PPE, manufacturing of "Shaft Coupling" part by stamping

- Added: 14.06.2020
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Work on PPE discipline. The work shows the design of the clutch shaft by stamping.
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Additional information
Source Data
Part Design Description
Justification of Procurement Variant Selection
Determination of machining allowances, dimensions of workpiece deviations7 -
Workpiece Mass Calculation
Calculation of technical and economic parameters of procurement
Equipment and tooling selection
Development of part workpiece manufacturing process
List of literature
The production process of machine parts depends on the material from which they are made and their manufacturing technology. The labor intensity of manufacturing machine parts depends largely on the design of the workpiece, it is significantly different from the part or as close to its shape as possible. The discipline "Design and production of blanks" is designed to study these fundamental factors of blanks in relation to machine parts.
Modern machine-building production has a wide variety of technological processes for the production of blanks, which are constantly improving, becoming more productive and economical. Special high-precision casting methods, new technologies for pressure treatment, powder metallurgy methods are becoming increasingly common. At the same time, it remains relevant to use less precise and productive methods for producing blanks, such as sand-clay casting, free forging, and others, especially under conditions of small-scale and single types of production.
The method of obtaining the workpiece largely determines the order of treatment of the surfaces of the part, and therefore the most important indicators of the efficiency of the production process. The workpiece production technology optimal for these production conditions will reduce the labour intensity of its machining, reduce the material consumption of the product and develop an economically feasible technological process. The effectiveness of a method of producing a workpiece can be determined on the basis of a thorough analysis of the technological, environmental and economic aspects of production.
This IDT considers the development and manufacturing technology of the Bushing part workpiece.
General part1.1 Initial data
1. Part drawing - Shaft (Coupling). 2. Part material - Steel 45 GOST 850986. 3. The annual release program is N = 4000 pcs/year. 4. Technical requirements - h14, H14, ± IT14/2. 5. Reference and normative literature.
PROCESS PART2.1 Definition of type and form of organization of production
Using the classification conditions [2], we assign the part to the average (M = 2.7 kg). Further, taking into account the annual program N = 4000 pcs., according to [2], we will accept the production type as medium-sized. Use the dependency [2] to calculate the lot size of simultaneously processed blanks, having previously assumed that for uninterrupted operation of the assembly shop there should be a stock of finished parts for 21 days, then:
Accept for further calculations n = 333 pcs.
This quantity will allow you to put one batch into production every month (333· 12 = 3996). Commensurate with the value of n with the data [2], we will consider the production to be medium-sized and it is for the conditions of such production that we will design the technological process in the future.
2.2 Selection of workpiece design and production methods
Focusing on the properties of the material of the part (steel 45 - is not cast), We accept the method of metal forming. Given that the production is medium-sized, it is advisable to obtain a blank by hot stamping, since it is characterized by higher productivity and less labor intensity than free forging. In addition, forging of a more complex shape can be obtained by hot stamping.
Stamping on crank hot stamping presses can be used to make the Plate part blank. They are used in mass production conditions for forging forgings close in shape and size to finished parts. KGShP are distinguished by high productivity, small values of allowance for mechanical processing. The workpiece is deformed in one stroke.
It is also possible to consider the production of forging on horizontal forging machines (GSM), since it is quite rational to use this equipment in medium-term production conditions. Forging on GKM is characterized by high productivity, possibility of process automation and production of blanks with deep cavities and holes, and also has relatively low values of allowances, surges and punching slopes.
According to the drawing and technical requirements for the manufacture of the part, the following surfaces are subject to treatment. Summarize the surfaces to be machined, the type of machining, the precision and roughness achieved, the base surfaces, and the number of degrees of freedom to be stripped to secure the part.
List of used literature1. Marochnik of steels and alloys ./Ed. A. S. Zubchenko 2nd edition of the conversion. and supplement - M.: Higher School, 2003. – 102 pages.
2. Handbook of the technologist of mechanical engineering. Volume 1/Dalsky A.M. Kosilova A.G. and Meshchericova R.K. - Moscow: "Mechanical Engineering," 2003, 163199s.
3. Workpiece Design and Manufacturing: Methodological Guidelines for Performing Computational and Graphic Work/Comp. V.G. Goldobin. - Belgorod: Publishing House BSTU named after V.G. Shukhova, 2004. - 20 s.
4. Design and production of blanks: Teaching manual/V.G. Goldobin, T.A. Blinova. - Belgorod: Publishing House BSTU named after V.G. Shukhova, 2012. - 304 s.

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