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Overhaul of the mechanical repair shop building. Heating

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Mechanical repair shop, engineering systems

Project's Content

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Cover Sheet

Content of the working project

1. Contents of the book

2. Introduction

3. Technical and economic indicators

4. Fire fighting measures

5. Environmental protection

6. Technological solutions

7. Industrial and occupational safety

8. List of used literature

2 . introduction

The designed facility is located in Leninogorsk

on site with the following climatic conditions:

Design ambient air temperature 33 ° С

Standard wind pressure (2 district) - 0.3 kPa

Estimated weight of snow cover (5 area) - 3.2 kPa

3. technical and economic indicators.

1. Workshop volume:

Mechanical repair shop 146 592 cubic meters

2. Power consumption power

Mechanical repair shop 206.16 kW

3. Natural gas consumption 400 m ³/h

4. fire-fighting measures.

Fire-fighting measures during the design of this facility were developed in accordance with SNiP 31032001 "Production Buildings" and SNiP 210197 * "Fire Safety of Buildings and Structures."

According to the degree of fire resistance, the workshop building belongs to the second degree.

According to the degree of functional fire hazard, it belongs to class F 5.1.

Evacuation of people is provided through gates and wickets.

External fire extinguishing is provided from existing fire hydrants.

For heating the workshop, natural gas is used, which is burned in heat generators.

5 . environmental protection.

At the design stage and during construction and installation works

it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of nature conservation, to prevent pollution

or destruction of elements of the natural environment, build with machines that reduce the load on the environment (pollution, noise, vibration, etc.).

In case of violation of the requirements of environmental legislation, persons directly guilty of causing damage are subject to administrative or criminal liability.

The following areas of protection of the natural environment and rational use of natural resources were considered during the design:

preventing unacceptable contamination of the surface of the earth, water bodies,

atmosphere with waste, by-products and technological impacts,

prevention of direct destruction, damage or deterioration of living conditions of people or vegetation as a result of construction works

Pollution levels from road machines, machinery and vehicles should not exceed the established maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances for atmospheric air, water, by type of use, soils, limit levels of noise exposure, as well as sanitary standards.

Parameters of used machines, equipment, vehicles in terms of exhaust gas composition, noise, vibration and other environmental impacts during operation shall comply with the established standards and specifications of the manufacturer's enterprise, agreed with sanitary authorities.

6.technological solutions.

6.1 Mechanical Repair Shop

At the moment, on the territory of the base, the heat supply of the production workshop is carried out from the boiler room.

It is planned to gradually remove the boiler room from operation and switch to individual heating of each workshop with gas air heaters of the "Teplovey" type T250iH with a capacity of 214961 kcal/h (250kW). Combat HVE 400 de-stratifiers are used to lower warm air from the upper area of the air support structure.

Air supply and intake are arranged directly into the workshop building with galvanized steel ducts.

6.2 Gas supply of workshops.

The working design envisages connection of the designed gas pipeline to the existing underground medium pressure gas pipeline D159 and laying of the gas pipeline in the above-ground version according to existing and designed supports. Underground gas pipeline is laid from polyethylene pipe GOST R 5083895 * in insulation of very reinforced type as per GOST 9.6022005 .

The polyethylene pipe shall be connected to the steel gas pipeline by means of permanent connections as per TU 48590260332154999 rev.1

On a tie-in location to install a gas well in the underground gas pipeline by sizes 2100х1500 h2100 (N) of mm with a latch 30s41nzh 100mm

Lay the gas pipeline through the walls of the well in the case. Fill the gap between the pipe and the case with a ground hemp strand for the entire thickness of the wall. Tie-ins into the existing gas pipeline shall be made by welding, detachable connections are not allowed .

The case at the outlet of the gas pipeline from the ground should be made in insulation. type as per GOST 9.6022005 and fill with bitumen of BNI IV grade GOST 981274 *

To switch the medium pressure gas pipeline to a low design, the installation of the gas control point GSGOM25/06 with RDBK1p50/25 is provided. GSGO is installed on the support structure and fenced with a metal mesh according to ser.5.90525.05 with barbed wire in three rows.

The plant is equipped with a heating system and a gas flow metering unit.

Pipeline diameters are determined by calculation.

Before heat generators the ball coupling valve 11b27p Ø40 mm is installed

Burner ignition is performed automatically.

The units are provided with a system of automatic control of the amount of air supplied for combustion depending on the amount of gas

Gas flow rate per 1 heat generator is: - 30 m3/h,

total gas flow rate for the whole workshop is 360.0 m3/h.

After testing and testing, the gas pipeline is painted with oil paint 2 times over two layers of primer.

The gas pipeline shall be installed, welded and tested in accordance with SNiP 42012002.

The project was carried out in accordance with SNiP 42 01 -2002 and "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems," PB 12 529-03.

6.4 Gas equipment of heat generators.

The heat generator is an independent unit for installation outside the rooms. It works with a fan gas burner. The structure provides a supply and recirculation air duct, as well as an air intake grid located on the unit housing for ambient air mixing. The percentage of recirculation air is controlled by an air valve in the recirculation line.

