Modular boiler room with installed capacity of 500 kW

- Added: 09.11.2016
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This section contains heat supply solutions for two Tristar 250 S hot water boilers equipped with gas burners. The drawings are made on the basis of the terms of reference. The main fuel of the boiler house is natural gas with Qnr = 8002 kcal/kg. The total installed capacity of the boiler house is - Q = 0.5 MW. It also provides for the installation of an additional Tristar 250 S boiler equipped with a gas burner, as well as auxiliary equipment and valves for this boiler. The total installed capacity of the boiler house, taking into account the additional prospective boiler, is - Q = 0.75 MW. Heat supply system - closed, double-tube. The fire hazard production category of the boiler room is "G1." The category of heat consumers in terms of reliability of heat supply and heat generation is the second. The boiler room operates without maintenance personnel. The heat carrier - network water with calculated parameters 95-70 about / Page. Pressure in the return pipeline is 0.2 MPa, in the forward pipeline is 0.4 MPa. Water supply source - water supply system with P = 0.20 MPa (at the boiler room inlet). Gas ducts from Tristar 250s boilers go into individual chimneys Dn = 250mm and H = 6m. Chimneys are installed in the boiler room.
Project's Content
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Additional information
Volume Content
Composition of design documentation
Text Part
Graphic part (1 complex)
General Data (Start)
General Data (End)
Thermal diagram
Boiler room layout. Plan at el. 0.
Boiler room layout. Section A-A
Boiler room layout. Sections B-B, C-C
Boiler room layout. Section G-G
Boiler room pipelines. Plan at el. 2.
Drain piping system. Plan at el. 2.
Boiler room pipelines. Section A-A
Boiler room pipelines. Section B-B
Boiler room pipelines. Section B-B
Boiler room pipelines. Sections D-D, D-D
Supply and return water headers
Boiler gas ducts. Plan at el. 0.
Boiler gas ducts. Section A-A
Specification of equipment, products and materials
Heat Insulation Works List
List of anticorrosive works
Graphic part (2 complex)
General Data (Start)
General Data (End)
Thermal diagram
Boiler room layout. Plan at el. 0.
Boiler room layout. Section A-A
Boiler room layout. Section B-B
Boiler room pipelines. Plan at el. 2.
Drain piping system. Plan at el. 2.
Boiler room pipelines. Section B-B
Boiler room pipelines. Section G-G
Boiler room pipelines. Section E-E
Boiler gas ducts. Plan at el. 0.
Boiler gas ducts. Section A-A
Specification of equipment, products and materials
Heat Insulation Works List
List of anticorrosive works
Thermal mechanical part
The initial data for the development of thermal mechanical part drawings is the terms of reference.
Two gas-fired Tristar 250 S (K1) boilers are installed in the boiler room in the first complex. An additional Tristar 250 S (K8) gas heating boiler will be installed on the basis of the technical specification in the future (2 complex). Fuel - natural gas QPH = 8000 kcal/m3.
Heat carrier for heating - water with parameters 9570 ° С. The pressure in the heat network is 0.20.4 MPa .
The boiler room operates without maintenance personnel .
The heat supply system is closed. Control of heat release is provided by temperature in the supply network water T1.1 using a two-way valve Dn80 with an electric actuator complete with a weather regulator.
The weather regulator regulates the quantitative ratio of direct and reverse water depending on the external air temperature and, accordingly, the temperature in the supply pipeline of the network water at the outlet of the boiler room. Water supply to the network is provided by 2 network pumps (K2).
The operation of hot water boilers is provided in automatic mode: cascade switching on and off to maintain the specified temperature in the direct pipeline of the boiler circuit. Each boiler has its own priority for switching on and off by temperature in the forward boiler loop pipeline.
Circulation in the boiler circuit is provided by circulation pumps (K3), which are installed for each boiler individually. A circulation pump K9 is provided for the auxiliary boiler K8.
Water expansion is perceived by membrane expansion tank (K 6) ReflexN1000/6. Cranes shutting off the expansion tank shall be sealed in open condition during boiler room operation.
Heat release is accounted for by three-flow heat meter TEM104 D100.
Each boiler has safety valves that automatically prevent the pressure increase beyond the permissible one by releasing the working medium into the atmosphere.
To make up the heat network, water from the water supply system is adopted. In accordance with the test report of the source water and the norms of the chemical composition of make-up water, the project adopted an automatic water softening unit (K5), as well as 2 source water pumps (K4) with frequency control.
Feed of the heat network and start of the source water pumps (K4) is carried out in automatic mode, by pressure drop in the line return water pipeline.
Also, in emergency cases, make-up with raw water is provided. Raw water pipelines are equipped with two units of shut-off valves with control valve between them. During normal operation of the boiler, this valve must be in the closed position and be sealed, and the control valve is open. Each case of raw water supply of the boiler shall be recorded in the water treatment log with indication of the makeup duration.
Flue gas removal for gas boilers is provided through individual chimneys DN 250, (H = 6m). Installation and testing shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Gospromnadzor and SNiP rules.
Pipelines in the boiler room are provided from steel electric welded and water and gas pipes. Pipelines are protected against corrosion and heat insulated according to the technical installation list.
Operation of the gas boiler room is provided in automatic mode without maintenance personnel.
Parameters monitoring is provided by control and measuring instruments installed on pipelines, equipment and boiler rooms.
The project section is developed on the basis of regulatory documents:
Rules for arrangement and safe operation of steam boilers with
steam pressure not more than 0.07MPa (0.7 kgf/cm2) and hot water boilers with heating temperature not more than 388 K (115 ° С).
SNI3576. Boiler units.
01_15-ТМ- Разрез.dwg

01_15-ТМ- Теловая схема.Спецификация.dwg

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