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Part Machining Area Development Shaft - Drawings

  • Added: 30.08.2014
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Archive with diploma project, including DBE, drawings, technical. documentation.

Project's Content

icon 1-6.doc
icon 10. Проектирование средств автоматизации.doc
icon 11. Выбор транспортных средств.doc
icon 12. Технико-организационная часть.doc
icon 13. Энергетическая часть проекта.doc
icon 14. Охрана труда Проверено.doc
icon 15. Охрана окружающей среды.doc
icon 16 Автоматизация проектирования и расчётов САПР.doc
icon 17. Экономическая эффективность проектных решений.doc
icon 18. Стандартизация в проекте.doc
icon 7.Проектирование техн. процесса мех. обр..doc
icon 8. Проектирование приспособления.doc
icon 9 Проектирование режущего инструмента.doc
icon Desktop.ini
icon Ведомость дипломного проекта.doc
icon Режимы резанья.doc
icon Тех. док. ДП.doc
icon технологическийпроцесс механической обработки.doc
icon Тит., Сод..doc
icon Титульный, Ведомость проекта.doc
icon ФРЕЗА.grb
icon Desktop.ini
icon Деталь распред.вал.dwg
icon Заготовка распред.вал.dwg
icon Карта эскизов ТД.dwg
icon Карты эскизов.dwg
icon Копия СИ.dwg
icon Планировка.dwg
icon Приспособление.dwg
icon Режущий инструмент.dwg
icon Скоба индуктивная.dwg
icon ТЭП_.dwg
icon Фрез.-центр..dwg
icon ЦЕХА ПЛАН.doc

Additional information



Description of production object

Purpose of assembly unit and machined part

Part Constructability Analysis

Selection of production type and organizational form

Select how to obtain the workpiece

Process Base Case Analysis

Machining Process Design

Machine Tool Design

Cutting Tool Design

Mechanization ( Automation) Design

Selection of vehicles

Technical and organizational part

Energy part

Occupational safety

Environmental protection

Automation of design and calculation

Economic part of the project

Standardization of the project



Project Description

Diploma project on:

"Section of the mechanical workshop for the processing of parts D260 with the development of the machining process on the camshaft. Production volume - 15,000 pieces per year "


Scientific and technological progress in mechanical engineering largely determines the development and improvement of the entire national economy of the country. The most important conditions for accelerating scientific and technological progress are: increasing labor productivity, increasing the efficiency of public production and improving the quality of products.

The improvement of technological methods of manufacturing machines is of paramount importance. The quality of the machine, reliability, durability and cost-effectiveness in operation depend not only on the perfection of its design, but also on production technology. The application of progressive, high-performance processing methods that ensure high accuracy and quality of surfaces that increase the service life of parts and machines as a whole, the effective use of modern automatic and flow lines, CNC machines, computers and other new equipment, progressive forms of organization and economics of production processes - all this is aimed at solving the main problems, increasing production efficiency and product quality.

Description of production object

The Minsk Motor Plant Production Association is the largest diesel engine production company in the Republic of Belarus.

The history of the plant dates back much earlier than July 23, 1963.

Almost in the post-war years, when in July 1946 it was decided to build a tractor production plant in Minsk. And already in 1948, a motor workshop was commissioned as part of the Minsk Tractor Plant, in which the production of the PD10 launch engine was mastered and established, and at the beginning of 1950 they began to produce a more complex D36 main engine. On the basis of the latter, other modifications of it were created and produced: D40K, D-40M, D48M, D-48PL.

In 1956, a 55 hp engine was designed for the MTZ50 tractor. To develop the design of the new engine and its modifications from the design bureau of MTZ engines, an independent group of designers was identified (V.A. Savelo, A.I. Sidorenko, M.M. Golubovich, A.G. Alexandrovsky, V.A. Gorshtein and other heads with S.Ya. Rubinstein). It was these people who later became the core of the department of the chief designer .

On May 26, 1960, Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 563 "On the Start of Construction of a Motor Plant for the Production of Tractor Diesel Engines" was issued in Minsk. The project provided for the annual production of 120,000 D50 engines with a capacity of 5060 hp. The Council of the National Economy of the BSSR decided to start the production of MTZ50 tractors with the D50 engine from the fourth quarter of 1962.

