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Medical Rehabilitation Center

  • Added: 19.02.2015
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The construction of the Medical Rehabilitation Center will be carried out in Odessa. In the construction area, the north wind prevails. Seismic area - 7 points.

The construction site is located in the resort area and is determined by the master plan of the city. In the construction area there are parks, sanatoriums, holiday homes, etc. There are no noisy industries and highways near the site. The site is a 5 minute walk from the sea.

The construction site and the surrounding areas have a calm relief. On the adjacent territory there is already an existing residential building of 5 and 9 storeys.

Project's Content

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icon Пояснительная записка по Арх.doc
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icon Табл 1.xls
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icon Литература.doc
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icon Милиметровка 21.dwg
icon Милиметровка 3.dwg
icon Милиметровка 31.dwg
icon Пояснительная записка по Осн.doc
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icon Физ Мех Характ.xls
icon Охрана труда.doc
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icon Пояснительная записка по Техн_и_Орг.doc
icon Таблици.xls
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icon ТТК на фунд.xls
icon Титул.doc
icon ТЭО решений.doc
icon ТЭП.doc
icon Пояснительная записка по Эк.doc
icon Сметы.xls

Additional information




Feasibility Study of Solutions

1. Architectural and construction part

2. Foundations and foundations

3. Above ground structures

4. Technology and Organization

5. Estimate documentation

6. Occupational and environmental protection

7. TEP

8. Literature

1. Architectural and construction part

1.1. Design Input

The construction of the Medical Rehabilitation Center will be carried out in Odessa. In the construction area, the north wind prevails. Seismic area - 7 points.

The construction site is located in the resort area and is determined by the master plan of the city. In the construction area there are parks, sanatoriums, holiday homes, etc. There are no noisy industries and highways near the site. The site is a 5 minute walk from the sea.

The construction site and the surrounding areas have a calm relief. On the adjacent territory there is already an existing residential building of 5 and 9 storeys.

1.4. Structural solution of the building

The building of the Medical Rehabilitation Center is designed in the 1.0201 series structures; frame with brick self-supporting external walls. Spatial stability of the building is ensured by its own operation of stiffening diaphragms and floor discs.

The value of standard constant and time loads on ceilings and corresponding overload factors are accepted by DBN.

The project provides for the use of industrial products according to the current series of standard structures and parts of buildings.

Foundations. Cast-in-situ reinforced concrete pedestals on a pile base.

Framing elements. The frame of the building is made of precast reinforced concrete elements of the 1.0201 series. Columns of section 400x400. In reinforced concrete prefabricated structures, all metal parts and joints are protected by a layer of cement mortar of grade 100 with a thickness of 25 mm; open metal structures and parts located in the building are painted with oil paint for 2 times on the ground of iron sugar on natural olife.

Overlaps. Floors and coverings - precast reinforced concrete. Prior to the installation of partitions, the cavities of the ribbed and monolithic sections of the floors are filled with 50, γ = 1200 kgf/m ³ clay.

Floors. Floors consist of soundproofing - 25mm, leveling layer - 50 mm and coating (linoleum, tiles, etc.).

Stairs. Prefabricated reinforced concrete and of prefabricated reinforced concrete stages. External fire ladders - steel. Steps with a height of 150 mm and a width of 300 mm.

Walls. Basement walls of prefabricated concrete blocks. The basement wall design is designed for forces from the lateral soil pressure αp = 1700 kgf/m2 and time load on the ground surface Rp = 1000 kgf/m2.

External walls above 0.000 - brick, self-supporting, 510mm thick.

All the external surfaces of the basement walls, as well as all the surfaces of the brick walls of the basement canals and pits contacting the ground are covered with hot bitumen in 2 times. Backfilling of basement walls is performed after installation of floors above it and arrangement of basement floors.

Lintels - monolithic reinforced concrete.

Partitions. On 1-4 floors - prefabricated gypsum board (RIGIPS), 80 and 100mm thick. Depending on the purpose, it is mounted on a single or double frame, with a single or multi-layer skin, with a different layer of insulation in thickness. By combining the listed elements, the required strength and sound insulation indicators are achieved. If necessary, the partition can carry a fire-fighting function. Partitions are installed after the end of the "wet" processes (leveling of the floor with a leveling mass, etc.) and normalization of the humidity mode in the room.

