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Development of machining technology for the part Shaft distribution

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Course project in the specialty "Engineering Technology"

Project's Content

icon Задание на печать.pjd
icon Задание на печать2.pjd
icon Операция 010 Токарная с ЧПУ наладки _ КП.ТО-45910.18.cdw
icon Операция 015 Токарная с ЧПУ наладки _ КП.ТО-45910.18.cdw
icon Наладки.frw
icon Наладки14.frw
icon Наладки15.frw
icon Наладки15.frw.bak
icon Чертеж, Поковка1.cdw
icon Чертеж, Поковка1.cdw.bak
icon Заготовка детали вал раздаточный _ КП.ТО-45910.18-15.cdw
icon Пояснительная записка.docx
icon Титульник.docx
icon 12.контроль межоперационный.xls
icon Эскиз меж операц контроль15.cdw
icon 15.контроль окончательный.xls
icon Эскиз контроль окончательный15.cdw
icon Эскиз контроль окончательный15.cdw.bak
icon Маршрутная карта.xls
icon Эскиз заготовительная15.cdw
icon карта опрационная фрезерно-центровальная.doc
icon Эскиз фрезено центровальная15.cdw
icon карта операционная на токарную черн.doc
icon Наладка черн уст А15.cdw
icon наладка черн уст Б15.cdw
icon Эскиз установа А черн15.cdw
icon Эскиз установа Б черн15.cdw
icon Карта операционная на токарную чист.doc
icon Наладка чист уст А позиция 215.cdw
icon Наладка чист уст А15.cdw
icon наладка чист уст Б позиция 215.cdw
icon наладка чист уст Б15.cdw
icon Эскиз установа А чист15.cdw
icon Эскиз установа Б чист15.cdw
icon Карта операционная шлицефрезерная.doc
icon Эскиз шлицефрезерная15.cdw
icon Карта операционная шлифовка.doc
icon Эскиз круглошлифовальная установ А15.cdw
icon Эскиз круглошлифовальная установ Б15.cdw
icon Карта операционная фрезерование.doc
icon Эскиз фрезерная15.cdw
icon Титульник на механическую обработку.xls
icon Чертеж15.cdw

Additional information



Section 1. Process Part

1.1 Part Constructability Analysis

1.2 Part Material Characteristic

1.3 Characteristics of production type

1.4 Selection and calculation of the workpiece

1.4.1 Justification of the method of obtaining the workpiece

1.4.2 Calculation of workpiece dimensions

1.4.3 Used Material Ratio

1.5 Routing technology of part manufacturing

1.6 Selection of process equipment

1.7 Calculation of interoperative allowances and dimensions

1.8 Technical rationing

Section 2. Organizational Part

2.1 Organization of part technical inspection

2.2 Occupational Safety and Safety




Technology Machine Building Part

Engineering technology is a science that studies the laws of machine manufacturing processes in order to use the results of research to ensure the production of machines of a given quality, in the amount established by the production production program and at the lowest economic costs.

The word "technology" comes from the Greek words "technos" - craft and "logos" - science and in translation means "science of production." Currently, the concept of "technology" refers not only to industrial production, but also to other areas of human activity (for example, information, advertising, educational technologies, etc.) of the 1990s. to the present, the development of computer technology is continuing, and research methods in the field of mechanical engineering are being improved on its basis. Automated production systems, automated research systems, design and technological design systems are further developed, a large-scale transition to a "paperless" method of designing technological processes is being carried out. Based on the wide and widespread use of personal computers, new methods for managing the quality of engineering products are being developed, based on the use of artificial intelligence systems capable of training and self-training .

In connection with Russia's entry into new world market relations, such concepts as productivity and cost began to come first in mechanical engineering. The solution of these main tasks is directed to the application of progressive high-performance processing methods that provide high accuracy and quality of the surface of the machine part, increase the completeness of mineral raw material use and increase the extraction of useful components from it, reduce waste and losses of metal structures due to the replacement of processes based on metal cutting with economical forming methods, reduce processing time and number of main workers.

The purpose of the course work: to consider the organization of the mechanical workshop site; economically justify the technological process of manufacturing the part "Shaft dispenser," developed in the course project in the discipline "Engineering Technology."

Organizational Part

2.1 Organization of part technical inspection

Technical control is the verification of the conformity of the product or the process on which its quality depends to the established requirements. At the stage of product development, technical control consists in checking compliance of the prototype with the terms of reference, technical documentation, registration rules set forth in the ESKD; at the manufacturing stage, it covers the quality, completeness, marking, quantity of products presented, progress (state) of production processes; at the operation stage consists in checking compliance with the requirements of operational and repair documentation.

The organization of technical control includes the definition of the structure and functions of the CTC apparatus in the workshop and on the site, depending on the type of production, the tools and instruments used and the requirements for the accuracy and quality of the parts.

