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Diploma Project for Reconstruction of Steam and Heating Boiler House

  • Added: 09.08.2014
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The project includes sections: 1. Explanatory note - speech when defending a diploma, - the main part, - technology, - economics, - organization of production, - automation, - energy conservation, - labor protection and ecology, - NIRS, - estimate 2.

Project's Content

icon 1. Основная часть.docx
icon 2. Технология.docx
icon 3. Экономика.docx
icon 4. Организация производства.docx
icon 5. Автоматизация.docx
icon 6. Энергосбережение.docx
icon 7. Охрана труда и экология.docx
icon 8. НИРС.docx
icon Пояснительная записка.docx
icon Пояснительная записка1.docx
icon РЕЧЬ.docx
icon рисукнки в пояснительную записку.dwg
icon Смета.doc
icon Содержание.docx
icon спецификация (А3).xlsx
icon Спецификация.bak
icon Спецификация.dwg
icon чертежи.dwg

Additional information


1. Main part

1.1. Boiler Plant Thermal Diagram and Calculation

1.1.1. Construction of temperature schedule of central quality control

1.1.2. Design modes of boiler plant thermal diagram

1.1.3. Calculation of boiler plant thermal diagram

1.2. Hydraulic calculation of pipelines

1.2.1. Hydraulic calculation of water pipelines

1.2.2. Hydraulic calculation of steam pipelines

1.2.3. Hydraulic calculation of condensate lines

1.3. Equipment selection

1.3.1. Boiler selection Steam boiler selection Selection of hot water boiler

1.3.2. Selection of burner device

1.3.3. Selection of deaerator

1.3.4. Selection of equipment for water treatment system

1.3.5. Selection of reducing valve

1.3.6. Adjustment valve selection

1.3.7. Selection of three-way crane

1.3.8. Steam counter selection

1.3.9. Water meter selection

1.3.10. Selection of membrane expansion tank

1.3.11. Selection of condensate collection tank volume

1.3.12. Selection of pumps Selection of feed pump Condensate pump selection Selection of mains pump for heating system Network Pump Selection for Technology Selection of pump for hot water supply system Selection of makeup pump Selection of recirculation pump