In the basement and on those floors - brick, in one brick.

Elevator shafts made of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements.

Roof. Combined, rolled with internal drain, insulation - foam concrete slabs 150 mm thick. Decompression is made of expanded clay gravel γ = 500 kgf/m3. The abutment of the roof to the structural elements is accepted according to the 2.2601 series.

Windows and doors. Windows and external doors are made of aluminum thermally insulated profiles, meet all the requirements of regulatory documents for heated residential and non-residential premises (by sound, heat insulation, air and moisture resistance, etc.).

For glazing the facade, an aluminum system of self-supporting, heat-insulated and economical structures is used.

The hall - a winter garden - is made of aluminum profile with energy-saving glazing windows .

It is possible to install decorative elements, tinted and anti-shock glasses in double-glazed windows.

Exterior and interior decoration of the building

The exterior decoration of the building is made of facade red brick with elements of decorative plaster. The basement is lined with natural stone. The steps of the facade entrance are faced with frost-resistant, decorative tiles.

Chambers, offices, operating rooms, corridors, halls, etc. - painted with dispersion paints. Bathrooms, bathrooms, sterilization rooms, washes, etc. - ½ lined with tiles and ½ painted with dispersion paints.

Building engineering equipment

The building of the medical rehabilitation center is equipped with cold water supply from the city water supply, hot water supply from the boiler, urban sewerage, central heating and electricity supply from the city electricity networks. The building also has a mini PBX.

Ventilation in the building is forced, plenum. The air inflow into the rooms is carried out by fans from the veins of the chambers, where it is preheated or cooled. Exhaust is carried out by fans through the ventilation chamber.

The building is equipped with one passenger elevator, with a carrying capacity of 350 kg and four cargo and passenger - with a carrying capacity of 1000 kg.

Foundations and foundations

2.1. General Information

The construction of the Medical Rehabilitation Center will be carried out in Odessa. In the construction area, the north wind prevails. Seismic area - 7 points.

In the construction area there are parks, sanatoriums, holiday homes, etc. There are no industries and highways near the site.

The construction site and the surrounding areas have a calm relief. On the adjacent territory there is already an existing residential building of 5 and 9 storeys.

Site Plot Plan

The construction area of ​ ​ the right shape, with dimensions in plan - 122x104 m. As a base, the EGE layer - brown semi-solid lime loam is adopted as the supporting layer for foundations in the project.

Seismicity of the construction area 7 balls, according to DBN B.1.112 2006.

On the basis of engineering and geological surveys and taking into account the seismicity of the construction site, the foundations for the construction of the Medical Rehabilitation Center are adopted in the form of monolithic reinforced concrete pile walls on a pile base.

In the design of vertical layout, in order to prevent soaking of the pit with surface waters at the development site, the installation of retaining walls, trays, drains and upland ditches is provided.

Geotechnical Survey

The engineering and geological conditions of the territory within the boundaries of which the designed construction site is located have been studied as a whole.

To solve the set tasks, a set of engineering and geological surveys was carried out, which includes: collection, study and systematization of materials from previous studies, engineering and geological survey, well drilling, laboratory tests of physical and mechanical properties of soils, seismic exploration.

All types of works are performed taking into account the available materials for the research area and in accordance with the requirements of SNiP, GOST and regulatory documents for engineering surveys for construction.

Interpretation of the results was based on the formation model.

In the soil massif, 3 interfaces are traced, which correspond from top to bottom:

- soil and plant layer;

loess loam with carbonate inclusions;

- loess light-pale and yellow;

- loam heavy and medium, brown.

Thus, the predominant soils within the 10-meter layer in accordance with DBN B.1.112 2006 in terms of seismic properties are soils of category II, and the seismicity of the site of the corresponding normative.

2.6. Feasibility Study of Accepted Foundation Design Options

For the final selection of the design solution of the bases and foundations, all the developed options were considered in terms of their technical and economic feasibility.

