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Overhaul and adaptation of production premises for training departments


Internal water supply and sewerage of an apartment building. Explanatory note, calculations, specification

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. General honor

2. Current situation

3. Engineering Sources

4. Cold Water Supply

4.1. Estimated expenses

4.2. Pressure requirements

4.3. Plumbing Diagram

4.4. Fire fighting measures

5. Hot Water Supply

5.1. Estimated expenses

5.2. Plumbing Diagram

5.3. Thermal insulation

6. Sewerage

6.1. Estimated expenses

6.2. Sewerage diagram

7. Sanitary appliances and equipment

8. Application

1. General part

The section "Water supply and sewerage" is developed in accordance with the requirements of the following regulatory and permitting documents:

SNiP 2.04.0185 * "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings "

SNiP 2.04.0284 * "Water supply. External networks and structures "

SNiP 2.04.0385 * "Sewerage. External networks and structures "

The section "Internal water supply and sewerage networks" includes a project for the reconstruction of water supply and sewerage systems in connection with the change in the purpose of the building and the redevelopment of premises. The boundary of design works under IC section are:

by water line - internal wall of the water metering unit room inside the building

sewerage - connection points to existing releases inside the building

The reconstruction of the existing water pipelines and water metering unit is not included in the scope of this work, since the issue of the need to reconstruct the water pipelines, water metering units, the device of booster pump units of fire extinguishing should be resolved after receiving the technical specifications of PMT "Vodokanal of St. Petersburg" with the indication of the guaranteed water head in the city network.

2. Current situation

The reconstructed building, which previously housed the student dormitory of the Polytechnic Institute, is equipped with centralized cold and hot water supply systems, household sewage. The source of water supply is the existing water supply line D = 630 mm, passing along Lesnoye Prospekt. Water supply to the building is provided from the side of Lesnoy Prospekt through two water pipelines No. 1 and 2 with a diameter of 65 mm each. Water consumption is recorded according to the readings of water meters installed at each water supply inlet. The bushings are looped by the internal water supply network. Internal fire extinguishing - from fire cranes. The required pressure is provided from the city water supply .

Hot water supply - centralized with direct water collection from the heating network

Household wastewater is drained by gravity to the intra-quarter municipal sewage system D = 230 mm from concrete pipes .

The renovation project is carried out on the part of the building, which is located between the axes 1-19. In the reconstructed part of the building there is an inlet No. 1 with a water metering unit in the basement, in a separate room between axes 1 -3 and E - D. The existing internal water supply and sewerage systems are dismantled, except for water metering unit No. 1 .

The reconstructed building has the following technical characteristics:

Number of floors - 5, technical underground, cold attic;

Construction volume - 18.778 thousand m3, including the maximum fire compartment - 15.506 thousand m3;

Roof area - 1200.00 m2

Landscaping area - 1221.50 m2;

Paved driveways area - 1276.40 m2

3. Engineering Sources

Sources of engineering support of the designed building are:

Cold water - internal cold water supply of the building from water metering unit No. 1

Hot water - internal hot water supply of the building

Standby source of hot water for the dining room - Electric brick

Sewerage - intra-quarter municipal sewage system D = 230 mm

4.3. Plumbing Diagram

Water supply to the reconstructed part of the building is provided by the existing inlet No. 1 D = 65 mm from cast iron pipes. The second power supply is provided from the internal water supply of the existing building, powered by input No. 2. Water is supplied for household and drinking needs, internal fire fighting, irrigation of the territory, production needs of the dining room. Cold water supply scheme - combined drinking and fire protection, with lower wiring, ring. Basement wiring and fire-fighting risers - from steel galvanized pipes D = 1570 mm of reinforced type as per GOST 326275. Main pipelines are laid under the basement ceiling on supports with vibration protection. Supplies to sanitary and technical devices - from polypropylene pipes on welding. Mains, risers and risers in the basement are isolated from moisture condensation.

4.4. Fire fighting measures

Estimated firefighting costs for five storey buildings with a construction volume of 18.778 thousand m3 are:

External fire extinguishing - 15.0 l/s

Internal fire extinguishing from fire cranes - 1x2.5 l/s

Each point of any room (except for the attic and technical subpole) is irrigated with two jets. Fire crane diameter - 50 mm; the diameter of the fire barrel tip spray is 19 mm, the length of the hose is 20.0 m. The operating time of fire cranes is 3 hours. Free head at the highest fire crane at the height of the compact part of the jet of 6 m - 10.0 m.v.

Fire cranes in the amount of 15 pcs are installed on heated staircases of 1 and 5 floors. Two manual fire extinguishers are provided in the fire cabinets.

Section "Water supply and sewerage" provides for the following fire prevention measures:

Internal fire extinguishing from internal fire cranes;

Water metering unit with bypass line and gate valve with electric drive

Application of metal pipes of water supply and sewerage laid by the technical subpole

Application of thermal insulation of NG class

5.2. Plumbing Diagram

In the building, a centralized hot water supply system is designed with direct water collection from heat networks through ITP. Hot water water supply scheme - dead end with lower wiring and circulation along the basement and risers. Basement wiring - steel galvanized pipes D = 1532 mm reinforced type. Main pipelines are laid under the basement ceiling on supports with vibration protection. Supplies to sanitary and technical devices - from polypropylene pipes on welding. Lines, risers and risers in the basement are insulated from heat losses. The hot water preparation unit, metering station of expenses of water and warmth see OV set. As a backup source of hot water for the dining room, the technological part of the project provides an electric reboiler with a capacity of 100 l/h, the company "Kukhmistr" St. Petersburg .

5.3. Thermal insulation

Cold and hot water pipelines laid in the technical subpole, as well as sewerage in the attic, shall be heat insulated. The project used pipe thermal insulation from Rockvool - mineral wool cylinders coughed with reinforced aluminum foil. Technical characteristics:

1. Insulation thickness - 2030 mm;

2. Fire resistance class - NG

3. Melting point - more than 1000С

4. Density - min 120 kg/m3

5. Cylinder application temperature - from 180 to + 650С

6.2. Sewerage diagram

The following internal sewerage systems are designed in the building:

domestic sewerage - for waste water removal from sanitary devices

industrial sewerage - for waste water removal from the process equipment of the dining room

Household wastewater is drained to external sewage by gravity at three existing outlets D = 100 mm into wells No. 186.135 and 86. Production waste water of the technological equipment of the dining room is drained by gravity at the designed output D = 100 mm. Sewage pipelines are laid under the ceiling and above the floor of the basement (technical floor). Risers and main pipelines laid under the basement ceiling are fixed on supports with noise protection. In the rooms of the water metering unit there is a pit for collecting water during washing of the systems. Water is removed the KP 150A1 submersible pump in the system of the internal sewerage of the building. Pumps are switched on automatically by water level in pits. Domestic sewage networks in the basement are made of cast iron sewage pipes D = 50 - 100 mm GOST 694298; sewerage above elev. 0.00 is made of polypropylene pipes.

7. Sanitary appliances and equipment

The project provides for sanitary devices and equipment with appropriate certificates.

Connection of the process equipment of the dining room to the water supply and sewerage systems is carried out in accordance with the passport data for the equipment. Connect process washes for dishes washing to sewers with jet break of at least 20 mm. For the retention of fat under the washes, the installation of fat traps of the company "Fifth Element" is provided. In the industrial premises of the kitchen there is a provision for installation of stainless steel ladders. Irrigation cranes with cold and hot water supply are provided for cleaning rooms in bathrooms on all floors. Watering cranes for watering green spaces and road surfaces are placed in the basement room, directly next to the window openings.

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