Combustion chamber made entirely of stainless steel, tubular heat exchanger with turbulators. Weather protection cabinet for burner and electrical parts. Case of galvanized tin with thermoacoustic insulation. Riello type RS 34 MZ t.c burner is selected as burner

6.5 Power supply.

1. The design of power supply for heat heaters "Heaters T250iH" and de-stratifiers of Combat HVE400 brand of the repair and mechanical workshop was carried out on the basis of the task and regulatory documents.

2. The required power of the repair and mechanical workshop is 206.16 kW.

3. Degree of reliability of power supply - 3rd category.

4. From the existing KTP0.4/6kv of the mechanical-repair shop via automatic switches to switchboards (ShchRN1, ShchRN2, ShchRN3) the four-vein cable with copper veins in a corrugated pipe is laid. From guards (ShchRN1, ShchRN3) to air heaters "five-vein cables with copper veins (3 phases, the working zero conductor, the protective zero conductor used for grounding of fan heaters) and from a guard (ShchRN2) of destratifikator of the Combat HVE400 brand to each destratifikator three-vein cables with copper veins VVGngLS 3kh2,5mm² are laid to Teplovy T250iH. Cables are laid in corrugated pipes by truss structures and by wall.

5. All connections and branches of installation wires shall be welded, sealed in sleeves or clamps in branch boxes. Metal couplings at wire entry points shall have bushings made of insulating materials.

6. Automatic circuit breakers installed in situ are provided for air heaters control.

7. All electrical installation works shall be performed in accordance with PUE7, 2006, SNiP and VSN 33274.

Grounding and safety precautions

1. On the PE bus of the distribution panel PENconductor is divided into two conductors - zero working (N) and zero protective (PE). In the future, the PE and N conductors should not be connected.

2. Connect all open conducting parts of general lighting luminaires and stationary electric receivers (heat fan, de-stratifier) to zero protective conductor PE of distribution board .

3. For protective potential equalization, the following conductive parts shall be interconnected:

· Feed Line PEN Conductor;

· a grounding conductor PE connected to a protective grounding grounding conductor;

· metal parts of the building frame;

. grounding device.

All specified parts shall be connected to GWN.

4. In the system of additional potential equalization, connect all

simultaneously accessible conductive parts of stationary electrical equipment and external conductive parts, including metal parts of building structures.

5. In all cases, the cross section of copper protective (PE) conductors that are not part of the cable or are not laid in a common shell with phase conductors shall be at least:

-2.5 mm ² with mechanical protection ;

-4 mm ² - in the absence of mechanical protection.

Section of separately laid protective aluminum conductors shall be at least 16 mm ².

Lightning protection of the GSGO. General Instructions

1. External process plant containing combustible gas.

According to item 7.3.43 of PUE7, the space at the GRPB is classified as an explosive zone of class VIG.

According to item 7.3.44 of PUE7, an explosive zone of class VIG is considered within 3 m horizontally and vertically from the closed process apparatus.

2. According to RD 34.21.12287 for the zone of class VIG, the type of protection zone when using rod lightning rods is zone B. Lightning protection category is II (Table 1).

3. As per item 2.6. The RD for breathing pipes equipped with hoods shall include a space above the pipe cut limited by a cylinder with height H and radius R:

- for gases lighter than air at overpressure inside the unit up to 25.25 kPa H = 2, 5m; R = 5m.

4. With the adopted differentiated approach to the implementation of lightning protection of various objects, the GSO is classified as II category. For this object, a lightning strike creates an explosion hazard when emergency valves are triggered. The probability of these events coinciding is quite small. Therefore, for objects of category II characterized by a lower risk of explosion, the use of lightning rods installed on the protected object is permissible.

5. The ground used is a square circuit with a side length of 5.0x4.0m out of 4 angular grounding electrodes and connecting them with strip steel 40x4mm.

6. Minimum section of 50 mm2 lightning receptacle (steel). Construction: rod in pipe and pipe in pipe. Rod - d = 16 mm, pipe wall thickness - not less than 4 mm. Current leads: one on welding, the other - bolted connection, for connector during adjustment .

7. Calculation of height of single rod lightning rod for zone B.

1) Height of process unit (to roof skate) h1 = 1, 3m.

2) Breathing pipe excess above the roof: h2 = 1, 0m.

3) Height of the space above the breathing tube equipped with a hood entering the lightning protection zone:

cylinder with h3 = 2, 5m and R = 5m.

h3 = 2, 5m and rx = 5m.

Height of protected structure:

hx = h1 + h2 + h3 = 1.3 + 1.0 + 2.5 = 4.8 m rx = 5m

Lightning bolt height:

h = (rx + 1, 63hx): 1.5 = 8.5 m

Vertex of the protection area circular cone:

h0 = 0.92 * h = 0.92 * 8.5 = 7, 82m.

Radius of protection area at ground level:

r = 1.5 * h = 1.5 * 7.82 = 11, 73m

8. The dimensions of the horizontal projection of the unit (a * c) are 1.9x1.15 m. During installation of the lightning arrester at the level hα, the radius of the protection zone should be (rx) at least 5 m (to capture the space above the breathing pipe).

With this radius, the installation completely enters the protection zone of a single rod lightning bolt.

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