When assigning a type of control and measuring tool, the following objectives should be achieved: creation of warranty conditions for detection of defective parts; prevention of marriage; saving labor costs for product quality control.

The Technical Control Service provides for:

Availability of control - directly at workplaces; at special checkpoints; in control departments of the shop.

Type of control - volatile; intermediate, final.

Objects of control - interoperative control; final.

Control points, depending on the type of parts manufactured on the site and the complexity of the measuring means (gauges, templates, angle gauges or instrument microscopes, sound gauges, biennimers, etc.), can be located between machines in the order of technological operations, at control points located on the site or carried out outside the site. In this tech. during the process, interoperative control was placed after the splines were treated in order to check all the resulting dimensions before heat treatment. At this test, the outer spline is checked, and the dimensions obtained for the turning operation are checked. Using the following measuring tool:

Caliber of bracket Ø50.6h14; Ø65,5h14; Ø80h14; Ø80h14; Ø70,6h14; Ø55,6h14; Ø39h14 GOST 2485181 - for check of diametrical dimension

Chamfer template 1x45; 2x45 GOST 412666 - for chamfer checking

The template is linear 30h14; 497h14; 91h14; 6h14; 13h14; 110h14; 27h14 GOST 253477 - for checking linear dimensions

Gauge splined ring 10x44x55 - complex control of splined joint after grinding

The final inspection is carried out to check the dimensions after grinding, the key milling operation and those requirements. To check these parameters, use the following measuring tool:

Roughness samples GOST 9387-73

Device PB500M GOST 57768 - for run-out control

Key template 16N9 - for keyway inspection

Bracket gauge Ø50k6 GOST 2485181 - for external diameter check

Bracket gauge Ø70k6 GOST 2485181- for external diameter check

Bracket gauge Ø55k6 GOST 2485181 - for external diameter check

Conclusion: After interoperative and final control, nominal dimensions and surface cleanliness were achieved.


During the work on the course project, all the tasks were achieved and the following drawings were developed. Part drawing "Transfer shaft," billet drawing "Transfer shaft." A part material was selected and about. Also sketches were developed for all machining and adjustment for all turning.

The following objectives have been achieved:

Select the machining equipment that will provide the most productive and quality surface

Calculate time for machining

Select suitable cutting modes

Select a quality and appropriate tool

A workpiece close to the finished part was selected and calculated so as to reduce workpiece labor

In the manufacture of this part, high-performance processing methods were used. Also, the machining accuracy factor and the surface roughness factor confirm that the part is workable. This process complies with all standards and requirements.

Drawings content

icon Операция 010 Токарная с ЧПУ наладки _ КП.ТО-45910.18.cdw

Операция 010 Токарная с ЧПУ наладки _ КП.ТО-45910.18.cdw

icon Операция 015 Токарная с ЧПУ наладки _ КП.ТО-45910.18.cdw

Операция 015 Токарная с ЧПУ наладки _ КП.ТО-45910.18.cdw

icon Наладки.frw


icon Наладки14.frw


icon Наладки15.frw


icon Чертеж, Поковка1.cdw

Чертеж, Поковка1.cdw

icon Заготовка детали вал раздаточный _ КП.ТО-45910.18-15.cdw

Заготовка детали вал раздаточный _ КП.ТО-45910.18-15.cdw

icon Эскиз меж операц контроль15.cdw

Эскиз меж операц контроль15.cdw

icon Эскиз контроль окончательный15.cdw

Эскиз контроль окончательный15.cdw

icon Эскиз заготовительная15.cdw

Эскиз заготовительная15.cdw

icon Эскиз фрезено центровальная15.cdw

Эскиз фрезено центровальная15.cdw

icon Наладка черн уст А15.cdw

Наладка черн уст А15.cdw

icon наладка черн уст Б15.cdw

наладка черн уст Б15.cdw

icon Эскиз установа А черн15.cdw

Эскиз установа А черн15.cdw

icon Эскиз установа Б черн15.cdw

Эскиз установа Б черн15.cdw

icon Наладка чист уст А позиция 215.cdw

Наладка чист уст А позиция 215.cdw

icon Наладка чист уст А15.cdw

Наладка чист уст А15.cdw

icon наладка чист уст Б позиция 215.cdw

наладка чист уст Б позиция 215.cdw

icon наладка чист уст Б15.cdw

наладка чист уст Б15.cdw

icon Эскиз установа А чист15.cdw

Эскиз установа А чист15.cdw

icon Эскиз установа Б чист15.cdw

Эскиз установа Б чист15.cdw

icon Эскиз шлицефрезерная15.cdw

Эскиз шлицефрезерная15.cdw

icon Эскиз круглошлифовальная установ А15.cdw

Эскиз круглошлифовальная установ А15.cdw

icon Эскиз круглошлифовальная установ Б15.cdw

Эскиз круглошлифовальная установ Б15.cdw

icon Эскиз фрезерная15.cdw

Эскиз фрезерная15.cdw

icon Чертеж15.cdw


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