In recent years, the Minsk Motor Plant has significantly expanded the applicability of its diesel engines, adding modifications to the traditionally produced tractor engines for cars, buses, combines, power plants, for road and logging equipment. Taking care of the brand of its products, the plant constantly improves the quality of diesel engines produced. According to European standards, our car engines have passed certification according to the norms of not only Euro1, but also Euro-2. By 2005, they plan to master the Euro-3 standard. Diesel engines of tractor modifications, the main consumer of which is the Minsk Tractor Plant, which supplies its equipment to markets abroad, are also certified according to the 1st and 2nd stages of environmental standards in Europe and the USA.

The company's team is not only proud of its history, but also thinks about the future and therefore always tries to take into account the interests of consumers .

Part Constructability Analysis

3.1 Qualitative evaluation of workability of the part design.

Based on the drawing of the part, we will analyze the qualitative processability. The workability of the part is characterized by the following indicators:

The part is made of 45L steel. This material is widely used in mechanical engineering, does not contain a large number of expensive alloying elements and has good casting properties, which allows the manufacture of complex molds by casting.

From the point of view of the processability of this part, it should be noted that it is technological since there are no holes in the design with axes curved in space and in the plane, the axes of the main holes are parallel to each other, which allows their preliminary processing in one installation. Centers of holes are located at one distance from center of splined hole.

It is permissible, due to the splined hole, to treat the part on the mandrel both at the milling operation and at the drilling and turning operations using a special tool. These operations follow basic basing principles, which improves machining accuracy.

The arrangement of the surfaces of rotation allows you to process multi-threaded blocks on multi-spindle machines. This type of treatment of cylindrical surfaces is used in the current machining process.

When analyzing the dimensioning in the drawing, it should be noted that the limit deviations of the dimensions defining the non-working surfaces have wider tolerance fields and greater roughness than the dimensions of the working surfaces, which does not require an increase in labor intensity in the manufacture of this gear.

The design of the part allows not to machine some surfaces, which also has a good effect on the labor intensity of the part.

Processing of ears only in a small area will be accompanied by differences in cutting force, which poorly affects the stability of the cutting tool and will lead to rapid wear of the tool due to impact loads;

The finger mounting holes have a different size and accuracy of three holes R7 and three holes H8, which requires the use of two different tools, which is unacceptable and increases labor input.

For this shape and material of the part, the method of producing the workpiece (casting into sand-clay forms) is technological, the fact that the shape of the workpiece is close to the shape of the part is positive, however, the use of a more accurate casting method may make the workpiece more approximate in shape and size to the part, which will reduce the allowance for mechanical processing thereby reducing its cost.

Conclusion: when evaluating the material, design, limit deviations, it should be recognized that this part is technological.

Technical and organizational part

12.1.Netting of the section with cutting, measuring and auxiliary tools.

To supply the site with the tool, the need for it in all types of the tool is identified, orders are transferred to the relevant departments of the plant, the security of this tool is checked, the need for understudies of this tool is planned, and the condition of the revolving fund of the instrument is monitored.

The tool farm of the workshop includes tool-dispenser storerooms designed to store the tool and supply it with jobs.

In supplying the site with all types of tools, the following procedure has been adopted, providing for the delivery of the tool to production sites and its return; putting into operation only the tool provided for this process operation with technical documentation.

12.2. Arranges sharpening and tool replacement.

Cutting tool sharpening is arranged in the workshop of centralised sharpening. The entire tool is sorted by tool type and wear before being sent to sharpening.

Tool is sorted and sent into sharpening by distributors of instrument-distributing pantry. The worker or master provides the employees of the tool-dispenser pantry with a dull or unusable tool, and after its inspection by the employees of the tool-dispenser pantry and making an appropriate entry in the journal, they receive a new one.

12.3. Methods and terms of testing for technological accuracy of equipment and accessories.

The purpose of accuracy checks of equipment and accessories is to prevent the reduction of the accuracy of equipment and accessories to the level at which the possibility of scrap occurs, to identify equipment and accessories that do not meet accuracy requirements.

