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Portland cement production

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Explanatory note "Production of sulphate-resistant Portland cement." Process Diagram Drawing

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icon Технологическая схема производства портландцемента.dwg

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1 Characteristics of cement

1.1 Composition and properties of cement

1.2 Cement hydration and hardening

1.3 Cement Application Areas

2 Raw materials

2.1 Rationale for selection and characterization of raw materials

2.2 Calculation of raw mixture composition for cement clinker

3 Process diagram of cement production

3.1 Substantiation of cement production method selection

3.2 Substantiation of cement production flow chart

3.3 Structure and operation mode of the enterprise

3.4 Description of cement production flow chart

3.4.1 Production and delivery of raw materials

3.4.2 Preparation of raw mixture materials

3.4.3 Preparation of raw material mixture, charging

3.4.4 Firing of crude mixture

3.4.5 Joint grinding of clinker with gypsum and mineral additive

3.4.6 Warehousing and shipping to the consumer

3.5 Methods of control of raw material properties, process, cement quality

4 Preparation of material balance and calculation of raw materials consumption for output of a given product object


List of sources used


Building materials occupy a large place in the development of culture and technology around the world. The construction of industrial, public, residential buildings, as well as any other many important structures is impossible without their use. Among the building materials, priority is given to binders, which are used to produce a wide range of materials and products. Binders are endowed with a unique binding property capable of binding individual components and elements.

The history of the emergence of astringents originates in ancient times. About 4-3 thousand years BC, the first stronger binders appeared, which were obtained by firing raw materials. In the process of work and accumulation of the obtained knowledge, binders such as building gypsum, air lime, cements were obtained.

In 1824, the Englishman D. Aspind received a patent for the development and manufacture of astringent. He developed a unique method for producing Portland cement, which after its appearance was recognized. Later, in 1825, Yegor Cheliev's book "Complete Instruction on How to Prepare a Cheap and Improved Dead or Cement, Very Durable for Underwater Buildings" appeared in Russia.... The hydraulic binder set forth by E. Cheliev, from the point of view of technology and quality, was closer to modern Portland cement .

In 1856, the first plant in Russia for the production of Portland cement was opened. By the end of the 80 "s, there were about 89 large cement production plants in the countries of the USSR, with an annual capacity of 140 million tons. The countries of the USSR were rightfully called the "Cement Empire" No. 1, since such a quantity of products produced abroad was not produced [1 ].

The cement industry is the basic industry of the construction complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on which the state of our country's economy and social issues depends - housing construction, construction of an industrial complex, healthcare facilities, etc.

The main areas of economic development of Kazakhstan provide for an increase in the production of Portland cement and an increase in the production of high-grade, multicomponent and special cements. Extensive work is underway to expand the range and quality of cement, as well as the use of waste from other industries and natural materials as additives in the production of multicomponent and special cements, and ways of producing Portland cement are being improved.

Portland cement and its varieties are the main material in modern construction. Concrete and reinforced concrete structures of a wide variety of buildings and structures are erected from it. Housing, industrial, agricultural, mountain, road - this is an incomplete list of types of construction where concrete and reinforced concrete are successfully used on Portland cement.

There is. a lot. varieties. cement. and all of them, to one degree or another, differ in their technological properties. Therefore, there are also features of the application of each type of cement, the field of construction and finishing, for. of which some particular type of cement is best suited.

Today they produce a variety of cements, including Portland cement, slag Portland cement, pozzolan Portland cement, as well as special cements - fast-reducing, sulphate-resistant, road and others. Portland cement is not able to fully betray the characteristics that require special types of construction. To satisfy the required characteristics, together with Portland cement, a considerable number of its varieties are produced, which have specific properties.

One of the varieties of Portland cement is sulfate-resistant Portland cement with a mineral additive. Along with the usual Portland cement, the sulphate-resistant Portland cement is endowed with increased corrosion resistance to the effects of media adverse in sulphate content .

Effective use of cement varieties is ensured by assessing the peculiarities of their production, the technical properties of the material, as well as in a reasonable choice of their use.

The purpose of the course work is to draw up a technological scheme for the production of sulfate-resistant Portland cement with a mineral additive .

Coursework tasks:

- characterize the composition, main properties and scope of application of the specified type of cement;

- Justify the selection and characterization of raw materials;

- substantiate the choice, describe and depict graphically the process diagram of cement production;

- perform technological calculations (composition of raw material mixture, material balance items, consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products).

There are three main methods of producing Portland cement: wet, dry and combined. The dry method of cement production is the future of the cement industry in Kazakhstan. The main advantage of the dry production method is a reduction in fuel consumption. Also, with a dry method, the volume of furnace gases decreases by 35-40%, which accordingly reduces the cost of providing dusting and provides great opportunities for using the heat of the exhaust gases for drying the raw materials.

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