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Pig breeding enterprise: reproductive with detailed study of pig for sows


Course project. Pig breeding plant with installed superporosity includes: PP for 30 sheets, A1 drawings (2 facades, 2 pallas, 2 sections, wall section, explication) and A3 (plot plan and explication)

Project's Content

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icon А3.dwg
icon Задание.docx
icon ПЗ.docx

Additional information


Introduction.. 3 pages

1. Geographical and climatic characteristics of the construction area 5 pp

2. Purpose of the plant, animal maintenance system 10 pp

3. Requirements for the livestock complex and buildings of the main production process... 18 pp

3.1. Process requirements..... 18 pp

3.2. Requirements for microclimate of the main production premises.. 18 pages

3.3. Mechanization of main production processes on the complex 19 pages

3.4.Energy, water, heat supply, sewerage of buildings............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3.5. Sanitary and protective, veterinary and environmental measures for buildings and territory of the complex.

3.6. Fire fighting measures .23 pp

4. Selection and description of the site for construction 25 pp

5. Space-planning solution of the building... 27 pages

6. Structural solution of the building 29 pages

6.1. Development of basic and additional design options for the building..... 29 pages

6.2.Structural diagram of the building, ensuring rigidity and stability... 29 pages

6.3. Colony29 pages

6.4. Bearing and enclosing structures of the coating. Thermal calculation of coating 30 page

6.5. Walls and windows heat-technical wall calculation, lighting-technical wall calculation.

6.6. Foundations............... 35 pp

6.7.Floor interior decoration... 36 pp

6.8. Rotation, doors, partitions and other building elements... 37 pp

7. Site Master Plan... 38 p. 7.1. Technical and economic indicators of the master plan... 39 pages

8. Conclusions................. 40 pages

9. List of used sources.41 pages


This course work provides for the architectural development of the livestock complex and the one-story building of the main production purpose, which is part of it.

The purpose of the course work is to develop creative thinking in solving architectural, space-planning and engineering-technological problems of designing livestock complexes of buildings of the main production purpose, which are part of them.

The main tasks of the course work are:

mastering techniques for the development of architectural, compositional and space-planning solutions of schemes of master plans of livestock complexes;

mastering the skills of developing space-planning and structural solutions of an agricultural building from modern industrial structures of mass manufacture;

development of skills of architectural and construction drawings;

consolidation of skills with technical literature, typical projects, building codes and regulations, catalogs of industrial construction products, etc.

The projected livestock complex is located in the Kursk region. It meets modern trends in the development of enterprises of this type. There is a high level of mechanization and automation of technological processes, creation of optimal conditions for keeping animals, ensuring their high productivity.

The livestock complex is a set of interconnected buildings and structures of the main and auxiliary purpose, necessary for the production of a certain amount and quality of final or intermediate livestock products, located on one site and united by a single technological process, mechanized and automated lines and engineering communications.

In accordance with the all-Union norms of technological design (ONTP 177, ONTP 277), industrial-type complexes are characterized by a uniform year-round production process based on a high level of concentration and specialization of production, mechanization of production processes, automatic control of units and systems of mechanisms and workshop organization of labor.

In this project, a pig breeding complex for 54 thousand heads per year was developed. The direction of the enterprise is reproductive.

Coursework consists of drawings and explanatory note.

1. Geographical, socio-economic and climatic characteristics of the construction area.

This livestock complex is located in the Kursk region.

The Kursk region is located between 50 ° 54 and 52 ° 26 north latitude and 34 ° 05 38 ° 31 east longitude. The extreme northern point of the region is located in Zheleznogorsk, the southern in Belovsky, the western - in Rylsky, the eastern in Kastorensky districts.

The Kursk region borders in the north-west with Bryansk, in the north - with Oryol, in the north-east - with Lipetsk, in the east - with Voronezh, in the south - with the Belgorod regions of the Russian Federation; on the southwestern and western sides, the Sumy region of Ukraine adjoins it.

The area of ​ ​ the region is 29.8 thousand km ².

The territory of the Kursk region lies on the southwestern slopes of the Central Russian Upland. The relief of the edge is a raised semi-canopy, slightly hilly plain, strongly dissected by the wide ancient river valleys and many beams and ravines deeply extending into it.

The height of the surface above sea level is mainly 175-225 m. The central part of the region is the most elevated. Along its eastern outskirts, the so-called TimskoShchigrovskaya ridge stretches almost in the meroidal direction. On it, near the village of Verkhoseimye, on the watershed of the Sejm, Tim and Oskola rivers, there is one of the highest points of the region with an absolute height of 269 m, and near the village of Kosorzha, on the watershed of the Tuskari and Sosny rivers, a point with an elevation of 268 m.

The third significant hill of the Kursk region - Oboyanskaya ridge - the watershed between the rivers Sejm and Psöl. The highest height of the ridge is on the watershed of the Complete and Pselets rivers - 270 m.

The economy of the region is based on the use of two main types of natural resources: fertile agricultural lands and iron ores of the Kursk magnetic anomaly mined in the Mikhailovsky quarry. In the Russian Federation, the Kursk region is distinguished by agricultural products, iron ore mining, sugar production and electricity generation (see Kursk NPP), and light industry products.

The main industries are:

ore mining and processing; mechanical engineering (production of electrical products, counting machines, mill elevator equipment, bearings, drilling rigs, forging and pressing equipment);

chemical and petrochemical (production of chemical fiber, rubber products), food (production of sugar),

light (knitted, hemp-processing) industry; production of building materials.

Agricultural land in farms of all categories makes up 2146 thousand hectares, or 72% of all lands of the region, arable land - 1628 thousand hectares, or 54%. Grain, technical and fodder crops are grown in the region. Cattle of meat and dairy direction, pigs, poultry are bred.

Drawings content

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