Inspection of equipment and accessories for technological accuracy is carried out at the stage of technological preparation of production, at introduction of new equipment and accessories, after repair, at certification of product quality. The inspection is carried out by standing commissions, which include specialists from the department of the chief technologist, workshop, control foreman of the technical control bureau and mechanic of the workshop.

The inspection shall be carried out within the timeframe established by the schedules developed by the process bureaus of the shop on the basis of the plant-wide schedule and approved by the chief engineer of the plant. The results of the audit are drawn up in the inspection certificate signed by the participants and members of the commission. According to the developed plan, the commission approves for each piece of equipment the number of parts for control checks, the number of samples during the shift.

If deviations are detected, the commission determines the reasons for their occurrence and develops measures to eliminate them. After repair of equipment or accessories, repeated checks for technological accuracy are carried out.

12.4 Organization of equipment and process equipment repair.

The repair of equipment and technological equipment is organized by the department of the chief mechanic of the workshop and the service of the workshop fixture.

The duties of these services of the workshop include ensuring the operability and technical quality of technological equipment through timely care, maintenance and repair.

The repair plan is drawn up by the technological bureau of the workshop and the mechanic's service for a certain period of time, usually for one year. The mechanic service performs a number of works: systematic verification, control of the technological condition of the equipment, timely care of the equipment, modernization and repair of the equipment.

12.5. Organization of supply of LPG area.

Mechanical processing of the driving gear is carried out by cutting with generation of a large amount of heat in the cutting zone. In this regard, in order to optimize the resistance of the cutting tool, all metal cutting equipment is equipped with a centralized supply of LPG.

Spent LPG is cleaned, then used in auxiliary works.

12.6. Procedure of equipment lubrication.

The process equipment in the area has a lubrication system, which provides for a centralized supply of oil to all requiring surfaces of the machine.

12.7. Organization of workplaces.

The level of labor efficiency of the worker depends directly on the degree of technical and organizational equipment of the workplace. The lack of necessary equipment, the imperfection of its design, causes the appearance of unnecessary irrational labor movements, leads to cluttering of jobs with labor items, complicating their transportation and reducing the quality of products.

Improving the equipment of workplaces is an important area of ​ ​ improving the technical efficiency of production.

In the system of measures for the organization of jobs, ensuring its rational planning is essential. The planning of the workplace means the rational spatial placement of functionally interconnected means of production - equipment, equipment and other means and objects of labor and man. The location of means and objects of labor determines the composition of labor movements, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics, the area of ​ ​ the workplace.

The introduction and consolidation of advanced subjects and methods of labor, the elimination of unnecessary and irrational movements, the maximum reduction of the movement of the working and material elements of the labor process is based on the mandatory improvement of the planning of the workplace. Violation of the principles of placement of means and objects of labor leads to unnecessary walking, inclinations and turns, that is, increases and complicates their trajectory, as a result of which the productivity of work is reduced, the fatigue of the worker increases, and the loss of working time increases.

12.8. Organization of defective delivery of products.

The organization of product quality control at workplaces includes the following systems: guaranteed quality control of products, organization of defective production and delivery of products, statistical control methods, active control methods.

Quality check of parts during their processing is performed by interoperational control method. At the same time, the procedure for checking them may be different. When parts are transferred from an operation to an operation in a container, the inspection is performed by a sampling method.

Final acceptance inspection is carried out after the part has been fully processed. The final control area shall be integrated into the overall process flow and shall include an effective quality control system.

12.9. Methods of ensuring cleanliness, order and aesthetics in the department.

Control over the condition of the fixed equipment and areas for the workshops is entrusted to the bureau of special household issues under the deputy director of the plant for everyday life. The commission checks once a week the state of cleanliness and order in the sites and requires that the equipment and the area around it be in order. The cleaning and cleanliness of the equipment is the responsibility of the worker, to whom it is assigned.

Drawings content

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icon Карта эскизов ТД.dwg

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icon Карты эскизов.dwg

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icon Копия СИ.dwg

Копия СИ.dwg

icon Планировка.dwg


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