element-by-element diagnostics. The post is enclosed by a partition of the national shield. Close proximity to maintenance and TR posts allows the diagnostic master to quickly respond to the need for diagnostic work.

According to process calculations, it is enough to have five TR posts for post work. In total, 7 m posts in two TR offices. Based on the recommendations of ONTP 0191 on the normalized distances between cars, as well as between cars and building elements, we determine that in the TP compartment the distance between the longitudinal sides does not meet the requirements: 1.5 m (III category) instead of 2.5 m.

To ensure a normalized distance, we receive four ditches.

2.12. Conclusion

Calculations were made in the process part of the project:

- calculation of the annual production program of maintenance and maintenance of cars;

- distribution of maintenance and maintenance volume by production zones and areas;

- calculation of the number and composition of maintenance personnel;

- calculation of the number of posts and flow lines for maintenance and maintenance of cars.

The process calculation of ATP is the basis for the following parts of the diploma project. Thus, the calculations confirmed the feasibility of the reconstruction of the PTB, and in particular the main production building.

They justified the possibility of reducing the area of ​ ​ production buildings of auxiliary premises, as well as bringing to standards of standing between individual TR posts.


Analyzing the production activities of OAO "ATP1" convoy in Cheboksary, we came to the conclusion that every year the volume of motor work is decreasing, the number of rolling stock is decreasing and that the enterprise has a very small profitability and requires reconstruction.

They determined the annual program for the maintenance and repair of cars, calculated the labor intensity and the required number of production workers. To improve the quality of repair work, we have proposed design development, with the help of which the process of disassembling and assembling the main gear is improved.

The project addressed issues of labor protection and environmental safety, developed measures to improve working conditions.

Economic calculations have shown that the introduction of design development is economically feasible.

Drawings content

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Ан Хоз. Деят..cdw

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icon Пр. корп..cdw

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Стенд сбор редукт (Общий вид).cdw

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