1.4. Aerodynamic calculation of boiler plant

1.4.1. Calculation of air volumes and combustion products

1.4.2. Aerodynamic calculation of boiler plant

1.5. Boiler plant gas supply

1.5.1. Calculation of gas mixture parameters

1.5.2. Determination of gas hourly flow rates

1.5.3. Hydraulic calculation of gas pipeline

1.5.4. Equipment selection Selection of main GRU equipment Selection of gas flow metering device

2. Technology

2.1. List of performed works

2.2. Selection of lifting mechanisms. Calculation of rigging

2.2.1. Crane selection

2.2.2. Pick Truck

2.2.3. Calculation of rigging

2.3. Description of works to be performed

2.3.1. Boiler installation

2.3.2. Installation of section water heater

2.3.3. Installation of pump units

2.3.4. Hot water piping installation

2.3.5. Installation of gas and air pipelines

2.3.6. Testing and testing of boiler room equipment

2.4. List of fixtures, tools and inventory

2.5. Operational Quality Control

3. Economy

3.1. Determination of estimated cost

3.1.1. Explanation of Local Cost Estimate

3.1.2. Local estimate

3.2. Calculation of actual ROI period

3.2.1. Fuel costs

3.2.2. Water costs

3.2.3. Energy costs

3.2.4. Salary of the main production workers

3.2.5. Depreciation deductions

3.2.6. Maintenance costs

3.2.7. Support costs, management costs, technical information costs

3.3. Calculation of the cost of services

3.4. Project Efficiency Calculation

4. Organization of production

4.1. Definition of standard labor costs for work execution

4.2. Network Chart

4.3. Schedule of work personnel requirements

4.4. Construction Machine Demand Schedule

4.5. Construction Plan Design

4.5.1. Calculation of required areas of mobile (inventory) and temporary buildings of the construction site

4.5.2. Acquired warehouses

4.5.3. Water supply and sewerage of the construction site

4.5.4. Power supply to the construction site

4.5.5. Temporary roads

5. Automation

5.1. Boiler unit control, control and safety automation system

5.2. Automation system for accounting, registration of gas release and consumption

5.3. Metering and Automation Conventions

6. Energy saving

6.1. Measures for energy saving in the boiler room

6.2. Application of frequency control

7. Occupational safety and ecology

7.1. Environmental protection activities

7.2. Occupational Safety and Safety at Work

7.2.1. Safety and Health at Construction Plan

7.2.2. Safety requirements mandatory for workers in all professions

7.2.3. Safety precautions for procurement and handling

7.2.4. Welding Safety

7.2.5. Labor protection during installation of power and process equipment in the boiler room

7.2.6. Safety precautions for installation of gas supply systems

7.2.7. Safety precautions during insulation works

7.2.8. Boiler Equipment Test Safety



The reconstructed boiler house is located in the city of Izhevsk on the territory of Sanatorium Metallurg OJSC. The boiler building is separate, with dimensions in axes 16/AG36 × 18 m, height 7.8 m.

Due to the fact that the existing boiler room equipment has developed its resource, the project provides for the replacement of equipment. The boiler house is provided with the installation of three steam boilers with a steam capacity of 3 t/h each of FR 25312 grade, two water heating boilers with a thermal capacity of 1.0 MW each of Thermotechnik TT100 grade and one water heating boiler with a thermal capacity of 0.5 MW ZIOSAB500 grade, operating on medium pressure gas (0.3 MPa). In addition to boilers, the boiler room provides for the installation of network, recirculation, make-up, feed, condensate pumps. For the treatment of the source water, the project provides a continuous automatic plant TS 9521M.

Flue gas removal is carried out through the existing chimney Dn 1000 mm, H = 30 m. Boiler gas supply is provided from the previously designed gas pipeline Dn 100 mm, Rn = 0.6 MPa. Boiler house water supply is provided from the previously designed Du125 mm water pipeline.

Climatic characteristics of the construction area:

- the temperature of the coldest five-day period - -35° С;

- average temperature of the coldest month - -14.9 ° С;

- average temperature of heating period - -6.6 ° С;

- temperature of heating graph breaking point - -13.8 ° С;

- average daily outside air temperature of the end of the heating period - + 8 ° С;

- heating period duration - 231 days.

General characteristics of consumers and energy carriers:

- design of heat networks: 4-pipe, closed, water;

- relief: flat.

Boiler house loads:

- heat consumption for heating and ventilation - 1.96 MW;

- heat consumption of hot water supply - 0.32 MW;

- heat consumption per technology - 0.5 MW;

- steam consumption for production - 5.92 t/h.

Coolant parameters:

- for public-utility consumers - 9570° С;

- for technology - 9070° С;

- for steam production consumers - Ru = 0.6 MPa.

Network Losses and Heads Available:

- utility consumers - 15 m;

- technology - 10 m;

- hot water supply system - 24 m;

- pressure in the water supply at the inlet to the boiler room - 21 m.

Source water parameters:

- reservoir - river. Kama;

- water quality requirements: font transparency not less than 30 cm; total stiffness 40 μg/kg; dissolved oxygen content 50 μg/kg; pH at 25 ° C 8.5... 10.5.

1.1. Thermal diagram of the boiler plant and its calculation.

The schematic thermal diagram characterizes the essence of the main technological process of energy conversion and use of working medium heat in the installation. It is a schematic graphical representation of the main and auxiliary equipment combined by the piping lines of the working medium according to the sequence of its movement in the unit.

The main purpose of the boiler room thermal diagram calculation is:

- determination of total heat loads consisting of external loads and heat consumption for own needs, and distribution of these loads between the heating and steam parts of the boiler house to justify the selection of the main equipment;

- determination of all heat and mass flows required for selection of auxiliary equipment and determination of diameters of pipelines and valves;

- determination of initial data for further technical and economic calculations (annual heat production, annual fuel consumption, etc.).

