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Overhaul with adaptation of premises to the statutory activities of the Center for Culture and Leisure - security video surveillance system


The drawings show the full working projects of Fire Alarm, Fire Warning and Telephone Communication, as well as the video surveillance project of the office (Leisure Center) room located on the 1st floor of the residential building

Project's Content

icon ВИДЕО Пояснит. записка.doc
icon Проект ПС,СС,СОВ.dwg

Additional information

1. introduction

The project provides for the provision of a digital video surveillance system for the building of the Lira Center for Culture and Leisure at:

All installation and cabling works shall be performed in accordance with:

- This project;

- Technical documentation for instruments and equipment;

- PUE, Electrical Installation Regulations, Edition 6.7;

- SNiP 03.05.0685 Electrical devices;

- P78.36.00299. Selection and application of television video monitoring systems. Recommendations:

- P78.36.00899. Design and installation of security television and intercom systems: Recommendations.;

- GOST R 515582000. Security television systems. General technical requirements and test methods.

All equipment and materials have the necessary certificates.

2. brief description of the object

The facility is located on the 1st floor of a residential building..

The rooms are heated. Bearing structures are made of reinforced concrete.

Explosive rooms and aggressive environment are absent.

3. purpose of the system

The CCTV system provides:

- round-the-clock observation of the adjacent external territory at the entrances and exits, entrance and exit, etc.;

- Control of vehicles entering and leaving;

- generation of alarm signals at detection of moving object in the field of view of cameras (motion detectors):

- continuous recording of images from all cameras of the system:

- preservation of programmed state of the system at long-term loss of supply voltage;

- periodic self-test of the system in automatic mode with the output of a fault message (for example, video signal loss), accompanied by an audio signal.

4. equipment composition

The facility's security surveillance system uses the following equipment from Panasonic (Japan), Videotec (Italy) or the like:

- 5 black and white ("daytime") cameras with an extended dynamic range of WVBP330 from Panasonic (Japan) or similar.

The cameras provide a resolution of at least 1/3, "> 540/570TVL, 0.5/0.08 lx and a signal-to-noise ratio of at least 50 dB, PAL, 220VAC .

External cameras are installed in a sealed (IP66) thermocouple for the external installation of Videotec (Italy), which ensures the operation of the television camera in the temperature range 40. .. + 60 ° C.

- 1 triplex HD316A digital DVR from Panasonic (Japan) for 16 video inputs. This DVR has a built-in 250 Gb hard disk and provides recording at speeds of up to 100 frames/s, video and alarm information, as well as camera control over Ethernet or the Internet through Webpages using WVAS60 software. The DVR is installed in the standard 19 "rack in the security room.

- To control the DVR, the system controller WVCU650 is connected via the RS485 interface.

- To display video information at the security station in multi-screen mode, the WVLD2000 color LCD monitor with characteristics, 20, "> 500 TVL, PAL is provided .

- For operation in full-screen mode ("spot" mode), a color monitor LCD 17 "WVLC1710 from Panasonic (Japan) or similar, > 500 TVL, PAL is provided. The 17 "monitor is connected to the VGA output of the DVR and provides viewing of both the current image from the cameras and viewing of previously made videos. If necessary, monitors can also be switched to multi-screen mode .

The system provides data retention on hard drives for at least 2 days at an average recording speed of 2 frames/sec for each camera.

If necessary, the system can be extended.

Integration with the security alarm and access control system can be carried out using alarm inputs in the composition of DVRs (for each television camera), to which signals are sent from the security alarm and access control system. When signals are received, the DVR automatically outputs an image from the camera in the alarm area to the alarm monitor.

5. cable distribution network.

Cable wiring in the building is made in a hidden and open way by RG59U cable or similar in low current cable lines (in PVC pipes, cable channels, in galvanized cable trays, etc.) mainly along the outer walls of the housings at a height of 3.64 meters.

CCTV cables and devices shall be inaccessible to unauthorized persons.

Cable wiring ~ 220V is made by the WBG3x1.5 cable manufactured by Kamkabel (Russia). A distance of not less than 100 mm shall be provided for parallel laying from cables to pipelines.

Passages through walls, partitions and floors are made in sections of water and gas pipes or in embedded parts provided for by a separate project.

Gaps between cables and conduits in places of passage through walls, partitions and ceilings shall be closed with easily removable mass from non-combustible material.


The power consumption of the security video surveillance system is not more than 1000 VA.

Power supply of the system is provided according to the 1st category of reliability, according to PUE, from the power supply panel of the cameras, through an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) with a battery life of at least 20 minutes. Power supply of the cameras is performed with a voltage of ~ 220V by individual cables .

7. safety requirements.

The system electrical receivers shall be busy and grounded in accordance with PUE and technical documentation of the manufacturers.

8. installation requirements.

During installation, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements of the manufacturers of equipment and materials.

All dimensions in the drawings are indicative and refined in place.

The cables shall be cut after test measurement of cable lengths.

Cables shall be laid with construction lengths without intermediate connections.

During installation, the necessary cable bending radii shall be provided (in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturers (but not less than 15 cable diameters).

Embedded and cable ducts (pipes, trays, ducts, etc.) shall provide the necessary cable bending radii.

When performing embedded pipes in concrete, provide slopes and other measures that prevent water accumulation inside the pipes.

When passing by conduits through the external walls of buildings, provide a slope of at least 15 ° towards the "street" plane of the wall.

Install trays, boxes, pipes, metal arms using only standard accessories (angles, tees, transitions, couplings, bracket bushings, clips, etc.).

All measures shall be taken to prevent damage to the insulation of cables during pulling.

Edges of pipes, trays, boxes, etc. shall be carefully cleaned from burrs.

Install plastic bushings at the ends of sections of metal jackets, steel pipes, etc.

Rubber or plastic flanges shall be provided at the ends of the trays.

Make transitions from trays to pipes through plastic or other glands.

Places of violation of anti-corrosion coating of trays and boxes shall be covered with 2-layer silver paint or special spray.

Distances between adjacent points of trays and boxes attachment to walls and ceiling shall be not more than 2 m. Additionally, trays and ducts shall be attached at points of turn and branch of routes.

Passes of single cables through internal walls and floor floors are made in sections of water and gas pipes fixed with the help of cement mortar.

Fill gaps between cables and pipes with easily removable mass from non-combustible material.

All metal fasteners shall be galvanized or made of stainless steel.

All components of the CCTV system must comply with the conditions of use and have corrosion protection.

All threaded connections subject to vibration (in particular, due to wind), as well as those used for connection of conductors and other elements of grounding, grounding and lightning protection must be reliably fixed with the help of lock nuts or grovershibs.

All open air threaded connections shall be coated with a Litol layer or similar thick lubricant.

Ends of multi-wire conductors of cables and wires must be finished with crimping tips.

Drawings content

icon Проект ПС,СС,СОВ.dwg

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