Technical and economic comparison of design options is given in the enlarged unit rates for earthworks, construction of foundations and artificial foundations. The aggregated unit rates represent the estimated cost and labor costs per main unit of measurement of the building or its element. The comparison of the variants is made according to cost, as well as for production reasons and technical advantages.

Technology and Organization

4.1. Characteristics of construction conditions

The construction of the Medical Rehabilitation Center will be carried out in Odessa. In the construction area, the north wind prevails. Seismic area - 7 points.

The construction site is located in the resort area and is determined by the master plan of the city. In the construction area there are parks, sanatoriums, holiday homes, etc. There are no noisy industries and highways near the site. The site is a 5 minute walk from the sea.

The site and the surrounding areas have a calm relief. On the adjacent territory there is already an existing residential building of 5 and 9 storeys.

The site is of regular shape, with dimensions in plan - 122 x 104 m. The facade side of the site overlooks Solnechnaya Street and is oriented north. Roads pass between the construction site and the adjacent territories. Adjacent streets have a small traffic intensity.

The construction site is provided with water and electricity from existing networks.

Materials and structures are delivered to the construction site from the material and technical base of Odessa, at a distance of 32 km.

4.3. Construction Plot Plan of the Construction Site

4.3.1. General Considerations for Construction Plan Design

The object construction master plan was developed for the construction of the above-ground construction stage in conjunction with the calendar plan.

The construction situation on the construction plan is designed taking into account the provision of the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions, fire prevention measures, safety and labor protection measures.

All decisions taken on the construction plan are justified based on the accepted methods of work, type and location relative to the object under construction of lifting vehicles and mechanized installations.

Special attention was paid to the methods of delivery of construction materials, semi-finished products and products to the place of their warehousing and installation, their placement, ensuring convenient access to the place of installation and temporary devices, the placement of warehouses and communication routes, linking the construction plan solution with the technology of erecting the main structures, the location of administrative, household and other structures.

All this was done taking into account the requirements of labor protection and fire safety.

4.3.4. Temporary and used during the construction of the road

Reducing the volume of construction of temporary roads is one of the priority tasks of the designer of the general plan. The main way to minimize temporary road construction is to maximize the use of permanent roads.

The width of the carriageway of temporary roads is taken to be 3.5m single-lane. Rounding radii are assumed based on the maneuvering properties of the machines. The minimum radius of the fillet is 12 m.

On the road section, in the material unloading zone, a platform 6 m wide and 12-18 m long is arranged.

During the routing of roads, minimum distances between the road and the structures were observed:

storage area - 0.5 - 1.0 m

by crane routes - 6.5 - 12.5 m

site fencing - 1.5 m.

The dangerous area of the road is the part that falls into the dangerous area of ​ ​ the mechanism.

Construction roads are made of crushed stone or reusable railway slabs.

With traffic intensity of up to 3 vehicles per hour in one direction and favorable soil and hydrogeological conditions, profiled dirt roads are allowed.

Feasibility study of decisions taken

Based on the analysis of literary sources, the best domestic and foreign experience of designing and constructing buildings and structures, possible, differing from the standard, volumetric planning, structural and organizational-technological solutions of the designed construction facility are justified and selected. At the same time, preference was given to options with effective materials, progressive constructive and advanced organizational and technological solutions that reduce cost, labor intensity and reduce construction time. The final selection of a technically possible and economically sound solution was made on the basis of feasibility comparisons of competing options according to the criterion of minimum reduced costs.

In case of their slight difference in the compared versions, the final solution was selected taking into account the smallest values ​ ​ of additional indicators:

1. labour intensity of construction and installation works, person;

2. duration of works, year;

3. specific consumption of materials per unit area (volume) of the building.

In the feasibility study of options that differ in constructive solutions, the conditions of comparability were met:

structures had the same operational purposes;

designs were compared at the same degree of readiness;

concomitant changes were taken into account.

When designing the Medical Rehabilitation Center, the following were chosen as compared options:

1. enclosing structures (see Section 3);

2. foundations (see section 4);

3. lifting mechanisms (see Section 5).

Drawings content

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