The calculation of the thermal scheme allows you to determine the total heating capacity of the boiler plant at several modes of its operation.

5.1. Boiler unit control, control and safety automation system.

The boiler house provides for the installation of three steam boilers FR 25312 No. 1... 3, two heating boilers THERMOTECHNIK T100 No. 4... 5 and one heating boiler ZiOSab500 No. 6.

Safety automation stops the supply of fuel to the boiler house by subsequent stopping of boilers when the gas content in the boiler house exceeds 100 mg/m3 (2 threshold), methane, which reaches 10% of the lower flammability limit, as well as when the power is cut off.

Gas content check is performed by RGY000MBP4 annunciator. The device is installed at a height of 1.51.8 meters from the boiler room floor level, in the control room, units of combustible gas sensors - under the ceiling above the gas pipeline, units of carbon monoxide sensors - at a height of 1.51.8 meters from the floor level.

Boiler automation was adopted on the basis of the KSUM 6432 control kit manufactured by AGAVA, Yekaterinburg.

"AGAVA 6432" controller provides:

- smooth power control;

- protective shutdown in case of emergency;

- boiler protection against abnormal actions of personnel;

- remembering the root cause of the accident;

- "Commissioning" mode: check of input and output circuits, setting of actuators;

- "Regulation" mode: periodic monitoring of sensors without stopping the boiler;

- output of information to the built-in display.

Control automatics of KSUM 6432 steam boilers FR 25312 with burners RGL 9/1D, company "Weishaupt" provides gas shutdown in the following emergency cases:

- increase of gas pressure upstream the burner;

- reduction of gas upstream the burner;

- reduction of diesel fuel pressure before the burner;

- decrease of air pressure upstream the heater;

- increase of pressure in boiler furnace;

- increase of steam pressure in boiler drum;

- burner flare failure;

- faults of protection circuits;

- termination of power supply.

The automation kit also provides for automatic control of fuel, air and water level in the boiler drum.

Boilers are controlled from instrumentation cabinets No. 1... 3, which are installed near each boiler.

Control automatics of KSUM 6432 hot water boilers THERMOTECHNIK TT100 with burners RGL 7/1D and ZiOSab500 with burner GL 3/1E, company "Weishaupt" provides gas shutdown in the following emergency cases:

- increase of gas pressure upstream the burner;

- reduction of gas upstream the burner;

- reduction of diesel fuel pressure before the burner;

- decrease of air pressure upstream the heater;

- increase of pressure in boiler gas duct;

- increase of water temperature at boiler outlet;

- deviation of water pressure at boiler outlet;

- burner flare failure;

- faults of protection circuits;

- termination of power supply.

The automation kit also provides for automatic control of fuel, air and water temperature at the boiler outlet.

Boilers are controlled from instrumentation cabinets No. 4... 6, which are installed near each boiler.

7.1. Environmental protection activities.

Environmental protection measures are carried out in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation on subsoil and land. On the protection of wildlife, atmospheric air, historical and cultural monuments, the law on the protection of the natural environment.

Refurbishment works shall be considered completed if:

- land reclamation performed;

- cleaned areas contaminated with fuel and lubricants, construction and household waste.

The responsibility for compliance with design solutions for environmental protection lies with the construction organization that carries out the installation.

Land plots provided for temporary use after completion of construction and installation works shall be reclaimed (restored).

Temporary buildings and structures (welding platforms, mobile trailers, etc.) required for arrangement should be placed on non-agricultural lands.

Land plots shall be brought into suitable condition during works, and if this is impossible - within a year after completion of works, excluding the period of soil freezing. In the case of failures, subsidence, landslides, the development of processes that worsen the state of soils (waterlogging, salinization) due to the fault of enterprises, organizations that carry out technical reclamation work, the elimination of shortcomings is carried out by forces and at the expense of enterprises, organizations and institutions occupying land plots.

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